In 2024, Crafting Compelling Lower Thirds FCPX Essentials

In 2024, Crafting Compelling Lower Thirds FCPX Essentials

Amelia Lv12

Crafting Compelling Lower Thirds: FCPX Essentials

What Makes the Best Lower Thirds in Final Cut Pro X?

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Liza Brown

Oct 26, 2023• Proven solutions

The videos drop facts to audiences and educate the viewers. The video makers strive to offer a complete overview of the topic within a short duration. Graphics, elements, modules occupy the screen and excites the viewers. The advent of video editing innovations shifted the perspectives.

Here comes an enlightening discussion about the lower third modules in your videos. The tips and tricks associated with the making of this lower third element are available in the below content. Surf them carefully and learn the fabulous lower third templates to customize your videos to the next level.

lower third intro

Part1: What is the lower third?

Are you aware of lower third elements? If you are a newbie video designer, then this article ignites you with reliable facts about it. The lower third module is a graphical element that takes the lower position of a video.

It carries texts to educate the viewers related to the discussed topic in the video. It adds information to the existing content playing in the background. On a clear note, had you observed the news boards displayed at the bottom of the news channel? Yes, of course, most of you must be aware of this element flashing the current news.

You can also observe this lower third module during an interview session on your television. It displays the name of the interviewer and extra data about the session.

On a short note, you can define the lower third module as a piece of a graphical element that hangs at the bottom of the screen displaying related data in pace with the existing video content. You can create the lower third module using an incredible tool for your videos in no time. Identify the factors to work on to refine the lower third module appearance and performances.

lower thirds

Part2: What factors contribute to a good lower third?

While designing the lower third element for your video, you must keep an eye on few factors. Work on the below attributes to build a good lower third element. Always remember to keep it simple to obtain the desired outcomes.

  1. The harmony of hues

The color combinations of your lower third element play a vital factor. Choose the right mix of shades to attract the viewers. Based on the background, use a complementary color to fill your lower third module for a persuasive display. Ensure the combination of hues must not distract the viewers at any cost.

Try different color schemes with Green, Magenta, Orange, and Blue to create a mesmerizing display of the lower third element. You can also use a color picker tool to choose the right combination of colors that match perfectly with the background and typography.


  1. Motion effect

Thrill your audience by inserting movements with the lower third elements. When you add some motion effect to this module, it adds flavors to your video. Work on this feature in-depth and observe whether the lower third’s motion effect excites the audience. Customize the animation time, style, and the way it flashes on the screen.

Make the movements simple and do not add too many moves which distract the viewers. Decide how long the animation should play and align the texts and other related elements according to obtain a perfect look. With the perfect text movements, you can draw the attention of the viewers in no time.

  1. Fonts

The next crucial factor associated with the lower third element is fonts. Font size, the style creates an impact on the overall design of a lower third module.

If you concentrate on this attribute, you will surely end up with a professional design. Choose the font style and sine according to the background content. Do not overshadow the lower third element with the playing content, instead try to add value to it.

  1. Right timing of showing up

Now, you must sense the time for the module to turn up on the video. The timing factor contributes a lot to the perfect display of the lower third element.

Set the right time for the element to enter the screen. Decide the enter and exit timing attribute for this element to reach the audience in a better way.

  1. Logos and positions

Position the element at the perfect place on the screen to ensure its visibility. You can also insert your logos along with the texts to enhance your brand.

Proper alignment and the best coordinates on the screen make the lower third module shine better in your video. Proper placement of this element decides the impact on it.


Part3: How to make a lower third quickly in final cut pro X?

The Final Cut Pro X is a fabulous program to edit your videos professionally. Insert the desired elements and customize them quickly. To work on this platform, you do not require any special skills.

Click, drag, and drop appropriately to include the right elements at the perfect positions on the video. There is ample personalization options built-in with the Final Cut Pro X. It is high time to discover them for optimal utilization.

Features of Final Cut Pro X to design lower third module element

  • It has a built-in title element to add the desired texts in the video
  • Quick customization option to type in the relevant message on the screen.
  • This app consist of a user-friendly interface and the controls are explicit for easy reach.
  • Personalize the lower third element further using the ‘Generator’ option
  • You can include animations for the lower third module to persuade the viewers.


In this section, you will learn to make a lower third element using a Final Cut Pro X tool. It is high to check out the steps in detail.

1Step 1: Download the tool

You can download the app and install them in your system. Launch the tool by double-tapping the tool icon.


2Step 2: Add the Title

In the home screen, import the video that requires the edits and then tap the ‘Titles’ tab at the left top of the screen. Click the ‘Build-in/Build-out’ option to custom the Title element. According to your needs, you can repeat it to insert the desired titles on the video screen.


3Step 3: Customize the Title

Now, you can edit the texts in the inserted titles and add animation to the element using the attributes under the ‘Generator’ tab. Modify the title’s textures, background, and positions using the relevant options displayed. Choose accordingly to personalize the title element based on your requirement.


Use the above instructions, insert the lower third element in your video effortlessly. Simple click and drag actions are sufficient to carry out the desired effects on the element.

For those who still need more guides about making lower thirds, this Filmora tutorial may help a lot.

Download Win Version Download Mac Version

Part 4: Where to find great lower thirds templates for final cut pro X?

You can find the best collections of lower third templates in the online space. Evanto Elements offers an incredible design structure for the lower third module to add value to your videos. They are unique and jaw-dropping. You can opt for this template, instead of creating from the scratch.

According to your needs, you can select the template, customize it, and insert them on your videos flawlessly. Evanto offers the lower third templates based on the video content. It has organized the templates based on the end-use. Check out few suggestions on the built-in templates for the lower third.

YouTube Lower Thirds

If you have a YouTube channel, then make use of this collection to add a lower third module for your video. Increase the followers by adding the perfect texts at the right time on the screen. Easy to use design and displays attractive appearances.

Pop Lower Thirds template

Colorful and yet attractive design from the Evanto elements. This design has a fresh and creative structure to convince the viewer’s needs. It has a high-end resolution with a duration control option.

Minimalistic collection

In this template group, you can find the design seems to be simple and minimal. It offers a lighter touch to your videos. The text overlays do not distract the viewers. Everything looks the same but still, you can feel the difference in it when you customize it according to your needs.


Thus, this article had given you enlightening discussion about the lower third elements. Insert this module optimally in your videos and obtain the desired outcomes. Enhance the design of the lower third element using the Final Cut Pro X app and feel the difference in your video.

Display the texts promptly to enlighten the audience. Connect the texts to the target audience without distracting them. Work on this challenging element using a professional app like the Final Cut Pro X program. Stay tuned with this article to discover the new horizons of video editing.

author avatar

Liza Brown

Liza Brown is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Liza Brown

Liza Brown

Oct 26, 2023• Proven solutions

The videos drop facts to audiences and educate the viewers. The video makers strive to offer a complete overview of the topic within a short duration. Graphics, elements, modules occupy the screen and excites the viewers. The advent of video editing innovations shifted the perspectives.

Here comes an enlightening discussion about the lower third modules in your videos. The tips and tricks associated with the making of this lower third element are available in the below content. Surf them carefully and learn the fabulous lower third templates to customize your videos to the next level.

lower third intro

Part1: What is the lower third?

Are you aware of lower third elements? If you are a newbie video designer, then this article ignites you with reliable facts about it. The lower third module is a graphical element that takes the lower position of a video.

It carries texts to educate the viewers related to the discussed topic in the video. It adds information to the existing content playing in the background. On a clear note, had you observed the news boards displayed at the bottom of the news channel? Yes, of course, most of you must be aware of this element flashing the current news.

You can also observe this lower third module during an interview session on your television. It displays the name of the interviewer and extra data about the session.

On a short note, you can define the lower third module as a piece of a graphical element that hangs at the bottom of the screen displaying related data in pace with the existing video content. You can create the lower third module using an incredible tool for your videos in no time. Identify the factors to work on to refine the lower third module appearance and performances.

lower thirds

Part2: What factors contribute to a good lower third?

While designing the lower third element for your video, you must keep an eye on few factors. Work on the below attributes to build a good lower third element. Always remember to keep it simple to obtain the desired outcomes.

  1. The harmony of hues

The color combinations of your lower third element play a vital factor. Choose the right mix of shades to attract the viewers. Based on the background, use a complementary color to fill your lower third module for a persuasive display. Ensure the combination of hues must not distract the viewers at any cost.

Try different color schemes with Green, Magenta, Orange, and Blue to create a mesmerizing display of the lower third element. You can also use a color picker tool to choose the right combination of colors that match perfectly with the background and typography.


  1. Motion effect

Thrill your audience by inserting movements with the lower third elements. When you add some motion effect to this module, it adds flavors to your video. Work on this feature in-depth and observe whether the lower third’s motion effect excites the audience. Customize the animation time, style, and the way it flashes on the screen.

Make the movements simple and do not add too many moves which distract the viewers. Decide how long the animation should play and align the texts and other related elements according to obtain a perfect look. With the perfect text movements, you can draw the attention of the viewers in no time.

  1. Fonts

The next crucial factor associated with the lower third element is fonts. Font size, the style creates an impact on the overall design of a lower third module.

If you concentrate on this attribute, you will surely end up with a professional design. Choose the font style and sine according to the background content. Do not overshadow the lower third element with the playing content, instead try to add value to it.

  1. Right timing of showing up

Now, you must sense the time for the module to turn up on the video. The timing factor contributes a lot to the perfect display of the lower third element.

Set the right time for the element to enter the screen. Decide the enter and exit timing attribute for this element to reach the audience in a better way.

  1. Logos and positions

Position the element at the perfect place on the screen to ensure its visibility. You can also insert your logos along with the texts to enhance your brand.

Proper alignment and the best coordinates on the screen make the lower third module shine better in your video. Proper placement of this element decides the impact on it.


Part3: How to make a lower third quickly in final cut pro X?

The Final Cut Pro X is a fabulous program to edit your videos professionally. Insert the desired elements and customize them quickly. To work on this platform, you do not require any special skills.

Click, drag, and drop appropriately to include the right elements at the perfect positions on the video. There is ample personalization options built-in with the Final Cut Pro X. It is high time to discover them for optimal utilization.

Features of Final Cut Pro X to design lower third module element

  • It has a built-in title element to add the desired texts in the video
  • Quick customization option to type in the relevant message on the screen.
  • This app consist of a user-friendly interface and the controls are explicit for easy reach.
  • Personalize the lower third element further using the ‘Generator’ option
  • You can include animations for the lower third module to persuade the viewers.


In this section, you will learn to make a lower third element using a Final Cut Pro X tool. It is high to check out the steps in detail.

1Step 1: Download the tool

You can download the app and install them in your system. Launch the tool by double-tapping the tool icon.


2Step 2: Add the Title

In the home screen, import the video that requires the edits and then tap the ‘Titles’ tab at the left top of the screen. Click the ‘Build-in/Build-out’ option to custom the Title element. According to your needs, you can repeat it to insert the desired titles on the video screen.


3Step 3: Customize the Title

Now, you can edit the texts in the inserted titles and add animation to the element using the attributes under the ‘Generator’ tab. Modify the title’s textures, background, and positions using the relevant options displayed. Choose accordingly to personalize the title element based on your requirement.


Use the above instructions, insert the lower third element in your video effortlessly. Simple click and drag actions are sufficient to carry out the desired effects on the element.

For those who still need more guides about making lower thirds, this Filmora tutorial may help a lot.

Download Win Version Download Mac Version

Part 4: Where to find great lower thirds templates for final cut pro X?

You can find the best collections of lower third templates in the online space. Evanto Elements offers an incredible design structure for the lower third module to add value to your videos. They are unique and jaw-dropping. You can opt for this template, instead of creating from the scratch.

According to your needs, you can select the template, customize it, and insert them on your videos flawlessly. Evanto offers the lower third templates based on the video content. It has organized the templates based on the end-use. Check out few suggestions on the built-in templates for the lower third.

YouTube Lower Thirds

If you have a YouTube channel, then make use of this collection to add a lower third module for your video. Increase the followers by adding the perfect texts at the right time on the screen. Easy to use design and displays attractive appearances.

Pop Lower Thirds template

Colorful and yet attractive design from the Evanto elements. This design has a fresh and creative structure to convince the viewer’s needs. It has a high-end resolution with a duration control option.

Minimalistic collection

In this template group, you can find the design seems to be simple and minimal. It offers a lighter touch to your videos. The text overlays do not distract the viewers. Everything looks the same but still, you can feel the difference in it when you customize it according to your needs.


Thus, this article had given you enlightening discussion about the lower third elements. Insert this module optimally in your videos and obtain the desired outcomes. Enhance the design of the lower third element using the Final Cut Pro X app and feel the difference in your video.

Display the texts promptly to enlighten the audience. Connect the texts to the target audience without distracting them. Work on this challenging element using a professional app like the Final Cut Pro X program. Stay tuned with this article to discover the new horizons of video editing.

author avatar

Liza Brown

Liza Brown is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Liza Brown

Liza Brown

Oct 26, 2023• Proven solutions

The videos drop facts to audiences and educate the viewers. The video makers strive to offer a complete overview of the topic within a short duration. Graphics, elements, modules occupy the screen and excites the viewers. The advent of video editing innovations shifted the perspectives.

Here comes an enlightening discussion about the lower third modules in your videos. The tips and tricks associated with the making of this lower third element are available in the below content. Surf them carefully and learn the fabulous lower third templates to customize your videos to the next level.

lower third intro

Part1: What is the lower third?

Are you aware of lower third elements? If you are a newbie video designer, then this article ignites you with reliable facts about it. The lower third module is a graphical element that takes the lower position of a video.

It carries texts to educate the viewers related to the discussed topic in the video. It adds information to the existing content playing in the background. On a clear note, had you observed the news boards displayed at the bottom of the news channel? Yes, of course, most of you must be aware of this element flashing the current news.

You can also observe this lower third module during an interview session on your television. It displays the name of the interviewer and extra data about the session.

On a short note, you can define the lower third module as a piece of a graphical element that hangs at the bottom of the screen displaying related data in pace with the existing video content. You can create the lower third module using an incredible tool for your videos in no time. Identify the factors to work on to refine the lower third module appearance and performances.

lower thirds

Part2: What factors contribute to a good lower third?

While designing the lower third element for your video, you must keep an eye on few factors. Work on the below attributes to build a good lower third element. Always remember to keep it simple to obtain the desired outcomes.

  1. The harmony of hues

The color combinations of your lower third element play a vital factor. Choose the right mix of shades to attract the viewers. Based on the background, use a complementary color to fill your lower third module for a persuasive display. Ensure the combination of hues must not distract the viewers at any cost.

Try different color schemes with Green, Magenta, Orange, and Blue to create a mesmerizing display of the lower third element. You can also use a color picker tool to choose the right combination of colors that match perfectly with the background and typography.


  1. Motion effect

Thrill your audience by inserting movements with the lower third elements. When you add some motion effect to this module, it adds flavors to your video. Work on this feature in-depth and observe whether the lower third’s motion effect excites the audience. Customize the animation time, style, and the way it flashes on the screen.

Make the movements simple and do not add too many moves which distract the viewers. Decide how long the animation should play and align the texts and other related elements according to obtain a perfect look. With the perfect text movements, you can draw the attention of the viewers in no time.

  1. Fonts

The next crucial factor associated with the lower third element is fonts. Font size, the style creates an impact on the overall design of a lower third module.

If you concentrate on this attribute, you will surely end up with a professional design. Choose the font style and sine according to the background content. Do not overshadow the lower third element with the playing content, instead try to add value to it.

  1. Right timing of showing up

Now, you must sense the time for the module to turn up on the video. The timing factor contributes a lot to the perfect display of the lower third element.

Set the right time for the element to enter the screen. Decide the enter and exit timing attribute for this element to reach the audience in a better way.

  1. Logos and positions

Position the element at the perfect place on the screen to ensure its visibility. You can also insert your logos along with the texts to enhance your brand.

Proper alignment and the best coordinates on the screen make the lower third module shine better in your video. Proper placement of this element decides the impact on it.


Part3: How to make a lower third quickly in final cut pro X?

The Final Cut Pro X is a fabulous program to edit your videos professionally. Insert the desired elements and customize them quickly. To work on this platform, you do not require any special skills.

Click, drag, and drop appropriately to include the right elements at the perfect positions on the video. There is ample personalization options built-in with the Final Cut Pro X. It is high time to discover them for optimal utilization.

Features of Final Cut Pro X to design lower third module element

  • It has a built-in title element to add the desired texts in the video
  • Quick customization option to type in the relevant message on the screen.
  • This app consist of a user-friendly interface and the controls are explicit for easy reach.
  • Personalize the lower third element further using the ‘Generator’ option
  • You can include animations for the lower third module to persuade the viewers.


In this section, you will learn to make a lower third element using a Final Cut Pro X tool. It is high to check out the steps in detail.

1Step 1: Download the tool

You can download the app and install them in your system. Launch the tool by double-tapping the tool icon.


2Step 2: Add the Title

In the home screen, import the video that requires the edits and then tap the ‘Titles’ tab at the left top of the screen. Click the ‘Build-in/Build-out’ option to custom the Title element. According to your needs, you can repeat it to insert the desired titles on the video screen.


3Step 3: Customize the Title

Now, you can edit the texts in the inserted titles and add animation to the element using the attributes under the ‘Generator’ tab. Modify the title’s textures, background, and positions using the relevant options displayed. Choose accordingly to personalize the title element based on your requirement.


Use the above instructions, insert the lower third element in your video effortlessly. Simple click and drag actions are sufficient to carry out the desired effects on the element.

For those who still need more guides about making lower thirds, this Filmora tutorial may help a lot.

Download Win Version Download Mac Version

Part 4: Where to find great lower thirds templates for final cut pro X?

You can find the best collections of lower third templates in the online space. Evanto Elements offers an incredible design structure for the lower third module to add value to your videos. They are unique and jaw-dropping. You can opt for this template, instead of creating from the scratch.

According to your needs, you can select the template, customize it, and insert them on your videos flawlessly. Evanto offers the lower third templates based on the video content. It has organized the templates based on the end-use. Check out few suggestions on the built-in templates for the lower third.

YouTube Lower Thirds

If you have a YouTube channel, then make use of this collection to add a lower third module for your video. Increase the followers by adding the perfect texts at the right time on the screen. Easy to use design and displays attractive appearances.

Pop Lower Thirds template

Colorful and yet attractive design from the Evanto elements. This design has a fresh and creative structure to convince the viewer’s needs. It has a high-end resolution with a duration control option.

Minimalistic collection

In this template group, you can find the design seems to be simple and minimal. It offers a lighter touch to your videos. The text overlays do not distract the viewers. Everything looks the same but still, you can feel the difference in it when you customize it according to your needs.


Thus, this article had given you enlightening discussion about the lower third elements. Insert this module optimally in your videos and obtain the desired outcomes. Enhance the design of the lower third element using the Final Cut Pro X app and feel the difference in your video.

Display the texts promptly to enlighten the audience. Connect the texts to the target audience without distracting them. Work on this challenging element using a professional app like the Final Cut Pro X program. Stay tuned with this article to discover the new horizons of video editing.

author avatar

Liza Brown

Liza Brown is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Liza Brown

Liza Brown

Oct 26, 2023• Proven solutions

The videos drop facts to audiences and educate the viewers. The video makers strive to offer a complete overview of the topic within a short duration. Graphics, elements, modules occupy the screen and excites the viewers. The advent of video editing innovations shifted the perspectives.

Here comes an enlightening discussion about the lower third modules in your videos. The tips and tricks associated with the making of this lower third element are available in the below content. Surf them carefully and learn the fabulous lower third templates to customize your videos to the next level.

lower third intro

Part1: What is the lower third?

Are you aware of lower third elements? If you are a newbie video designer, then this article ignites you with reliable facts about it. The lower third module is a graphical element that takes the lower position of a video.

It carries texts to educate the viewers related to the discussed topic in the video. It adds information to the existing content playing in the background. On a clear note, had you observed the news boards displayed at the bottom of the news channel? Yes, of course, most of you must be aware of this element flashing the current news.

You can also observe this lower third module during an interview session on your television. It displays the name of the interviewer and extra data about the session.

On a short note, you can define the lower third module as a piece of a graphical element that hangs at the bottom of the screen displaying related data in pace with the existing video content. You can create the lower third module using an incredible tool for your videos in no time. Identify the factors to work on to refine the lower third module appearance and performances.

lower thirds

Part2: What factors contribute to a good lower third?

While designing the lower third element for your video, you must keep an eye on few factors. Work on the below attributes to build a good lower third element. Always remember to keep it simple to obtain the desired outcomes.

  1. The harmony of hues

The color combinations of your lower third element play a vital factor. Choose the right mix of shades to attract the viewers. Based on the background, use a complementary color to fill your lower third module for a persuasive display. Ensure the combination of hues must not distract the viewers at any cost.

Try different color schemes with Green, Magenta, Orange, and Blue to create a mesmerizing display of the lower third element. You can also use a color picker tool to choose the right combination of colors that match perfectly with the background and typography.


  1. Motion effect

Thrill your audience by inserting movements with the lower third elements. When you add some motion effect to this module, it adds flavors to your video. Work on this feature in-depth and observe whether the lower third’s motion effect excites the audience. Customize the animation time, style, and the way it flashes on the screen.

Make the movements simple and do not add too many moves which distract the viewers. Decide how long the animation should play and align the texts and other related elements according to obtain a perfect look. With the perfect text movements, you can draw the attention of the viewers in no time.

  1. Fonts

The next crucial factor associated with the lower third element is fonts. Font size, the style creates an impact on the overall design of a lower third module.

If you concentrate on this attribute, you will surely end up with a professional design. Choose the font style and sine according to the background content. Do not overshadow the lower third element with the playing content, instead try to add value to it.

  1. Right timing of showing up

Now, you must sense the time for the module to turn up on the video. The timing factor contributes a lot to the perfect display of the lower third element.

Set the right time for the element to enter the screen. Decide the enter and exit timing attribute for this element to reach the audience in a better way.

  1. Logos and positions

Position the element at the perfect place on the screen to ensure its visibility. You can also insert your logos along with the texts to enhance your brand.

Proper alignment and the best coordinates on the screen make the lower third module shine better in your video. Proper placement of this element decides the impact on it.


Part3: How to make a lower third quickly in final cut pro X?

The Final Cut Pro X is a fabulous program to edit your videos professionally. Insert the desired elements and customize them quickly. To work on this platform, you do not require any special skills.

Click, drag, and drop appropriately to include the right elements at the perfect positions on the video. There is ample personalization options built-in with the Final Cut Pro X. It is high time to discover them for optimal utilization.

Features of Final Cut Pro X to design lower third module element

  • It has a built-in title element to add the desired texts in the video
  • Quick customization option to type in the relevant message on the screen.
  • This app consist of a user-friendly interface and the controls are explicit for easy reach.
  • Personalize the lower third element further using the ‘Generator’ option
  • You can include animations for the lower third module to persuade the viewers.


In this section, you will learn to make a lower third element using a Final Cut Pro X tool. It is high to check out the steps in detail.

1Step 1: Download the tool

You can download the app and install them in your system. Launch the tool by double-tapping the tool icon.


2Step 2: Add the Title

In the home screen, import the video that requires the edits and then tap the ‘Titles’ tab at the left top of the screen. Click the ‘Build-in/Build-out’ option to custom the Title element. According to your needs, you can repeat it to insert the desired titles on the video screen.


3Step 3: Customize the Title

Now, you can edit the texts in the inserted titles and add animation to the element using the attributes under the ‘Generator’ tab. Modify the title’s textures, background, and positions using the relevant options displayed. Choose accordingly to personalize the title element based on your requirement.


Use the above instructions, insert the lower third element in your video effortlessly. Simple click and drag actions are sufficient to carry out the desired effects on the element.

For those who still need more guides about making lower thirds, this Filmora tutorial may help a lot.

Download Win Version Download Mac Version

Part 4: Where to find great lower thirds templates for final cut pro X?

You can find the best collections of lower third templates in the online space. Evanto Elements offers an incredible design structure for the lower third module to add value to your videos. They are unique and jaw-dropping. You can opt for this template, instead of creating from the scratch.

According to your needs, you can select the template, customize it, and insert them on your videos flawlessly. Evanto offers the lower third templates based on the video content. It has organized the templates based on the end-use. Check out few suggestions on the built-in templates for the lower third.

YouTube Lower Thirds

If you have a YouTube channel, then make use of this collection to add a lower third module for your video. Increase the followers by adding the perfect texts at the right time on the screen. Easy to use design and displays attractive appearances.

Pop Lower Thirds template

Colorful and yet attractive design from the Evanto elements. This design has a fresh and creative structure to convince the viewer’s needs. It has a high-end resolution with a duration control option.

Minimalistic collection

In this template group, you can find the design seems to be simple and minimal. It offers a lighter touch to your videos. The text overlays do not distract the viewers. Everything looks the same but still, you can feel the difference in it when you customize it according to your needs.


Thus, this article had given you enlightening discussion about the lower third elements. Insert this module optimally in your videos and obtain the desired outcomes. Enhance the design of the lower third element using the Final Cut Pro X app and feel the difference in your video.

Display the texts promptly to enlighten the audience. Connect the texts to the target audience without distracting them. Work on this challenging element using a professional app like the Final Cut Pro X program. Stay tuned with this article to discover the new horizons of video editing.

author avatar

Liza Brown

Liza Brown is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Liza Brown

Cut Costs, Not Quality: Final Cut Pro Education Bundle Offers

How To Get FCPX With the Best Price? Check Education Bundle

author avatar

Liza Brown

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

There are many choices of software for video editing, but there is one that has been dominating the market for years – this is Final Cut Pro. Final Cut Pro, which was created by Apple, and took on a completely different path from other professional software.

The unique thing about Final Cut Pro is that it allows you to create video files easily and even edit them on the Mac using Final Cut Pro software alone, without any outside help. Before buying Final cut pro, you may want to have a 90-day free trial of FCPX.

The Mac App Store has made editing software more affordable. When Apple first acquired the Final Cut, it sold for $2,500, but now you can get a full version of the program from their store for only a cent shy of $300—an incredible deal.

Part 1: What is in Apple’s Pro Apps Bundle for Education?

The Pro Apps Bundle includes five industry-leading professional software from Apple. These powerful creative tools are best for musicians, video editors, and anyone looking to create the best content.

Plus, this bundle is also available to students, educators, faculty members at colleges or universities, and employees of any K-12 school district. Apple’s Pro Apps Bundle for Education includes Final Cut Pro, Logic Studio, Motion, MainStage, and Compressor.


Apple has set pricing for its Pro Apps Bundle for Education at $199.99. The bundle includes full versions of each software. There’s no time limit to ownership, and it doesn’t ask for a subscription or membership fee, unlike other subscription-based tools and software like Adobe Premiere Pro or Adobe Photoshop.

Apple’s Pro Apps Bundle for Education at $199.99 is totally worth getting if you plan to use Final Cut Pro and want Logic Studio and Mainstage 3 for free. If you’re thinking about purchasing Final Cut Pro or Logic Studio separately, be prepared to pay $299.99 and $199.99, respectively. MainStage is more affordable at $29.99. Motion and Compressor aren’t sold separately as they come bundled with Final Cut Pro.

So, exactly how much are you saving here?

If you need Final Cut Pro for work, we suggest you buy Pro Apps Bundle for Education, as you’ll be saving $100. You’ll also get Logic Pro and Mainstage for free. In total, you’ll be saving $330—an unbeatable deal if you ask me. I don’t anyone offers that kind of deal.

If you’re a musician or composer and have no use for Final Cut Pro, you can buy Logic Studio for $199.99—that’s your decision. But, you need to purchase Mainstage for $29.99, in case you need it. Nonetheless, we still recommend you get the Apple’s Pro Apps Bundle for Education at $199.99.

For beginners who don’t actually need those many apps can always go with a cheaper yet maybe better editor, Filmora. Click and have a try!

Download Win Version Download Mac Version

Part 2: Step By Step Guide to How to Buy Apple Education Bundle

You need to have an Apple ID with a verified school email address to order Apple Education Bundle. Your institution needs to be registered as an eligible educational institution through Apple’s Volume Purchase Program.

Educational discounts are not available on any products purchased outside of the Volume Purchase Program. This program offers an easy way for your organization or institution to deploy the app on devices without any hassle of downloading them manually from the iTunes App Store.

That said, Apple’s Pro Apps Bundle for Education is a great buy. All you need to prove is you’re an educator or student with your school id or email, and then it’s only $199.99.

Follow these steps to buy Apple’s Pro Apps Bundle for Education.

Step 1: Search Google or Visit > Store for “pro apps“.

Step 2: Click Buy > Add to Bag > Check Out.


To get Apple’s Pro Apps Bundle for Education, you have to provide your proof of eligibility before or after you place your order.

Part 3: How to Verify Your ID as a Student or Educator to Buy FCPX?

If you’re looking for student discounts on MacBooks, iPads, and other Apple products, including professional software like the Pro Apps Bundle for Education—you’ll most likely be directed to UNiDAYS to verify your student status.

How to Use UNiDAYS to Avail Apple Student Discounts

You’ve to go through a verification process with UNiDAYS before browsing the student discounts offered by Apple or any of its partners.


To sign up for UNiDAYS, you must be:

  1. A school, college, or university student.
  2. Have a valid school or university email address
  3. A valid Photo ID
  4. Be over 16 years old

If you can’t get your UNiDAYS account verified, then go to the Apple Education Pricing landing page. Scroll down and either chat with an Apple representative or call them on their given number for assistance.

How to Verify your ID by Apple

You will need to email Apple the following:

  1. Proof of academic ID form.
  2. Academic Photo ID.

Valid forms of student/faculty identification

For students:

A valid, current student ID that includes the following:

  • Name of student
  • A photo
  • Name of the school
  • Validity date(s) (Dates of current year and semester)

For Educators/Faculty/Teaching Staff:

Teachers or educators should provide the following:

  • A valid photo ID
  • Evidence of employment at a qualified institution
  • Official, current institution paycheck
  • Official letter from the school verifying the educator’s employment

The Pro Apps Bundle for Education is delivered to you in an email as a list of individual redemption codes for each software. If you are a student or teacher, visit the Apple Store for more details about education or education institutions

Part 4: How To Redeem Codes on The App Store?

It usually takes 2-3 working days before you can receive your code send through an Email by Apple. You can activate pro apps like Final Cut Pro or Logic Studio by redeeming codes.

Redeem Codes By by email or go to the Apple Store to redeem your code.

To redeem a gift card emailed to you, open the email and click the “Redeem Now” button.


And then enter your code.


You got it!


Part 5: How to Download and Use FCPX after Purchase?

First, sign in with your Apple ID

To download any apps on your Mac, you’ll need to sign in with your Apple ID.

  • Step 1: Open App Store from the Dock or Finder.
  • Step 2: Click ‘Sign In > Enter your Apple ID and password
  • Step 3: Click Sign In

To download Final Cut Pro and install it on your Mac, follow these steps:

  • Step 1: Open App Store from the Dock or the Finder.
  • Step 2: Type’ Final Cut Pro’ or ‘Final Cut Pro X’ on the Search bar.
  • Step 3: Click Buy. (If you’ve already purchased it before, you’ll find a cloud icon)
  • Step 4: Enter your Apple ID password.
  • Step 5: Click Buy.

The Pro Apps Bundle for Education is delivered to you in an email as a list of individual redemption codes for each software.

Final Cut Pro will be installed. After the installation process is complete, you can find the app in the ‘Applications’ folder. You can also launch ‘Finder’ and locate the program by typing ‘Final Cut Pro’ in the Search bar.

Part6: FAQs about Apple’s Pro Apps Bundle for Education

Question: Is it life-long access?

Answer: The Pro Apps Bundle for Education includes full versions of each software similar to the apps or games you normally download or buy through the App Store. As of now, the bundle and its apps have unlimited ownership and access.

Question: Can I update apps in the education bundle?

Answer: Yes. Go to Finder > App Store. Type any app in the bundle, for example, Final Cut Pro, in the search bar. In the search results. Locate the app, and if Apple released an update for Final Cut Pro, there would be an ‘Update’ button. Click it, and the app will be updated.

Question: Can I download the pro app bundle on PC?

Answer: Unfortunately, no. Apple’s Pro Apps Bundle for Education is only available for MacBooks, iMacs, Mac Pros, and Mac Minis. Apple has not released or will never make their proprietary software for Windows and other platforms.

Question: Can I buy the bundle with friends because I don’t need all the apps?

Answer: The Pro Apps Bundle for Education is delivered to you in an email as a list of unique redemption codes for each software. One of the major issues associated with purchasing Apple professional software (such as Final Cut Pro or Logic Studio) is that the license isn’t transferable. Your purchase can only be moved from one personal Mac to another—not given away or combined with someone else’s ID. Once you buy it, your Apple ID will forever stay attached to this product, and all its limitations are yours as well.


Should you buy the pro apps bundle for education? If pro apps bundle for education has always been one of your goals, then you might want to buy the pro apps bundle for education. You will be able to learn pro techniques with pro apps and pro gear that other pro musicians use. So if you want to become a pro musician and advance up in the ranks of your local music scene, then it’s high time that you bought a pro apps bundle for education. Besides, you get some of the best productivity software for an unbeatable price of $199.99.

The pro apps bundle for education is a productivity software package with pro-level mixing, pro tools, and pro recording studio software. The pro apps bundle for education will help you become the next pro musician or content creator that people will be talking about. So if you want to step up your pro game, then it’s high time that you bought the pro apps bundle for education.

author avatar

Liza Brown

Liza Brown is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Liza Brown

Liza Brown

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

There are many choices of software for video editing, but there is one that has been dominating the market for years – this is Final Cut Pro. Final Cut Pro, which was created by Apple, and took on a completely different path from other professional software.

The unique thing about Final Cut Pro is that it allows you to create video files easily and even edit them on the Mac using Final Cut Pro software alone, without any outside help. Before buying Final cut pro, you may want to have a 90-day free trial of FCPX.

The Mac App Store has made editing software more affordable. When Apple first acquired the Final Cut, it sold for $2,500, but now you can get a full version of the program from their store for only a cent shy of $300—an incredible deal.

Part 1: What is in Apple’s Pro Apps Bundle for Education?

The Pro Apps Bundle includes five industry-leading professional software from Apple. These powerful creative tools are best for musicians, video editors, and anyone looking to create the best content.

Plus, this bundle is also available to students, educators, faculty members at colleges or universities, and employees of any K-12 school district. Apple’s Pro Apps Bundle for Education includes Final Cut Pro, Logic Studio, Motion, MainStage, and Compressor.


Apple has set pricing for its Pro Apps Bundle for Education at $199.99. The bundle includes full versions of each software. There’s no time limit to ownership, and it doesn’t ask for a subscription or membership fee, unlike other subscription-based tools and software like Adobe Premiere Pro or Adobe Photoshop.

Apple’s Pro Apps Bundle for Education at $199.99 is totally worth getting if you plan to use Final Cut Pro and want Logic Studio and Mainstage 3 for free. If you’re thinking about purchasing Final Cut Pro or Logic Studio separately, be prepared to pay $299.99 and $199.99, respectively. MainStage is more affordable at $29.99. Motion and Compressor aren’t sold separately as they come bundled with Final Cut Pro.

So, exactly how much are you saving here?

If you need Final Cut Pro for work, we suggest you buy Pro Apps Bundle for Education, as you’ll be saving $100. You’ll also get Logic Pro and Mainstage for free. In total, you’ll be saving $330—an unbeatable deal if you ask me. I don’t anyone offers that kind of deal.

If you’re a musician or composer and have no use for Final Cut Pro, you can buy Logic Studio for $199.99—that’s your decision. But, you need to purchase Mainstage for $29.99, in case you need it. Nonetheless, we still recommend you get the Apple’s Pro Apps Bundle for Education at $199.99.

For beginners who don’t actually need those many apps can always go with a cheaper yet maybe better editor, Filmora. Click and have a try!

Download Win Version Download Mac Version

Part 2: Step By Step Guide to How to Buy Apple Education Bundle

You need to have an Apple ID with a verified school email address to order Apple Education Bundle. Your institution needs to be registered as an eligible educational institution through Apple’s Volume Purchase Program.

Educational discounts are not available on any products purchased outside of the Volume Purchase Program. This program offers an easy way for your organization or institution to deploy the app on devices without any hassle of downloading them manually from the iTunes App Store.

That said, Apple’s Pro Apps Bundle for Education is a great buy. All you need to prove is you’re an educator or student with your school id or email, and then it’s only $199.99.

Follow these steps to buy Apple’s Pro Apps Bundle for Education.

Step 1: Search Google or Visit > Store for “pro apps“.

Step 2: Click Buy > Add to Bag > Check Out.


To get Apple’s Pro Apps Bundle for Education, you have to provide your proof of eligibility before or after you place your order.

Part 3: How to Verify Your ID as a Student or Educator to Buy FCPX?

If you’re looking for student discounts on MacBooks, iPads, and other Apple products, including professional software like the Pro Apps Bundle for Education—you’ll most likely be directed to UNiDAYS to verify your student status.

How to Use UNiDAYS to Avail Apple Student Discounts

You’ve to go through a verification process with UNiDAYS before browsing the student discounts offered by Apple or any of its partners.


To sign up for UNiDAYS, you must be:

  1. A school, college, or university student.
  2. Have a valid school or university email address
  3. A valid Photo ID
  4. Be over 16 years old

If you can’t get your UNiDAYS account verified, then go to the Apple Education Pricing landing page. Scroll down and either chat with an Apple representative or call them on their given number for assistance.

How to Verify your ID by Apple

You will need to email Apple the following:

  1. Proof of academic ID form.
  2. Academic Photo ID.

Valid forms of student/faculty identification

For students:

A valid, current student ID that includes the following:

  • Name of student
  • A photo
  • Name of the school
  • Validity date(s) (Dates of current year and semester)

For Educators/Faculty/Teaching Staff:

Teachers or educators should provide the following:

  • A valid photo ID
  • Evidence of employment at a qualified institution
  • Official, current institution paycheck
  • Official letter from the school verifying the educator’s employment

The Pro Apps Bundle for Education is delivered to you in an email as a list of individual redemption codes for each software. If you are a student or teacher, visit the Apple Store for more details about education or education institutions

Part 4: How To Redeem Codes on The App Store?

It usually takes 2-3 working days before you can receive your code send through an Email by Apple. You can activate pro apps like Final Cut Pro or Logic Studio by redeeming codes.

Redeem Codes By by email or go to the Apple Store to redeem your code.

To redeem a gift card emailed to you, open the email and click the “Redeem Now” button.


And then enter your code.


You got it!


Part 5: How to Download and Use FCPX after Purchase?

First, sign in with your Apple ID

To download any apps on your Mac, you’ll need to sign in with your Apple ID.

  • Step 1: Open App Store from the Dock or Finder.
  • Step 2: Click ‘Sign In > Enter your Apple ID and password
  • Step 3: Click Sign In

To download Final Cut Pro and install it on your Mac, follow these steps:

  • Step 1: Open App Store from the Dock or the Finder.
  • Step 2: Type’ Final Cut Pro’ or ‘Final Cut Pro X’ on the Search bar.
  • Step 3: Click Buy. (If you’ve already purchased it before, you’ll find a cloud icon)
  • Step 4: Enter your Apple ID password.
  • Step 5: Click Buy.

The Pro Apps Bundle for Education is delivered to you in an email as a list of individual redemption codes for each software.

Final Cut Pro will be installed. After the installation process is complete, you can find the app in the ‘Applications’ folder. You can also launch ‘Finder’ and locate the program by typing ‘Final Cut Pro’ in the Search bar.

Part6: FAQs about Apple’s Pro Apps Bundle for Education

Question: Is it life-long access?

Answer: The Pro Apps Bundle for Education includes full versions of each software similar to the apps or games you normally download or buy through the App Store. As of now, the bundle and its apps have unlimited ownership and access.

Question: Can I update apps in the education bundle?

Answer: Yes. Go to Finder > App Store. Type any app in the bundle, for example, Final Cut Pro, in the search bar. In the search results. Locate the app, and if Apple released an update for Final Cut Pro, there would be an ‘Update’ button. Click it, and the app will be updated.

Question: Can I download the pro app bundle on PC?

Answer: Unfortunately, no. Apple’s Pro Apps Bundle for Education is only available for MacBooks, iMacs, Mac Pros, and Mac Minis. Apple has not released or will never make their proprietary software for Windows and other platforms.

Question: Can I buy the bundle with friends because I don’t need all the apps?

Answer: The Pro Apps Bundle for Education is delivered to you in an email as a list of unique redemption codes for each software. One of the major issues associated with purchasing Apple professional software (such as Final Cut Pro or Logic Studio) is that the license isn’t transferable. Your purchase can only be moved from one personal Mac to another—not given away or combined with someone else’s ID. Once you buy it, your Apple ID will forever stay attached to this product, and all its limitations are yours as well.


Should you buy the pro apps bundle for education? If pro apps bundle for education has always been one of your goals, then you might want to buy the pro apps bundle for education. You will be able to learn pro techniques with pro apps and pro gear that other pro musicians use. So if you want to become a pro musician and advance up in the ranks of your local music scene, then it’s high time that you bought a pro apps bundle for education. Besides, you get some of the best productivity software for an unbeatable price of $199.99.

The pro apps bundle for education is a productivity software package with pro-level mixing, pro tools, and pro recording studio software. The pro apps bundle for education will help you become the next pro musician or content creator that people will be talking about. So if you want to step up your pro game, then it’s high time that you bought the pro apps bundle for education.

author avatar

Liza Brown

Liza Brown is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Liza Brown

Liza Brown

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

There are many choices of software for video editing, but there is one that has been dominating the market for years – this is Final Cut Pro. Final Cut Pro, which was created by Apple, and took on a completely different path from other professional software.

The unique thing about Final Cut Pro is that it allows you to create video files easily and even edit them on the Mac using Final Cut Pro software alone, without any outside help. Before buying Final cut pro, you may want to have a 90-day free trial of FCPX.

The Mac App Store has made editing software more affordable. When Apple first acquired the Final Cut, it sold for $2,500, but now you can get a full version of the program from their store for only a cent shy of $300—an incredible deal.

Part 1: What is in Apple’s Pro Apps Bundle for Education?

The Pro Apps Bundle includes five industry-leading professional software from Apple. These powerful creative tools are best for musicians, video editors, and anyone looking to create the best content.

Plus, this bundle is also available to students, educators, faculty members at colleges or universities, and employees of any K-12 school district. Apple’s Pro Apps Bundle for Education includes Final Cut Pro, Logic Studio, Motion, MainStage, and Compressor.


Apple has set pricing for its Pro Apps Bundle for Education at $199.99. The bundle includes full versions of each software. There’s no time limit to ownership, and it doesn’t ask for a subscription or membership fee, unlike other subscription-based tools and software like Adobe Premiere Pro or Adobe Photoshop.

Apple’s Pro Apps Bundle for Education at $199.99 is totally worth getting if you plan to use Final Cut Pro and want Logic Studio and Mainstage 3 for free. If you’re thinking about purchasing Final Cut Pro or Logic Studio separately, be prepared to pay $299.99 and $199.99, respectively. MainStage is more affordable at $29.99. Motion and Compressor aren’t sold separately as they come bundled with Final Cut Pro.

So, exactly how much are you saving here?

If you need Final Cut Pro for work, we suggest you buy Pro Apps Bundle for Education, as you’ll be saving $100. You’ll also get Logic Pro and Mainstage for free. In total, you’ll be saving $330—an unbeatable deal if you ask me. I don’t anyone offers that kind of deal.

If you’re a musician or composer and have no use for Final Cut Pro, you can buy Logic Studio for $199.99—that’s your decision. But, you need to purchase Mainstage for $29.99, in case you need it. Nonetheless, we still recommend you get the Apple’s Pro Apps Bundle for Education at $199.99.

For beginners who don’t actually need those many apps can always go with a cheaper yet maybe better editor, Filmora. Click and have a try!

Download Win Version Download Mac Version

Part 2: Step By Step Guide to How to Buy Apple Education Bundle

You need to have an Apple ID with a verified school email address to order Apple Education Bundle. Your institution needs to be registered as an eligible educational institution through Apple’s Volume Purchase Program.

Educational discounts are not available on any products purchased outside of the Volume Purchase Program. This program offers an easy way for your organization or institution to deploy the app on devices without any hassle of downloading them manually from the iTunes App Store.

That said, Apple’s Pro Apps Bundle for Education is a great buy. All you need to prove is you’re an educator or student with your school id or email, and then it’s only $199.99.

Follow these steps to buy Apple’s Pro Apps Bundle for Education.

Step 1: Search Google or Visit > Store for “pro apps“.

Step 2: Click Buy > Add to Bag > Check Out.


To get Apple’s Pro Apps Bundle for Education, you have to provide your proof of eligibility before or after you place your order.

Part 3: How to Verify Your ID as a Student or Educator to Buy FCPX?

If you’re looking for student discounts on MacBooks, iPads, and other Apple products, including professional software like the Pro Apps Bundle for Education—you’ll most likely be directed to UNiDAYS to verify your student status.

How to Use UNiDAYS to Avail Apple Student Discounts

You’ve to go through a verification process with UNiDAYS before browsing the student discounts offered by Apple or any of its partners.


To sign up for UNiDAYS, you must be:

  1. A school, college, or university student.
  2. Have a valid school or university email address
  3. A valid Photo ID
  4. Be over 16 years old

If you can’t get your UNiDAYS account verified, then go to the Apple Education Pricing landing page. Scroll down and either chat with an Apple representative or call them on their given number for assistance.

How to Verify your ID by Apple

You will need to email Apple the following:

  1. Proof of academic ID form.
  2. Academic Photo ID.

Valid forms of student/faculty identification

For students:

A valid, current student ID that includes the following:

  • Name of student
  • A photo
  • Name of the school
  • Validity date(s) (Dates of current year and semester)

For Educators/Faculty/Teaching Staff:

Teachers or educators should provide the following:

  • A valid photo ID
  • Evidence of employment at a qualified institution
  • Official, current institution paycheck
  • Official letter from the school verifying the educator’s employment

The Pro Apps Bundle for Education is delivered to you in an email as a list of individual redemption codes for each software. If you are a student or teacher, visit the Apple Store for more details about education or education institutions

Part 4: How To Redeem Codes on The App Store?

It usually takes 2-3 working days before you can receive your code send through an Email by Apple. You can activate pro apps like Final Cut Pro or Logic Studio by redeeming codes.

Redeem Codes By by email or go to the Apple Store to redeem your code.

To redeem a gift card emailed to you, open the email and click the “Redeem Now” button.


And then enter your code.


You got it!


Part 5: How to Download and Use FCPX after Purchase?

First, sign in with your Apple ID

To download any apps on your Mac, you’ll need to sign in with your Apple ID.

  • Step 1: Open App Store from the Dock or Finder.
  • Step 2: Click ‘Sign In > Enter your Apple ID and password
  • Step 3: Click Sign In

To download Final Cut Pro and install it on your Mac, follow these steps:

  • Step 1: Open App Store from the Dock or the Finder.
  • Step 2: Type’ Final Cut Pro’ or ‘Final Cut Pro X’ on the Search bar.
  • Step 3: Click Buy. (If you’ve already purchased it before, you’ll find a cloud icon)
  • Step 4: Enter your Apple ID password.
  • Step 5: Click Buy.

The Pro Apps Bundle for Education is delivered to you in an email as a list of individual redemption codes for each software.

Final Cut Pro will be installed. After the installation process is complete, you can find the app in the ‘Applications’ folder. You can also launch ‘Finder’ and locate the program by typing ‘Final Cut Pro’ in the Search bar.

Part6: FAQs about Apple’s Pro Apps Bundle for Education

Question: Is it life-long access?

Answer: The Pro Apps Bundle for Education includes full versions of each software similar to the apps or games you normally download or buy through the App Store. As of now, the bundle and its apps have unlimited ownership and access.

Question: Can I update apps in the education bundle?

Answer: Yes. Go to Finder > App Store. Type any app in the bundle, for example, Final Cut Pro, in the search bar. In the search results. Locate the app, and if Apple released an update for Final Cut Pro, there would be an ‘Update’ button. Click it, and the app will be updated.

Question: Can I download the pro app bundle on PC?

Answer: Unfortunately, no. Apple’s Pro Apps Bundle for Education is only available for MacBooks, iMacs, Mac Pros, and Mac Minis. Apple has not released or will never make their proprietary software for Windows and other platforms.

Question: Can I buy the bundle with friends because I don’t need all the apps?

Answer: The Pro Apps Bundle for Education is delivered to you in an email as a list of unique redemption codes for each software. One of the major issues associated with purchasing Apple professional software (such as Final Cut Pro or Logic Studio) is that the license isn’t transferable. Your purchase can only be moved from one personal Mac to another—not given away or combined with someone else’s ID. Once you buy it, your Apple ID will forever stay attached to this product, and all its limitations are yours as well.


Should you buy the pro apps bundle for education? If pro apps bundle for education has always been one of your goals, then you might want to buy the pro apps bundle for education. You will be able to learn pro techniques with pro apps and pro gear that other pro musicians use. So if you want to become a pro musician and advance up in the ranks of your local music scene, then it’s high time that you bought a pro apps bundle for education. Besides, you get some of the best productivity software for an unbeatable price of $199.99.

The pro apps bundle for education is a productivity software package with pro-level mixing, pro tools, and pro recording studio software. The pro apps bundle for education will help you become the next pro musician or content creator that people will be talking about. So if you want to step up your pro game, then it’s high time that you bought the pro apps bundle for education.

author avatar

Liza Brown

Liza Brown is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Liza Brown

Liza Brown

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

There are many choices of software for video editing, but there is one that has been dominating the market for years – this is Final Cut Pro. Final Cut Pro, which was created by Apple, and took on a completely different path from other professional software.

The unique thing about Final Cut Pro is that it allows you to create video files easily and even edit them on the Mac using Final Cut Pro software alone, without any outside help. Before buying Final cut pro, you may want to have a 90-day free trial of FCPX.

The Mac App Store has made editing software more affordable. When Apple first acquired the Final Cut, it sold for $2,500, but now you can get a full version of the program from their store for only a cent shy of $300—an incredible deal.

Part 1: What is in Apple’s Pro Apps Bundle for Education?

The Pro Apps Bundle includes five industry-leading professional software from Apple. These powerful creative tools are best for musicians, video editors, and anyone looking to create the best content.

Plus, this bundle is also available to students, educators, faculty members at colleges or universities, and employees of any K-12 school district. Apple’s Pro Apps Bundle for Education includes Final Cut Pro, Logic Studio, Motion, MainStage, and Compressor.


Apple has set pricing for its Pro Apps Bundle for Education at $199.99. The bundle includes full versions of each software. There’s no time limit to ownership, and it doesn’t ask for a subscription or membership fee, unlike other subscription-based tools and software like Adobe Premiere Pro or Adobe Photoshop.

Apple’s Pro Apps Bundle for Education at $199.99 is totally worth getting if you plan to use Final Cut Pro and want Logic Studio and Mainstage 3 for free. If you’re thinking about purchasing Final Cut Pro or Logic Studio separately, be prepared to pay $299.99 and $199.99, respectively. MainStage is more affordable at $29.99. Motion and Compressor aren’t sold separately as they come bundled with Final Cut Pro.

So, exactly how much are you saving here?

If you need Final Cut Pro for work, we suggest you buy Pro Apps Bundle for Education, as you’ll be saving $100. You’ll also get Logic Pro and Mainstage for free. In total, you’ll be saving $330—an unbeatable deal if you ask me. I don’t anyone offers that kind of deal.

If you’re a musician or composer and have no use for Final Cut Pro, you can buy Logic Studio for $199.99—that’s your decision. But, you need to purchase Mainstage for $29.99, in case you need it. Nonetheless, we still recommend you get the Apple’s Pro Apps Bundle for Education at $199.99.

For beginners who don’t actually need those many apps can always go with a cheaper yet maybe better editor, Filmora. Click and have a try!

Download Win Version Download Mac Version

Part 2: Step By Step Guide to How to Buy Apple Education Bundle

You need to have an Apple ID with a verified school email address to order Apple Education Bundle. Your institution needs to be registered as an eligible educational institution through Apple’s Volume Purchase Program.

Educational discounts are not available on any products purchased outside of the Volume Purchase Program. This program offers an easy way for your organization or institution to deploy the app on devices without any hassle of downloading them manually from the iTunes App Store.

That said, Apple’s Pro Apps Bundle for Education is a great buy. All you need to prove is you’re an educator or student with your school id or email, and then it’s only $199.99.

Follow these steps to buy Apple’s Pro Apps Bundle for Education.

Step 1: Search Google or Visit > Store for “pro apps“.

Step 2: Click Buy > Add to Bag > Check Out.


To get Apple’s Pro Apps Bundle for Education, you have to provide your proof of eligibility before or after you place your order.

Part 3: How to Verify Your ID as a Student or Educator to Buy FCPX?

If you’re looking for student discounts on MacBooks, iPads, and other Apple products, including professional software like the Pro Apps Bundle for Education—you’ll most likely be directed to UNiDAYS to verify your student status.

How to Use UNiDAYS to Avail Apple Student Discounts

You’ve to go through a verification process with UNiDAYS before browsing the student discounts offered by Apple or any of its partners.


To sign up for UNiDAYS, you must be:

  1. A school, college, or university student.
  2. Have a valid school or university email address
  3. A valid Photo ID
  4. Be over 16 years old

If you can’t get your UNiDAYS account verified, then go to the Apple Education Pricing landing page. Scroll down and either chat with an Apple representative or call them on their given number for assistance.

How to Verify your ID by Apple

You will need to email Apple the following:

  1. Proof of academic ID form.
  2. Academic Photo ID.

Valid forms of student/faculty identification

For students:

A valid, current student ID that includes the following:

  • Name of student
  • A photo
  • Name of the school
  • Validity date(s) (Dates of current year and semester)

For Educators/Faculty/Teaching Staff:

Teachers or educators should provide the following:

  • A valid photo ID
  • Evidence of employment at a qualified institution
  • Official, current institution paycheck
  • Official letter from the school verifying the educator’s employment

The Pro Apps Bundle for Education is delivered to you in an email as a list of individual redemption codes for each software. If you are a student or teacher, visit the Apple Store for more details about education or education institutions

Part 4: How To Redeem Codes on The App Store?

It usually takes 2-3 working days before you can receive your code send through an Email by Apple. You can activate pro apps like Final Cut Pro or Logic Studio by redeeming codes.

Redeem Codes By by email or go to the Apple Store to redeem your code.

To redeem a gift card emailed to you, open the email and click the “Redeem Now” button.


And then enter your code.


You got it!


Part 5: How to Download and Use FCPX after Purchase?

First, sign in with your Apple ID

To download any apps on your Mac, you’ll need to sign in with your Apple ID.

  • Step 1: Open App Store from the Dock or Finder.
  • Step 2: Click ‘Sign In > Enter your Apple ID and password
  • Step 3: Click Sign In

To download Final Cut Pro and install it on your Mac, follow these steps:

  • Step 1: Open App Store from the Dock or the Finder.
  • Step 2: Type’ Final Cut Pro’ or ‘Final Cut Pro X’ on the Search bar.
  • Step 3: Click Buy. (If you’ve already purchased it before, you’ll find a cloud icon)
  • Step 4: Enter your Apple ID password.
  • Step 5: Click Buy.

The Pro Apps Bundle for Education is delivered to you in an email as a list of individual redemption codes for each software.

Final Cut Pro will be installed. After the installation process is complete, you can find the app in the ‘Applications’ folder. You can also launch ‘Finder’ and locate the program by typing ‘Final Cut Pro’ in the Search bar.

Part6: FAQs about Apple’s Pro Apps Bundle for Education

Question: Is it life-long access?

Answer: The Pro Apps Bundle for Education includes full versions of each software similar to the apps or games you normally download or buy through the App Store. As of now, the bundle and its apps have unlimited ownership and access.

Question: Can I update apps in the education bundle?

Answer: Yes. Go to Finder > App Store. Type any app in the bundle, for example, Final Cut Pro, in the search bar. In the search results. Locate the app, and if Apple released an update for Final Cut Pro, there would be an ‘Update’ button. Click it, and the app will be updated.

Question: Can I download the pro app bundle on PC?

Answer: Unfortunately, no. Apple’s Pro Apps Bundle for Education is only available for MacBooks, iMacs, Mac Pros, and Mac Minis. Apple has not released or will never make their proprietary software for Windows and other platforms.

Question: Can I buy the bundle with friends because I don’t need all the apps?

Answer: The Pro Apps Bundle for Education is delivered to you in an email as a list of unique redemption codes for each software. One of the major issues associated with purchasing Apple professional software (such as Final Cut Pro or Logic Studio) is that the license isn’t transferable. Your purchase can only be moved from one personal Mac to another—not given away or combined with someone else’s ID. Once you buy it, your Apple ID will forever stay attached to this product, and all its limitations are yours as well.


Should you buy the pro apps bundle for education? If pro apps bundle for education has always been one of your goals, then you might want to buy the pro apps bundle for education. You will be able to learn pro techniques with pro apps and pro gear that other pro musicians use. So if you want to become a pro musician and advance up in the ranks of your local music scene, then it’s high time that you bought a pro apps bundle for education. Besides, you get some of the best productivity software for an unbeatable price of $199.99.

The pro apps bundle for education is a productivity software package with pro-level mixing, pro tools, and pro recording studio software. The pro apps bundle for education will help you become the next pro musician or content creator that people will be talking about. So if you want to step up your pro game, then it’s high time that you bought the pro apps bundle for education.

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Liza Brown

Liza Brown is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Liza Brown

Preserving Privacy in Video Content: Face Blurring Software Reviews

Best Video Editing Software to Blur Faces in Video

author avatar

Ollie Mattison

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

One of the most commonly sought bits of video-editing knowledge is the ability to blur the face in videos, whether for privacy reasons, artistic effect, or whatever sort of thing you’re going for. You can go wild once you learn how to blur certain parts of a video, and this is something that, in our opinion, every aspiring video editor should learn how to do.

Now there are hundreds of video editing software, and every video editor has his own personal choice when it comes to choosing the right tool for the job. Our list focuses on what are, in our opinion, the most accessible and efficient NLE’s on the market.

Download Win VersionDownload Mac Version

1. Blur Face with Filmora Video Editor [with Faceoff / Mosaic]

Filmora is a favorite among many amateur video editors because the free version is robust by itself and features most of what one would need when not dealing with professional projects. It is available for both macOS and Windows.

How to Blur the Faces in Filmora:

  • Select the clip that needs to apply blur face in the timeline, and then go to the Effects tab and select Utility.

 Filmora 9 video editor utility options

  • If the image is still, then you can click Mosaic option and drag it in the video clip in the timeline.

 Filmora 9 video editor Mosaic

  • Double click the video clip applied Mosaic effect in the timeline to enter the video effects tab, in where you can dictate the size of the area, the mosaic types, and also adjust the opacity.
  • If the image is in motion and you’d like the blurred area to be mobile as well, drag the Face Off from the Effects tab to the timeline and adjust it in the Video Effects tab as well. You can pick the face-off pattern under Video Effects and the Face-off feature will tracks the face that appears on the screen and applies a blur to it.

 blur faces

  • When you’re done, click OK to save the changes and then click Export and pick your desired video format.

Download Win VersionDownload Mac Version

Learn more detail about Adding Blur effects to Videos in Filmora .

2. Using YouTube Video Enhancements to Blur Faces

Those interested in learning how to blur faces in videos in order to apply the trick to their You Tube videos will find the fact that you can do this through the Video Enhancements section of your Creator Studios dashboard quite convenient. This addition is something that has been introduced in 2006 and has been well received by the community.

How to Blur the Faces with YouTube Enhancement tool:

  • Sign in your YouTube account and select the Creator Studio option after clicking the avatar. Locate the video that you want to edit and access video Enhancements.
  • You will see two blurring options in the Enhancement window: Blur faces and Custom blurring. To blur all faces appear in the video, go to Blur faces and click Edit

 blur faces

  • YouTube will use the face detection tool to analyze all faces in the video and displays the faces in the left side. You can click the face image to blur a specific face throughout the video.

 blur faces

  • Preview the blurring effects and if everything goes OK, click Save to save the face blurring effect to video. After you’re finished the editing, click Save to save the edits in-place, or Save as New Video, which creates a new video (this would mean, however, that you would lose any views you previously had).

 blur faces

In the Enhancement window, you can also blur a specific area of the video with the custom blurring option. Want to edit YouTube videos with more features, check our picks of thebest video editing software for YouTubers in 2018.

3. Blur Face with Movavi video editor

Movavi is a popular choice for when it comes to free video editing softwares. It is available for both Windows and MacOS and is a breeze to work in - the perfect software to learn how to blur the faces in videos in.

How to Blur the Faces with Movavi video editor:

  • Open Movavi and locate the Filters
  • Click Blur.

 blur faces

  • Once the filter gallery opens, drag your desired filter over the clip or image.
  • You can apply either the Blur Intense or the Blur Mild effects if you would like to determine their strength.
  • In order to blur a specific part of the video, select the clip and locate the More
  • Click Highlight and Conceal, and then click Conceal.
  • Position the orange box over the area that you want to be affected.
  • You can adjust the Opacity slider to determne the strength of the effect.
  • Click on Pixels if you want the blur preset to be pixellated.
  • You can also click on Add Mask if you would like to apply a mask to certain areas of the clip.

4. Blur face with Adobe Premiere Pro CC professional video editor

Premiere Pro CC is Adobe’s dedicated video editing software. There are many video editors out there that have some experience in Photoshop as well, and since there’s a chance they work in Premiere Pro CC due to how similar the UI of both of these products is, we’ve decided to give this NLE some attention as well. Available for both MacOS and Windows.

How to Blur the Faces in Premiere Pro?

  1. Select the video clip in the timeline.
  2. Access the Effects tab, and then click Video Effects, and then Stylize.
  3. Click Mosaic.
  4. Go to the Effects Control tab, and pick the shape of blurred area. The elliptical and 4-point polygon mask options are what most people use when blurring faces in particular.
  5. Drag the Mask over the intended area
  6. Adjust Positioning, Scale, and/or Rotation to your liking.
  7. You can fine-tune the effect further by adjusting the Mask Expansion, the Horizontal and Vertical blocks the mosaic effect is composed of, and the Feather

What sort of video editing software you go for when you want to edit the face in videos is ultimately up to you - we’ve only expressed our personal preferences in the hopes that it might help some of the people that are interested in the subject. Most of the steps present in this list are similar to each other and you will find that once you learn how to do this trick, you will become far more familiarized with all the various effects available to you.

author avatar

Ollie Mattison

Ollie Mattison is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Ollie Mattison

Ollie Mattison

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

One of the most commonly sought bits of video-editing knowledge is the ability to blur the face in videos, whether for privacy reasons, artistic effect, or whatever sort of thing you’re going for. You can go wild once you learn how to blur certain parts of a video, and this is something that, in our opinion, every aspiring video editor should learn how to do.

Now there are hundreds of video editing software, and every video editor has his own personal choice when it comes to choosing the right tool for the job. Our list focuses on what are, in our opinion, the most accessible and efficient NLE’s on the market.

Download Win VersionDownload Mac Version

1. Blur Face with Filmora Video Editor [with Faceoff / Mosaic]

Filmora is a favorite among many amateur video editors because the free version is robust by itself and features most of what one would need when not dealing with professional projects. It is available for both macOS and Windows.

How to Blur the Faces in Filmora:

  • Select the clip that needs to apply blur face in the timeline, and then go to the Effects tab and select Utility.

 Filmora 9 video editor utility options

  • If the image is still, then you can click Mosaic option and drag it in the video clip in the timeline.

 Filmora 9 video editor Mosaic

  • Double click the video clip applied Mosaic effect in the timeline to enter the video effects tab, in where you can dictate the size of the area, the mosaic types, and also adjust the opacity.
  • If the image is in motion and you’d like the blurred area to be mobile as well, drag the Face Off from the Effects tab to the timeline and adjust it in the Video Effects tab as well. You can pick the face-off pattern under Video Effects and the Face-off feature will tracks the face that appears on the screen and applies a blur to it.

 blur faces

  • When you’re done, click OK to save the changes and then click Export and pick your desired video format.

Download Win VersionDownload Mac Version

Learn more detail about Adding Blur effects to Videos in Filmora .

2. Using YouTube Video Enhancements to Blur Faces

Those interested in learning how to blur faces in videos in order to apply the trick to their You Tube videos will find the fact that you can do this through the Video Enhancements section of your Creator Studios dashboard quite convenient. This addition is something that has been introduced in 2006 and has been well received by the community.

How to Blur the Faces with YouTube Enhancement tool:

  • Sign in your YouTube account and select the Creator Studio option after clicking the avatar. Locate the video that you want to edit and access video Enhancements.
  • You will see two blurring options in the Enhancement window: Blur faces and Custom blurring. To blur all faces appear in the video, go to Blur faces and click Edit

 blur faces

  • YouTube will use the face detection tool to analyze all faces in the video and displays the faces in the left side. You can click the face image to blur a specific face throughout the video.

 blur faces

  • Preview the blurring effects and if everything goes OK, click Save to save the face blurring effect to video. After you’re finished the editing, click Save to save the edits in-place, or Save as New Video, which creates a new video (this would mean, however, that you would lose any views you previously had).

 blur faces

In the Enhancement window, you can also blur a specific area of the video with the custom blurring option. Want to edit YouTube videos with more features, check our picks of thebest video editing software for YouTubers in 2018.

3. Blur Face with Movavi video editor

Movavi is a popular choice for when it comes to free video editing softwares. It is available for both Windows and MacOS and is a breeze to work in - the perfect software to learn how to blur the faces in videos in.

How to Blur the Faces with Movavi video editor:

  • Open Movavi and locate the Filters
  • Click Blur.

 blur faces

  • Once the filter gallery opens, drag your desired filter over the clip or image.
  • You can apply either the Blur Intense or the Blur Mild effects if you would like to determine their strength.
  • In order to blur a specific part of the video, select the clip and locate the More
  • Click Highlight and Conceal, and then click Conceal.
  • Position the orange box over the area that you want to be affected.
  • You can adjust the Opacity slider to determne the strength of the effect.
  • Click on Pixels if you want the blur preset to be pixellated.
  • You can also click on Add Mask if you would like to apply a mask to certain areas of the clip.

4. Blur face with Adobe Premiere Pro CC professional video editor

Premiere Pro CC is Adobe’s dedicated video editing software. There are many video editors out there that have some experience in Photoshop as well, and since there’s a chance they work in Premiere Pro CC due to how similar the UI of both of these products is, we’ve decided to give this NLE some attention as well. Available for both MacOS and Windows.

How to Blur the Faces in Premiere Pro?

  1. Select the video clip in the timeline.
  2. Access the Effects tab, and then click Video Effects, and then Stylize.
  3. Click Mosaic.
  4. Go to the Effects Control tab, and pick the shape of blurred area. The elliptical and 4-point polygon mask options are what most people use when blurring faces in particular.
  5. Drag the Mask over the intended area
  6. Adjust Positioning, Scale, and/or Rotation to your liking.
  7. You can fine-tune the effect further by adjusting the Mask Expansion, the Horizontal and Vertical blocks the mosaic effect is composed of, and the Feather

What sort of video editing software you go for when you want to edit the face in videos is ultimately up to you - we’ve only expressed our personal preferences in the hopes that it might help some of the people that are interested in the subject. Most of the steps present in this list are similar to each other and you will find that once you learn how to do this trick, you will become far more familiarized with all the various effects available to you.

author avatar

Ollie Mattison

Ollie Mattison is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Ollie Mattison

Ollie Mattison

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

One of the most commonly sought bits of video-editing knowledge is the ability to blur the face in videos, whether for privacy reasons, artistic effect, or whatever sort of thing you’re going for. You can go wild once you learn how to blur certain parts of a video, and this is something that, in our opinion, every aspiring video editor should learn how to do.

Now there are hundreds of video editing software, and every video editor has his own personal choice when it comes to choosing the right tool for the job. Our list focuses on what are, in our opinion, the most accessible and efficient NLE’s on the market.

Download Win VersionDownload Mac Version

1. Blur Face with Filmora Video Editor [with Faceoff / Mosaic]

Filmora is a favorite among many amateur video editors because the free version is robust by itself and features most of what one would need when not dealing with professional projects. It is available for both macOS and Windows.

How to Blur the Faces in Filmora:

  • Select the clip that needs to apply blur face in the timeline, and then go to the Effects tab and select Utility.

 Filmora 9 video editor utility options

  • If the image is still, then you can click Mosaic option and drag it in the video clip in the timeline.

 Filmora 9 video editor Mosaic

  • Double click the video clip applied Mosaic effect in the timeline to enter the video effects tab, in where you can dictate the size of the area, the mosaic types, and also adjust the opacity.
  • If the image is in motion and you’d like the blurred area to be mobile as well, drag the Face Off from the Effects tab to the timeline and adjust it in the Video Effects tab as well. You can pick the face-off pattern under Video Effects and the Face-off feature will tracks the face that appears on the screen and applies a blur to it.

 blur faces

  • When you’re done, click OK to save the changes and then click Export and pick your desired video format.

Download Win VersionDownload Mac Version

Learn more detail about Adding Blur effects to Videos in Filmora .

2. Using YouTube Video Enhancements to Blur Faces

Those interested in learning how to blur faces in videos in order to apply the trick to their You Tube videos will find the fact that you can do this through the Video Enhancements section of your Creator Studios dashboard quite convenient. This addition is something that has been introduced in 2006 and has been well received by the community.

How to Blur the Faces with YouTube Enhancement tool:

  • Sign in your YouTube account and select the Creator Studio option after clicking the avatar. Locate the video that you want to edit and access video Enhancements.
  • You will see two blurring options in the Enhancement window: Blur faces and Custom blurring. To blur all faces appear in the video, go to Blur faces and click Edit

 blur faces

  • YouTube will use the face detection tool to analyze all faces in the video and displays the faces in the left side. You can click the face image to blur a specific face throughout the video.

 blur faces

  • Preview the blurring effects and if everything goes OK, click Save to save the face blurring effect to video. After you’re finished the editing, click Save to save the edits in-place, or Save as New Video, which creates a new video (this would mean, however, that you would lose any views you previously had).

 blur faces

In the Enhancement window, you can also blur a specific area of the video with the custom blurring option. Want to edit YouTube videos with more features, check our picks of thebest video editing software for YouTubers in 2018.

3. Blur Face with Movavi video editor

Movavi is a popular choice for when it comes to free video editing softwares. It is available for both Windows and MacOS and is a breeze to work in - the perfect software to learn how to blur the faces in videos in.

How to Blur the Faces with Movavi video editor:

  • Open Movavi and locate the Filters
  • Click Blur.

 blur faces

  • Once the filter gallery opens, drag your desired filter over the clip or image.
  • You can apply either the Blur Intense or the Blur Mild effects if you would like to determine their strength.
  • In order to blur a specific part of the video, select the clip and locate the More
  • Click Highlight and Conceal, and then click Conceal.
  • Position the orange box over the area that you want to be affected.
  • You can adjust the Opacity slider to determne the strength of the effect.
  • Click on Pixels if you want the blur preset to be pixellated.
  • You can also click on Add Mask if you would like to apply a mask to certain areas of the clip.

4. Blur face with Adobe Premiere Pro CC professional video editor

Premiere Pro CC is Adobe’s dedicated video editing software. There are many video editors out there that have some experience in Photoshop as well, and since there’s a chance they work in Premiere Pro CC due to how similar the UI of both of these products is, we’ve decided to give this NLE some attention as well. Available for both MacOS and Windows.

How to Blur the Faces in Premiere Pro?

  1. Select the video clip in the timeline.
  2. Access the Effects tab, and then click Video Effects, and then Stylize.
  3. Click Mosaic.
  4. Go to the Effects Control tab, and pick the shape of blurred area. The elliptical and 4-point polygon mask options are what most people use when blurring faces in particular.
  5. Drag the Mask over the intended area
  6. Adjust Positioning, Scale, and/or Rotation to your liking.
  7. You can fine-tune the effect further by adjusting the Mask Expansion, the Horizontal and Vertical blocks the mosaic effect is composed of, and the Feather

What sort of video editing software you go for when you want to edit the face in videos is ultimately up to you - we’ve only expressed our personal preferences in the hopes that it might help some of the people that are interested in the subject. Most of the steps present in this list are similar to each other and you will find that once you learn how to do this trick, you will become far more familiarized with all the various effects available to you.

author avatar

Ollie Mattison

Ollie Mattison is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Ollie Mattison

Ollie Mattison

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

One of the most commonly sought bits of video-editing knowledge is the ability to blur the face in videos, whether for privacy reasons, artistic effect, or whatever sort of thing you’re going for. You can go wild once you learn how to blur certain parts of a video, and this is something that, in our opinion, every aspiring video editor should learn how to do.

Now there are hundreds of video editing software, and every video editor has his own personal choice when it comes to choosing the right tool for the job. Our list focuses on what are, in our opinion, the most accessible and efficient NLE’s on the market.

Download Win VersionDownload Mac Version

1. Blur Face with Filmora Video Editor [with Faceoff / Mosaic]

Filmora is a favorite among many amateur video editors because the free version is robust by itself and features most of what one would need when not dealing with professional projects. It is available for both macOS and Windows.

How to Blur the Faces in Filmora:

  • Select the clip that needs to apply blur face in the timeline, and then go to the Effects tab and select Utility.

 Filmora 9 video editor utility options

  • If the image is still, then you can click Mosaic option and drag it in the video clip in the timeline.

 Filmora 9 video editor Mosaic

  • Double click the video clip applied Mosaic effect in the timeline to enter the video effects tab, in where you can dictate the size of the area, the mosaic types, and also adjust the opacity.
  • If the image is in motion and you’d like the blurred area to be mobile as well, drag the Face Off from the Effects tab to the timeline and adjust it in the Video Effects tab as well. You can pick the face-off pattern under Video Effects and the Face-off feature will tracks the face that appears on the screen and applies a blur to it.

 blur faces

  • When you’re done, click OK to save the changes and then click Export and pick your desired video format.

Download Win VersionDownload Mac Version

Learn more detail about Adding Blur effects to Videos in Filmora .

2. Using YouTube Video Enhancements to Blur Faces

Those interested in learning how to blur faces in videos in order to apply the trick to their You Tube videos will find the fact that you can do this through the Video Enhancements section of your Creator Studios dashboard quite convenient. This addition is something that has been introduced in 2006 and has been well received by the community.

How to Blur the Faces with YouTube Enhancement tool:

  • Sign in your YouTube account and select the Creator Studio option after clicking the avatar. Locate the video that you want to edit and access video Enhancements.
  • You will see two blurring options in the Enhancement window: Blur faces and Custom blurring. To blur all faces appear in the video, go to Blur faces and click Edit

 blur faces

  • YouTube will use the face detection tool to analyze all faces in the video and displays the faces in the left side. You can click the face image to blur a specific face throughout the video.

 blur faces

  • Preview the blurring effects and if everything goes OK, click Save to save the face blurring effect to video. After you’re finished the editing, click Save to save the edits in-place, or Save as New Video, which creates a new video (this would mean, however, that you would lose any views you previously had).

 blur faces

In the Enhancement window, you can also blur a specific area of the video with the custom blurring option. Want to edit YouTube videos with more features, check our picks of thebest video editing software for YouTubers in 2018.

3. Blur Face with Movavi video editor

Movavi is a popular choice for when it comes to free video editing softwares. It is available for both Windows and MacOS and is a breeze to work in - the perfect software to learn how to blur the faces in videos in.

How to Blur the Faces with Movavi video editor:

  • Open Movavi and locate the Filters
  • Click Blur.

 blur faces

  • Once the filter gallery opens, drag your desired filter over the clip or image.
  • You can apply either the Blur Intense or the Blur Mild effects if you would like to determine their strength.
  • In order to blur a specific part of the video, select the clip and locate the More
  • Click Highlight and Conceal, and then click Conceal.
  • Position the orange box over the area that you want to be affected.
  • You can adjust the Opacity slider to determne the strength of the effect.
  • Click on Pixels if you want the blur preset to be pixellated.
  • You can also click on Add Mask if you would like to apply a mask to certain areas of the clip.

4. Blur face with Adobe Premiere Pro CC professional video editor

Premiere Pro CC is Adobe’s dedicated video editing software. There are many video editors out there that have some experience in Photoshop as well, and since there’s a chance they work in Premiere Pro CC due to how similar the UI of both of these products is, we’ve decided to give this NLE some attention as well. Available for both MacOS and Windows.

How to Blur the Faces in Premiere Pro?

  1. Select the video clip in the timeline.
  2. Access the Effects tab, and then click Video Effects, and then Stylize.
  3. Click Mosaic.
  4. Go to the Effects Control tab, and pick the shape of blurred area. The elliptical and 4-point polygon mask options are what most people use when blurring faces in particular.
  5. Drag the Mask over the intended area
  6. Adjust Positioning, Scale, and/or Rotation to your liking.
  7. You can fine-tune the effect further by adjusting the Mask Expansion, the Horizontal and Vertical blocks the mosaic effect is composed of, and the Feather

What sort of video editing software you go for when you want to edit the face in videos is ultimately up to you - we’ve only expressed our personal preferences in the hopes that it might help some of the people that are interested in the subject. Most of the steps present in this list are similar to each other and you will find that once you learn how to do this trick, you will become far more familiarized with all the various effects available to you.

author avatar

Ollie Mattison

Ollie Mattison is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Ollie Mattison

Get the Best Picture: Amazon Prime Video Aspect Ratio Settings Explained

Filmora Video Editor

Adjust the aspect ratio of Amazon Prime Video in an easy way!

Numerous effects to choose from

Detailed tutorials provided by the official channel

Try It Free Try It Free

Technological advancement brings about remarkable changes around the world. On the same pitch, there comes the wonder of Amazon and its services. The name Amazon is so common nowadays that every individual is aware of it. With the transition of online movies, videos, serials, Amazon also developed its services. Amazon Prime Video is a subscription-based service considered the largest reservoir of movies, videos, serials, and series that you can watch at your own pace, location, and on-demand by easy to the search option. Now, if you also want to launch any video on the Amazon Prime platform, then there are specific Amazon video dimensions that you must take care of.

amazon prime video

If you are not sure or unaware about what is Amazon’s Prime aspect ratio. Then need not worry; we shall cover all these terms linked with Amazon video dimensions here.

In this article

01 [The importance of Amazon Prime Video](#Part 1)

02 [Standard of Amazon Video Aspect Ratio](#Part 2)

03 [How to change the size of a video on Amazon Prime](#Part 3)

04 [Why are Prime Movies, not Full Screen?](#Part 4)

Part 1 The importance of Amazon Prime Video

Amazon Prime Video subscription automatically comes if you have Amazon prime membership. But, access to Amazon Prime Video brings lots and lots of surprise packages. If you are curious about know-how, let’s understand more about Amazon Prime Video and its importance.

Access to the series of original content that otherwise is not accessible with ease.

High-Definition video, HRD content, or 4K videos at one place.

Get access to almost all of the licensed content online. So, you need not wait anymore to want your favorite series.

Device-free, that is, it supports multiple devices. Such as Games consoles, Smart TVs, Blu-ray players, mobile phones, Set-up boxes, Fire-TV, and many more.

Offline watching option, that is, you can download videos to watch them later time.

Live streaming, such as any sports, games, or event.

Amazon provides an option to buy or rent any content that is outside the reach of Amazon.

Parental Control to keep kids/children safe from any unwanted content.

Create an additional six profiles and three different devices at the same time to access the content.

Yeah, you are right. It looks like the benefits and importance of Amazon Prime Video are not in a mood to end here. Some more benefits come under Amazon Prime Video, such as hosting an Amazon watch party, hosting and watching a movie with 99 of your friends altogether.

Part 2 Standard of Amazon Video Aspect Ratio

While watching videos online, Amazon Video dimensions matter a lot. It changes the viewer experience completely. Here, the Amazon Prime Video aspect ratio needs to be taken care of. But before moving ahead, it is essential to know what is meant by “Aspect Ratio”?

video aspect ratio

Aspect Ratio, in simple terms, is the ratio of the Width to the Height.

That is if talking about Amazon video aspect ratio. Then, it refers to the respective video width to height ratio visible on the screen. It is important as it affects the visual representation of the video playing on the net.

As per Amazon video direct mentioned aspect ratio criteria, is as follows:

16:9 (HD videos)

4:3 (Common SD videos)

2.20:1 (Film standard)

2.40:1( Blu-Ray films- resolution of 1920X800)

1.85:1 (the UK, US widescreen releases)

In addition to them, other accepted ratios for videos are 1.66:1, 2:1, 2.35:1, and 2.39:1 are among them.

Thus, while uploading videos, the following aspect ratio needs to be considered under the standard Amazon Prime Video aspect ratio criteria.

To know more details about Amazon Prime aspect ratio criteria or issues related to it, one can visit the official video direct website of Amazon Prime.

Part 3 How to change the size of a video on Amazon Prime

A question that comes to the mind of most prime video users is, is there a way to change the size of a video on Amazon Prime? The fact says that in the Amazon app there exists, no such option to manually adjust the image aspect ratio. For this purpose, you can take the help of the device on which you are streaming Amazon Prime Video with the required aspect ratio. That is, you can convert or change the aspect ratio to 16:9 Amazon Prime Video widescreen through your device. Some other aspect ratios that you can set are:

4:3 For VHS or SD broadcast

10:9 for standard display

Steps (Settings> video> change size > or can go with Zoom option)

Here, you can take the help of some reliable software that will assist you in changing the aspect ratio or size of the video.

Alternatively, you can also change image quality by visiting> Amazon app> Prime video> settings> Steam and download.

video quality change

After that, go to> streaming quality> then set the required rate.

streaming quality

Part 4 Why are Prime Movies, not Full Screen?

Are you facing the issue that Amazon Prime Video widescreen is not fully supported, or prime movies are not full screen? Well, there can be some reasons or problems due to which this happens. Such as Prime Video playing in Smart TV, Phone of Mi TV not appearing widescreen to have a better view or sometimes outline bars appear that makes the visible area quite less. What to do to solve the issue or if there exists some solution? Let’s take a look over some of the reasons due to which Amazon Prime Video widescreen does not appear as required:

Some of the devices do not support particular resolution videos.

In some devices under the settings, there comes an app scaling option to make Amazon Prime Video widescreen. However, this is not the official way to do so, though it works many times. But, this option varies from system to system.

This often occurs when the dimension of the device screen mismatch with that of the video aspect ratio. Since a 16:9 aspect ratio or 1920X1080 pixel resolution is required for a Full HD video, device dimension varies, say 2400X1080 pixels. Now, if you want to see your video in a 1:1 ratio, then around 240 pixel wide black bars will appear on either side of the video if kept in landscape mode.

Alternatively, if you try to zoom in on the video, black bars will disappear, resulting in cropping the video visuals from the side.

A possible solution can be using some video editor software support to adjust the screen resolution or aspect ratio of the video as per the requirement of the device. For this purpose, one can refer to Wondershare Filmora video editor. That can be the perfect solution to this problem. Wondershare Filmora provides options to adjust the video resolution or modify the video’s aspect ratio as per the requirement at your ease from anywhere, any location. That looks awesome.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Using Wondershare Filmora will provide you with the option to adjust the video resolution, aspect ratio, and a plethora of video editing options. You need to visit their website to get all the relevant information related to video editing.


User experience is equally important as much as the quality of the content. And when the concern is about sharing some important video or series under Amazon Prime, taking care of the Amazon Prime aspect ratio setting becomes the must. Just because of that, the mentioned tips in the article are going to help you a lot. And once you get the video with an aspect ratio as per Amazon Prime requirement, then indeed, in no time, it will gain the real popularity you have been looking for. Here, taking the assistance of Wondershare Filmora becomes added advantage to you as it will manage the aspect ratio of Amazon Prime and provide multiple tools to manage the videos.

Try It Free Try It Free

Technological advancement brings about remarkable changes around the world. On the same pitch, there comes the wonder of Amazon and its services. The name Amazon is so common nowadays that every individual is aware of it. With the transition of online movies, videos, serials, Amazon also developed its services. Amazon Prime Video is a subscription-based service considered the largest reservoir of movies, videos, serials, and series that you can watch at your own pace, location, and on-demand by easy to the search option. Now, if you also want to launch any video on the Amazon Prime platform, then there are specific Amazon video dimensions that you must take care of.

amazon prime video

If you are not sure or unaware about what is Amazon’s Prime aspect ratio. Then need not worry; we shall cover all these terms linked with Amazon video dimensions here.

In this article

01 [The importance of Amazon Prime Video](#Part 1)

02 [Standard of Amazon Video Aspect Ratio](#Part 2)

03 [How to change the size of a video on Amazon Prime](#Part 3)

04 [Why are Prime Movies, not Full Screen?](#Part 4)

Part 1 The importance of Amazon Prime Video

Amazon Prime Video subscription automatically comes if you have Amazon prime membership. But, access to Amazon Prime Video brings lots and lots of surprise packages. If you are curious about know-how, let’s understand more about Amazon Prime Video and its importance.

Access to the series of original content that otherwise is not accessible with ease.

High-Definition video, HRD content, or 4K videos at one place.

Get access to almost all of the licensed content online. So, you need not wait anymore to want your favorite series.

Device-free, that is, it supports multiple devices. Such as Games consoles, Smart TVs, Blu-ray players, mobile phones, Set-up boxes, Fire-TV, and many more.

Offline watching option, that is, you can download videos to watch them later time.

Live streaming, such as any sports, games, or event.

Amazon provides an option to buy or rent any content that is outside the reach of Amazon.

Parental Control to keep kids/children safe from any unwanted content.

Create an additional six profiles and three different devices at the same time to access the content.

Yeah, you are right. It looks like the benefits and importance of Amazon Prime Video are not in a mood to end here. Some more benefits come under Amazon Prime Video, such as hosting an Amazon watch party, hosting and watching a movie with 99 of your friends altogether.

Part 2 Standard of Amazon Video Aspect Ratio

While watching videos online, Amazon Video dimensions matter a lot. It changes the viewer experience completely. Here, the Amazon Prime Video aspect ratio needs to be taken care of. But before moving ahead, it is essential to know what is meant by “Aspect Ratio”?

video aspect ratio

Aspect Ratio, in simple terms, is the ratio of the Width to the Height.

That is if talking about Amazon video aspect ratio. Then, it refers to the respective video width to height ratio visible on the screen. It is important as it affects the visual representation of the video playing on the net.

As per Amazon video direct mentioned aspect ratio criteria, is as follows:

16:9 (HD videos)

4:3 (Common SD videos)

2.20:1 (Film standard)

2.40:1( Blu-Ray films- resolution of 1920X800)

1.85:1 (the UK, US widescreen releases)

In addition to them, other accepted ratios for videos are 1.66:1, 2:1, 2.35:1, and 2.39:1 are among them.

Thus, while uploading videos, the following aspect ratio needs to be considered under the standard Amazon Prime Video aspect ratio criteria.

To know more details about Amazon Prime aspect ratio criteria or issues related to it, one can visit the official video direct website of Amazon Prime.

Part 3 How to change the size of a video on Amazon Prime

A question that comes to the mind of most prime video users is, is there a way to change the size of a video on Amazon Prime? The fact says that in the Amazon app there exists, no such option to manually adjust the image aspect ratio. For this purpose, you can take the help of the device on which you are streaming Amazon Prime Video with the required aspect ratio. That is, you can convert or change the aspect ratio to 16:9 Amazon Prime Video widescreen through your device. Some other aspect ratios that you can set are:

4:3 For VHS or SD broadcast

10:9 for standard display

Steps (Settings> video> change size > or can go with Zoom option)

Here, you can take the help of some reliable software that will assist you in changing the aspect ratio or size of the video.

Alternatively, you can also change image quality by visiting> Amazon app> Prime video> settings> Steam and download.

video quality change

After that, go to> streaming quality> then set the required rate.

streaming quality

Part 4 Why are Prime Movies, not Full Screen?

Are you facing the issue that Amazon Prime Video widescreen is not fully supported, or prime movies are not full screen? Well, there can be some reasons or problems due to which this happens. Such as Prime Video playing in Smart TV, Phone of Mi TV not appearing widescreen to have a better view or sometimes outline bars appear that makes the visible area quite less. What to do to solve the issue or if there exists some solution? Let’s take a look over some of the reasons due to which Amazon Prime Video widescreen does not appear as required:

Some of the devices do not support particular resolution videos.

In some devices under the settings, there comes an app scaling option to make Amazon Prime Video widescreen. However, this is not the official way to do so, though it works many times. But, this option varies from system to system.

This often occurs when the dimension of the device screen mismatch with that of the video aspect ratio. Since a 16:9 aspect ratio or 1920X1080 pixel resolution is required for a Full HD video, device dimension varies, say 2400X1080 pixels. Now, if you want to see your video in a 1:1 ratio, then around 240 pixel wide black bars will appear on either side of the video if kept in landscape mode.

Alternatively, if you try to zoom in on the video, black bars will disappear, resulting in cropping the video visuals from the side.

A possible solution can be using some video editor software support to adjust the screen resolution or aspect ratio of the video as per the requirement of the device. For this purpose, one can refer to Wondershare Filmora video editor. That can be the perfect solution to this problem. Wondershare Filmora provides options to adjust the video resolution or modify the video’s aspect ratio as per the requirement at your ease from anywhere, any location. That looks awesome.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Using Wondershare Filmora will provide you with the option to adjust the video resolution, aspect ratio, and a plethora of video editing options. You need to visit their website to get all the relevant information related to video editing.


User experience is equally important as much as the quality of the content. And when the concern is about sharing some important video or series under Amazon Prime, taking care of the Amazon Prime aspect ratio setting becomes the must. Just because of that, the mentioned tips in the article are going to help you a lot. And once you get the video with an aspect ratio as per Amazon Prime requirement, then indeed, in no time, it will gain the real popularity you have been looking for. Here, taking the assistance of Wondershare Filmora becomes added advantage to you as it will manage the aspect ratio of Amazon Prime and provide multiple tools to manage the videos.

Try It Free Try It Free

Technological advancement brings about remarkable changes around the world. On the same pitch, there comes the wonder of Amazon and its services. The name Amazon is so common nowadays that every individual is aware of it. With the transition of online movies, videos, serials, Amazon also developed its services. Amazon Prime Video is a subscription-based service considered the largest reservoir of movies, videos, serials, and series that you can watch at your own pace, location, and on-demand by easy to the search option. Now, if you also want to launch any video on the Amazon Prime platform, then there are specific Amazon video dimensions that you must take care of.

amazon prime video

If you are not sure or unaware about what is Amazon’s Prime aspect ratio. Then need not worry; we shall cover all these terms linked with Amazon video dimensions here.

In this article

01 [The importance of Amazon Prime Video](#Part 1)

02 [Standard of Amazon Video Aspect Ratio](#Part 2)

03 [How to change the size of a video on Amazon Prime](#Part 3)

04 [Why are Prime Movies, not Full Screen?](#Part 4)

Part 1 The importance of Amazon Prime Video

Amazon Prime Video subscription automatically comes if you have Amazon prime membership. But, access to Amazon Prime Video brings lots and lots of surprise packages. If you are curious about know-how, let’s understand more about Amazon Prime Video and its importance.

Access to the series of original content that otherwise is not accessible with ease.

High-Definition video, HRD content, or 4K videos at one place.

Get access to almost all of the licensed content online. So, you need not wait anymore to want your favorite series.

Device-free, that is, it supports multiple devices. Such as Games consoles, Smart TVs, Blu-ray players, mobile phones, Set-up boxes, Fire-TV, and many more.

Offline watching option, that is, you can download videos to watch them later time.

Live streaming, such as any sports, games, or event.

Amazon provides an option to buy or rent any content that is outside the reach of Amazon.

Parental Control to keep kids/children safe from any unwanted content.

Create an additional six profiles and three different devices at the same time to access the content.

Yeah, you are right. It looks like the benefits and importance of Amazon Prime Video are not in a mood to end here. Some more benefits come under Amazon Prime Video, such as hosting an Amazon watch party, hosting and watching a movie with 99 of your friends altogether.

Part 2 Standard of Amazon Video Aspect Ratio

While watching videos online, Amazon Video dimensions matter a lot. It changes the viewer experience completely. Here, the Amazon Prime Video aspect ratio needs to be taken care of. But before moving ahead, it is essential to know what is meant by “Aspect Ratio”?

video aspect ratio

Aspect Ratio, in simple terms, is the ratio of the Width to the Height.

That is if talking about Amazon video aspect ratio. Then, it refers to the respective video width to height ratio visible on the screen. It is important as it affects the visual representation of the video playing on the net.

As per Amazon video direct mentioned aspect ratio criteria, is as follows:

16:9 (HD videos)

4:3 (Common SD videos)

2.20:1 (Film standard)

2.40:1( Blu-Ray films- resolution of 1920X800)

1.85:1 (the UK, US widescreen releases)

In addition to them, other accepted ratios for videos are 1.66:1, 2:1, 2.35:1, and 2.39:1 are among them.

Thus, while uploading videos, the following aspect ratio needs to be considered under the standard Amazon Prime Video aspect ratio criteria.

To know more details about Amazon Prime aspect ratio criteria or issues related to it, one can visit the official video direct website of Amazon Prime.

Part 3 How to change the size of a video on Amazon Prime

A question that comes to the mind of most prime video users is, is there a way to change the size of a video on Amazon Prime? The fact says that in the Amazon app there exists, no such option to manually adjust the image aspect ratio. For this purpose, you can take the help of the device on which you are streaming Amazon Prime Video with the required aspect ratio. That is, you can convert or change the aspect ratio to 16:9 Amazon Prime Video widescreen through your device. Some other aspect ratios that you can set are:

4:3 For VHS or SD broadcast

10:9 for standard display

Steps (Settings> video> change size > or can go with Zoom option)

Here, you can take the help of some reliable software that will assist you in changing the aspect ratio or size of the video.

Alternatively, you can also change image quality by visiting> Amazon app> Prime video> settings> Steam and download.

video quality change

After that, go to> streaming quality> then set the required rate.

streaming quality

Part 4 Why are Prime Movies, not Full Screen?

Are you facing the issue that Amazon Prime Video widescreen is not fully supported, or prime movies are not full screen? Well, there can be some reasons or problems due to which this happens. Such as Prime Video playing in Smart TV, Phone of Mi TV not appearing widescreen to have a better view or sometimes outline bars appear that makes the visible area quite less. What to do to solve the issue or if there exists some solution? Let’s take a look over some of the reasons due to which Amazon Prime Video widescreen does not appear as required:

Some of the devices do not support particular resolution videos.

In some devices under the settings, there comes an app scaling option to make Amazon Prime Video widescreen. However, this is not the official way to do so, though it works many times. But, this option varies from system to system.

This often occurs when the dimension of the device screen mismatch with that of the video aspect ratio. Since a 16:9 aspect ratio or 1920X1080 pixel resolution is required for a Full HD video, device dimension varies, say 2400X1080 pixels. Now, if you want to see your video in a 1:1 ratio, then around 240 pixel wide black bars will appear on either side of the video if kept in landscape mode.

Alternatively, if you try to zoom in on the video, black bars will disappear, resulting in cropping the video visuals from the side.

A possible solution can be using some video editor software support to adjust the screen resolution or aspect ratio of the video as per the requirement of the device. For this purpose, one can refer to Wondershare Filmora video editor. That can be the perfect solution to this problem. Wondershare Filmora provides options to adjust the video resolution or modify the video’s aspect ratio as per the requirement at your ease from anywhere, any location. That looks awesome.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Using Wondershare Filmora will provide you with the option to adjust the video resolution, aspect ratio, and a plethora of video editing options. You need to visit their website to get all the relevant information related to video editing.


User experience is equally important as much as the quality of the content. And when the concern is about sharing some important video or series under Amazon Prime, taking care of the Amazon Prime aspect ratio setting becomes the must. Just because of that, the mentioned tips in the article are going to help you a lot. And once you get the video with an aspect ratio as per Amazon Prime requirement, then indeed, in no time, it will gain the real popularity you have been looking for. Here, taking the assistance of Wondershare Filmora becomes added advantage to you as it will manage the aspect ratio of Amazon Prime and provide multiple tools to manage the videos.

Try It Free Try It Free

Technological advancement brings about remarkable changes around the world. On the same pitch, there comes the wonder of Amazon and its services. The name Amazon is so common nowadays that every individual is aware of it. With the transition of online movies, videos, serials, Amazon also developed its services. Amazon Prime Video is a subscription-based service considered the largest reservoir of movies, videos, serials, and series that you can watch at your own pace, location, and on-demand by easy to the search option. Now, if you also want to launch any video on the Amazon Prime platform, then there are specific Amazon video dimensions that you must take care of.

amazon prime video

If you are not sure or unaware about what is Amazon’s Prime aspect ratio. Then need not worry; we shall cover all these terms linked with Amazon video dimensions here.

In this article

01 [The importance of Amazon Prime Video](#Part 1)

02 [Standard of Amazon Video Aspect Ratio](#Part 2)

03 [How to change the size of a video on Amazon Prime](#Part 3)

04 [Why are Prime Movies, not Full Screen?](#Part 4)

Part 1 The importance of Amazon Prime Video

Amazon Prime Video subscription automatically comes if you have Amazon prime membership. But, access to Amazon Prime Video brings lots and lots of surprise packages. If you are curious about know-how, let’s understand more about Amazon Prime Video and its importance.

Access to the series of original content that otherwise is not accessible with ease.

High-Definition video, HRD content, or 4K videos at one place.

Get access to almost all of the licensed content online. So, you need not wait anymore to want your favorite series.

Device-free, that is, it supports multiple devices. Such as Games consoles, Smart TVs, Blu-ray players, mobile phones, Set-up boxes, Fire-TV, and many more.

Offline watching option, that is, you can download videos to watch them later time.

Live streaming, such as any sports, games, or event.

Amazon provides an option to buy or rent any content that is outside the reach of Amazon.

Parental Control to keep kids/children safe from any unwanted content.

Create an additional six profiles and three different devices at the same time to access the content.

Yeah, you are right. It looks like the benefits and importance of Amazon Prime Video are not in a mood to end here. Some more benefits come under Amazon Prime Video, such as hosting an Amazon watch party, hosting and watching a movie with 99 of your friends altogether.

Part 2 Standard of Amazon Video Aspect Ratio

While watching videos online, Amazon Video dimensions matter a lot. It changes the viewer experience completely. Here, the Amazon Prime Video aspect ratio needs to be taken care of. But before moving ahead, it is essential to know what is meant by “Aspect Ratio”?

video aspect ratio

Aspect Ratio, in simple terms, is the ratio of the Width to the Height.

That is if talking about Amazon video aspect ratio. Then, it refers to the respective video width to height ratio visible on the screen. It is important as it affects the visual representation of the video playing on the net.

As per Amazon video direct mentioned aspect ratio criteria, is as follows:

16:9 (HD videos)

4:3 (Common SD videos)

2.20:1 (Film standard)

2.40:1( Blu-Ray films- resolution of 1920X800)

1.85:1 (the UK, US widescreen releases)

In addition to them, other accepted ratios for videos are 1.66:1, 2:1, 2.35:1, and 2.39:1 are among them.

Thus, while uploading videos, the following aspect ratio needs to be considered under the standard Amazon Prime Video aspect ratio criteria.

To know more details about Amazon Prime aspect ratio criteria or issues related to it, one can visit the official video direct website of Amazon Prime.

Part 3 How to change the size of a video on Amazon Prime

A question that comes to the mind of most prime video users is, is there a way to change the size of a video on Amazon Prime? The fact says that in the Amazon app there exists, no such option to manually adjust the image aspect ratio. For this purpose, you can take the help of the device on which you are streaming Amazon Prime Video with the required aspect ratio. That is, you can convert or change the aspect ratio to 16:9 Amazon Prime Video widescreen through your device. Some other aspect ratios that you can set are:

4:3 For VHS or SD broadcast

10:9 for standard display

Steps (Settings> video> change size > or can go with Zoom option)

Here, you can take the help of some reliable software that will assist you in changing the aspect ratio or size of the video.

Alternatively, you can also change image quality by visiting> Amazon app> Prime video> settings> Steam and download.

video quality change

After that, go to> streaming quality> then set the required rate.

streaming quality

Part 4 Why are Prime Movies, not Full Screen?

Are you facing the issue that Amazon Prime Video widescreen is not fully supported, or prime movies are not full screen? Well, there can be some reasons or problems due to which this happens. Such as Prime Video playing in Smart TV, Phone of Mi TV not appearing widescreen to have a better view or sometimes outline bars appear that makes the visible area quite less. What to do to solve the issue or if there exists some solution? Let’s take a look over some of the reasons due to which Amazon Prime Video widescreen does not appear as required:

Some of the devices do not support particular resolution videos.

In some devices under the settings, there comes an app scaling option to make Amazon Prime Video widescreen. However, this is not the official way to do so, though it works many times. But, this option varies from system to system.

This often occurs when the dimension of the device screen mismatch with that of the video aspect ratio. Since a 16:9 aspect ratio or 1920X1080 pixel resolution is required for a Full HD video, device dimension varies, say 2400X1080 pixels. Now, if you want to see your video in a 1:1 ratio, then around 240 pixel wide black bars will appear on either side of the video if kept in landscape mode.

Alternatively, if you try to zoom in on the video, black bars will disappear, resulting in cropping the video visuals from the side.

A possible solution can be using some video editor software support to adjust the screen resolution or aspect ratio of the video as per the requirement of the device. For this purpose, one can refer to Wondershare Filmora video editor. That can be the perfect solution to this problem. Wondershare Filmora provides options to adjust the video resolution or modify the video’s aspect ratio as per the requirement at your ease from anywhere, any location. That looks awesome.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Using Wondershare Filmora will provide you with the option to adjust the video resolution, aspect ratio, and a plethora of video editing options. You need to visit their website to get all the relevant information related to video editing.


User experience is equally important as much as the quality of the content. And when the concern is about sharing some important video or series under Amazon Prime, taking care of the Amazon Prime aspect ratio setting becomes the must. Just because of that, the mentioned tips in the article are going to help you a lot. And once you get the video with an aspect ratio as per Amazon Prime requirement, then indeed, in no time, it will gain the real popularity you have been looking for. Here, taking the assistance of Wondershare Filmora becomes added advantage to you as it will manage the aspect ratio of Amazon Prime and provide multiple tools to manage the videos.

Also read:

  • Title: In 2024, Crafting Compelling Lower Thirds FCPX Essentials
  • Author: Amelia
  • Created at : 2024-05-19 11:47:02
  • Updated at : 2024-05-20 11:47:02
  • Link:
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
On this page
In 2024, Crafting Compelling Lower Thirds FCPX Essentials