Crafting Compelling Lower Thirds FCPX Essentials for 2024

Crafting Compelling Lower Thirds FCPX Essentials for 2024

Amelia Lv12

Crafting Compelling Lower Thirds: FCPX Essentials

What Makes the Best Lower Thirds in Final Cut Pro X?

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Liza Brown

Oct 26, 2023• Proven solutions

The videos drop facts to audiences and educate the viewers. The video makers strive to offer a complete overview of the topic within a short duration. Graphics, elements, modules occupy the screen and excites the viewers. The advent of video editing innovations shifted the perspectives.

Here comes an enlightening discussion about the lower third modules in your videos. The tips and tricks associated with the making of this lower third element are available in the below content. Surf them carefully and learn the fabulous lower third templates to customize your videos to the next level.

lower third intro

Part1: What is the lower third?

Are you aware of lower third elements? If you are a newbie video designer, then this article ignites you with reliable facts about it. The lower third module is a graphical element that takes the lower position of a video.

It carries texts to educate the viewers related to the discussed topic in the video. It adds information to the existing content playing in the background. On a clear note, had you observed the news boards displayed at the bottom of the news channel? Yes, of course, most of you must be aware of this element flashing the current news.

You can also observe this lower third module during an interview session on your television. It displays the name of the interviewer and extra data about the session.

On a short note, you can define the lower third module as a piece of a graphical element that hangs at the bottom of the screen displaying related data in pace with the existing video content. You can create the lower third module using an incredible tool for your videos in no time. Identify the factors to work on to refine the lower third module appearance and performances.

lower thirds

Part2: What factors contribute to a good lower third?

While designing the lower third element for your video, you must keep an eye on few factors. Work on the below attributes to build a good lower third element. Always remember to keep it simple to obtain the desired outcomes.

  1. The harmony of hues

The color combinations of your lower third element play a vital factor. Choose the right mix of shades to attract the viewers. Based on the background, use a complementary color to fill your lower third module for a persuasive display. Ensure the combination of hues must not distract the viewers at any cost.

Try different color schemes with Green, Magenta, Orange, and Blue to create a mesmerizing display of the lower third element. You can also use a color picker tool to choose the right combination of colors that match perfectly with the background and typography.


  1. Motion effect

Thrill your audience by inserting movements with the lower third elements. When you add some motion effect to this module, it adds flavors to your video. Work on this feature in-depth and observe whether the lower third’s motion effect excites the audience. Customize the animation time, style, and the way it flashes on the screen.

Make the movements simple and do not add too many moves which distract the viewers. Decide how long the animation should play and align the texts and other related elements according to obtain a perfect look. With the perfect text movements, you can draw the attention of the viewers in no time.

  1. Fonts

The next crucial factor associated with the lower third element is fonts. Font size, the style creates an impact on the overall design of a lower third module.

If you concentrate on this attribute, you will surely end up with a professional design. Choose the font style and sine according to the background content. Do not overshadow the lower third element with the playing content, instead try to add value to it.

  1. Right timing of showing up

Now, you must sense the time for the module to turn up on the video. The timing factor contributes a lot to the perfect display of the lower third element.

Set the right time for the element to enter the screen. Decide the enter and exit timing attribute for this element to reach the audience in a better way.

  1. Logos and positions

Position the element at the perfect place on the screen to ensure its visibility. You can also insert your logos along with the texts to enhance your brand.

Proper alignment and the best coordinates on the screen make the lower third module shine better in your video. Proper placement of this element decides the impact on it.


Part3: How to make a lower third quickly in final cut pro X?

The Final Cut Pro X is a fabulous program to edit your videos professionally. Insert the desired elements and customize them quickly. To work on this platform, you do not require any special skills.

Click, drag, and drop appropriately to include the right elements at the perfect positions on the video. There is ample personalization options built-in with the Final Cut Pro X. It is high time to discover them for optimal utilization.

Features of Final Cut Pro X to design lower third module element

  • It has a built-in title element to add the desired texts in the video
  • Quick customization option to type in the relevant message on the screen.
  • This app consist of a user-friendly interface and the controls are explicit for easy reach.
  • Personalize the lower third element further using the ‘Generator’ option
  • You can include animations for the lower third module to persuade the viewers.


In this section, you will learn to make a lower third element using a Final Cut Pro X tool. It is high to check out the steps in detail.

1Step 1: Download the tool

You can download the app and install them in your system. Launch the tool by double-tapping the tool icon.


2Step 2: Add the Title

In the home screen, import the video that requires the edits and then tap the ‘Titles’ tab at the left top of the screen. Click the ‘Build-in/Build-out’ option to custom the Title element. According to your needs, you can repeat it to insert the desired titles on the video screen.


3Step 3: Customize the Title

Now, you can edit the texts in the inserted titles and add animation to the element using the attributes under the ‘Generator’ tab. Modify the title’s textures, background, and positions using the relevant options displayed. Choose accordingly to personalize the title element based on your requirement.


Use the above instructions, insert the lower third element in your video effortlessly. Simple click and drag actions are sufficient to carry out the desired effects on the element.

For those who still need more guides about making lower thirds, this Filmora tutorial may help a lot.

Download Win Version Download Mac Version

Part 4: Where to find great lower thirds templates for final cut pro X?

You can find the best collections of lower third templates in the online space. Evanto Elements offers an incredible design structure for the lower third module to add value to your videos. They are unique and jaw-dropping. You can opt for this template, instead of creating from the scratch.

According to your needs, you can select the template, customize it, and insert them on your videos flawlessly. Evanto offers the lower third templates based on the video content. It has organized the templates based on the end-use. Check out few suggestions on the built-in templates for the lower third.

YouTube Lower Thirds

If you have a YouTube channel, then make use of this collection to add a lower third module for your video. Increase the followers by adding the perfect texts at the right time on the screen. Easy to use design and displays attractive appearances.

Pop Lower Thirds template

Colorful and yet attractive design from the Evanto elements. This design has a fresh and creative structure to convince the viewer’s needs. It has a high-end resolution with a duration control option.

Minimalistic collection

In this template group, you can find the design seems to be simple and minimal. It offers a lighter touch to your videos. The text overlays do not distract the viewers. Everything looks the same but still, you can feel the difference in it when you customize it according to your needs.


Thus, this article had given you enlightening discussion about the lower third elements. Insert this module optimally in your videos and obtain the desired outcomes. Enhance the design of the lower third element using the Final Cut Pro X app and feel the difference in your video.

Display the texts promptly to enlighten the audience. Connect the texts to the target audience without distracting them. Work on this challenging element using a professional app like the Final Cut Pro X program. Stay tuned with this article to discover the new horizons of video editing.

author avatar

Liza Brown

Liza Brown is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Liza Brown

Liza Brown

Oct 26, 2023• Proven solutions

The videos drop facts to audiences and educate the viewers. The video makers strive to offer a complete overview of the topic within a short duration. Graphics, elements, modules occupy the screen and excites the viewers. The advent of video editing innovations shifted the perspectives.

Here comes an enlightening discussion about the lower third modules in your videos. The tips and tricks associated with the making of this lower third element are available in the below content. Surf them carefully and learn the fabulous lower third templates to customize your videos to the next level.

lower third intro

Part1: What is the lower third?

Are you aware of lower third elements? If you are a newbie video designer, then this article ignites you with reliable facts about it. The lower third module is a graphical element that takes the lower position of a video.

It carries texts to educate the viewers related to the discussed topic in the video. It adds information to the existing content playing in the background. On a clear note, had you observed the news boards displayed at the bottom of the news channel? Yes, of course, most of you must be aware of this element flashing the current news.

You can also observe this lower third module during an interview session on your television. It displays the name of the interviewer and extra data about the session.

On a short note, you can define the lower third module as a piece of a graphical element that hangs at the bottom of the screen displaying related data in pace with the existing video content. You can create the lower third module using an incredible tool for your videos in no time. Identify the factors to work on to refine the lower third module appearance and performances.

lower thirds

Part2: What factors contribute to a good lower third?

While designing the lower third element for your video, you must keep an eye on few factors. Work on the below attributes to build a good lower third element. Always remember to keep it simple to obtain the desired outcomes.

  1. The harmony of hues

The color combinations of your lower third element play a vital factor. Choose the right mix of shades to attract the viewers. Based on the background, use a complementary color to fill your lower third module for a persuasive display. Ensure the combination of hues must not distract the viewers at any cost.

Try different color schemes with Green, Magenta, Orange, and Blue to create a mesmerizing display of the lower third element. You can also use a color picker tool to choose the right combination of colors that match perfectly with the background and typography.


  1. Motion effect

Thrill your audience by inserting movements with the lower third elements. When you add some motion effect to this module, it adds flavors to your video. Work on this feature in-depth and observe whether the lower third’s motion effect excites the audience. Customize the animation time, style, and the way it flashes on the screen.

Make the movements simple and do not add too many moves which distract the viewers. Decide how long the animation should play and align the texts and other related elements according to obtain a perfect look. With the perfect text movements, you can draw the attention of the viewers in no time.

  1. Fonts

The next crucial factor associated with the lower third element is fonts. Font size, the style creates an impact on the overall design of a lower third module.

If you concentrate on this attribute, you will surely end up with a professional design. Choose the font style and sine according to the background content. Do not overshadow the lower third element with the playing content, instead try to add value to it.

  1. Right timing of showing up

Now, you must sense the time for the module to turn up on the video. The timing factor contributes a lot to the perfect display of the lower third element.

Set the right time for the element to enter the screen. Decide the enter and exit timing attribute for this element to reach the audience in a better way.

  1. Logos and positions

Position the element at the perfect place on the screen to ensure its visibility. You can also insert your logos along with the texts to enhance your brand.

Proper alignment and the best coordinates on the screen make the lower third module shine better in your video. Proper placement of this element decides the impact on it.


Part3: How to make a lower third quickly in final cut pro X?

The Final Cut Pro X is a fabulous program to edit your videos professionally. Insert the desired elements and customize them quickly. To work on this platform, you do not require any special skills.

Click, drag, and drop appropriately to include the right elements at the perfect positions on the video. There is ample personalization options built-in with the Final Cut Pro X. It is high time to discover them for optimal utilization.

Features of Final Cut Pro X to design lower third module element

  • It has a built-in title element to add the desired texts in the video
  • Quick customization option to type in the relevant message on the screen.
  • This app consist of a user-friendly interface and the controls are explicit for easy reach.
  • Personalize the lower third element further using the ‘Generator’ option
  • You can include animations for the lower third module to persuade the viewers.


In this section, you will learn to make a lower third element using a Final Cut Pro X tool. It is high to check out the steps in detail.

1Step 1: Download the tool

You can download the app and install them in your system. Launch the tool by double-tapping the tool icon.


2Step 2: Add the Title

In the home screen, import the video that requires the edits and then tap the ‘Titles’ tab at the left top of the screen. Click the ‘Build-in/Build-out’ option to custom the Title element. According to your needs, you can repeat it to insert the desired titles on the video screen.


3Step 3: Customize the Title

Now, you can edit the texts in the inserted titles and add animation to the element using the attributes under the ‘Generator’ tab. Modify the title’s textures, background, and positions using the relevant options displayed. Choose accordingly to personalize the title element based on your requirement.


Use the above instructions, insert the lower third element in your video effortlessly. Simple click and drag actions are sufficient to carry out the desired effects on the element.

For those who still need more guides about making lower thirds, this Filmora tutorial may help a lot.

Download Win Version Download Mac Version

Part 4: Where to find great lower thirds templates for final cut pro X?

You can find the best collections of lower third templates in the online space. Evanto Elements offers an incredible design structure for the lower third module to add value to your videos. They are unique and jaw-dropping. You can opt for this template, instead of creating from the scratch.

According to your needs, you can select the template, customize it, and insert them on your videos flawlessly. Evanto offers the lower third templates based on the video content. It has organized the templates based on the end-use. Check out few suggestions on the built-in templates for the lower third.

YouTube Lower Thirds

If you have a YouTube channel, then make use of this collection to add a lower third module for your video. Increase the followers by adding the perfect texts at the right time on the screen. Easy to use design and displays attractive appearances.

Pop Lower Thirds template

Colorful and yet attractive design from the Evanto elements. This design has a fresh and creative structure to convince the viewer’s needs. It has a high-end resolution with a duration control option.

Minimalistic collection

In this template group, you can find the design seems to be simple and minimal. It offers a lighter touch to your videos. The text overlays do not distract the viewers. Everything looks the same but still, you can feel the difference in it when you customize it according to your needs.


Thus, this article had given you enlightening discussion about the lower third elements. Insert this module optimally in your videos and obtain the desired outcomes. Enhance the design of the lower third element using the Final Cut Pro X app and feel the difference in your video.

Display the texts promptly to enlighten the audience. Connect the texts to the target audience without distracting them. Work on this challenging element using a professional app like the Final Cut Pro X program. Stay tuned with this article to discover the new horizons of video editing.

author avatar

Liza Brown

Liza Brown is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Liza Brown

Liza Brown

Oct 26, 2023• Proven solutions

The videos drop facts to audiences and educate the viewers. The video makers strive to offer a complete overview of the topic within a short duration. Graphics, elements, modules occupy the screen and excites the viewers. The advent of video editing innovations shifted the perspectives.

Here comes an enlightening discussion about the lower third modules in your videos. The tips and tricks associated with the making of this lower third element are available in the below content. Surf them carefully and learn the fabulous lower third templates to customize your videos to the next level.

lower third intro

Part1: What is the lower third?

Are you aware of lower third elements? If you are a newbie video designer, then this article ignites you with reliable facts about it. The lower third module is a graphical element that takes the lower position of a video.

It carries texts to educate the viewers related to the discussed topic in the video. It adds information to the existing content playing in the background. On a clear note, had you observed the news boards displayed at the bottom of the news channel? Yes, of course, most of you must be aware of this element flashing the current news.

You can also observe this lower third module during an interview session on your television. It displays the name of the interviewer and extra data about the session.

On a short note, you can define the lower third module as a piece of a graphical element that hangs at the bottom of the screen displaying related data in pace with the existing video content. You can create the lower third module using an incredible tool for your videos in no time. Identify the factors to work on to refine the lower third module appearance and performances.

lower thirds

Part2: What factors contribute to a good lower third?

While designing the lower third element for your video, you must keep an eye on few factors. Work on the below attributes to build a good lower third element. Always remember to keep it simple to obtain the desired outcomes.

  1. The harmony of hues

The color combinations of your lower third element play a vital factor. Choose the right mix of shades to attract the viewers. Based on the background, use a complementary color to fill your lower third module for a persuasive display. Ensure the combination of hues must not distract the viewers at any cost.

Try different color schemes with Green, Magenta, Orange, and Blue to create a mesmerizing display of the lower third element. You can also use a color picker tool to choose the right combination of colors that match perfectly with the background and typography.


  1. Motion effect

Thrill your audience by inserting movements with the lower third elements. When you add some motion effect to this module, it adds flavors to your video. Work on this feature in-depth and observe whether the lower third’s motion effect excites the audience. Customize the animation time, style, and the way it flashes on the screen.

Make the movements simple and do not add too many moves which distract the viewers. Decide how long the animation should play and align the texts and other related elements according to obtain a perfect look. With the perfect text movements, you can draw the attention of the viewers in no time.

  1. Fonts

The next crucial factor associated with the lower third element is fonts. Font size, the style creates an impact on the overall design of a lower third module.

If you concentrate on this attribute, you will surely end up with a professional design. Choose the font style and sine according to the background content. Do not overshadow the lower third element with the playing content, instead try to add value to it.

  1. Right timing of showing up

Now, you must sense the time for the module to turn up on the video. The timing factor contributes a lot to the perfect display of the lower third element.

Set the right time for the element to enter the screen. Decide the enter and exit timing attribute for this element to reach the audience in a better way.

  1. Logos and positions

Position the element at the perfect place on the screen to ensure its visibility. You can also insert your logos along with the texts to enhance your brand.

Proper alignment and the best coordinates on the screen make the lower third module shine better in your video. Proper placement of this element decides the impact on it.


Part3: How to make a lower third quickly in final cut pro X?

The Final Cut Pro X is a fabulous program to edit your videos professionally. Insert the desired elements and customize them quickly. To work on this platform, you do not require any special skills.

Click, drag, and drop appropriately to include the right elements at the perfect positions on the video. There is ample personalization options built-in with the Final Cut Pro X. It is high time to discover them for optimal utilization.

Features of Final Cut Pro X to design lower third module element

  • It has a built-in title element to add the desired texts in the video
  • Quick customization option to type in the relevant message on the screen.
  • This app consist of a user-friendly interface and the controls are explicit for easy reach.
  • Personalize the lower third element further using the ‘Generator’ option
  • You can include animations for the lower third module to persuade the viewers.


In this section, you will learn to make a lower third element using a Final Cut Pro X tool. It is high to check out the steps in detail.

1Step 1: Download the tool

You can download the app and install them in your system. Launch the tool by double-tapping the tool icon.


2Step 2: Add the Title

In the home screen, import the video that requires the edits and then tap the ‘Titles’ tab at the left top of the screen. Click the ‘Build-in/Build-out’ option to custom the Title element. According to your needs, you can repeat it to insert the desired titles on the video screen.


3Step 3: Customize the Title

Now, you can edit the texts in the inserted titles and add animation to the element using the attributes under the ‘Generator’ tab. Modify the title’s textures, background, and positions using the relevant options displayed. Choose accordingly to personalize the title element based on your requirement.


Use the above instructions, insert the lower third element in your video effortlessly. Simple click and drag actions are sufficient to carry out the desired effects on the element.

For those who still need more guides about making lower thirds, this Filmora tutorial may help a lot.

Download Win Version Download Mac Version

Part 4: Where to find great lower thirds templates for final cut pro X?

You can find the best collections of lower third templates in the online space. Evanto Elements offers an incredible design structure for the lower third module to add value to your videos. They are unique and jaw-dropping. You can opt for this template, instead of creating from the scratch.

According to your needs, you can select the template, customize it, and insert them on your videos flawlessly. Evanto offers the lower third templates based on the video content. It has organized the templates based on the end-use. Check out few suggestions on the built-in templates for the lower third.

YouTube Lower Thirds

If you have a YouTube channel, then make use of this collection to add a lower third module for your video. Increase the followers by adding the perfect texts at the right time on the screen. Easy to use design and displays attractive appearances.

Pop Lower Thirds template

Colorful and yet attractive design from the Evanto elements. This design has a fresh and creative structure to convince the viewer’s needs. It has a high-end resolution with a duration control option.

Minimalistic collection

In this template group, you can find the design seems to be simple and minimal. It offers a lighter touch to your videos. The text overlays do not distract the viewers. Everything looks the same but still, you can feel the difference in it when you customize it according to your needs.


Thus, this article had given you enlightening discussion about the lower third elements. Insert this module optimally in your videos and obtain the desired outcomes. Enhance the design of the lower third element using the Final Cut Pro X app and feel the difference in your video.

Display the texts promptly to enlighten the audience. Connect the texts to the target audience without distracting them. Work on this challenging element using a professional app like the Final Cut Pro X program. Stay tuned with this article to discover the new horizons of video editing.

author avatar

Liza Brown

Liza Brown is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Liza Brown

Liza Brown

Oct 26, 2023• Proven solutions

The videos drop facts to audiences and educate the viewers. The video makers strive to offer a complete overview of the topic within a short duration. Graphics, elements, modules occupy the screen and excites the viewers. The advent of video editing innovations shifted the perspectives.

Here comes an enlightening discussion about the lower third modules in your videos. The tips and tricks associated with the making of this lower third element are available in the below content. Surf them carefully and learn the fabulous lower third templates to customize your videos to the next level.

lower third intro

Part1: What is the lower third?

Are you aware of lower third elements? If you are a newbie video designer, then this article ignites you with reliable facts about it. The lower third module is a graphical element that takes the lower position of a video.

It carries texts to educate the viewers related to the discussed topic in the video. It adds information to the existing content playing in the background. On a clear note, had you observed the news boards displayed at the bottom of the news channel? Yes, of course, most of you must be aware of this element flashing the current news.

You can also observe this lower third module during an interview session on your television. It displays the name of the interviewer and extra data about the session.

On a short note, you can define the lower third module as a piece of a graphical element that hangs at the bottom of the screen displaying related data in pace with the existing video content. You can create the lower third module using an incredible tool for your videos in no time. Identify the factors to work on to refine the lower third module appearance and performances.

lower thirds

Part2: What factors contribute to a good lower third?

While designing the lower third element for your video, you must keep an eye on few factors. Work on the below attributes to build a good lower third element. Always remember to keep it simple to obtain the desired outcomes.

  1. The harmony of hues

The color combinations of your lower third element play a vital factor. Choose the right mix of shades to attract the viewers. Based on the background, use a complementary color to fill your lower third module for a persuasive display. Ensure the combination of hues must not distract the viewers at any cost.

Try different color schemes with Green, Magenta, Orange, and Blue to create a mesmerizing display of the lower third element. You can also use a color picker tool to choose the right combination of colors that match perfectly with the background and typography.


  1. Motion effect

Thrill your audience by inserting movements with the lower third elements. When you add some motion effect to this module, it adds flavors to your video. Work on this feature in-depth and observe whether the lower third’s motion effect excites the audience. Customize the animation time, style, and the way it flashes on the screen.

Make the movements simple and do not add too many moves which distract the viewers. Decide how long the animation should play and align the texts and other related elements according to obtain a perfect look. With the perfect text movements, you can draw the attention of the viewers in no time.

  1. Fonts

The next crucial factor associated with the lower third element is fonts. Font size, the style creates an impact on the overall design of a lower third module.

If you concentrate on this attribute, you will surely end up with a professional design. Choose the font style and sine according to the background content. Do not overshadow the lower third element with the playing content, instead try to add value to it.

  1. Right timing of showing up

Now, you must sense the time for the module to turn up on the video. The timing factor contributes a lot to the perfect display of the lower third element.

Set the right time for the element to enter the screen. Decide the enter and exit timing attribute for this element to reach the audience in a better way.

  1. Logos and positions

Position the element at the perfect place on the screen to ensure its visibility. You can also insert your logos along with the texts to enhance your brand.

Proper alignment and the best coordinates on the screen make the lower third module shine better in your video. Proper placement of this element decides the impact on it.


Part3: How to make a lower third quickly in final cut pro X?

The Final Cut Pro X is a fabulous program to edit your videos professionally. Insert the desired elements and customize them quickly. To work on this platform, you do not require any special skills.

Click, drag, and drop appropriately to include the right elements at the perfect positions on the video. There is ample personalization options built-in with the Final Cut Pro X. It is high time to discover them for optimal utilization.

Features of Final Cut Pro X to design lower third module element

  • It has a built-in title element to add the desired texts in the video
  • Quick customization option to type in the relevant message on the screen.
  • This app consist of a user-friendly interface and the controls are explicit for easy reach.
  • Personalize the lower third element further using the ‘Generator’ option
  • You can include animations for the lower third module to persuade the viewers.


In this section, you will learn to make a lower third element using a Final Cut Pro X tool. It is high to check out the steps in detail.

1Step 1: Download the tool

You can download the app and install them in your system. Launch the tool by double-tapping the tool icon.


2Step 2: Add the Title

In the home screen, import the video that requires the edits and then tap the ‘Titles’ tab at the left top of the screen. Click the ‘Build-in/Build-out’ option to custom the Title element. According to your needs, you can repeat it to insert the desired titles on the video screen.


3Step 3: Customize the Title

Now, you can edit the texts in the inserted titles and add animation to the element using the attributes under the ‘Generator’ tab. Modify the title’s textures, background, and positions using the relevant options displayed. Choose accordingly to personalize the title element based on your requirement.


Use the above instructions, insert the lower third element in your video effortlessly. Simple click and drag actions are sufficient to carry out the desired effects on the element.

For those who still need more guides about making lower thirds, this Filmora tutorial may help a lot.

Download Win Version Download Mac Version

Part 4: Where to find great lower thirds templates for final cut pro X?

You can find the best collections of lower third templates in the online space. Evanto Elements offers an incredible design structure for the lower third module to add value to your videos. They are unique and jaw-dropping. You can opt for this template, instead of creating from the scratch.

According to your needs, you can select the template, customize it, and insert them on your videos flawlessly. Evanto offers the lower third templates based on the video content. It has organized the templates based on the end-use. Check out few suggestions on the built-in templates for the lower third.

YouTube Lower Thirds

If you have a YouTube channel, then make use of this collection to add a lower third module for your video. Increase the followers by adding the perfect texts at the right time on the screen. Easy to use design and displays attractive appearances.

Pop Lower Thirds template

Colorful and yet attractive design from the Evanto elements. This design has a fresh and creative structure to convince the viewer’s needs. It has a high-end resolution with a duration control option.

Minimalistic collection

In this template group, you can find the design seems to be simple and minimal. It offers a lighter touch to your videos. The text overlays do not distract the viewers. Everything looks the same but still, you can feel the difference in it when you customize it according to your needs.


Thus, this article had given you enlightening discussion about the lower third elements. Insert this module optimally in your videos and obtain the desired outcomes. Enhance the design of the lower third element using the Final Cut Pro X app and feel the difference in your video.

Display the texts promptly to enlighten the audience. Connect the texts to the target audience without distracting them. Work on this challenging element using a professional app like the Final Cut Pro X program. Stay tuned with this article to discover the new horizons of video editing.

author avatar

Liza Brown

Liza Brown is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Liza Brown

Seamless Transitions: How to Match Colors Between Video Clips in Final Cut Pro

How to Easily Match Color in Video Clips with Final Cut Pro

author avatar

Benjamin Arango

Aug 18, 2022• Proven solutions

If you are involved in video editing or post-production activities, then you might be familiar with color matching. In this, we make sure that the overall color and tone of our videos are matched throughout. Thankfully, you can easily do color match in Final Cut Pro or any other reliable video editing tool. In this detailed Final Cut Pro match color tutorial, I will help you do the same and would also share details about its best alternative.

Part 1: How to Use Final Cut Pro X to Match Colors: A Stepwise Guide

Final Cut Pro X has to be one of the most resourceful Mac applications that you can use to edit your videos. If you want, you can use the automatic FCPX match color tool in the application to automatically apply the effect. Besides that, you can manually match color in Final Cut Pro X by using its inbuilt features.

Method 1: Using the Final Cut Pro Match Color Tool

To use the Final Cut Pro X Match Color feature, you can simply go through these simple steps:

Step 1: Load and import the video clips

To begin with, you can just launch Final Cut Pro on your Mac and go to its File > Import > Media to load any video clip of your choice. You can simply drag and drop your videos to the Final Cut Pro interface.

Step 2: Apply the FCPX Match Color effect

Now, simply select the clip you want to edit, go to the Enhancement menu, and click on the Match Color icon (below the viewer). You can also find it under the Modify > Match Color option or get the feature by pressing the Option + Command + M key combination.

Afterward, the Color Match FCPX tool will display two different screens in the viewer. On the right, you would have the clip from where you can match the source while the target clip will be displayed on the left.

From the Final Cut Pro timeline or the browser, you can find the appropriate clips. If you want, you can even import a still image to source the respective colors for matching. Simply preview the changes that the FCPX Color Match tool will make and click on the “Apply Match” in the end.

Method 2: Adjust the Video Color Manually

Apart from the match color tool in Final Cut, you can also manually set the color grading and saturation feature. While this will not get you instant or exact results to color match in Final Cut Pro, you can still give it a try.

Once the video clip is loaded on Filmora, just go to the Effects Browser > Inspector and add the Color Correction effect to the video. Now, you can go to the Color Correction tab from the sidebar to manually adjust the value for color, saturation, and exposure to get the desired effects.

Part 2: Wondershare Filmora: The Best Alternative to FCPX Color Match Tool

Since Final Cut Pro is not the most user-friendly application, a lot of people look for other alternatives to perform operations like color match. Therefore, you can also take the assistance of Wondershare Filmora . It is a powerful video editing and post-production tool that is extremely easy to use and runs on all the major macOS versions.

  • On Filmora, you can find seamless options like color matching, color tuning, splitting, resizing, scene detection, and so on.
  • There are also tons of advanced video editing features in Filmora like keyframing, motion detection, green screen edits, etc.
  • You can find a wide range of effects, presets, texts, stickers, transitions, and more in the Filmora library.
  • There are also dedicated options to edit audio in your media files or add voiceovers.
  • Filmora is one of the easiest video editing tools out there with import/export options for all the leading formats.

To perform automatic color matching in your videos using Wondershare Filmora, the following steps can be taken:

Step 1: Import the video to edit on Filmora

At first, you can just launch Filmora on your Mac and drag-and-drop the video you want to edit. You can also go to its File > Import Media to load any video of your choice on Filmora and just drag the clips to the timeline (at the bottom).

Step 2: Apply Color Correction to your Clips

If you want, you can add multiple clips on Filmora and simply add them to the timeline as per your requirements.

You can now take the playhead and place it from where you wish to edit the video. You can select the remaining clip (or photos), right-click, and choose the Color Match option. Alternatively, you can also click on the color palette icon on the timeline’s toolbar and select the “Color Match” button.

This will change the viewer into two screens. Here, you can select the reference picture or clip as a source and preview its effects on the target clip. You can also go to the Color tab on the side and adjust its level under the Comparison View section.

On the viewer window, you can see all the changes, and click on the “Match” button to apply the effect.

Step 3: Export your video to a preferred format

After making the needed changes and applying the color correction feature, you can go to the Export option of the tool. Here, you can choose a preferred format to export your file and even choose its resolution and video quality.

I’m sure that after reading this post you would be able to apply color match in Final Cut Pro. As you can see, I have included a stepwise tutorial that anyone can follow to use the Final Cut Pro Match Color tool. Though, if you are looking for a better and more user-friendly option, then explore Wondershare Filmora. The free video editing application offers a wide range of features and will certainly meet every post-production need of yours in no time!

author avatar

Benjamin Arango

Benjamin Arango is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Benjamin Arango

Benjamin Arango

Aug 18, 2022• Proven solutions

If you are involved in video editing or post-production activities, then you might be familiar with color matching. In this, we make sure that the overall color and tone of our videos are matched throughout. Thankfully, you can easily do color match in Final Cut Pro or any other reliable video editing tool. In this detailed Final Cut Pro match color tutorial, I will help you do the same and would also share details about its best alternative.

Part 1: How to Use Final Cut Pro X to Match Colors: A Stepwise Guide

Final Cut Pro X has to be one of the most resourceful Mac applications that you can use to edit your videos. If you want, you can use the automatic FCPX match color tool in the application to automatically apply the effect. Besides that, you can manually match color in Final Cut Pro X by using its inbuilt features.

Method 1: Using the Final Cut Pro Match Color Tool

To use the Final Cut Pro X Match Color feature, you can simply go through these simple steps:

Step 1: Load and import the video clips

To begin with, you can just launch Final Cut Pro on your Mac and go to its File > Import > Media to load any video clip of your choice. You can simply drag and drop your videos to the Final Cut Pro interface.

Step 2: Apply the FCPX Match Color effect

Now, simply select the clip you want to edit, go to the Enhancement menu, and click on the Match Color icon (below the viewer). You can also find it under the Modify > Match Color option or get the feature by pressing the Option + Command + M key combination.

Afterward, the Color Match FCPX tool will display two different screens in the viewer. On the right, you would have the clip from where you can match the source while the target clip will be displayed on the left.

From the Final Cut Pro timeline or the browser, you can find the appropriate clips. If you want, you can even import a still image to source the respective colors for matching. Simply preview the changes that the FCPX Color Match tool will make and click on the “Apply Match” in the end.

Method 2: Adjust the Video Color Manually

Apart from the match color tool in Final Cut, you can also manually set the color grading and saturation feature. While this will not get you instant or exact results to color match in Final Cut Pro, you can still give it a try.

Once the video clip is loaded on Filmora, just go to the Effects Browser > Inspector and add the Color Correction effect to the video. Now, you can go to the Color Correction tab from the sidebar to manually adjust the value for color, saturation, and exposure to get the desired effects.

Part 2: Wondershare Filmora: The Best Alternative to FCPX Color Match Tool

Since Final Cut Pro is not the most user-friendly application, a lot of people look for other alternatives to perform operations like color match. Therefore, you can also take the assistance of Wondershare Filmora . It is a powerful video editing and post-production tool that is extremely easy to use and runs on all the major macOS versions.

  • On Filmora, you can find seamless options like color matching, color tuning, splitting, resizing, scene detection, and so on.
  • There are also tons of advanced video editing features in Filmora like keyframing, motion detection, green screen edits, etc.
  • You can find a wide range of effects, presets, texts, stickers, transitions, and more in the Filmora library.
  • There are also dedicated options to edit audio in your media files or add voiceovers.
  • Filmora is one of the easiest video editing tools out there with import/export options for all the leading formats.

To perform automatic color matching in your videos using Wondershare Filmora, the following steps can be taken:

Step 1: Import the video to edit on Filmora

At first, you can just launch Filmora on your Mac and drag-and-drop the video you want to edit. You can also go to its File > Import Media to load any video of your choice on Filmora and just drag the clips to the timeline (at the bottom).

Step 2: Apply Color Correction to your Clips

If you want, you can add multiple clips on Filmora and simply add them to the timeline as per your requirements.

You can now take the playhead and place it from where you wish to edit the video. You can select the remaining clip (or photos), right-click, and choose the Color Match option. Alternatively, you can also click on the color palette icon on the timeline’s toolbar and select the “Color Match” button.

This will change the viewer into two screens. Here, you can select the reference picture or clip as a source and preview its effects on the target clip. You can also go to the Color tab on the side and adjust its level under the Comparison View section.

On the viewer window, you can see all the changes, and click on the “Match” button to apply the effect.

Step 3: Export your video to a preferred format

After making the needed changes and applying the color correction feature, you can go to the Export option of the tool. Here, you can choose a preferred format to export your file and even choose its resolution and video quality.

I’m sure that after reading this post you would be able to apply color match in Final Cut Pro. As you can see, I have included a stepwise tutorial that anyone can follow to use the Final Cut Pro Match Color tool. Though, if you are looking for a better and more user-friendly option, then explore Wondershare Filmora. The free video editing application offers a wide range of features and will certainly meet every post-production need of yours in no time!

author avatar

Benjamin Arango

Benjamin Arango is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Benjamin Arango

Benjamin Arango

Aug 18, 2022• Proven solutions

If you are involved in video editing or post-production activities, then you might be familiar with color matching. In this, we make sure that the overall color and tone of our videos are matched throughout. Thankfully, you can easily do color match in Final Cut Pro or any other reliable video editing tool. In this detailed Final Cut Pro match color tutorial, I will help you do the same and would also share details about its best alternative.

Part 1: How to Use Final Cut Pro X to Match Colors: A Stepwise Guide

Final Cut Pro X has to be one of the most resourceful Mac applications that you can use to edit your videos. If you want, you can use the automatic FCPX match color tool in the application to automatically apply the effect. Besides that, you can manually match color in Final Cut Pro X by using its inbuilt features.

Method 1: Using the Final Cut Pro Match Color Tool

To use the Final Cut Pro X Match Color feature, you can simply go through these simple steps:

Step 1: Load and import the video clips

To begin with, you can just launch Final Cut Pro on your Mac and go to its File > Import > Media to load any video clip of your choice. You can simply drag and drop your videos to the Final Cut Pro interface.

Step 2: Apply the FCPX Match Color effect

Now, simply select the clip you want to edit, go to the Enhancement menu, and click on the Match Color icon (below the viewer). You can also find it under the Modify > Match Color option or get the feature by pressing the Option + Command + M key combination.

Afterward, the Color Match FCPX tool will display two different screens in the viewer. On the right, you would have the clip from where you can match the source while the target clip will be displayed on the left.

From the Final Cut Pro timeline or the browser, you can find the appropriate clips. If you want, you can even import a still image to source the respective colors for matching. Simply preview the changes that the FCPX Color Match tool will make and click on the “Apply Match” in the end.

Method 2: Adjust the Video Color Manually

Apart from the match color tool in Final Cut, you can also manually set the color grading and saturation feature. While this will not get you instant or exact results to color match in Final Cut Pro, you can still give it a try.

Once the video clip is loaded on Filmora, just go to the Effects Browser > Inspector and add the Color Correction effect to the video. Now, you can go to the Color Correction tab from the sidebar to manually adjust the value for color, saturation, and exposure to get the desired effects.

Part 2: Wondershare Filmora: The Best Alternative to FCPX Color Match Tool

Since Final Cut Pro is not the most user-friendly application, a lot of people look for other alternatives to perform operations like color match. Therefore, you can also take the assistance of Wondershare Filmora . It is a powerful video editing and post-production tool that is extremely easy to use and runs on all the major macOS versions.

  • On Filmora, you can find seamless options like color matching, color tuning, splitting, resizing, scene detection, and so on.
  • There are also tons of advanced video editing features in Filmora like keyframing, motion detection, green screen edits, etc.
  • You can find a wide range of effects, presets, texts, stickers, transitions, and more in the Filmora library.
  • There are also dedicated options to edit audio in your media files or add voiceovers.
  • Filmora is one of the easiest video editing tools out there with import/export options for all the leading formats.

To perform automatic color matching in your videos using Wondershare Filmora, the following steps can be taken:

Step 1: Import the video to edit on Filmora

At first, you can just launch Filmora on your Mac and drag-and-drop the video you want to edit. You can also go to its File > Import Media to load any video of your choice on Filmora and just drag the clips to the timeline (at the bottom).

Step 2: Apply Color Correction to your Clips

If you want, you can add multiple clips on Filmora and simply add them to the timeline as per your requirements.

You can now take the playhead and place it from where you wish to edit the video. You can select the remaining clip (or photos), right-click, and choose the Color Match option. Alternatively, you can also click on the color palette icon on the timeline’s toolbar and select the “Color Match” button.

This will change the viewer into two screens. Here, you can select the reference picture or clip as a source and preview its effects on the target clip. You can also go to the Color tab on the side and adjust its level under the Comparison View section.

On the viewer window, you can see all the changes, and click on the “Match” button to apply the effect.

Step 3: Export your video to a preferred format

After making the needed changes and applying the color correction feature, you can go to the Export option of the tool. Here, you can choose a preferred format to export your file and even choose its resolution and video quality.

I’m sure that after reading this post you would be able to apply color match in Final Cut Pro. As you can see, I have included a stepwise tutorial that anyone can follow to use the Final Cut Pro Match Color tool. Though, if you are looking for a better and more user-friendly option, then explore Wondershare Filmora. The free video editing application offers a wide range of features and will certainly meet every post-production need of yours in no time!

author avatar

Benjamin Arango

Benjamin Arango is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Benjamin Arango

Benjamin Arango

Aug 18, 2022• Proven solutions

If you are involved in video editing or post-production activities, then you might be familiar with color matching. In this, we make sure that the overall color and tone of our videos are matched throughout. Thankfully, you can easily do color match in Final Cut Pro or any other reliable video editing tool. In this detailed Final Cut Pro match color tutorial, I will help you do the same and would also share details about its best alternative.

Part 1: How to Use Final Cut Pro X to Match Colors: A Stepwise Guide

Final Cut Pro X has to be one of the most resourceful Mac applications that you can use to edit your videos. If you want, you can use the automatic FCPX match color tool in the application to automatically apply the effect. Besides that, you can manually match color in Final Cut Pro X by using its inbuilt features.

Method 1: Using the Final Cut Pro Match Color Tool

To use the Final Cut Pro X Match Color feature, you can simply go through these simple steps:

Step 1: Load and import the video clips

To begin with, you can just launch Final Cut Pro on your Mac and go to its File > Import > Media to load any video clip of your choice. You can simply drag and drop your videos to the Final Cut Pro interface.

Step 2: Apply the FCPX Match Color effect

Now, simply select the clip you want to edit, go to the Enhancement menu, and click on the Match Color icon (below the viewer). You can also find it under the Modify > Match Color option or get the feature by pressing the Option + Command + M key combination.

Afterward, the Color Match FCPX tool will display two different screens in the viewer. On the right, you would have the clip from where you can match the source while the target clip will be displayed on the left.

From the Final Cut Pro timeline or the browser, you can find the appropriate clips. If you want, you can even import a still image to source the respective colors for matching. Simply preview the changes that the FCPX Color Match tool will make and click on the “Apply Match” in the end.

Method 2: Adjust the Video Color Manually

Apart from the match color tool in Final Cut, you can also manually set the color grading and saturation feature. While this will not get you instant or exact results to color match in Final Cut Pro, you can still give it a try.

Once the video clip is loaded on Filmora, just go to the Effects Browser > Inspector and add the Color Correction effect to the video. Now, you can go to the Color Correction tab from the sidebar to manually adjust the value for color, saturation, and exposure to get the desired effects.

Part 2: Wondershare Filmora: The Best Alternative to FCPX Color Match Tool

Since Final Cut Pro is not the most user-friendly application, a lot of people look for other alternatives to perform operations like color match. Therefore, you can also take the assistance of Wondershare Filmora . It is a powerful video editing and post-production tool that is extremely easy to use and runs on all the major macOS versions.

  • On Filmora, you can find seamless options like color matching, color tuning, splitting, resizing, scene detection, and so on.
  • There are also tons of advanced video editing features in Filmora like keyframing, motion detection, green screen edits, etc.
  • You can find a wide range of effects, presets, texts, stickers, transitions, and more in the Filmora library.
  • There are also dedicated options to edit audio in your media files or add voiceovers.
  • Filmora is one of the easiest video editing tools out there with import/export options for all the leading formats.

To perform automatic color matching in your videos using Wondershare Filmora, the following steps can be taken:

Step 1: Import the video to edit on Filmora

At first, you can just launch Filmora on your Mac and drag-and-drop the video you want to edit. You can also go to its File > Import Media to load any video of your choice on Filmora and just drag the clips to the timeline (at the bottom).

Step 2: Apply Color Correction to your Clips

If you want, you can add multiple clips on Filmora and simply add them to the timeline as per your requirements.

You can now take the playhead and place it from where you wish to edit the video. You can select the remaining clip (or photos), right-click, and choose the Color Match option. Alternatively, you can also click on the color palette icon on the timeline’s toolbar and select the “Color Match” button.

This will change the viewer into two screens. Here, you can select the reference picture or clip as a source and preview its effects on the target clip. You can also go to the Color tab on the side and adjust its level under the Comparison View section.

On the viewer window, you can see all the changes, and click on the “Match” button to apply the effect.

Step 3: Export your video to a preferred format

After making the needed changes and applying the color correction feature, you can go to the Export option of the tool. Here, you can choose a preferred format to export your file and even choose its resolution and video quality.

I’m sure that after reading this post you would be able to apply color match in Final Cut Pro. As you can see, I have included a stepwise tutorial that anyone can follow to use the Final Cut Pro Match Color tool. Though, if you are looking for a better and more user-friendly option, then explore Wondershare Filmora. The free video editing application offers a wide range of features and will certainly meet every post-production need of yours in no time!

author avatar

Benjamin Arango

Benjamin Arango is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Benjamin Arango

ARM Support Now Live: Upgrade Your Filmora X Experience

Official Announcement: Filmora X now supports ARM

author avatar

Shanoon Cox

Aug 18, 2022• Proven solutions

It’s official! Apple will now start making in-house processors for Macs based on ARM 64-bit architecture, proving to be faster and much more efficient than its previous models. With all that, there might be a problem. Any software that does not support the new Apple M1 chip may not be compatible with Apple devices. But Wondershare has taken care of that small inconvenience.

apple m1 chip in arm

The good news is that all versions of Wondershare Filmora X that are above 10.1 will support ARM. We at Wondershare have conducted these internal tests on all Apple Mac devices such as the Macbook Air, Macbook Mini, and Macbook Pro.

The testers at Wondershare have found out that our state-of-the-art software is all set to be utilized on the new and improved M1 chip that will be used in the new Macbooks.

We have released our newest version of Filmora which is the 10.1 and that is just the beginning! We plan to upgrade our software and come out with innovations that will surely match every update that Apple comes up with using the latest ARM 64-bit architecture.

As Apple introduces technological innovations, Filmora will match that with its product and service upgrades to ensure a better video editing experience for its users.

author avatar

Shanoon Cox

Shanoon Cox is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Shanoon Cox

Shanoon Cox

Aug 18, 2022• Proven solutions

It’s official! Apple will now start making in-house processors for Macs based on ARM 64-bit architecture, proving to be faster and much more efficient than its previous models. With all that, there might be a problem. Any software that does not support the new Apple M1 chip may not be compatible with Apple devices. But Wondershare has taken care of that small inconvenience.

apple m1 chip in arm

The good news is that all versions of Wondershare Filmora X that are above 10.1 will support ARM. We at Wondershare have conducted these internal tests on all Apple Mac devices such as the Macbook Air, Macbook Mini, and Macbook Pro.

The testers at Wondershare have found out that our state-of-the-art software is all set to be utilized on the new and improved M1 chip that will be used in the new Macbooks.

We have released our newest version of Filmora which is the 10.1 and that is just the beginning! We plan to upgrade our software and come out with innovations that will surely match every update that Apple comes up with using the latest ARM 64-bit architecture.

As Apple introduces technological innovations, Filmora will match that with its product and service upgrades to ensure a better video editing experience for its users.

author avatar

Shanoon Cox

Shanoon Cox is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Shanoon Cox

Shanoon Cox

Aug 18, 2022• Proven solutions

It’s official! Apple will now start making in-house processors for Macs based on ARM 64-bit architecture, proving to be faster and much more efficient than its previous models. With all that, there might be a problem. Any software that does not support the new Apple M1 chip may not be compatible with Apple devices. But Wondershare has taken care of that small inconvenience.

apple m1 chip in arm

The good news is that all versions of Wondershare Filmora X that are above 10.1 will support ARM. We at Wondershare have conducted these internal tests on all Apple Mac devices such as the Macbook Air, Macbook Mini, and Macbook Pro.

The testers at Wondershare have found out that our state-of-the-art software is all set to be utilized on the new and improved M1 chip that will be used in the new Macbooks.

We have released our newest version of Filmora which is the 10.1 and that is just the beginning! We plan to upgrade our software and come out with innovations that will surely match every update that Apple comes up with using the latest ARM 64-bit architecture.

As Apple introduces technological innovations, Filmora will match that with its product and service upgrades to ensure a better video editing experience for its users.

author avatar

Shanoon Cox

Shanoon Cox is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Shanoon Cox

Shanoon Cox

Aug 18, 2022• Proven solutions

It’s official! Apple will now start making in-house processors for Macs based on ARM 64-bit architecture, proving to be faster and much more efficient than its previous models. With all that, there might be a problem. Any software that does not support the new Apple M1 chip may not be compatible with Apple devices. But Wondershare has taken care of that small inconvenience.

apple m1 chip in arm

The good news is that all versions of Wondershare Filmora X that are above 10.1 will support ARM. We at Wondershare have conducted these internal tests on all Apple Mac devices such as the Macbook Air, Macbook Mini, and Macbook Pro.

The testers at Wondershare have found out that our state-of-the-art software is all set to be utilized on the new and improved M1 chip that will be used in the new Macbooks.

We have released our newest version of Filmora which is the 10.1 and that is just the beginning! We plan to upgrade our software and come out with innovations that will surely match every update that Apple comes up with using the latest ARM 64-bit architecture.

As Apple introduces technological innovations, Filmora will match that with its product and service upgrades to ensure a better video editing experience for its users.

author avatar

Shanoon Cox

Shanoon Cox is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Shanoon Cox

Cut and Edit Divx Videos for Free: Top 6 Options

Top 5 Best Free Divx Video Cutters

author avatar

Ollie Mattison

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

Video cutting is an important element of video edition. The good news is that there are a number of free applications that you can use for this function. Here is a list of top 5 Free video cutters for you.


Avidemux is a free video cutting and joining software. It supports formats such as 3GP, Ogg Vorbis , Xvid, VP3, Huffyuv, WMV2, H263, MSMP4V2, SVQ3, RAW and more. It is simple to use. To cut a video file, just mark the starting and ending points. Then this software can easily cut the files into pieces.

free divx video cutter


  • Easily-to-use interface;
  • Useful presets for common output tasks.


  • The performance is not very satisfactory.

Free Video Cutter

This software enables you to cut off part of a video and proceed to save it in the same or a different format. It offers a main window to see the options available for you and the video files. You can use it on various formats like MPEG4, WMV, MOV, MP3, FLV, Xvid, Quicktime MOV, AVI and Flash Video. All you need to do to cut the video is load it and then select the parts you want to cut and proceed to choose your output format.

free divx cutter


  • Lightweight and easy to use;
  • Supports a wide range of formats.


  • Cannot adjust video quality with the program.

Video Edit Master

Video Edit Master is a very great free video cutter to cut and join videos easily and fast with the original video quality. The interface is well structured so that you can easily fine tune the files as necessary. However, it only supports AVI (Xvid..etc.) and MPEG video files.

free divx video cutter


  • An easy-to-use interface.


  • It crashes sometimes;
  • Only support AVI and MPEG video files.

Cute Video Cutter

This is a program that can help you remove unwanted parts from a video. With the slider, you can easily select the parts to cut. Supports formats like MPEG-1/2, WMV, AVI, FLV, MP4, DVD/VCD/SVCD, iPhone, AVI, Xvid, Apple TV, MOV and so much more indeed.

free divx cutter


  • No need to search for an install any other codec;
  • Easy user interface.


  • No audio cues.

VSDC Free Video Editor

VSDC Free Video Editor supports various types of videos such as MKV, FLV, MPG, MP4, WMV, VOB, DAT, AVI, MOV, etc.. With it, cutting and splitting MKV videos can be easier.

free divx video cutter


  • Many useful options provided;
  • Can also be used as a video converter.


  • Computer resources (CPU and RAM) are required at a high level.

If you need a more professional video cutter, Wondershare Filmora (originally Wondershare Video Editor) is highly recommended. The powerful video cutting function allows you to easily cut video files into various fragments. You can also use the built-in scene detection function to cut video even more precisely.

Download Win VersionDownload Mac Version ]( )

author avatar

Ollie Mattison

Ollie Mattison is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Ollie Mattison

Ollie Mattison

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

Video cutting is an important element of video edition. The good news is that there are a number of free applications that you can use for this function. Here is a list of top 5 Free video cutters for you.


Avidemux is a free video cutting and joining software. It supports formats such as 3GP, Ogg Vorbis , Xvid, VP3, Huffyuv, WMV2, H263, MSMP4V2, SVQ3, RAW and more. It is simple to use. To cut a video file, just mark the starting and ending points. Then this software can easily cut the files into pieces.

free divx video cutter


  • Easily-to-use interface;
  • Useful presets for common output tasks.


  • The performance is not very satisfactory.

Free Video Cutter

This software enables you to cut off part of a video and proceed to save it in the same or a different format. It offers a main window to see the options available for you and the video files. You can use it on various formats like MPEG4, WMV, MOV, MP3, FLV, Xvid, Quicktime MOV, AVI and Flash Video. All you need to do to cut the video is load it and then select the parts you want to cut and proceed to choose your output format.

free divx cutter


  • Lightweight and easy to use;
  • Supports a wide range of formats.


  • Cannot adjust video quality with the program.

Video Edit Master

Video Edit Master is a very great free video cutter to cut and join videos easily and fast with the original video quality. The interface is well structured so that you can easily fine tune the files as necessary. However, it only supports AVI (Xvid..etc.) and MPEG video files.

free divx video cutter


  • An easy-to-use interface.


  • It crashes sometimes;
  • Only support AVI and MPEG video files.

Cute Video Cutter

This is a program that can help you remove unwanted parts from a video. With the slider, you can easily select the parts to cut. Supports formats like MPEG-1/2, WMV, AVI, FLV, MP4, DVD/VCD/SVCD, iPhone, AVI, Xvid, Apple TV, MOV and so much more indeed.

free divx cutter


  • No need to search for an install any other codec;
  • Easy user interface.


  • No audio cues.

VSDC Free Video Editor

VSDC Free Video Editor supports various types of videos such as MKV, FLV, MPG, MP4, WMV, VOB, DAT, AVI, MOV, etc.. With it, cutting and splitting MKV videos can be easier.

free divx video cutter


  • Many useful options provided;
  • Can also be used as a video converter.


  • Computer resources (CPU and RAM) are required at a high level.

If you need a more professional video cutter, Wondershare Filmora (originally Wondershare Video Editor) is highly recommended. The powerful video cutting function allows you to easily cut video files into various fragments. You can also use the built-in scene detection function to cut video even more precisely.

Download Win VersionDownload Mac Version ]( )

author avatar

Ollie Mattison

Ollie Mattison is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Ollie Mattison

Ollie Mattison

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

Video cutting is an important element of video edition. The good news is that there are a number of free applications that you can use for this function. Here is a list of top 5 Free video cutters for you.


Avidemux is a free video cutting and joining software. It supports formats such as 3GP, Ogg Vorbis , Xvid, VP3, Huffyuv, WMV2, H263, MSMP4V2, SVQ3, RAW and more. It is simple to use. To cut a video file, just mark the starting and ending points. Then this software can easily cut the files into pieces.

free divx video cutter


  • Easily-to-use interface;
  • Useful presets for common output tasks.


  • The performance is not very satisfactory.

Free Video Cutter

This software enables you to cut off part of a video and proceed to save it in the same or a different format. It offers a main window to see the options available for you and the video files. You can use it on various formats like MPEG4, WMV, MOV, MP3, FLV, Xvid, Quicktime MOV, AVI and Flash Video. All you need to do to cut the video is load it and then select the parts you want to cut and proceed to choose your output format.

free divx cutter


  • Lightweight and easy to use;
  • Supports a wide range of formats.


  • Cannot adjust video quality with the program.

Video Edit Master

Video Edit Master is a very great free video cutter to cut and join videos easily and fast with the original video quality. The interface is well structured so that you can easily fine tune the files as necessary. However, it only supports AVI (Xvid..etc.) and MPEG video files.

free divx video cutter


  • An easy-to-use interface.


  • It crashes sometimes;
  • Only support AVI and MPEG video files.

Cute Video Cutter

This is a program that can help you remove unwanted parts from a video. With the slider, you can easily select the parts to cut. Supports formats like MPEG-1/2, WMV, AVI, FLV, MP4, DVD/VCD/SVCD, iPhone, AVI, Xvid, Apple TV, MOV and so much more indeed.

free divx cutter


  • No need to search for an install any other codec;
  • Easy user interface.


  • No audio cues.

VSDC Free Video Editor

VSDC Free Video Editor supports various types of videos such as MKV, FLV, MPG, MP4, WMV, VOB, DAT, AVI, MOV, etc.. With it, cutting and splitting MKV videos can be easier.

free divx video cutter


  • Many useful options provided;
  • Can also be used as a video converter.


  • Computer resources (CPU and RAM) are required at a high level.

If you need a more professional video cutter, Wondershare Filmora (originally Wondershare Video Editor) is highly recommended. The powerful video cutting function allows you to easily cut video files into various fragments. You can also use the built-in scene detection function to cut video even more precisely.

Download Win VersionDownload Mac Version ]( )

author avatar

Ollie Mattison

Ollie Mattison is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Ollie Mattison

Ollie Mattison

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

Video cutting is an important element of video edition. The good news is that there are a number of free applications that you can use for this function. Here is a list of top 5 Free video cutters for you.


Avidemux is a free video cutting and joining software. It supports formats such as 3GP, Ogg Vorbis , Xvid, VP3, Huffyuv, WMV2, H263, MSMP4V2, SVQ3, RAW and more. It is simple to use. To cut a video file, just mark the starting and ending points. Then this software can easily cut the files into pieces.

free divx video cutter


  • Easily-to-use interface;
  • Useful presets for common output tasks.


  • The performance is not very satisfactory.

Free Video Cutter

This software enables you to cut off part of a video and proceed to save it in the same or a different format. It offers a main window to see the options available for you and the video files. You can use it on various formats like MPEG4, WMV, MOV, MP3, FLV, Xvid, Quicktime MOV, AVI and Flash Video. All you need to do to cut the video is load it and then select the parts you want to cut and proceed to choose your output format.

free divx cutter


  • Lightweight and easy to use;
  • Supports a wide range of formats.


  • Cannot adjust video quality with the program.

Video Edit Master

Video Edit Master is a very great free video cutter to cut and join videos easily and fast with the original video quality. The interface is well structured so that you can easily fine tune the files as necessary. However, it only supports AVI (Xvid..etc.) and MPEG video files.

free divx video cutter


  • An easy-to-use interface.


  • It crashes sometimes;
  • Only support AVI and MPEG video files.

Cute Video Cutter

This is a program that can help you remove unwanted parts from a video. With the slider, you can easily select the parts to cut. Supports formats like MPEG-1/2, WMV, AVI, FLV, MP4, DVD/VCD/SVCD, iPhone, AVI, Xvid, Apple TV, MOV and so much more indeed.

free divx cutter


  • No need to search for an install any other codec;
  • Easy user interface.


  • No audio cues.

VSDC Free Video Editor

VSDC Free Video Editor supports various types of videos such as MKV, FLV, MPG, MP4, WMV, VOB, DAT, AVI, MOV, etc.. With it, cutting and splitting MKV videos can be easier.

free divx video cutter


  • Many useful options provided;
  • Can also be used as a video converter.


  • Computer resources (CPU and RAM) are required at a high level.

If you need a more professional video cutter, Wondershare Filmora (originally Wondershare Video Editor) is highly recommended. The powerful video cutting function allows you to easily cut video files into various fragments. You can also use the built-in scene detection function to cut video even more precisely.

Download Win VersionDownload Mac Version ]( )

author avatar

Ollie Mattison

Ollie Mattison is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Ollie Mattison

Also read:

  • Title: Crafting Compelling Lower Thirds FCPX Essentials for 2024
  • Author: Amelia
  • Created at : 2024-05-19 11:47:02
  • Updated at : 2024-05-20 11:47:02
  • Link:
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
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Crafting Compelling Lower Thirds FCPX Essentials for 2024