Get Noticed on LinkedIn Ideal Video Aspect Ratios for Standout Posts

Get Noticed on LinkedIn Ideal Video Aspect Ratios for Standout Posts

Amelia Lv12

Get Noticed on LinkedIn: Ideal Video Aspect Ratios for Standout Posts

The Ideal LinkedIn Video Aspect Ratios for Effective Posting

An easy yet powerful editor

Numerous effects to choose from

Detailed tutorials provided by the official channel

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The written content of LinkedIn has been taken over by the video content these days. Videos created with exceptional features and editing perks are booming amongst the audience.

In this article

01 [What is LinkedIn Video Format?](#Part 1)

02 [Everything You Need to Know About LinkedIn Ad Specs](#Part 2)

03 [5 Types of LinkedIn Ads](#Part 3)

04 [Best 5 LinkedIn Video Practices](#Part 4)

Part 1 What is LinkedIn Video Format?

01Can you post 1920x1080 on LinkedIn?

Yes, videos of 1920 by 1080px can be easily posted on LinkedIn. Moreover, this is the best resolution in which you should post your video. This will provide you the best quality.

02What aspect ratio is best for a LinkedIn video?

Although LinkedIn accepts and allows almost each aspect ratio but the most recommended aspect ratio is 16:This means it should remain between 1.778 and 0.565However, the aspect ratio can vary according to the mode of your video that is horizontal or vertical.

Recommended aspect ratios for LinkedIn videos

Part 2 Everything You Need to Know About LinkedIn Ad Specs

The specs can vary in the case of LinkedIn videos and LinkedIn ads. As the ads are totally different from the videos their specs also become different. Here are some of the specs that you should know when you are creating LinkedIn ads:

Length: The maximum and minimum length of these ad videos are 3 seconds to 30 minutes respectively. However, the most successful video length is up to 15 seconds.

File size and file format: The file size of the ad videos must be a minimum of 75 KB and the maximum it can be of 200 MB. The file format that is supported on the LinkedIn application is MP4.

Audio Format and size: The audio format of these ad videos must be MPEG4 or ACC. If you talk about the audio size then it is recommended not to be more than 64 KHz.

Resolution and aspect ratio: The resolution of these ads can be 360p, 480p, 720p or 1080p. When it comes to the aspect ratio then the best-recommended one is 16:9 for landscape mode and 9:16 for vertical mode.

Video captions and headlines: If you are adding video captions in your ad video, then it must be in SRT format and the headlines should also be under 200 characters. It is recommended to keep the headlines up to maximum of 70 characters.

Part 3 5 types of LinkedIn Ads

LinkedIn provides you with several platforms and types of ad placements. Here mentioned are some of them:

Sponsored messages in LinkedIn: This type of LinkedIn ad was previously termed as sponsored InMail. Through this, you can directly advertise your product or brand in the user’s inbox. However, LinkedIn has set a maximum number of times that your customer can receive the messaging ad. This states that any member of your audience will not receive the ads more than two times in a short span of time. Also, it is estimated that consumers enjoy messaging ads but companies do not interact much with them via sponsored messaging ads.

Sponsored messaging on LinkedIn

Sponsored content: These ads show up in the feed of the LinkedIn user. No matter if they are using it on mobile on desktop. These sponsored contents also have a label of promotion on them. This makes them different from the regular contents. If you are choosing sponsored content then you also get the choice between carousel ads, video ads and images ads.

Sponsored content on LinkedIn

Dynamic ads: These ads are visible on the right rail as you open the LinkedIn. Also this is the best way to speak to your audience through personalization. The users get to see their own personal details as soon these ads pop up on the screen. This can even be changed through the settings so that the details get hidden if the user finds this to be very personal. Dynamic ads are also of two types. One is follower ads and other is sponsored ads.

Dynamic ads video requirements

Text ads: These ads are considered as the best way to build a strong lead amongst the audience. This is also suitable in the terms of professional demographic. These ads are shown on the top and right side of the feed of LinkedIn. Approximately 58% of the companies say that making the lead generation better is the top priority of digital marketing. This is also a good way to manage company’s budget.

Text ad videos

Awareness ads: If you want to make your brand stay on the tips of your audience then it is a good idea to go for awareness ads. These ads build a communication amongst the audience related to your brands, products and services, etc. These awareness ads also boost the engagement, help to gain followers and increase the views.

Awareness ad videos

Part 4 Best 5 LinkedIn Video Practices

**Optimized setup:**To create an excellent video its setup is most important thing. So before you create the video keep in mind that your setup is well organized. Your set up includes lighting, background, camera and its position. Until the lighting is not perfect your video will lack its charm. Often natural lights are the best but artificial lights are also can do the work of perk. Also the background must be free from clutters. The camera that you are using should also be perfect and the camera position should also be in place.

Correct video length: When the correct video length is concerned, LinkedIn recommends it to be less than 15 seconds. This is so because the shorter the video is the more effective it can be. You should also keep in mind that these video may be of maximum 10 minutes but the starting moments must be engaging. This will keep your audience stay to watch your video till the end.

**Grab the viewer’s attention:**Social media platforms are filled with ignorable contents and when it comes to LinkedIn it can be so true. So if you want to grab the attention of your targeted audience then you must make your videos extraordinary. This is only possible when you focus on each and every aspect of the videos. Adding subtitles to your videos can also be an amazing idea to make them more engaging. You can even optimize the length of your video according to the objective that you want to convey.

**Plan the content according to your objective:**It is a good idea to remain up to the objective that you want to convey to your audience. No matter if you want to facilitate consideration or want to spread awareness. If you want to generate some conversions then you can go for making small demos in your videos.

**Go for the best tools:**At last but one of the most important points is to pay attention on the tool that you are using. Although there are a number of tools that can be used but nowadays, Wondershare Filmora Video Editor is the most in the use. Here are some extraordinary features of both the tools:

Features of Filmora:

This one is an easy to use tool that can be used by beginners and less professional people.

Using this tool you can experience latest filters and colors making their perk at the best.

Here you will also get amazing sound effect to make your video stand out.

You can create the videos in just a single click. This is the reason its feature of key framing is immensely popular.

Wondershare Filmora

Get started easily with Filmora’s powerful performance, intuitive interface, and countless effects!

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Key Takeaways from This Episode

LinkedIn is an application that has made its popularity amongst the users and advertisers in a very recent and less time. Ads and videos on this application is being loved and watched these days at a rapid rate. As per the increased demand increases a responsibility to meet those demands.

To meet up the demands it is essential that all the technical requirements are fulfilled and also the protocols of the app are followed. This remains crucial and important in the terms of video aspect ratio, resolution, size and dimensions, and a lot more.

If you are uploading your videos and ads on LinkedIn then it is must that they should be engaging and interesting. To make them exciting you may opt for the best practices which also include the use of popular tools. The latest tools like Filmora, Inshot, etc. are laced with all the additional features and make your video perfect for the apps.

Try It Free Try It Free

The written content of LinkedIn has been taken over by the video content these days. Videos created with exceptional features and editing perks are booming amongst the audience.

In this article

01 [What is LinkedIn Video Format?](#Part 1)

02 [Everything You Need to Know About LinkedIn Ad Specs](#Part 2)

03 [5 Types of LinkedIn Ads](#Part 3)

04 [Best 5 LinkedIn Video Practices](#Part 4)

Part 1 What is LinkedIn Video Format?

01Can you post 1920x1080 on LinkedIn?

Yes, videos of 1920 by 1080px can be easily posted on LinkedIn. Moreover, this is the best resolution in which you should post your video. This will provide you the best quality.

02What aspect ratio is best for a LinkedIn video?

Although LinkedIn accepts and allows almost each aspect ratio but the most recommended aspect ratio is 16:This means it should remain between 1.778 and 0.565However, the aspect ratio can vary according to the mode of your video that is horizontal or vertical.

Recommended aspect ratios for LinkedIn videos

Part 2 Everything You Need to Know About LinkedIn Ad Specs

The specs can vary in the case of LinkedIn videos and LinkedIn ads. As the ads are totally different from the videos their specs also become different. Here are some of the specs that you should know when you are creating LinkedIn ads:

Length: The maximum and minimum length of these ad videos are 3 seconds to 30 minutes respectively. However, the most successful video length is up to 15 seconds.

File size and file format: The file size of the ad videos must be a minimum of 75 KB and the maximum it can be of 200 MB. The file format that is supported on the LinkedIn application is MP4.

Audio Format and size: The audio format of these ad videos must be MPEG4 or ACC. If you talk about the audio size then it is recommended not to be more than 64 KHz.

Resolution and aspect ratio: The resolution of these ads can be 360p, 480p, 720p or 1080p. When it comes to the aspect ratio then the best-recommended one is 16:9 for landscape mode and 9:16 for vertical mode.

Video captions and headlines: If you are adding video captions in your ad video, then it must be in SRT format and the headlines should also be under 200 characters. It is recommended to keep the headlines up to maximum of 70 characters.

Part 3 5 types of LinkedIn Ads

LinkedIn provides you with several platforms and types of ad placements. Here mentioned are some of them:

Sponsored messages in LinkedIn: This type of LinkedIn ad was previously termed as sponsored InMail. Through this, you can directly advertise your product or brand in the user’s inbox. However, LinkedIn has set a maximum number of times that your customer can receive the messaging ad. This states that any member of your audience will not receive the ads more than two times in a short span of time. Also, it is estimated that consumers enjoy messaging ads but companies do not interact much with them via sponsored messaging ads.

Sponsored messaging on LinkedIn

Sponsored content: These ads show up in the feed of the LinkedIn user. No matter if they are using it on mobile on desktop. These sponsored contents also have a label of promotion on them. This makes them different from the regular contents. If you are choosing sponsored content then you also get the choice between carousel ads, video ads and images ads.

Sponsored content on LinkedIn

Dynamic ads: These ads are visible on the right rail as you open the LinkedIn. Also this is the best way to speak to your audience through personalization. The users get to see their own personal details as soon these ads pop up on the screen. This can even be changed through the settings so that the details get hidden if the user finds this to be very personal. Dynamic ads are also of two types. One is follower ads and other is sponsored ads.

Dynamic ads video requirements

Text ads: These ads are considered as the best way to build a strong lead amongst the audience. This is also suitable in the terms of professional demographic. These ads are shown on the top and right side of the feed of LinkedIn. Approximately 58% of the companies say that making the lead generation better is the top priority of digital marketing. This is also a good way to manage company’s budget.

Text ad videos

Awareness ads: If you want to make your brand stay on the tips of your audience then it is a good idea to go for awareness ads. These ads build a communication amongst the audience related to your brands, products and services, etc. These awareness ads also boost the engagement, help to gain followers and increase the views.

Awareness ad videos

Part 4 Best 5 LinkedIn Video Practices

**Optimized setup:**To create an excellent video its setup is most important thing. So before you create the video keep in mind that your setup is well organized. Your set up includes lighting, background, camera and its position. Until the lighting is not perfect your video will lack its charm. Often natural lights are the best but artificial lights are also can do the work of perk. Also the background must be free from clutters. The camera that you are using should also be perfect and the camera position should also be in place.

Correct video length: When the correct video length is concerned, LinkedIn recommends it to be less than 15 seconds. This is so because the shorter the video is the more effective it can be. You should also keep in mind that these video may be of maximum 10 minutes but the starting moments must be engaging. This will keep your audience stay to watch your video till the end.

**Grab the viewer’s attention:**Social media platforms are filled with ignorable contents and when it comes to LinkedIn it can be so true. So if you want to grab the attention of your targeted audience then you must make your videos extraordinary. This is only possible when you focus on each and every aspect of the videos. Adding subtitles to your videos can also be an amazing idea to make them more engaging. You can even optimize the length of your video according to the objective that you want to convey.

**Plan the content according to your objective:**It is a good idea to remain up to the objective that you want to convey to your audience. No matter if you want to facilitate consideration or want to spread awareness. If you want to generate some conversions then you can go for making small demos in your videos.

**Go for the best tools:**At last but one of the most important points is to pay attention on the tool that you are using. Although there are a number of tools that can be used but nowadays, Wondershare Filmora Video Editor is the most in the use. Here are some extraordinary features of both the tools:

Features of Filmora:

This one is an easy to use tool that can be used by beginners and less professional people.

Using this tool you can experience latest filters and colors making their perk at the best.

Here you will also get amazing sound effect to make your video stand out.

You can create the videos in just a single click. This is the reason its feature of key framing is immensely popular.

Wondershare Filmora

Get started easily with Filmora’s powerful performance, intuitive interface, and countless effects!

Try It Free Try It Free Try It Free Learn More >


Key Takeaways from This Episode

LinkedIn is an application that has made its popularity amongst the users and advertisers in a very recent and less time. Ads and videos on this application is being loved and watched these days at a rapid rate. As per the increased demand increases a responsibility to meet those demands.

To meet up the demands it is essential that all the technical requirements are fulfilled and also the protocols of the app are followed. This remains crucial and important in the terms of video aspect ratio, resolution, size and dimensions, and a lot more.

If you are uploading your videos and ads on LinkedIn then it is must that they should be engaging and interesting. To make them exciting you may opt for the best practices which also include the use of popular tools. The latest tools like Filmora, Inshot, etc. are laced with all the additional features and make your video perfect for the apps.

Try It Free Try It Free

The written content of LinkedIn has been taken over by the video content these days. Videos created with exceptional features and editing perks are booming amongst the audience.

In this article

01 [What is LinkedIn Video Format?](#Part 1)

02 [Everything You Need to Know About LinkedIn Ad Specs](#Part 2)

03 [5 Types of LinkedIn Ads](#Part 3)

04 [Best 5 LinkedIn Video Practices](#Part 4)

Part 1 What is LinkedIn Video Format?

01Can you post 1920x1080 on LinkedIn?

Yes, videos of 1920 by 1080px can be easily posted on LinkedIn. Moreover, this is the best resolution in which you should post your video. This will provide you the best quality.

02What aspect ratio is best for a LinkedIn video?

Although LinkedIn accepts and allows almost each aspect ratio but the most recommended aspect ratio is 16:This means it should remain between 1.778 and 0.565However, the aspect ratio can vary according to the mode of your video that is horizontal or vertical.

Recommended aspect ratios for LinkedIn videos

Part 2 Everything You Need to Know About LinkedIn Ad Specs

The specs can vary in the case of LinkedIn videos and LinkedIn ads. As the ads are totally different from the videos their specs also become different. Here are some of the specs that you should know when you are creating LinkedIn ads:

Length: The maximum and minimum length of these ad videos are 3 seconds to 30 minutes respectively. However, the most successful video length is up to 15 seconds.

File size and file format: The file size of the ad videos must be a minimum of 75 KB and the maximum it can be of 200 MB. The file format that is supported on the LinkedIn application is MP4.

Audio Format and size: The audio format of these ad videos must be MPEG4 or ACC. If you talk about the audio size then it is recommended not to be more than 64 KHz.

Resolution and aspect ratio: The resolution of these ads can be 360p, 480p, 720p or 1080p. When it comes to the aspect ratio then the best-recommended one is 16:9 for landscape mode and 9:16 for vertical mode.

Video captions and headlines: If you are adding video captions in your ad video, then it must be in SRT format and the headlines should also be under 200 characters. It is recommended to keep the headlines up to maximum of 70 characters.

Part 3 5 types of LinkedIn Ads

LinkedIn provides you with several platforms and types of ad placements. Here mentioned are some of them:

Sponsored messages in LinkedIn: This type of LinkedIn ad was previously termed as sponsored InMail. Through this, you can directly advertise your product or brand in the user’s inbox. However, LinkedIn has set a maximum number of times that your customer can receive the messaging ad. This states that any member of your audience will not receive the ads more than two times in a short span of time. Also, it is estimated that consumers enjoy messaging ads but companies do not interact much with them via sponsored messaging ads.

Sponsored messaging on LinkedIn

Sponsored content: These ads show up in the feed of the LinkedIn user. No matter if they are using it on mobile on desktop. These sponsored contents also have a label of promotion on them. This makes them different from the regular contents. If you are choosing sponsored content then you also get the choice between carousel ads, video ads and images ads.

Sponsored content on LinkedIn

Dynamic ads: These ads are visible on the right rail as you open the LinkedIn. Also this is the best way to speak to your audience through personalization. The users get to see their own personal details as soon these ads pop up on the screen. This can even be changed through the settings so that the details get hidden if the user finds this to be very personal. Dynamic ads are also of two types. One is follower ads and other is sponsored ads.

Dynamic ads video requirements

Text ads: These ads are considered as the best way to build a strong lead amongst the audience. This is also suitable in the terms of professional demographic. These ads are shown on the top and right side of the feed of LinkedIn. Approximately 58% of the companies say that making the lead generation better is the top priority of digital marketing. This is also a good way to manage company’s budget.

Text ad videos

Awareness ads: If you want to make your brand stay on the tips of your audience then it is a good idea to go for awareness ads. These ads build a communication amongst the audience related to your brands, products and services, etc. These awareness ads also boost the engagement, help to gain followers and increase the views.

Awareness ad videos

Part 4 Best 5 LinkedIn Video Practices

**Optimized setup:**To create an excellent video its setup is most important thing. So before you create the video keep in mind that your setup is well organized. Your set up includes lighting, background, camera and its position. Until the lighting is not perfect your video will lack its charm. Often natural lights are the best but artificial lights are also can do the work of perk. Also the background must be free from clutters. The camera that you are using should also be perfect and the camera position should also be in place.

Correct video length: When the correct video length is concerned, LinkedIn recommends it to be less than 15 seconds. This is so because the shorter the video is the more effective it can be. You should also keep in mind that these video may be of maximum 10 minutes but the starting moments must be engaging. This will keep your audience stay to watch your video till the end.

**Grab the viewer’s attention:**Social media platforms are filled with ignorable contents and when it comes to LinkedIn it can be so true. So if you want to grab the attention of your targeted audience then you must make your videos extraordinary. This is only possible when you focus on each and every aspect of the videos. Adding subtitles to your videos can also be an amazing idea to make them more engaging. You can even optimize the length of your video according to the objective that you want to convey.

**Plan the content according to your objective:**It is a good idea to remain up to the objective that you want to convey to your audience. No matter if you want to facilitate consideration or want to spread awareness. If you want to generate some conversions then you can go for making small demos in your videos.

**Go for the best tools:**At last but one of the most important points is to pay attention on the tool that you are using. Although there are a number of tools that can be used but nowadays, Wondershare Filmora Video Editor is the most in the use. Here are some extraordinary features of both the tools:

Features of Filmora:

This one is an easy to use tool that can be used by beginners and less professional people.

Using this tool you can experience latest filters and colors making their perk at the best.

Here you will also get amazing sound effect to make your video stand out.

You can create the videos in just a single click. This is the reason its feature of key framing is immensely popular.

Wondershare Filmora

Get started easily with Filmora’s powerful performance, intuitive interface, and countless effects!

Try It Free Try It Free Try It Free Learn More >


Key Takeaways from This Episode

LinkedIn is an application that has made its popularity amongst the users and advertisers in a very recent and less time. Ads and videos on this application is being loved and watched these days at a rapid rate. As per the increased demand increases a responsibility to meet those demands.

To meet up the demands it is essential that all the technical requirements are fulfilled and also the protocols of the app are followed. This remains crucial and important in the terms of video aspect ratio, resolution, size and dimensions, and a lot more.

If you are uploading your videos and ads on LinkedIn then it is must that they should be engaging and interesting. To make them exciting you may opt for the best practices which also include the use of popular tools. The latest tools like Filmora, Inshot, etc. are laced with all the additional features and make your video perfect for the apps.

Try It Free Try It Free

The written content of LinkedIn has been taken over by the video content these days. Videos created with exceptional features and editing perks are booming amongst the audience.

In this article

01 [What is LinkedIn Video Format?](#Part 1)

02 [Everything You Need to Know About LinkedIn Ad Specs](#Part 2)

03 [5 Types of LinkedIn Ads](#Part 3)

04 [Best 5 LinkedIn Video Practices](#Part 4)

Part 1 What is LinkedIn Video Format?

01Can you post 1920x1080 on LinkedIn?

Yes, videos of 1920 by 1080px can be easily posted on LinkedIn. Moreover, this is the best resolution in which you should post your video. This will provide you the best quality.

02What aspect ratio is best for a LinkedIn video?

Although LinkedIn accepts and allows almost each aspect ratio but the most recommended aspect ratio is 16:This means it should remain between 1.778 and 0.565However, the aspect ratio can vary according to the mode of your video that is horizontal or vertical.

Recommended aspect ratios for LinkedIn videos

Part 2 Everything You Need to Know About LinkedIn Ad Specs

The specs can vary in the case of LinkedIn videos and LinkedIn ads. As the ads are totally different from the videos their specs also become different. Here are some of the specs that you should know when you are creating LinkedIn ads:

Length: The maximum and minimum length of these ad videos are 3 seconds to 30 minutes respectively. However, the most successful video length is up to 15 seconds.

File size and file format: The file size of the ad videos must be a minimum of 75 KB and the maximum it can be of 200 MB. The file format that is supported on the LinkedIn application is MP4.

Audio Format and size: The audio format of these ad videos must be MPEG4 or ACC. If you talk about the audio size then it is recommended not to be more than 64 KHz.

Resolution and aspect ratio: The resolution of these ads can be 360p, 480p, 720p or 1080p. When it comes to the aspect ratio then the best-recommended one is 16:9 for landscape mode and 9:16 for vertical mode.

Video captions and headlines: If you are adding video captions in your ad video, then it must be in SRT format and the headlines should also be under 200 characters. It is recommended to keep the headlines up to maximum of 70 characters.

Part 3 5 types of LinkedIn Ads

LinkedIn provides you with several platforms and types of ad placements. Here mentioned are some of them:

Sponsored messages in LinkedIn: This type of LinkedIn ad was previously termed as sponsored InMail. Through this, you can directly advertise your product or brand in the user’s inbox. However, LinkedIn has set a maximum number of times that your customer can receive the messaging ad. This states that any member of your audience will not receive the ads more than two times in a short span of time. Also, it is estimated that consumers enjoy messaging ads but companies do not interact much with them via sponsored messaging ads.

Sponsored messaging on LinkedIn

Sponsored content: These ads show up in the feed of the LinkedIn user. No matter if they are using it on mobile on desktop. These sponsored contents also have a label of promotion on them. This makes them different from the regular contents. If you are choosing sponsored content then you also get the choice between carousel ads, video ads and images ads.

Sponsored content on LinkedIn

Dynamic ads: These ads are visible on the right rail as you open the LinkedIn. Also this is the best way to speak to your audience through personalization. The users get to see their own personal details as soon these ads pop up on the screen. This can even be changed through the settings so that the details get hidden if the user finds this to be very personal. Dynamic ads are also of two types. One is follower ads and other is sponsored ads.

Dynamic ads video requirements

Text ads: These ads are considered as the best way to build a strong lead amongst the audience. This is also suitable in the terms of professional demographic. These ads are shown on the top and right side of the feed of LinkedIn. Approximately 58% of the companies say that making the lead generation better is the top priority of digital marketing. This is also a good way to manage company’s budget.

Text ad videos

Awareness ads: If you want to make your brand stay on the tips of your audience then it is a good idea to go for awareness ads. These ads build a communication amongst the audience related to your brands, products and services, etc. These awareness ads also boost the engagement, help to gain followers and increase the views.

Awareness ad videos

Part 4 Best 5 LinkedIn Video Practices

**Optimized setup:**To create an excellent video its setup is most important thing. So before you create the video keep in mind that your setup is well organized. Your set up includes lighting, background, camera and its position. Until the lighting is not perfect your video will lack its charm. Often natural lights are the best but artificial lights are also can do the work of perk. Also the background must be free from clutters. The camera that you are using should also be perfect and the camera position should also be in place.

Correct video length: When the correct video length is concerned, LinkedIn recommends it to be less than 15 seconds. This is so because the shorter the video is the more effective it can be. You should also keep in mind that these video may be of maximum 10 minutes but the starting moments must be engaging. This will keep your audience stay to watch your video till the end.

**Grab the viewer’s attention:**Social media platforms are filled with ignorable contents and when it comes to LinkedIn it can be so true. So if you want to grab the attention of your targeted audience then you must make your videos extraordinary. This is only possible when you focus on each and every aspect of the videos. Adding subtitles to your videos can also be an amazing idea to make them more engaging. You can even optimize the length of your video according to the objective that you want to convey.

**Plan the content according to your objective:**It is a good idea to remain up to the objective that you want to convey to your audience. No matter if you want to facilitate consideration or want to spread awareness. If you want to generate some conversions then you can go for making small demos in your videos.

**Go for the best tools:**At last but one of the most important points is to pay attention on the tool that you are using. Although there are a number of tools that can be used but nowadays, Wondershare Filmora Video Editor is the most in the use. Here are some extraordinary features of both the tools:

Features of Filmora:

This one is an easy to use tool that can be used by beginners and less professional people.

Using this tool you can experience latest filters and colors making their perk at the best.

Here you will also get amazing sound effect to make your video stand out.

You can create the videos in just a single click. This is the reason its feature of key framing is immensely popular.

Wondershare Filmora

Get started easily with Filmora’s powerful performance, intuitive interface, and countless effects!

Try It Free Try It Free Try It Free Learn More >


Key Takeaways from This Episode

LinkedIn is an application that has made its popularity amongst the users and advertisers in a very recent and less time. Ads and videos on this application is being loved and watched these days at a rapid rate. As per the increased demand increases a responsibility to meet those demands.

To meet up the demands it is essential that all the technical requirements are fulfilled and also the protocols of the app are followed. This remains crucial and important in the terms of video aspect ratio, resolution, size and dimensions, and a lot more.

If you are uploading your videos and ads on LinkedIn then it is must that they should be engaging and interesting. To make them exciting you may opt for the best practices which also include the use of popular tools. The latest tools like Filmora, Inshot, etc. are laced with all the additional features and make your video perfect for the apps.

Discover the Top iPhone Apps : From Productivity to Entertainment

Best and Most Popular iPhone Apps in 2024

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Richard Bennett

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

Earlier this month, Apple has released its choices for the best app and video games of 2024 and revealed some of the hottest trends on the App Store. Over the years, we’ve seen how apps shape the everyday life of iPhone and iPad users, through innovation, entertainment and creativity.

The current trends on App Store show a growing interest in applications that unleash creativity and make recording images or sounds easier. So, if you are looking for an app that can take you a step closer to becoming a successful podcaster or video content creator , we have great news for you because currently, there are so many powerful apps to choose from. Let’s take a look at some of the best and most popular iPhone apps that left their mark in 2024.

Part 1: The iPhone App of the Year: Spectre Camera

Social networks have made photography more popular than ever. However, the quality of pictures taken with Smartphones still cannot be compared to the quality of images produced on DSLR cameras .

Best App of the Year 2019 for iPhone - Spectre Camera

The iPhone app of the year provides a solution to this issue by employing the latest computational photography techniques. The Spectre Camera is equipped with an AI that can easily create long-exposure photographs, remove crowds from images and detect scenes automatically . The app saves all pictures it takes during a long-exposure and generates live photos by merging all images into a single breathtaking shot.

Optionally, you can apply live effects to each image you take with Spectre Camera if you would like to enhance its colors or highlight a particular detail. Image stabilization features are designed to keep all photos you shoot handheld sharp, while Spectre Camera also offers the automatic tripod detection option. The app’s machine learning algorithms detect scenes and provide all the help you need to produce professional-looking photos with your iPhone.

As the popularity of social media platforms continues to grow, so does the demand for photo and video applications that are compatible with iOS devices. That’s why it is hardly surprising that Spectre Camera is the iPhone app of the year because it is packed with industry-leading technologies that simplify the image-taking process.

You can check the detailed review below of Spectre Camera App from YouTube Channel TinyShutter to learn more.

Besides the best app for iPhone of the year, Apple also picked up some most trending apps for simplifying and empowering storytelling. Here is the complete list of these apps.

App Trend of 2024 Publisher Category App Size Price Ratings User Rating System Requirement
1 Second Everyday: Video Diary 1 Second Everyday Inc. Photo & Video 132.4 MB Free, In-App Purchases 30.6K 4.8 Requires iOS11.2 or later
24FPS - Video Filter & LUT Polarr.Inc Photo & Video 89.9 MB Free, In-App Purchases 943 4.7 Requires iOS 12.0 or later
Anchor Anchor FM INC News 109.6 MB Free 40K 4.8 Requires iOS 11.0 or later
Canva: Stories & Video Maker Canva Pty Ltd Photo & Video 309.2 MB Free 1.4K 4.8 Requiers iOS 11.03 or later
Filmr - Video Editor & Filter Stei App,ltda Photo & Video 203.6 MB Free, In-App Purchases 4.9K 4.5 Requires iOS.11.0 or later
FlipaClip: Cartoon Animation Visual Blasters LLC Entertainment 109.5 MB Free,In-App Purchases 51K 4.6 Requiers iOS 10.0 or later
快手 (Kwai - Video Social Network) JOYO TECHNOLOGY PTE.LTD Photo & Video 235.8 MB Free,In-App Purchases 13.5K 4.5 Requires iOS 9.0 or later
Lifecake Family & Baby Photos Lifecake Ltd. Lifestyle 114.3 MB Free,In-App Purchases 27K 4.8 Requires iOS 12.0 or later
Magisto Video Editor Vimeo, Inc. Photo & Video 194.2 MB Free, In-App Purchases 79.4K 4.6 Requires iOS 11.0 or later
Mojo - Stories Editor Archery Inc. Photo & Video 98.5 MB Free, In-App Purchases 15.6K 4.9 Requires iOS 11.4 or later
Nizo Image Mechanics Pty Ltd. Photo & Video 29.5 MB $4.99 78 4.5 Requires iOS 11.0 or later
Noisy Book Lunen Digital Ltd. Books 244.5 MB Free, In-App Purchases 20 3.8 Requires iOS 13.0 or later
Over: Design/Flyer/Story Maker Over, Inc. Photo & Video 262.8 MB Free, In-App Purchases 59.3K 4.8 Requires iOS 11.0 or later
Spark Camera - Video Editor Dayworks Photo & Video 229.6 MB Free, In-App Purchases 5.6K 4.8 Requires iOS 11.1 or later
Steller Expedition Travel Advisor, Inc. Photo & Video 74.4 MB Free, In-App Purchases 773 4.8 Requires iOS 9.0 or later
StoryBoost: Story Editor Lightricks Ltd. Photo & Video 208.4 MB Free, In-App Purchases 575 4.5 Requires iOS 11.0 or later
Tayasui Sketches Productivity 326.9 MB Free, In-App Purchases 22.4K 4.6 Requires iOS 9.0 or later
Typic 2: Fonts & Text on Photo Hi Mom S.A.S Photo & Video 408.7 MB Free, In-App Purchases 588 4.5 Requires iOS 12.1 or later
Unfold — Create Stories Unfold Creative, LLC Photo & Video 152.9 MB Free, In-App Purchases 89.5K 4.9 Requires iOS 10.0 or later
Vostok Dmitry Mashkin Photo & Video 121 MB $0.99 4 5 Requires iOS 12.0 or later
VUE - Video Camera and Editor VUE VIDEO CO., LTD. Photo & Video 155.3 MB Free, In-App Purchases 617 4.9 Requires iOS 9.0 or later
Wattpad Wattpad Corp Books 154.2 MB Free, In-App Purchases 286.4K 4.7 Requires iOS 10.0 or later
WIDE Xiamen Meitu Technology Photo & Video 158.6 MB Free 10K 4.9 Requires iOS 9.0 or later

Apps from gaming, entertainment, and books categories were gaining momentum throughout the year, but the photo and video category that makes the storytelling easier is by far the most popular. If you are looking to record voices , create podcasts , take photos or record videos, you’ll find the app that meets all your demands effortlessly. Here are some of the most popular apps from the Photo & Video category on the App Store in 2024.

1. Canva: Stories and Video Maker

Price: Free

Supported OS: Requires iOS 11.03 or later

Trending Apps in 2019 for iPhone - Canva: Stories and Video Maker

Building social media following can be a daunting task if you don’t have the right tools. Canva: Stories and Video Maker enables you to design stories you share on Facebook, Snapchat, and Instagram. The app offers a selection of more than 700 story templates that are organized into categories such as Food, Business or Travel and it lets you choose photo templates for all images you want to publish on social media. In addition, this iPhone app, features a set of video editing tools, so that you can use different templates to edit them or trim and preview each video before exporting it from the Canva: Stories and Video Maker.

2. Magisto

Price: Free, but offers in-app purchases

Supported OS: Requires iOS 11.0 or later

Trending Apps in 2019 for iPhone - Magisto

In 2017, Magisto was selected as the number one video editing app for iPhones and a few years later it is still one of the best apps in this category on the App Store. Digital marketers who don’t have the skills or the time to edit their videos with professional video editing software can benefit from this AI-powered editor. In order to create a new video, you just have to choose a video editing style such as kids or pets, import the media assets into your project and let Magisto work its magic. If you opt for the monthly Business subscription plan you will gain access to more than 3 million stock videos and 25 million photos.

3. Mojo

Price: Free, but offers in-app purchases

Supported OS: Requires iOS 11.4 or later

Trending Apps in 2019 for iPhone - Mojo Stories Editor

The 4.9 User Rating on more than 15.000 reviews speaks volumes about Mojo’s capabilities. Even the free version of the app lets you choose from more than a hundred fully customizable templates. So, once you pick an animated template you just have to add the video and audio files you want to include in the final version of the video and wait for Mojo to generate a new story you can share on social media. However, you must upgrade to the pro version of the app if you want to choose the aspect ratio for all videos you edit with this app or be able to use all of the text styles and templates Mojo offers.

4. Over: Design/Flyers/Story Maker

Price: Free, but offers in-app purchases

Supported OS: Requires iOS 11.0 or later

Trending Apps in 2019 for iPhone - Over: Design/Flyer/Story Maker

Producing brand content that drives the sales of the products and services your company offers doesn’t have to take hours or even days of hard work. In fact, if you install Over on your iPhone you can add logos, text layers and other graphic elements to photos and videos in just a few quick taps. There are hundreds of templates and fonts to choose from, and you can use any of them to design a flyer, a poster or a social media post. Sharing your creations to social networks directly from the app won’t take much more than a few moments of your time, which makes Over a perfect choice if you want to produce and share new content regularly.

5. Spark Camera

Price: Free, but offers in-app purchases

Supported OS: Requires iOS 11.1 or later

Trending Apps in 2019 for iPhone - Spark Camera & Video Editor

Apple included the Spark Camera app in their selection of the best storytelling apps in 2024, and a brief look at the app’s features shows why. Besides recording videos in Full HD and 4K resolutions you can also use Spark Camera to create voiceovers, remove any segment of a video clip you want or change a clip’s playback speed. In addition, you can set the preferred frame rate for each video you record with Spark Camera and utilize its image stabilization options while shooting under difficult light conditions. Applying a filter to a video you recorded with this app requires you to just swipe left or right while you can adjust their intensity by simply moving your finger up or down.

6. Steller

Price: Free, but offers in-app purchases

Supported OS: Requires iOS 9.0 or later

Trending Apps in 2019 for iPhone - Steller Discover·Create·Share Stories

It has already been five years since Steller was named as one of the best apps on the App Store by Apple, but very little has changed in the meantime. You don’t have to be a professional storyteller in order to create engaging visual stories with this app since you can select a theme you like and let Steller do all the heavy lifting for you. There just ten text styles to choose from and the app doesn’t offer even the basic video editing tools, which limits your options throughout the video editing process. Nonetheless, you can share all video content you edit with Steller directly to your Instagram Stories.

7. Unfold

Price: Free, but offers in-app purchases

Supported OS: Requires iOS 10.0 or later

Trending Apps in 2019 for iPhone - Unfold  Story Editor & Collage Maker

Creating Facebook or Instagram Stories that attract the attention of thousands of daily viewers is what Unfold does best. You can apply ten different filters and effects to all videos you record with this app and then choose from over 150 video templates. Unfold also grants you access to advanced text tools that enable you to customize the messages you want to distribute through social media channels. The free version of Unfold offers only a limited range of options, and you must upgrade to Unfold+ if you want to access all of the themes, fonts, and stickers this app provides. Despite the great user rating, Unfold still lacks video and audio editing tools that would allow its users to manipulate their footage without any restrictions.

8. 24 FPS – Video Filter & LUT

Price: Free, but offers in-app purchases

Supported OS: Requires iOS 12.0 or later

Trending Apps in 2019 for iPhone - 24FPS - Video Filter & LUT

iPhone owners in need of a video editing app that allows them to record and edit their footage with professional tools should consider installing 24 FPS. In addition to excellent video recording capabilities, this app features a plethora of options you can use to enhance the colors in the videos you edit. Importing LUTs into 24 FPS is a routine operation that can reduce the amount of time you have to spend on giving a video a particular cinematic style. Skin-thinning and skin smoothing filters enable you to beautify the people in your videos and make them more visually appealing to the online audience. The app’s video editor also contains audio editing options that make creating a video’s soundtrack fun and enjoyable.

9. VUE – Video Camera and Editor

Price: Free, but offers in-app purchases

Supported OS: Requires iOS 9.0 or later

Trending Apps in 2019 for iPhone - VUE - Video Camera and Editor

Recording and editing social media videos from your iPhone enables you to produce visually impressive content wherever you are. An app like Vue is a perfect option if you don’t want to post unedited footage on your social media accounts, but don’t have the time to use a professional video editing software. Besides offering more than twenty filters, Vue also lets you change a video’s playback speed, merge or split multiple clips and enhance the colors of each clip you edit. The seemingly endless library of royalty-free songs offers you all the resources you are going to need while creating a soundtrack for your video, and you can also control the volume of video’s original sound and audio files you added to a project.

10 1 Second Every Day: Video Diary

Price: Free, but offers in-app purchases

Supported OS: Requires iOS11.2

Trending Apps in 2019 for iPhone - 1 Second Everyday: Video Diary

Simple, routine activities like capturing a single moment every day can help you create a collection of all the exciting things you do on a daily basis. 1 Second Every Day app is designed to help you create a video diary that sums up the most important moments of your day. You can either create Freestyle videos you take at different types of events and your journeys or capture standard Timeline videos that have the form of a classic video diary. The app can also auto-fill your timeline if you are struggling to find a good idea for your daily diary entry, and it supports unlimited mashing so that you can combine videos over a five-year or one-month period without any video length restrictions.


According to Apple, some of the most popular apps for the iPhone are built for storytellers, and this trend is going to continue in 2024 as the demand for video content can only increase. Consequently, some of the best iOS apps can be found in the Photo & Video category as they provide the tools that simplify the process of creating social media videos. Which app are you using to create your stories? Leave a comment and let us know.

author avatar

Richard Bennett

Richard Bennett is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Richard Bennett

Richard Bennett

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

Earlier this month, Apple has released its choices for the best app and video games of 2024 and revealed some of the hottest trends on the App Store. Over the years, we’ve seen how apps shape the everyday life of iPhone and iPad users, through innovation, entertainment and creativity.

The current trends on App Store show a growing interest in applications that unleash creativity and make recording images or sounds easier. So, if you are looking for an app that can take you a step closer to becoming a successful podcaster or video content creator , we have great news for you because currently, there are so many powerful apps to choose from. Let’s take a look at some of the best and most popular iPhone apps that left their mark in 2024.

Part 1: The iPhone App of the Year: Spectre Camera

Social networks have made photography more popular than ever. However, the quality of pictures taken with Smartphones still cannot be compared to the quality of images produced on DSLR cameras .

Best App of the Year 2019 for iPhone - Spectre Camera

The iPhone app of the year provides a solution to this issue by employing the latest computational photography techniques. The Spectre Camera is equipped with an AI that can easily create long-exposure photographs, remove crowds from images and detect scenes automatically . The app saves all pictures it takes during a long-exposure and generates live photos by merging all images into a single breathtaking shot.

Optionally, you can apply live effects to each image you take with Spectre Camera if you would like to enhance its colors or highlight a particular detail. Image stabilization features are designed to keep all photos you shoot handheld sharp, while Spectre Camera also offers the automatic tripod detection option. The app’s machine learning algorithms detect scenes and provide all the help you need to produce professional-looking photos with your iPhone.

As the popularity of social media platforms continues to grow, so does the demand for photo and video applications that are compatible with iOS devices. That’s why it is hardly surprising that Spectre Camera is the iPhone app of the year because it is packed with industry-leading technologies that simplify the image-taking process.

You can check the detailed review below of Spectre Camera App from YouTube Channel TinyShutter to learn more.

Besides the best app for iPhone of the year, Apple also picked up some most trending apps for simplifying and empowering storytelling. Here is the complete list of these apps.

App Trend of 2024 Publisher Category App Size Price Ratings User Rating System Requirement
1 Second Everyday: Video Diary 1 Second Everyday Inc. Photo & Video 132.4 MB Free, In-App Purchases 30.6K 4.8 Requires iOS11.2 or later
24FPS - Video Filter & LUT Polarr.Inc Photo & Video 89.9 MB Free, In-App Purchases 943 4.7 Requires iOS 12.0 or later
Anchor Anchor FM INC News 109.6 MB Free 40K 4.8 Requires iOS 11.0 or later
Canva: Stories & Video Maker Canva Pty Ltd Photo & Video 309.2 MB Free 1.4K 4.8 Requiers iOS 11.03 or later
Filmr - Video Editor & Filter Stei App,ltda Photo & Video 203.6 MB Free, In-App Purchases 4.9K 4.5 Requires iOS.11.0 or later
FlipaClip: Cartoon Animation Visual Blasters LLC Entertainment 109.5 MB Free,In-App Purchases 51K 4.6 Requiers iOS 10.0 or later
快手 (Kwai - Video Social Network) JOYO TECHNOLOGY PTE.LTD Photo & Video 235.8 MB Free,In-App Purchases 13.5K 4.5 Requires iOS 9.0 or later
Lifecake Family & Baby Photos Lifecake Ltd. Lifestyle 114.3 MB Free,In-App Purchases 27K 4.8 Requires iOS 12.0 or later
Magisto Video Editor Vimeo, Inc. Photo & Video 194.2 MB Free, In-App Purchases 79.4K 4.6 Requires iOS 11.0 or later
Mojo - Stories Editor Archery Inc. Photo & Video 98.5 MB Free, In-App Purchases 15.6K 4.9 Requires iOS 11.4 or later
Nizo Image Mechanics Pty Ltd. Photo & Video 29.5 MB $4.99 78 4.5 Requires iOS 11.0 or later
Noisy Book Lunen Digital Ltd. Books 244.5 MB Free, In-App Purchases 20 3.8 Requires iOS 13.0 or later
Over: Design/Flyer/Story Maker Over, Inc. Photo & Video 262.8 MB Free, In-App Purchases 59.3K 4.8 Requires iOS 11.0 or later
Spark Camera - Video Editor Dayworks Photo & Video 229.6 MB Free, In-App Purchases 5.6K 4.8 Requires iOS 11.1 or later
Steller Expedition Travel Advisor, Inc. Photo & Video 74.4 MB Free, In-App Purchases 773 4.8 Requires iOS 9.0 or later
StoryBoost: Story Editor Lightricks Ltd. Photo & Video 208.4 MB Free, In-App Purchases 575 4.5 Requires iOS 11.0 or later
Tayasui Sketches Productivity 326.9 MB Free, In-App Purchases 22.4K 4.6 Requires iOS 9.0 or later
Typic 2: Fonts & Text on Photo Hi Mom S.A.S Photo & Video 408.7 MB Free, In-App Purchases 588 4.5 Requires iOS 12.1 or later
Unfold — Create Stories Unfold Creative, LLC Photo & Video 152.9 MB Free, In-App Purchases 89.5K 4.9 Requires iOS 10.0 or later
Vostok Dmitry Mashkin Photo & Video 121 MB $0.99 4 5 Requires iOS 12.0 or later
VUE - Video Camera and Editor VUE VIDEO CO., LTD. Photo & Video 155.3 MB Free, In-App Purchases 617 4.9 Requires iOS 9.0 or later
Wattpad Wattpad Corp Books 154.2 MB Free, In-App Purchases 286.4K 4.7 Requires iOS 10.0 or later
WIDE Xiamen Meitu Technology Photo & Video 158.6 MB Free 10K 4.9 Requires iOS 9.0 or later

Apps from gaming, entertainment, and books categories were gaining momentum throughout the year, but the photo and video category that makes the storytelling easier is by far the most popular. If you are looking to record voices , create podcasts , take photos or record videos, you’ll find the app that meets all your demands effortlessly. Here are some of the most popular apps from the Photo & Video category on the App Store in 2024.

1. Canva: Stories and Video Maker

Price: Free

Supported OS: Requires iOS 11.03 or later

Trending Apps in 2019 for iPhone - Canva: Stories and Video Maker

Building social media following can be a daunting task if you don’t have the right tools. Canva: Stories and Video Maker enables you to design stories you share on Facebook, Snapchat, and Instagram. The app offers a selection of more than 700 story templates that are organized into categories such as Food, Business or Travel and it lets you choose photo templates for all images you want to publish on social media. In addition, this iPhone app, features a set of video editing tools, so that you can use different templates to edit them or trim and preview each video before exporting it from the Canva: Stories and Video Maker.

2. Magisto

Price: Free, but offers in-app purchases

Supported OS: Requires iOS 11.0 or later

Trending Apps in 2019 for iPhone - Magisto

In 2017, Magisto was selected as the number one video editing app for iPhones and a few years later it is still one of the best apps in this category on the App Store. Digital marketers who don’t have the skills or the time to edit their videos with professional video editing software can benefit from this AI-powered editor. In order to create a new video, you just have to choose a video editing style such as kids or pets, import the media assets into your project and let Magisto work its magic. If you opt for the monthly Business subscription plan you will gain access to more than 3 million stock videos and 25 million photos.

3. Mojo

Price: Free, but offers in-app purchases

Supported OS: Requires iOS 11.4 or later

Trending Apps in 2019 for iPhone - Mojo Stories Editor

The 4.9 User Rating on more than 15.000 reviews speaks volumes about Mojo’s capabilities. Even the free version of the app lets you choose from more than a hundred fully customizable templates. So, once you pick an animated template you just have to add the video and audio files you want to include in the final version of the video and wait for Mojo to generate a new story you can share on social media. However, you must upgrade to the pro version of the app if you want to choose the aspect ratio for all videos you edit with this app or be able to use all of the text styles and templates Mojo offers.

4. Over: Design/Flyers/Story Maker

Price: Free, but offers in-app purchases

Supported OS: Requires iOS 11.0 or later

Trending Apps in 2019 for iPhone - Over: Design/Flyer/Story Maker

Producing brand content that drives the sales of the products and services your company offers doesn’t have to take hours or even days of hard work. In fact, if you install Over on your iPhone you can add logos, text layers and other graphic elements to photos and videos in just a few quick taps. There are hundreds of templates and fonts to choose from, and you can use any of them to design a flyer, a poster or a social media post. Sharing your creations to social networks directly from the app won’t take much more than a few moments of your time, which makes Over a perfect choice if you want to produce and share new content regularly.

5. Spark Camera

Price: Free, but offers in-app purchases

Supported OS: Requires iOS 11.1 or later

Trending Apps in 2019 for iPhone - Spark Camera & Video Editor

Apple included the Spark Camera app in their selection of the best storytelling apps in 2024, and a brief look at the app’s features shows why. Besides recording videos in Full HD and 4K resolutions you can also use Spark Camera to create voiceovers, remove any segment of a video clip you want or change a clip’s playback speed. In addition, you can set the preferred frame rate for each video you record with Spark Camera and utilize its image stabilization options while shooting under difficult light conditions. Applying a filter to a video you recorded with this app requires you to just swipe left or right while you can adjust their intensity by simply moving your finger up or down.

6. Steller

Price: Free, but offers in-app purchases

Supported OS: Requires iOS 9.0 or later

Trending Apps in 2019 for iPhone - Steller Discover·Create·Share Stories

It has already been five years since Steller was named as one of the best apps on the App Store by Apple, but very little has changed in the meantime. You don’t have to be a professional storyteller in order to create engaging visual stories with this app since you can select a theme you like and let Steller do all the heavy lifting for you. There just ten text styles to choose from and the app doesn’t offer even the basic video editing tools, which limits your options throughout the video editing process. Nonetheless, you can share all video content you edit with Steller directly to your Instagram Stories.

7. Unfold

Price: Free, but offers in-app purchases

Supported OS: Requires iOS 10.0 or later

Trending Apps in 2019 for iPhone - Unfold  Story Editor & Collage Maker

Creating Facebook or Instagram Stories that attract the attention of thousands of daily viewers is what Unfold does best. You can apply ten different filters and effects to all videos you record with this app and then choose from over 150 video templates. Unfold also grants you access to advanced text tools that enable you to customize the messages you want to distribute through social media channels. The free version of Unfold offers only a limited range of options, and you must upgrade to Unfold+ if you want to access all of the themes, fonts, and stickers this app provides. Despite the great user rating, Unfold still lacks video and audio editing tools that would allow its users to manipulate their footage without any restrictions.

8. 24 FPS – Video Filter & LUT

Price: Free, but offers in-app purchases

Supported OS: Requires iOS 12.0 or later

Trending Apps in 2019 for iPhone - 24FPS - Video Filter & LUT

iPhone owners in need of a video editing app that allows them to record and edit their footage with professional tools should consider installing 24 FPS. In addition to excellent video recording capabilities, this app features a plethora of options you can use to enhance the colors in the videos you edit. Importing LUTs into 24 FPS is a routine operation that can reduce the amount of time you have to spend on giving a video a particular cinematic style. Skin-thinning and skin smoothing filters enable you to beautify the people in your videos and make them more visually appealing to the online audience. The app’s video editor also contains audio editing options that make creating a video’s soundtrack fun and enjoyable.

9. VUE – Video Camera and Editor

Price: Free, but offers in-app purchases

Supported OS: Requires iOS 9.0 or later

Trending Apps in 2019 for iPhone - VUE - Video Camera and Editor

Recording and editing social media videos from your iPhone enables you to produce visually impressive content wherever you are. An app like Vue is a perfect option if you don’t want to post unedited footage on your social media accounts, but don’t have the time to use a professional video editing software. Besides offering more than twenty filters, Vue also lets you change a video’s playback speed, merge or split multiple clips and enhance the colors of each clip you edit. The seemingly endless library of royalty-free songs offers you all the resources you are going to need while creating a soundtrack for your video, and you can also control the volume of video’s original sound and audio files you added to a project.

10 1 Second Every Day: Video Diary

Price: Free, but offers in-app purchases

Supported OS: Requires iOS11.2

Trending Apps in 2019 for iPhone - 1 Second Everyday: Video Diary

Simple, routine activities like capturing a single moment every day can help you create a collection of all the exciting things you do on a daily basis. 1 Second Every Day app is designed to help you create a video diary that sums up the most important moments of your day. You can either create Freestyle videos you take at different types of events and your journeys or capture standard Timeline videos that have the form of a classic video diary. The app can also auto-fill your timeline if you are struggling to find a good idea for your daily diary entry, and it supports unlimited mashing so that you can combine videos over a five-year or one-month period without any video length restrictions.


According to Apple, some of the most popular apps for the iPhone are built for storytellers, and this trend is going to continue in 2024 as the demand for video content can only increase. Consequently, some of the best iOS apps can be found in the Photo & Video category as they provide the tools that simplify the process of creating social media videos. Which app are you using to create your stories? Leave a comment and let us know.

author avatar

Richard Bennett

Richard Bennett is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Richard Bennett

Richard Bennett

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

Earlier this month, Apple has released its choices for the best app and video games of 2024 and revealed some of the hottest trends on the App Store. Over the years, we’ve seen how apps shape the everyday life of iPhone and iPad users, through innovation, entertainment and creativity.

The current trends on App Store show a growing interest in applications that unleash creativity and make recording images or sounds easier. So, if you are looking for an app that can take you a step closer to becoming a successful podcaster or video content creator , we have great news for you because currently, there are so many powerful apps to choose from. Let’s take a look at some of the best and most popular iPhone apps that left their mark in 2024.

Part 1: The iPhone App of the Year: Spectre Camera

Social networks have made photography more popular than ever. However, the quality of pictures taken with Smartphones still cannot be compared to the quality of images produced on DSLR cameras .

Best App of the Year 2019 for iPhone - Spectre Camera

The iPhone app of the year provides a solution to this issue by employing the latest computational photography techniques. The Spectre Camera is equipped with an AI that can easily create long-exposure photographs, remove crowds from images and detect scenes automatically . The app saves all pictures it takes during a long-exposure and generates live photos by merging all images into a single breathtaking shot.

Optionally, you can apply live effects to each image you take with Spectre Camera if you would like to enhance its colors or highlight a particular detail. Image stabilization features are designed to keep all photos you shoot handheld sharp, while Spectre Camera also offers the automatic tripod detection option. The app’s machine learning algorithms detect scenes and provide all the help you need to produce professional-looking photos with your iPhone.

As the popularity of social media platforms continues to grow, so does the demand for photo and video applications that are compatible with iOS devices. That’s why it is hardly surprising that Spectre Camera is the iPhone app of the year because it is packed with industry-leading technologies that simplify the image-taking process.

You can check the detailed review below of Spectre Camera App from YouTube Channel TinyShutter to learn more.

Besides the best app for iPhone of the year, Apple also picked up some most trending apps for simplifying and empowering storytelling. Here is the complete list of these apps.

App Trend of 2024 Publisher Category App Size Price Ratings User Rating System Requirement
1 Second Everyday: Video Diary 1 Second Everyday Inc. Photo & Video 132.4 MB Free, In-App Purchases 30.6K 4.8 Requires iOS11.2 or later
24FPS - Video Filter & LUT Polarr.Inc Photo & Video 89.9 MB Free, In-App Purchases 943 4.7 Requires iOS 12.0 or later
Anchor Anchor FM INC News 109.6 MB Free 40K 4.8 Requires iOS 11.0 or later
Canva: Stories & Video Maker Canva Pty Ltd Photo & Video 309.2 MB Free 1.4K 4.8 Requiers iOS 11.03 or later
Filmr - Video Editor & Filter Stei App,ltda Photo & Video 203.6 MB Free, In-App Purchases 4.9K 4.5 Requires iOS.11.0 or later
FlipaClip: Cartoon Animation Visual Blasters LLC Entertainment 109.5 MB Free,In-App Purchases 51K 4.6 Requiers iOS 10.0 or later
快手 (Kwai - Video Social Network) JOYO TECHNOLOGY PTE.LTD Photo & Video 235.8 MB Free,In-App Purchases 13.5K 4.5 Requires iOS 9.0 or later
Lifecake Family & Baby Photos Lifecake Ltd. Lifestyle 114.3 MB Free,In-App Purchases 27K 4.8 Requires iOS 12.0 or later
Magisto Video Editor Vimeo, Inc. Photo & Video 194.2 MB Free, In-App Purchases 79.4K 4.6 Requires iOS 11.0 or later
Mojo - Stories Editor Archery Inc. Photo & Video 98.5 MB Free, In-App Purchases 15.6K 4.9 Requires iOS 11.4 or later
Nizo Image Mechanics Pty Ltd. Photo & Video 29.5 MB $4.99 78 4.5 Requires iOS 11.0 or later
Noisy Book Lunen Digital Ltd. Books 244.5 MB Free, In-App Purchases 20 3.8 Requires iOS 13.0 or later
Over: Design/Flyer/Story Maker Over, Inc. Photo & Video 262.8 MB Free, In-App Purchases 59.3K 4.8 Requires iOS 11.0 or later
Spark Camera - Video Editor Dayworks Photo & Video 229.6 MB Free, In-App Purchases 5.6K 4.8 Requires iOS 11.1 or later
Steller Expedition Travel Advisor, Inc. Photo & Video 74.4 MB Free, In-App Purchases 773 4.8 Requires iOS 9.0 or later
StoryBoost: Story Editor Lightricks Ltd. Photo & Video 208.4 MB Free, In-App Purchases 575 4.5 Requires iOS 11.0 or later
Tayasui Sketches Productivity 326.9 MB Free, In-App Purchases 22.4K 4.6 Requires iOS 9.0 or later
Typic 2: Fonts & Text on Photo Hi Mom S.A.S Photo & Video 408.7 MB Free, In-App Purchases 588 4.5 Requires iOS 12.1 or later
Unfold — Create Stories Unfold Creative, LLC Photo & Video 152.9 MB Free, In-App Purchases 89.5K 4.9 Requires iOS 10.0 or later
Vostok Dmitry Mashkin Photo & Video 121 MB $0.99 4 5 Requires iOS 12.0 or later
VUE - Video Camera and Editor VUE VIDEO CO., LTD. Photo & Video 155.3 MB Free, In-App Purchases 617 4.9 Requires iOS 9.0 or later
Wattpad Wattpad Corp Books 154.2 MB Free, In-App Purchases 286.4K 4.7 Requires iOS 10.0 or later
WIDE Xiamen Meitu Technology Photo & Video 158.6 MB Free 10K 4.9 Requires iOS 9.0 or later

Apps from gaming, entertainment, and books categories were gaining momentum throughout the year, but the photo and video category that makes the storytelling easier is by far the most popular. If you are looking to record voices , create podcasts , take photos or record videos, you’ll find the app that meets all your demands effortlessly. Here are some of the most popular apps from the Photo & Video category on the App Store in 2024.

1. Canva: Stories and Video Maker

Price: Free

Supported OS: Requires iOS 11.03 or later

Trending Apps in 2019 for iPhone - Canva: Stories and Video Maker

Building social media following can be a daunting task if you don’t have the right tools. Canva: Stories and Video Maker enables you to design stories you share on Facebook, Snapchat, and Instagram. The app offers a selection of more than 700 story templates that are organized into categories such as Food, Business or Travel and it lets you choose photo templates for all images you want to publish on social media. In addition, this iPhone app, features a set of video editing tools, so that you can use different templates to edit them or trim and preview each video before exporting it from the Canva: Stories and Video Maker.

2. Magisto

Price: Free, but offers in-app purchases

Supported OS: Requires iOS 11.0 or later

Trending Apps in 2019 for iPhone - Magisto

In 2017, Magisto was selected as the number one video editing app for iPhones and a few years later it is still one of the best apps in this category on the App Store. Digital marketers who don’t have the skills or the time to edit their videos with professional video editing software can benefit from this AI-powered editor. In order to create a new video, you just have to choose a video editing style such as kids or pets, import the media assets into your project and let Magisto work its magic. If you opt for the monthly Business subscription plan you will gain access to more than 3 million stock videos and 25 million photos.

3. Mojo

Price: Free, but offers in-app purchases

Supported OS: Requires iOS 11.4 or later

Trending Apps in 2019 for iPhone - Mojo Stories Editor

The 4.9 User Rating on more than 15.000 reviews speaks volumes about Mojo’s capabilities. Even the free version of the app lets you choose from more than a hundred fully customizable templates. So, once you pick an animated template you just have to add the video and audio files you want to include in the final version of the video and wait for Mojo to generate a new story you can share on social media. However, you must upgrade to the pro version of the app if you want to choose the aspect ratio for all videos you edit with this app or be able to use all of the text styles and templates Mojo offers.

4. Over: Design/Flyers/Story Maker

Price: Free, but offers in-app purchases

Supported OS: Requires iOS 11.0 or later

Trending Apps in 2019 for iPhone - Over: Design/Flyer/Story Maker

Producing brand content that drives the sales of the products and services your company offers doesn’t have to take hours or even days of hard work. In fact, if you install Over on your iPhone you can add logos, text layers and other graphic elements to photos and videos in just a few quick taps. There are hundreds of templates and fonts to choose from, and you can use any of them to design a flyer, a poster or a social media post. Sharing your creations to social networks directly from the app won’t take much more than a few moments of your time, which makes Over a perfect choice if you want to produce and share new content regularly.

5. Spark Camera

Price: Free, but offers in-app purchases

Supported OS: Requires iOS 11.1 or later

Trending Apps in 2019 for iPhone - Spark Camera & Video Editor

Apple included the Spark Camera app in their selection of the best storytelling apps in 2024, and a brief look at the app’s features shows why. Besides recording videos in Full HD and 4K resolutions you can also use Spark Camera to create voiceovers, remove any segment of a video clip you want or change a clip’s playback speed. In addition, you can set the preferred frame rate for each video you record with Spark Camera and utilize its image stabilization options while shooting under difficult light conditions. Applying a filter to a video you recorded with this app requires you to just swipe left or right while you can adjust their intensity by simply moving your finger up or down.

6. Steller

Price: Free, but offers in-app purchases

Supported OS: Requires iOS 9.0 or later

Trending Apps in 2019 for iPhone - Steller Discover·Create·Share Stories

It has already been five years since Steller was named as one of the best apps on the App Store by Apple, but very little has changed in the meantime. You don’t have to be a professional storyteller in order to create engaging visual stories with this app since you can select a theme you like and let Steller do all the heavy lifting for you. There just ten text styles to choose from and the app doesn’t offer even the basic video editing tools, which limits your options throughout the video editing process. Nonetheless, you can share all video content you edit with Steller directly to your Instagram Stories.

7. Unfold

Price: Free, but offers in-app purchases

Supported OS: Requires iOS 10.0 or later

Trending Apps in 2019 for iPhone - Unfold  Story Editor & Collage Maker

Creating Facebook or Instagram Stories that attract the attention of thousands of daily viewers is what Unfold does best. You can apply ten different filters and effects to all videos you record with this app and then choose from over 150 video templates. Unfold also grants you access to advanced text tools that enable you to customize the messages you want to distribute through social media channels. The free version of Unfold offers only a limited range of options, and you must upgrade to Unfold+ if you want to access all of the themes, fonts, and stickers this app provides. Despite the great user rating, Unfold still lacks video and audio editing tools that would allow its users to manipulate their footage without any restrictions.

8. 24 FPS – Video Filter & LUT

Price: Free, but offers in-app purchases

Supported OS: Requires iOS 12.0 or later

Trending Apps in 2019 for iPhone - 24FPS - Video Filter & LUT

iPhone owners in need of a video editing app that allows them to record and edit their footage with professional tools should consider installing 24 FPS. In addition to excellent video recording capabilities, this app features a plethora of options you can use to enhance the colors in the videos you edit. Importing LUTs into 24 FPS is a routine operation that can reduce the amount of time you have to spend on giving a video a particular cinematic style. Skin-thinning and skin smoothing filters enable you to beautify the people in your videos and make them more visually appealing to the online audience. The app’s video editor also contains audio editing options that make creating a video’s soundtrack fun and enjoyable.

9. VUE – Video Camera and Editor

Price: Free, but offers in-app purchases

Supported OS: Requires iOS 9.0 or later

Trending Apps in 2019 for iPhone - VUE - Video Camera and Editor

Recording and editing social media videos from your iPhone enables you to produce visually impressive content wherever you are. An app like Vue is a perfect option if you don’t want to post unedited footage on your social media accounts, but don’t have the time to use a professional video editing software. Besides offering more than twenty filters, Vue also lets you change a video’s playback speed, merge or split multiple clips and enhance the colors of each clip you edit. The seemingly endless library of royalty-free songs offers you all the resources you are going to need while creating a soundtrack for your video, and you can also control the volume of video’s original sound and audio files you added to a project.

10 1 Second Every Day: Video Diary

Price: Free, but offers in-app purchases

Supported OS: Requires iOS11.2

Trending Apps in 2019 for iPhone - 1 Second Everyday: Video Diary

Simple, routine activities like capturing a single moment every day can help you create a collection of all the exciting things you do on a daily basis. 1 Second Every Day app is designed to help you create a video diary that sums up the most important moments of your day. You can either create Freestyle videos you take at different types of events and your journeys or capture standard Timeline videos that have the form of a classic video diary. The app can also auto-fill your timeline if you are struggling to find a good idea for your daily diary entry, and it supports unlimited mashing so that you can combine videos over a five-year or one-month period without any video length restrictions.


According to Apple, some of the most popular apps for the iPhone are built for storytellers, and this trend is going to continue in 2024 as the demand for video content can only increase. Consequently, some of the best iOS apps can be found in the Photo & Video category as they provide the tools that simplify the process of creating social media videos. Which app are you using to create your stories? Leave a comment and let us know.

author avatar

Richard Bennett

Richard Bennett is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Richard Bennett

Richard Bennett

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

Earlier this month, Apple has released its choices for the best app and video games of 2024 and revealed some of the hottest trends on the App Store. Over the years, we’ve seen how apps shape the everyday life of iPhone and iPad users, through innovation, entertainment and creativity.

The current trends on App Store show a growing interest in applications that unleash creativity and make recording images or sounds easier. So, if you are looking for an app that can take you a step closer to becoming a successful podcaster or video content creator , we have great news for you because currently, there are so many powerful apps to choose from. Let’s take a look at some of the best and most popular iPhone apps that left their mark in 2024.

Part 1: The iPhone App of the Year: Spectre Camera

Social networks have made photography more popular than ever. However, the quality of pictures taken with Smartphones still cannot be compared to the quality of images produced on DSLR cameras .

Best App of the Year 2019 for iPhone - Spectre Camera

The iPhone app of the year provides a solution to this issue by employing the latest computational photography techniques. The Spectre Camera is equipped with an AI that can easily create long-exposure photographs, remove crowds from images and detect scenes automatically . The app saves all pictures it takes during a long-exposure and generates live photos by merging all images into a single breathtaking shot.

Optionally, you can apply live effects to each image you take with Spectre Camera if you would like to enhance its colors or highlight a particular detail. Image stabilization features are designed to keep all photos you shoot handheld sharp, while Spectre Camera also offers the automatic tripod detection option. The app’s machine learning algorithms detect scenes and provide all the help you need to produce professional-looking photos with your iPhone.

As the popularity of social media platforms continues to grow, so does the demand for photo and video applications that are compatible with iOS devices. That’s why it is hardly surprising that Spectre Camera is the iPhone app of the year because it is packed with industry-leading technologies that simplify the image-taking process.

You can check the detailed review below of Spectre Camera App from YouTube Channel TinyShutter to learn more.

Besides the best app for iPhone of the year, Apple also picked up some most trending apps for simplifying and empowering storytelling. Here is the complete list of these apps.

App Trend of 2024 Publisher Category App Size Price Ratings User Rating System Requirement
1 Second Everyday: Video Diary 1 Second Everyday Inc. Photo & Video 132.4 MB Free, In-App Purchases 30.6K 4.8 Requires iOS11.2 or later
24FPS - Video Filter & LUT Polarr.Inc Photo & Video 89.9 MB Free, In-App Purchases 943 4.7 Requires iOS 12.0 or later
Anchor Anchor FM INC News 109.6 MB Free 40K 4.8 Requires iOS 11.0 or later
Canva: Stories & Video Maker Canva Pty Ltd Photo & Video 309.2 MB Free 1.4K 4.8 Requiers iOS 11.03 or later
Filmr - Video Editor & Filter Stei App,ltda Photo & Video 203.6 MB Free, In-App Purchases 4.9K 4.5 Requires iOS.11.0 or later
FlipaClip: Cartoon Animation Visual Blasters LLC Entertainment 109.5 MB Free,In-App Purchases 51K 4.6 Requiers iOS 10.0 or later
快手 (Kwai - Video Social Network) JOYO TECHNOLOGY PTE.LTD Photo & Video 235.8 MB Free,In-App Purchases 13.5K 4.5 Requires iOS 9.0 or later
Lifecake Family & Baby Photos Lifecake Ltd. Lifestyle 114.3 MB Free,In-App Purchases 27K 4.8 Requires iOS 12.0 or later
Magisto Video Editor Vimeo, Inc. Photo & Video 194.2 MB Free, In-App Purchases 79.4K 4.6 Requires iOS 11.0 or later
Mojo - Stories Editor Archery Inc. Photo & Video 98.5 MB Free, In-App Purchases 15.6K 4.9 Requires iOS 11.4 or later
Nizo Image Mechanics Pty Ltd. Photo & Video 29.5 MB $4.99 78 4.5 Requires iOS 11.0 or later
Noisy Book Lunen Digital Ltd. Books 244.5 MB Free, In-App Purchases 20 3.8 Requires iOS 13.0 or later
Over: Design/Flyer/Story Maker Over, Inc. Photo & Video 262.8 MB Free, In-App Purchases 59.3K 4.8 Requires iOS 11.0 or later
Spark Camera - Video Editor Dayworks Photo & Video 229.6 MB Free, In-App Purchases 5.6K 4.8 Requires iOS 11.1 or later
Steller Expedition Travel Advisor, Inc. Photo & Video 74.4 MB Free, In-App Purchases 773 4.8 Requires iOS 9.0 or later
StoryBoost: Story Editor Lightricks Ltd. Photo & Video 208.4 MB Free, In-App Purchases 575 4.5 Requires iOS 11.0 or later
Tayasui Sketches Productivity 326.9 MB Free, In-App Purchases 22.4K 4.6 Requires iOS 9.0 or later
Typic 2: Fonts & Text on Photo Hi Mom S.A.S Photo & Video 408.7 MB Free, In-App Purchases 588 4.5 Requires iOS 12.1 or later
Unfold — Create Stories Unfold Creative, LLC Photo & Video 152.9 MB Free, In-App Purchases 89.5K 4.9 Requires iOS 10.0 or later
Vostok Dmitry Mashkin Photo & Video 121 MB $0.99 4 5 Requires iOS 12.0 or later
VUE - Video Camera and Editor VUE VIDEO CO., LTD. Photo & Video 155.3 MB Free, In-App Purchases 617 4.9 Requires iOS 9.0 or later
Wattpad Wattpad Corp Books 154.2 MB Free, In-App Purchases 286.4K 4.7 Requires iOS 10.0 or later
WIDE Xiamen Meitu Technology Photo & Video 158.6 MB Free 10K 4.9 Requires iOS 9.0 or later

Apps from gaming, entertainment, and books categories were gaining momentum throughout the year, but the photo and video category that makes the storytelling easier is by far the most popular. If you are looking to record voices , create podcasts , take photos or record videos, you’ll find the app that meets all your demands effortlessly. Here are some of the most popular apps from the Photo & Video category on the App Store in 2024.

1. Canva: Stories and Video Maker

Price: Free

Supported OS: Requires iOS 11.03 or later

Trending Apps in 2019 for iPhone - Canva: Stories and Video Maker

Building social media following can be a daunting task if you don’t have the right tools. Canva: Stories and Video Maker enables you to design stories you share on Facebook, Snapchat, and Instagram. The app offers a selection of more than 700 story templates that are organized into categories such as Food, Business or Travel and it lets you choose photo templates for all images you want to publish on social media. In addition, this iPhone app, features a set of video editing tools, so that you can use different templates to edit them or trim and preview each video before exporting it from the Canva: Stories and Video Maker.

2. Magisto

Price: Free, but offers in-app purchases

Supported OS: Requires iOS 11.0 or later

Trending Apps in 2019 for iPhone - Magisto

In 2017, Magisto was selected as the number one video editing app for iPhones and a few years later it is still one of the best apps in this category on the App Store. Digital marketers who don’t have the skills or the time to edit their videos with professional video editing software can benefit from this AI-powered editor. In order to create a new video, you just have to choose a video editing style such as kids or pets, import the media assets into your project and let Magisto work its magic. If you opt for the monthly Business subscription plan you will gain access to more than 3 million stock videos and 25 million photos.

3. Mojo

Price: Free, but offers in-app purchases

Supported OS: Requires iOS 11.4 or later

Trending Apps in 2019 for iPhone - Mojo Stories Editor

The 4.9 User Rating on more than 15.000 reviews speaks volumes about Mojo’s capabilities. Even the free version of the app lets you choose from more than a hundred fully customizable templates. So, once you pick an animated template you just have to add the video and audio files you want to include in the final version of the video and wait for Mojo to generate a new story you can share on social media. However, you must upgrade to the pro version of the app if you want to choose the aspect ratio for all videos you edit with this app or be able to use all of the text styles and templates Mojo offers.

4. Over: Design/Flyers/Story Maker

Price: Free, but offers in-app purchases

Supported OS: Requires iOS 11.0 or later

Trending Apps in 2019 for iPhone - Over: Design/Flyer/Story Maker

Producing brand content that drives the sales of the products and services your company offers doesn’t have to take hours or even days of hard work. In fact, if you install Over on your iPhone you can add logos, text layers and other graphic elements to photos and videos in just a few quick taps. There are hundreds of templates and fonts to choose from, and you can use any of them to design a flyer, a poster or a social media post. Sharing your creations to social networks directly from the app won’t take much more than a few moments of your time, which makes Over a perfect choice if you want to produce and share new content regularly.

5. Spark Camera

Price: Free, but offers in-app purchases

Supported OS: Requires iOS 11.1 or later

Trending Apps in 2019 for iPhone - Spark Camera & Video Editor

Apple included the Spark Camera app in their selection of the best storytelling apps in 2024, and a brief look at the app’s features shows why. Besides recording videos in Full HD and 4K resolutions you can also use Spark Camera to create voiceovers, remove any segment of a video clip you want or change a clip’s playback speed. In addition, you can set the preferred frame rate for each video you record with Spark Camera and utilize its image stabilization options while shooting under difficult light conditions. Applying a filter to a video you recorded with this app requires you to just swipe left or right while you can adjust their intensity by simply moving your finger up or down.

6. Steller

Price: Free, but offers in-app purchases

Supported OS: Requires iOS 9.0 or later

Trending Apps in 2019 for iPhone - Steller Discover·Create·Share Stories

It has already been five years since Steller was named as one of the best apps on the App Store by Apple, but very little has changed in the meantime. You don’t have to be a professional storyteller in order to create engaging visual stories with this app since you can select a theme you like and let Steller do all the heavy lifting for you. There just ten text styles to choose from and the app doesn’t offer even the basic video editing tools, which limits your options throughout the video editing process. Nonetheless, you can share all video content you edit with Steller directly to your Instagram Stories.

7. Unfold

Price: Free, but offers in-app purchases

Supported OS: Requires iOS 10.0 or later

Trending Apps in 2019 for iPhone - Unfold  Story Editor & Collage Maker

Creating Facebook or Instagram Stories that attract the attention of thousands of daily viewers is what Unfold does best. You can apply ten different filters and effects to all videos you record with this app and then choose from over 150 video templates. Unfold also grants you access to advanced text tools that enable you to customize the messages you want to distribute through social media channels. The free version of Unfold offers only a limited range of options, and you must upgrade to Unfold+ if you want to access all of the themes, fonts, and stickers this app provides. Despite the great user rating, Unfold still lacks video and audio editing tools that would allow its users to manipulate their footage without any restrictions.

8. 24 FPS – Video Filter & LUT

Price: Free, but offers in-app purchases

Supported OS: Requires iOS 12.0 or later

Trending Apps in 2019 for iPhone - 24FPS - Video Filter & LUT

iPhone owners in need of a video editing app that allows them to record and edit their footage with professional tools should consider installing 24 FPS. In addition to excellent video recording capabilities, this app features a plethora of options you can use to enhance the colors in the videos you edit. Importing LUTs into 24 FPS is a routine operation that can reduce the amount of time you have to spend on giving a video a particular cinematic style. Skin-thinning and skin smoothing filters enable you to beautify the people in your videos and make them more visually appealing to the online audience. The app’s video editor also contains audio editing options that make creating a video’s soundtrack fun and enjoyable.

9. VUE – Video Camera and Editor

Price: Free, but offers in-app purchases

Supported OS: Requires iOS 9.0 or later

Trending Apps in 2019 for iPhone - VUE - Video Camera and Editor

Recording and editing social media videos from your iPhone enables you to produce visually impressive content wherever you are. An app like Vue is a perfect option if you don’t want to post unedited footage on your social media accounts, but don’t have the time to use a professional video editing software. Besides offering more than twenty filters, Vue also lets you change a video’s playback speed, merge or split multiple clips and enhance the colors of each clip you edit. The seemingly endless library of royalty-free songs offers you all the resources you are going to need while creating a soundtrack for your video, and you can also control the volume of video’s original sound and audio files you added to a project.

10 1 Second Every Day: Video Diary

Price: Free, but offers in-app purchases

Supported OS: Requires iOS11.2

Trending Apps in 2019 for iPhone - 1 Second Everyday: Video Diary

Simple, routine activities like capturing a single moment every day can help you create a collection of all the exciting things you do on a daily basis. 1 Second Every Day app is designed to help you create a video diary that sums up the most important moments of your day. You can either create Freestyle videos you take at different types of events and your journeys or capture standard Timeline videos that have the form of a classic video diary. The app can also auto-fill your timeline if you are struggling to find a good idea for your daily diary entry, and it supports unlimited mashing so that you can combine videos over a five-year or one-month period without any video length restrictions.


According to Apple, some of the most popular apps for the iPhone are built for storytellers, and this trend is going to continue in 2024 as the demand for video content can only increase. Consequently, some of the best iOS apps can be found in the Photo & Video category as they provide the tools that simplify the process of creating social media videos. Which app are you using to create your stories? Leave a comment and let us know.

author avatar

Richard Bennett

Richard Bennett is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Richard Bennett

Free WMV Video Cutting Tools: Top Picks

Top 5 Best Free WMV Video Splitters

author avatar

Ollie Mattison

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

At whatever time you wish to cut or split your favorite frames from a movie, you need a dependable application that doesn’t damage the quality of your video. Below is a list of top 5 free WMV splitters.

Wondershare Video Editor is a good video editing software program for both Windows and Mac. This application supports source video files in popular formats, such as WMV, MP4, AVI, MPEG, MOV, as well as some HD formats, such as MKV and avchd . With it, you can not only split, but also trim and cut video files. The differences between those processes are small, but it is good to have them within a single application.

Download Win VersionDownload Mac Version ]( )

Top 5 Best Free WMV Video Splitters

1. Windows Movie Maker

Windows Movie Maker is a free application that offers various useful video editing functions for windows users. With it, you can manually split video and audio clips into smaller clips to make your clips easier to work with. It supports various video formats like WMV, MP4, MTS, M2T .AVI. MOV and more.

free wmv splitter


  • Easy-to-use;
  • Various video editing options.


  • Crashes a lot;
  • Has different versions for the same product.

2. Movica

Movica is a free open source video editing tool. It supports various formats such as MPEG-1, MPEG2, WMV, MP3, AVI, OGG, WAV and WMA. Movica allows you to split files according to duration’s set, number of pieces, or by size of individual pieces, which meets different splitting requirements.

free wmv splitter


  • Keyboard shortcuts;
  • Enables you to save parts of a video split to be edited.


  • Have to install Windows Media Player on your computer.

3. HJSplit

HJSplit is an application that is used to split large movie files into smaller footage in different kinds of formats. The program is available on Windows, Linux and a variety of other platforms. With it, you can easily split your files into parts at any size you want.

free wmv splitter


  • Supports several platforms;
  • Has a small size of just 306KB;
  • You do not have to install it.


  • The design is not very appealing.

4. Video Toolbox

Video Toolbox is an online video editing tool which has a rich set of video tools. To use the video editing tools, you have to register (it’s free). The menu on the left lists all the functions. Cutting videos into smaller parts comes in two modes “Simple” and “Advanced”. But like many online apps, Video Toolbox imposes a size restriction of 300MB for your video files.

free wmv splitter


  • Different video editing functions.


  • Restricts your file sizes to just 300MB.

5. Format Factory

Format Factory is a not only a featured video and audio converter, but also a good video editor with subset of tools that handle file splitting. To split a video, just select your video file, set the clip range with a start time and end time and then you can start the process immediately.

free wmv splitter


  • Supports various video format.


  • Its 37.7 MB download size can be significant for some systems.

author avatar

Ollie Mattison

Ollie Mattison is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Ollie Mattison

Ollie Mattison

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

At whatever time you wish to cut or split your favorite frames from a movie, you need a dependable application that doesn’t damage the quality of your video. Below is a list of top 5 free WMV splitters.

Wondershare Video Editor is a good video editing software program for both Windows and Mac. This application supports source video files in popular formats, such as WMV, MP4, AVI, MPEG, MOV, as well as some HD formats, such as MKV and avchd . With it, you can not only split, but also trim and cut video files. The differences between those processes are small, but it is good to have them within a single application.

Download Win VersionDownload Mac Version ]( )

Top 5 Best Free WMV Video Splitters

1. Windows Movie Maker

Windows Movie Maker is a free application that offers various useful video editing functions for windows users. With it, you can manually split video and audio clips into smaller clips to make your clips easier to work with. It supports various video formats like WMV, MP4, MTS, M2T .AVI. MOV and more.

free wmv splitter


  • Easy-to-use;
  • Various video editing options.


  • Crashes a lot;
  • Has different versions for the same product.

2. Movica

Movica is a free open source video editing tool. It supports various formats such as MPEG-1, MPEG2, WMV, MP3, AVI, OGG, WAV and WMA. Movica allows you to split files according to duration’s set, number of pieces, or by size of individual pieces, which meets different splitting requirements.

free wmv splitter


  • Keyboard shortcuts;
  • Enables you to save parts of a video split to be edited.


  • Have to install Windows Media Player on your computer.

3. HJSplit

HJSplit is an application that is used to split large movie files into smaller footage in different kinds of formats. The program is available on Windows, Linux and a variety of other platforms. With it, you can easily split your files into parts at any size you want.

free wmv splitter


  • Supports several platforms;
  • Has a small size of just 306KB;
  • You do not have to install it.


  • The design is not very appealing.

4. Video Toolbox

Video Toolbox is an online video editing tool which has a rich set of video tools. To use the video editing tools, you have to register (it’s free). The menu on the left lists all the functions. Cutting videos into smaller parts comes in two modes “Simple” and “Advanced”. But like many online apps, Video Toolbox imposes a size restriction of 300MB for your video files.

free wmv splitter


  • Different video editing functions.


  • Restricts your file sizes to just 300MB.

5. Format Factory

Format Factory is a not only a featured video and audio converter, but also a good video editor with subset of tools that handle file splitting. To split a video, just select your video file, set the clip range with a start time and end time and then you can start the process immediately.

free wmv splitter


  • Supports various video format.


  • Its 37.7 MB download size can be significant for some systems.

author avatar

Ollie Mattison

Ollie Mattison is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Ollie Mattison

Ollie Mattison

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

At whatever time you wish to cut or split your favorite frames from a movie, you need a dependable application that doesn’t damage the quality of your video. Below is a list of top 5 free WMV splitters.

Wondershare Video Editor is a good video editing software program for both Windows and Mac. This application supports source video files in popular formats, such as WMV, MP4, AVI, MPEG, MOV, as well as some HD formats, such as MKV and avchd . With it, you can not only split, but also trim and cut video files. The differences between those processes are small, but it is good to have them within a single application.

Download Win VersionDownload Mac Version ]( )

Top 5 Best Free WMV Video Splitters

1. Windows Movie Maker

Windows Movie Maker is a free application that offers various useful video editing functions for windows users. With it, you can manually split video and audio clips into smaller clips to make your clips easier to work with. It supports various video formats like WMV, MP4, MTS, M2T .AVI. MOV and more.

free wmv splitter


  • Easy-to-use;
  • Various video editing options.


  • Crashes a lot;
  • Has different versions for the same product.

2. Movica

Movica is a free open source video editing tool. It supports various formats such as MPEG-1, MPEG2, WMV, MP3, AVI, OGG, WAV and WMA. Movica allows you to split files according to duration’s set, number of pieces, or by size of individual pieces, which meets different splitting requirements.

free wmv splitter


  • Keyboard shortcuts;
  • Enables you to save parts of a video split to be edited.


  • Have to install Windows Media Player on your computer.

3. HJSplit

HJSplit is an application that is used to split large movie files into smaller footage in different kinds of formats. The program is available on Windows, Linux and a variety of other platforms. With it, you can easily split your files into parts at any size you want.

free wmv splitter


  • Supports several platforms;
  • Has a small size of just 306KB;
  • You do not have to install it.


  • The design is not very appealing.

4. Video Toolbox

Video Toolbox is an online video editing tool which has a rich set of video tools. To use the video editing tools, you have to register (it’s free). The menu on the left lists all the functions. Cutting videos into smaller parts comes in two modes “Simple” and “Advanced”. But like many online apps, Video Toolbox imposes a size restriction of 300MB for your video files.

free wmv splitter


  • Different video editing functions.


  • Restricts your file sizes to just 300MB.

5. Format Factory

Format Factory is a not only a featured video and audio converter, but also a good video editor with subset of tools that handle file splitting. To split a video, just select your video file, set the clip range with a start time and end time and then you can start the process immediately.

free wmv splitter


  • Supports various video format.


  • Its 37.7 MB download size can be significant for some systems.

author avatar

Ollie Mattison

Ollie Mattison is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Ollie Mattison

Ollie Mattison

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

At whatever time you wish to cut or split your favorite frames from a movie, you need a dependable application that doesn’t damage the quality of your video. Below is a list of top 5 free WMV splitters.

Wondershare Video Editor is a good video editing software program for both Windows and Mac. This application supports source video files in popular formats, such as WMV, MP4, AVI, MPEG, MOV, as well as some HD formats, such as MKV and avchd . With it, you can not only split, but also trim and cut video files. The differences between those processes are small, but it is good to have them within a single application.

Download Win VersionDownload Mac Version ]( )

Top 5 Best Free WMV Video Splitters

1. Windows Movie Maker

Windows Movie Maker is a free application that offers various useful video editing functions for windows users. With it, you can manually split video and audio clips into smaller clips to make your clips easier to work with. It supports various video formats like WMV, MP4, MTS, M2T .AVI. MOV and more.

free wmv splitter


  • Easy-to-use;
  • Various video editing options.


  • Crashes a lot;
  • Has different versions for the same product.

2. Movica

Movica is a free open source video editing tool. It supports various formats such as MPEG-1, MPEG2, WMV, MP3, AVI, OGG, WAV and WMA. Movica allows you to split files according to duration’s set, number of pieces, or by size of individual pieces, which meets different splitting requirements.

free wmv splitter


  • Keyboard shortcuts;
  • Enables you to save parts of a video split to be edited.


  • Have to install Windows Media Player on your computer.

3. HJSplit

HJSplit is an application that is used to split large movie files into smaller footage in different kinds of formats. The program is available on Windows, Linux and a variety of other platforms. With it, you can easily split your files into parts at any size you want.

free wmv splitter


  • Supports several platforms;
  • Has a small size of just 306KB;
  • You do not have to install it.


  • The design is not very appealing.

4. Video Toolbox

Video Toolbox is an online video editing tool which has a rich set of video tools. To use the video editing tools, you have to register (it’s free). The menu on the left lists all the functions. Cutting videos into smaller parts comes in two modes “Simple” and “Advanced”. But like many online apps, Video Toolbox imposes a size restriction of 300MB for your video files.

free wmv splitter


  • Different video editing functions.


  • Restricts your file sizes to just 300MB.

5. Format Factory

Format Factory is a not only a featured video and audio converter, but also a good video editor with subset of tools that handle file splitting. To split a video, just select your video file, set the clip range with a start time and end time and then you can start the process immediately.

free wmv splitter


  • Supports various video format.


  • Its 37.7 MB download size can be significant for some systems.

author avatar

Ollie Mattison

Ollie Mattison is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Ollie Mattison

Final Cut Pro X: Essential Image Cropping Techniques

Final Cut Pro X: How to Crop an Image

author avatar

Benjamin Arango

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

Cropping an image means to remove a portion of the image, either to hide something you don’t want the audience to see or emphasize different elements within the image. Just as Photoshop allows us to crop still images, Final Cut Pro X allows us to crop moving video clips, as you’ll learn in this article.

This is a basic tutorial about Apple Final Cut Pro X, professional video editing software. However, if video editing is new to you, consider Wondershare Filmora for Mac . This is a powerful but easy-to-use tool for users just starting out. Download the free trial version below.

Download Win VersionDownload Mac Version ]( )

How to Crop an Image in Final Cut Pro X

However, before I show how this is done, I need to explain one really important fact about video: all video uses what’s called “fixed resolution.” Fixed resolution means that high-definition video is always displayed at one of two sizes:

You May Also Like: How to Crop GIF Images >>

  • 1920 x 1080 pixels
  • 1920 x 1080 pixels

Unlike still images which can be thousands of pixels on a side, video clips are locked into one of these two sizes. This means that if you crop a video clip, to remove something you don’t like, the remaining pixels are often enlarged to fill the frame. Crop too much and your video clip will look blurry, blocky, and edges will look stair-stepped.

I’ll show you two ways to crop a video clip in this article, one that maintains a high image quality but reduces the size of the frame (called “trimming”) and the other that fills the frame with the image but reduces image quality (called “cropping”). You get to pick which one works the best for you.


Trimming is the process of removing portions of a video clip without changing the size of the clip. This retains the highest amount of image quality.

how to crop an image with final cut pro

For instance, here an image - courtesy of Pond5 (<>). Let’s say that we want to emphasize the barn and not the sky.

how to crop an image with final cut pro

The easiest way to do this is to click the icon in the lower left corner of the Viewer and choose “Crop.”

how to crop an image with final cut pro

This displays the cropping tools in the Viewer.

how to crop an image with final cut pro

Click the Trim button to turn on Trim mode. (This article discusses Trim and Crop. I’ll cover the Ken Burns effect in a future article.)

how to crop an image with final cut pro

Grab one of the blue dots and drag to hide portions of the frame. I generally grab a corner, but any blue dot will do.

NOTE: Press and hold the Option key while dragging to drag opposite edges or corners. Press and hold the Shift key to constrain the trim to the same aspect ratio as the frame.

how to crop an image with final cut pro

Drag other corners or edges to further trim the image.

how to crop an image with final cut pro

When you have trimmed the image the way you want, click the “Done” button in the top right corner to exit trimming mode.

how to crop an image with final cut pro

If no other clip is below the trimmed clip, the background will be black.

how to crop an image with final cut pro

But, it actually isn’t black, it’s transparent. If you put another clip below it, you’ll see the lower clip underneath the trimmed image.

Trimming allows us to hide portions of a video clip, without changing the image quality of the clip that remains. However, trimming always creates transparent sections within an image.


Cropping allows us to select just a portion of a video clip, without creating any transparent sections, BUT, it degrades image quality.

There are several ways we can choose to crop an image:

how to crop an image with final cut pro

  • Click the Crop icon, as we illustrated above

how to crop an image with final cut pro

  • Right-mouse click (or Control-click) inside the Viewer and choose
  • Type Shift+C

how to crop an image with final cut pro

* In the Inspector > Video tab > Crop (this option provides the most precision, but is the least intuitive to use)

how to crop an image with final cut pro

If you selected any option except the Inspector, click the Crop button in the Viewer.

how to crop an image with final cut pro

Now, drag a blue button in one of the corners. Because cropping, unlike trimming, fills the frame with the portion of the image we select, we can only move corners and the image is always sized to match the aspect ratio of our sequence.

Final Cut displays numbers at the top of the Viewer indicating how much the image has been cropped.

how to crop an image with final cut pro

Reposition the frame by grabbing inside the rectangle and dragging.

how to crop an image with final cut pro

When you are happy with the results, click the Done button in the top right corner.

how to crop an image with final cut pro

Notice that the selected portion of the image now fills the frame. Even though there is a clip below our cropped clip, we don’t see it.

And, if you look closely, you’ll see that the cropped image is softer (blurrier) than the original and edges are more likely to be stair-stepped.


how to crop an image with final cut pro

To reset a cropped image back to its default settings, open the Inspector and click the small curved arrow to the right of the word “Crop.”


Trimming is used to hide portions of an image and superimpose it over another image.

Cropping is used to reframe an image, say from a medium shot to a close-up, but runs the risk of overly softening an image. The general rule is that cropping a little is OK, but don’t crop too much.

I use both these techniques frequently in my own editing.

author avatar

Benjamin Arango

Benjamin Arango is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Benjamin Arango

Benjamin Arango

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

Cropping an image means to remove a portion of the image, either to hide something you don’t want the audience to see or emphasize different elements within the image. Just as Photoshop allows us to crop still images, Final Cut Pro X allows us to crop moving video clips, as you’ll learn in this article.

This is a basic tutorial about Apple Final Cut Pro X, professional video editing software. However, if video editing is new to you, consider Wondershare Filmora for Mac . This is a powerful but easy-to-use tool for users just starting out. Download the free trial version below.

Download Win VersionDownload Mac Version ]( )

How to Crop an Image in Final Cut Pro X

However, before I show how this is done, I need to explain one really important fact about video: all video uses what’s called “fixed resolution.” Fixed resolution means that high-definition video is always displayed at one of two sizes:

You May Also Like: How to Crop GIF Images >>

  • 1920 x 1080 pixels
  • 1920 x 1080 pixels

Unlike still images which can be thousands of pixels on a side, video clips are locked into one of these two sizes. This means that if you crop a video clip, to remove something you don’t like, the remaining pixels are often enlarged to fill the frame. Crop too much and your video clip will look blurry, blocky, and edges will look stair-stepped.

I’ll show you two ways to crop a video clip in this article, one that maintains a high image quality but reduces the size of the frame (called “trimming”) and the other that fills the frame with the image but reduces image quality (called “cropping”). You get to pick which one works the best for you.


Trimming is the process of removing portions of a video clip without changing the size of the clip. This retains the highest amount of image quality.

how to crop an image with final cut pro

For instance, here an image - courtesy of Pond5 (<>). Let’s say that we want to emphasize the barn and not the sky.

how to crop an image with final cut pro

The easiest way to do this is to click the icon in the lower left corner of the Viewer and choose “Crop.”

how to crop an image with final cut pro

This displays the cropping tools in the Viewer.

how to crop an image with final cut pro

Click the Trim button to turn on Trim mode. (This article discusses Trim and Crop. I’ll cover the Ken Burns effect in a future article.)

how to crop an image with final cut pro

Grab one of the blue dots and drag to hide portions of the frame. I generally grab a corner, but any blue dot will do.

NOTE: Press and hold the Option key while dragging to drag opposite edges or corners. Press and hold the Shift key to constrain the trim to the same aspect ratio as the frame.

how to crop an image with final cut pro

Drag other corners or edges to further trim the image.

how to crop an image with final cut pro

When you have trimmed the image the way you want, click the “Done” button in the top right corner to exit trimming mode.

how to crop an image with final cut pro

If no other clip is below the trimmed clip, the background will be black.

how to crop an image with final cut pro

But, it actually isn’t black, it’s transparent. If you put another clip below it, you’ll see the lower clip underneath the trimmed image.

Trimming allows us to hide portions of a video clip, without changing the image quality of the clip that remains. However, trimming always creates transparent sections within an image.


Cropping allows us to select just a portion of a video clip, without creating any transparent sections, BUT, it degrades image quality.

There are several ways we can choose to crop an image:

how to crop an image with final cut pro

  • Click the Crop icon, as we illustrated above

how to crop an image with final cut pro

  • Right-mouse click (or Control-click) inside the Viewer and choose
  • Type Shift+C

how to crop an image with final cut pro

* In the Inspector > Video tab > Crop (this option provides the most precision, but is the least intuitive to use)

how to crop an image with final cut pro

If you selected any option except the Inspector, click the Crop button in the Viewer.

how to crop an image with final cut pro

Now, drag a blue button in one of the corners. Because cropping, unlike trimming, fills the frame with the portion of the image we select, we can only move corners and the image is always sized to match the aspect ratio of our sequence.

Final Cut displays numbers at the top of the Viewer indicating how much the image has been cropped.

how to crop an image with final cut pro

Reposition the frame by grabbing inside the rectangle and dragging.

how to crop an image with final cut pro

When you are happy with the results, click the Done button in the top right corner.

how to crop an image with final cut pro

Notice that the selected portion of the image now fills the frame. Even though there is a clip below our cropped clip, we don’t see it.

And, if you look closely, you’ll see that the cropped image is softer (blurrier) than the original and edges are more likely to be stair-stepped.


how to crop an image with final cut pro

To reset a cropped image back to its default settings, open the Inspector and click the small curved arrow to the right of the word “Crop.”


Trimming is used to hide portions of an image and superimpose it over another image.

Cropping is used to reframe an image, say from a medium shot to a close-up, but runs the risk of overly softening an image. The general rule is that cropping a little is OK, but don’t crop too much.

I use both these techniques frequently in my own editing.

author avatar

Benjamin Arango

Benjamin Arango is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Benjamin Arango

Benjamin Arango

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

Cropping an image means to remove a portion of the image, either to hide something you don’t want the audience to see or emphasize different elements within the image. Just as Photoshop allows us to crop still images, Final Cut Pro X allows us to crop moving video clips, as you’ll learn in this article.

This is a basic tutorial about Apple Final Cut Pro X, professional video editing software. However, if video editing is new to you, consider Wondershare Filmora for Mac . This is a powerful but easy-to-use tool for users just starting out. Download the free trial version below.

Download Win VersionDownload Mac Version ]( )

How to Crop an Image in Final Cut Pro X

However, before I show how this is done, I need to explain one really important fact about video: all video uses what’s called “fixed resolution.” Fixed resolution means that high-definition video is always displayed at one of two sizes:

You May Also Like: How to Crop GIF Images >>

  • 1920 x 1080 pixels
  • 1920 x 1080 pixels

Unlike still images which can be thousands of pixels on a side, video clips are locked into one of these two sizes. This means that if you crop a video clip, to remove something you don’t like, the remaining pixels are often enlarged to fill the frame. Crop too much and your video clip will look blurry, blocky, and edges will look stair-stepped.

I’ll show you two ways to crop a video clip in this article, one that maintains a high image quality but reduces the size of the frame (called “trimming”) and the other that fills the frame with the image but reduces image quality (called “cropping”). You get to pick which one works the best for you.


Trimming is the process of removing portions of a video clip without changing the size of the clip. This retains the highest amount of image quality.

how to crop an image with final cut pro

For instance, here an image - courtesy of Pond5 (<>). Let’s say that we want to emphasize the barn and not the sky.

how to crop an image with final cut pro

The easiest way to do this is to click the icon in the lower left corner of the Viewer and choose “Crop.”

how to crop an image with final cut pro

This displays the cropping tools in the Viewer.

how to crop an image with final cut pro

Click the Trim button to turn on Trim mode. (This article discusses Trim and Crop. I’ll cover the Ken Burns effect in a future article.)

how to crop an image with final cut pro

Grab one of the blue dots and drag to hide portions of the frame. I generally grab a corner, but any blue dot will do.

NOTE: Press and hold the Option key while dragging to drag opposite edges or corners. Press and hold the Shift key to constrain the trim to the same aspect ratio as the frame.

how to crop an image with final cut pro

Drag other corners or edges to further trim the image.

how to crop an image with final cut pro

When you have trimmed the image the way you want, click the “Done” button in the top right corner to exit trimming mode.

how to crop an image with final cut pro

If no other clip is below the trimmed clip, the background will be black.

how to crop an image with final cut pro

But, it actually isn’t black, it’s transparent. If you put another clip below it, you’ll see the lower clip underneath the trimmed image.

Trimming allows us to hide portions of a video clip, without changing the image quality of the clip that remains. However, trimming always creates transparent sections within an image.


Cropping allows us to select just a portion of a video clip, without creating any transparent sections, BUT, it degrades image quality.

There are several ways we can choose to crop an image:

how to crop an image with final cut pro

  • Click the Crop icon, as we illustrated above

how to crop an image with final cut pro

  • Right-mouse click (or Control-click) inside the Viewer and choose
  • Type Shift+C

how to crop an image with final cut pro

* In the Inspector > Video tab > Crop (this option provides the most precision, but is the least intuitive to use)

how to crop an image with final cut pro

If you selected any option except the Inspector, click the Crop button in the Viewer.

how to crop an image with final cut pro

Now, drag a blue button in one of the corners. Because cropping, unlike trimming, fills the frame with the portion of the image we select, we can only move corners and the image is always sized to match the aspect ratio of our sequence.

Final Cut displays numbers at the top of the Viewer indicating how much the image has been cropped.

how to crop an image with final cut pro

Reposition the frame by grabbing inside the rectangle and dragging.

how to crop an image with final cut pro

When you are happy with the results, click the Done button in the top right corner.

how to crop an image with final cut pro

Notice that the selected portion of the image now fills the frame. Even though there is a clip below our cropped clip, we don’t see it.

And, if you look closely, you’ll see that the cropped image is softer (blurrier) than the original and edges are more likely to be stair-stepped.


how to crop an image with final cut pro

To reset a cropped image back to its default settings, open the Inspector and click the small curved arrow to the right of the word “Crop.”


Trimming is used to hide portions of an image and superimpose it over another image.

Cropping is used to reframe an image, say from a medium shot to a close-up, but runs the risk of overly softening an image. The general rule is that cropping a little is OK, but don’t crop too much.

I use both these techniques frequently in my own editing.

author avatar

Benjamin Arango

Benjamin Arango is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Benjamin Arango

Benjamin Arango

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

Cropping an image means to remove a portion of the image, either to hide something you don’t want the audience to see or emphasize different elements within the image. Just as Photoshop allows us to crop still images, Final Cut Pro X allows us to crop moving video clips, as you’ll learn in this article.

This is a basic tutorial about Apple Final Cut Pro X, professional video editing software. However, if video editing is new to you, consider Wondershare Filmora for Mac . This is a powerful but easy-to-use tool for users just starting out. Download the free trial version below.

Download Win VersionDownload Mac Version ]( )

How to Crop an Image in Final Cut Pro X

However, before I show how this is done, I need to explain one really important fact about video: all video uses what’s called “fixed resolution.” Fixed resolution means that high-definition video is always displayed at one of two sizes:

You May Also Like: How to Crop GIF Images >>

  • 1920 x 1080 pixels
  • 1920 x 1080 pixels

Unlike still images which can be thousands of pixels on a side, video clips are locked into one of these two sizes. This means that if you crop a video clip, to remove something you don’t like, the remaining pixels are often enlarged to fill the frame. Crop too much and your video clip will look blurry, blocky, and edges will look stair-stepped.

I’ll show you two ways to crop a video clip in this article, one that maintains a high image quality but reduces the size of the frame (called “trimming”) and the other that fills the frame with the image but reduces image quality (called “cropping”). You get to pick which one works the best for you.


Trimming is the process of removing portions of a video clip without changing the size of the clip. This retains the highest amount of image quality.

how to crop an image with final cut pro

For instance, here an image - courtesy of Pond5 (<>). Let’s say that we want to emphasize the barn and not the sky.

how to crop an image with final cut pro

The easiest way to do this is to click the icon in the lower left corner of the Viewer and choose “Crop.”

how to crop an image with final cut pro

This displays the cropping tools in the Viewer.

how to crop an image with final cut pro

Click the Trim button to turn on Trim mode. (This article discusses Trim and Crop. I’ll cover the Ken Burns effect in a future article.)

how to crop an image with final cut pro

Grab one of the blue dots and drag to hide portions of the frame. I generally grab a corner, but any blue dot will do.

NOTE: Press and hold the Option key while dragging to drag opposite edges or corners. Press and hold the Shift key to constrain the trim to the same aspect ratio as the frame.

how to crop an image with final cut pro

Drag other corners or edges to further trim the image.

how to crop an image with final cut pro

When you have trimmed the image the way you want, click the “Done” button in the top right corner to exit trimming mode.

how to crop an image with final cut pro

If no other clip is below the trimmed clip, the background will be black.

how to crop an image with final cut pro

But, it actually isn’t black, it’s transparent. If you put another clip below it, you’ll see the lower clip underneath the trimmed image.

Trimming allows us to hide portions of a video clip, without changing the image quality of the clip that remains. However, trimming always creates transparent sections within an image.


Cropping allows us to select just a portion of a video clip, without creating any transparent sections, BUT, it degrades image quality.

There are several ways we can choose to crop an image:

how to crop an image with final cut pro

  • Click the Crop icon, as we illustrated above

how to crop an image with final cut pro

  • Right-mouse click (or Control-click) inside the Viewer and choose
  • Type Shift+C

how to crop an image with final cut pro

* In the Inspector > Video tab > Crop (this option provides the most precision, but is the least intuitive to use)

how to crop an image with final cut pro

If you selected any option except the Inspector, click the Crop button in the Viewer.

how to crop an image with final cut pro

Now, drag a blue button in one of the corners. Because cropping, unlike trimming, fills the frame with the portion of the image we select, we can only move corners and the image is always sized to match the aspect ratio of our sequence.

Final Cut displays numbers at the top of the Viewer indicating how much the image has been cropped.

how to crop an image with final cut pro

Reposition the frame by grabbing inside the rectangle and dragging.

how to crop an image with final cut pro

When you are happy with the results, click the Done button in the top right corner.

how to crop an image with final cut pro

Notice that the selected portion of the image now fills the frame. Even though there is a clip below our cropped clip, we don’t see it.

And, if you look closely, you’ll see that the cropped image is softer (blurrier) than the original and edges are more likely to be stair-stepped.


how to crop an image with final cut pro

To reset a cropped image back to its default settings, open the Inspector and click the small curved arrow to the right of the word “Crop.”


Trimming is used to hide portions of an image and superimpose it over another image.

Cropping is used to reframe an image, say from a medium shot to a close-up, but runs the risk of overly softening an image. The general rule is that cropping a little is OK, but don’t crop too much.

I use both these techniques frequently in my own editing.

author avatar

Benjamin Arango

Benjamin Arango is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Benjamin Arango

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  • Author: Amelia
  • Created at : 2024-05-19 11:46:48
  • Updated at : 2024-05-20 11:46:48
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  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
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Get Noticed on LinkedIn Ideal Video Aspect Ratios for Standout Posts