In 2024, Get Noticed on LinkedIn Ideal Video Aspect Ratios for Standout Posts

In 2024, Get Noticed on LinkedIn Ideal Video Aspect Ratios for Standout Posts

Amelia Lv12

Get Noticed on LinkedIn: Ideal Video Aspect Ratios for Standout Posts

The Ideal LinkedIn Video Aspect Ratios for Effective Posting

An easy yet powerful editor

Numerous effects to choose from

Detailed tutorials provided by the official channel

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The written content of LinkedIn has been taken over by the video content these days. Videos created with exceptional features and editing perks are booming amongst the audience.

In this article

01 [What is LinkedIn Video Format?](#Part 1)

02 [Everything You Need to Know About LinkedIn Ad Specs](#Part 2)

03 [5 Types of LinkedIn Ads](#Part 3)

04 [Best 5 LinkedIn Video Practices](#Part 4)

Part 1 What is LinkedIn Video Format?

01Can you post 1920x1080 on LinkedIn?

Yes, videos of 1920 by 1080px can be easily posted on LinkedIn. Moreover, this is the best resolution in which you should post your video. This will provide you the best quality.

02What aspect ratio is best for a LinkedIn video?

Although LinkedIn accepts and allows almost each aspect ratio but the most recommended aspect ratio is 16:This means it should remain between 1.778 and 0.565However, the aspect ratio can vary according to the mode of your video that is horizontal or vertical.

Recommended aspect ratios for LinkedIn videos

Part 2 Everything You Need to Know About LinkedIn Ad Specs

The specs can vary in the case of LinkedIn videos and LinkedIn ads. As the ads are totally different from the videos their specs also become different. Here are some of the specs that you should know when you are creating LinkedIn ads:

Length: The maximum and minimum length of these ad videos are 3 seconds to 30 minutes respectively. However, the most successful video length is up to 15 seconds.

File size and file format: The file size of the ad videos must be a minimum of 75 KB and the maximum it can be of 200 MB. The file format that is supported on the LinkedIn application is MP4.

Audio Format and size: The audio format of these ad videos must be MPEG4 or ACC. If you talk about the audio size then it is recommended not to be more than 64 KHz.

Resolution and aspect ratio: The resolution of these ads can be 360p, 480p, 720p or 1080p. When it comes to the aspect ratio then the best-recommended one is 16:9 for landscape mode and 9:16 for vertical mode.

Video captions and headlines: If you are adding video captions in your ad video, then it must be in SRT format and the headlines should also be under 200 characters. It is recommended to keep the headlines up to maximum of 70 characters.

Part 3 5 types of LinkedIn Ads

LinkedIn provides you with several platforms and types of ad placements. Here mentioned are some of them:

Sponsored messages in LinkedIn: This type of LinkedIn ad was previously termed as sponsored InMail. Through this, you can directly advertise your product or brand in the user’s inbox. However, LinkedIn has set a maximum number of times that your customer can receive the messaging ad. This states that any member of your audience will not receive the ads more than two times in a short span of time. Also, it is estimated that consumers enjoy messaging ads but companies do not interact much with them via sponsored messaging ads.

Sponsored messaging on LinkedIn

Sponsored content: These ads show up in the feed of the LinkedIn user. No matter if they are using it on mobile on desktop. These sponsored contents also have a label of promotion on them. This makes them different from the regular contents. If you are choosing sponsored content then you also get the choice between carousel ads, video ads and images ads.

Sponsored content on LinkedIn

Dynamic ads: These ads are visible on the right rail as you open the LinkedIn. Also this is the best way to speak to your audience through personalization. The users get to see their own personal details as soon these ads pop up on the screen. This can even be changed through the settings so that the details get hidden if the user finds this to be very personal. Dynamic ads are also of two types. One is follower ads and other is sponsored ads.

Dynamic ads video requirements

Text ads: These ads are considered as the best way to build a strong lead amongst the audience. This is also suitable in the terms of professional demographic. These ads are shown on the top and right side of the feed of LinkedIn. Approximately 58% of the companies say that making the lead generation better is the top priority of digital marketing. This is also a good way to manage company’s budget.

Text ad videos

Awareness ads: If you want to make your brand stay on the tips of your audience then it is a good idea to go for awareness ads. These ads build a communication amongst the audience related to your brands, products and services, etc. These awareness ads also boost the engagement, help to gain followers and increase the views.

Awareness ad videos

Part 4 Best 5 LinkedIn Video Practices

**Optimized setup:**To create an excellent video its setup is most important thing. So before you create the video keep in mind that your setup is well organized. Your set up includes lighting, background, camera and its position. Until the lighting is not perfect your video will lack its charm. Often natural lights are the best but artificial lights are also can do the work of perk. Also the background must be free from clutters. The camera that you are using should also be perfect and the camera position should also be in place.

Correct video length: When the correct video length is concerned, LinkedIn recommends it to be less than 15 seconds. This is so because the shorter the video is the more effective it can be. You should also keep in mind that these video may be of maximum 10 minutes but the starting moments must be engaging. This will keep your audience stay to watch your video till the end.

**Grab the viewer’s attention:**Social media platforms are filled with ignorable contents and when it comes to LinkedIn it can be so true. So if you want to grab the attention of your targeted audience then you must make your videos extraordinary. This is only possible when you focus on each and every aspect of the videos. Adding subtitles to your videos can also be an amazing idea to make them more engaging. You can even optimize the length of your video according to the objective that you want to convey.

**Plan the content according to your objective:**It is a good idea to remain up to the objective that you want to convey to your audience. No matter if you want to facilitate consideration or want to spread awareness. If you want to generate some conversions then you can go for making small demos in your videos.

**Go for the best tools:**At last but one of the most important points is to pay attention on the tool that you are using. Although there are a number of tools that can be used but nowadays, Wondershare Filmora Video Editor is the most in the use. Here are some extraordinary features of both the tools:

Features of Filmora:

This one is an easy to use tool that can be used by beginners and less professional people.

Using this tool you can experience latest filters and colors making their perk at the best.

Here you will also get amazing sound effect to make your video stand out.

You can create the videos in just a single click. This is the reason its feature of key framing is immensely popular.

Wondershare Filmora

Get started easily with Filmora’s powerful performance, intuitive interface, and countless effects!

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Key Takeaways from This Episode

LinkedIn is an application that has made its popularity amongst the users and advertisers in a very recent and less time. Ads and videos on this application is being loved and watched these days at a rapid rate. As per the increased demand increases a responsibility to meet those demands.

To meet up the demands it is essential that all the technical requirements are fulfilled and also the protocols of the app are followed. This remains crucial and important in the terms of video aspect ratio, resolution, size and dimensions, and a lot more.

If you are uploading your videos and ads on LinkedIn then it is must that they should be engaging and interesting. To make them exciting you may opt for the best practices which also include the use of popular tools. The latest tools like Filmora, Inshot, etc. are laced with all the additional features and make your video perfect for the apps.

Try It Free Try It Free

The written content of LinkedIn has been taken over by the video content these days. Videos created with exceptional features and editing perks are booming amongst the audience.

In this article

01 [What is LinkedIn Video Format?](#Part 1)

02 [Everything You Need to Know About LinkedIn Ad Specs](#Part 2)

03 [5 Types of LinkedIn Ads](#Part 3)

04 [Best 5 LinkedIn Video Practices](#Part 4)

Part 1 What is LinkedIn Video Format?

01Can you post 1920x1080 on LinkedIn?

Yes, videos of 1920 by 1080px can be easily posted on LinkedIn. Moreover, this is the best resolution in which you should post your video. This will provide you the best quality.

02What aspect ratio is best for a LinkedIn video?

Although LinkedIn accepts and allows almost each aspect ratio but the most recommended aspect ratio is 16:This means it should remain between 1.778 and 0.565However, the aspect ratio can vary according to the mode of your video that is horizontal or vertical.

Recommended aspect ratios for LinkedIn videos

Part 2 Everything You Need to Know About LinkedIn Ad Specs

The specs can vary in the case of LinkedIn videos and LinkedIn ads. As the ads are totally different from the videos their specs also become different. Here are some of the specs that you should know when you are creating LinkedIn ads:

Length: The maximum and minimum length of these ad videos are 3 seconds to 30 minutes respectively. However, the most successful video length is up to 15 seconds.

File size and file format: The file size of the ad videos must be a minimum of 75 KB and the maximum it can be of 200 MB. The file format that is supported on the LinkedIn application is MP4.

Audio Format and size: The audio format of these ad videos must be MPEG4 or ACC. If you talk about the audio size then it is recommended not to be more than 64 KHz.

Resolution and aspect ratio: The resolution of these ads can be 360p, 480p, 720p or 1080p. When it comes to the aspect ratio then the best-recommended one is 16:9 for landscape mode and 9:16 for vertical mode.

Video captions and headlines: If you are adding video captions in your ad video, then it must be in SRT format and the headlines should also be under 200 characters. It is recommended to keep the headlines up to maximum of 70 characters.

Part 3 5 types of LinkedIn Ads

LinkedIn provides you with several platforms and types of ad placements. Here mentioned are some of them:

Sponsored messages in LinkedIn: This type of LinkedIn ad was previously termed as sponsored InMail. Through this, you can directly advertise your product or brand in the user’s inbox. However, LinkedIn has set a maximum number of times that your customer can receive the messaging ad. This states that any member of your audience will not receive the ads more than two times in a short span of time. Also, it is estimated that consumers enjoy messaging ads but companies do not interact much with them via sponsored messaging ads.

Sponsored messaging on LinkedIn

Sponsored content: These ads show up in the feed of the LinkedIn user. No matter if they are using it on mobile on desktop. These sponsored contents also have a label of promotion on them. This makes them different from the regular contents. If you are choosing sponsored content then you also get the choice between carousel ads, video ads and images ads.

Sponsored content on LinkedIn

Dynamic ads: These ads are visible on the right rail as you open the LinkedIn. Also this is the best way to speak to your audience through personalization. The users get to see their own personal details as soon these ads pop up on the screen. This can even be changed through the settings so that the details get hidden if the user finds this to be very personal. Dynamic ads are also of two types. One is follower ads and other is sponsored ads.

Dynamic ads video requirements

Text ads: These ads are considered as the best way to build a strong lead amongst the audience. This is also suitable in the terms of professional demographic. These ads are shown on the top and right side of the feed of LinkedIn. Approximately 58% of the companies say that making the lead generation better is the top priority of digital marketing. This is also a good way to manage company’s budget.

Text ad videos

Awareness ads: If you want to make your brand stay on the tips of your audience then it is a good idea to go for awareness ads. These ads build a communication amongst the audience related to your brands, products and services, etc. These awareness ads also boost the engagement, help to gain followers and increase the views.

Awareness ad videos

Part 4 Best 5 LinkedIn Video Practices

**Optimized setup:**To create an excellent video its setup is most important thing. So before you create the video keep in mind that your setup is well organized. Your set up includes lighting, background, camera and its position. Until the lighting is not perfect your video will lack its charm. Often natural lights are the best but artificial lights are also can do the work of perk. Also the background must be free from clutters. The camera that you are using should also be perfect and the camera position should also be in place.

Correct video length: When the correct video length is concerned, LinkedIn recommends it to be less than 15 seconds. This is so because the shorter the video is the more effective it can be. You should also keep in mind that these video may be of maximum 10 minutes but the starting moments must be engaging. This will keep your audience stay to watch your video till the end.

**Grab the viewer’s attention:**Social media platforms are filled with ignorable contents and when it comes to LinkedIn it can be so true. So if you want to grab the attention of your targeted audience then you must make your videos extraordinary. This is only possible when you focus on each and every aspect of the videos. Adding subtitles to your videos can also be an amazing idea to make them more engaging. You can even optimize the length of your video according to the objective that you want to convey.

**Plan the content according to your objective:**It is a good idea to remain up to the objective that you want to convey to your audience. No matter if you want to facilitate consideration or want to spread awareness. If you want to generate some conversions then you can go for making small demos in your videos.

**Go for the best tools:**At last but one of the most important points is to pay attention on the tool that you are using. Although there are a number of tools that can be used but nowadays, Wondershare Filmora Video Editor is the most in the use. Here are some extraordinary features of both the tools:

Features of Filmora:

This one is an easy to use tool that can be used by beginners and less professional people.

Using this tool you can experience latest filters and colors making their perk at the best.

Here you will also get amazing sound effect to make your video stand out.

You can create the videos in just a single click. This is the reason its feature of key framing is immensely popular.

Wondershare Filmora

Get started easily with Filmora’s powerful performance, intuitive interface, and countless effects!

Try It Free Try It Free Try It Free Learn More >


Key Takeaways from This Episode

LinkedIn is an application that has made its popularity amongst the users and advertisers in a very recent and less time. Ads and videos on this application is being loved and watched these days at a rapid rate. As per the increased demand increases a responsibility to meet those demands.

To meet up the demands it is essential that all the technical requirements are fulfilled and also the protocols of the app are followed. This remains crucial and important in the terms of video aspect ratio, resolution, size and dimensions, and a lot more.

If you are uploading your videos and ads on LinkedIn then it is must that they should be engaging and interesting. To make them exciting you may opt for the best practices which also include the use of popular tools. The latest tools like Filmora, Inshot, etc. are laced with all the additional features and make your video perfect for the apps.

Try It Free Try It Free

The written content of LinkedIn has been taken over by the video content these days. Videos created with exceptional features and editing perks are booming amongst the audience.

In this article

01 [What is LinkedIn Video Format?](#Part 1)

02 [Everything You Need to Know About LinkedIn Ad Specs](#Part 2)

03 [5 Types of LinkedIn Ads](#Part 3)

04 [Best 5 LinkedIn Video Practices](#Part 4)

Part 1 What is LinkedIn Video Format?

01Can you post 1920x1080 on LinkedIn?

Yes, videos of 1920 by 1080px can be easily posted on LinkedIn. Moreover, this is the best resolution in which you should post your video. This will provide you the best quality.

02What aspect ratio is best for a LinkedIn video?

Although LinkedIn accepts and allows almost each aspect ratio but the most recommended aspect ratio is 16:This means it should remain between 1.778 and 0.565However, the aspect ratio can vary according to the mode of your video that is horizontal or vertical.

Recommended aspect ratios for LinkedIn videos

Part 2 Everything You Need to Know About LinkedIn Ad Specs

The specs can vary in the case of LinkedIn videos and LinkedIn ads. As the ads are totally different from the videos their specs also become different. Here are some of the specs that you should know when you are creating LinkedIn ads:

Length: The maximum and minimum length of these ad videos are 3 seconds to 30 minutes respectively. However, the most successful video length is up to 15 seconds.

File size and file format: The file size of the ad videos must be a minimum of 75 KB and the maximum it can be of 200 MB. The file format that is supported on the LinkedIn application is MP4.

Audio Format and size: The audio format of these ad videos must be MPEG4 or ACC. If you talk about the audio size then it is recommended not to be more than 64 KHz.

Resolution and aspect ratio: The resolution of these ads can be 360p, 480p, 720p or 1080p. When it comes to the aspect ratio then the best-recommended one is 16:9 for landscape mode and 9:16 for vertical mode.

Video captions and headlines: If you are adding video captions in your ad video, then it must be in SRT format and the headlines should also be under 200 characters. It is recommended to keep the headlines up to maximum of 70 characters.

Part 3 5 types of LinkedIn Ads

LinkedIn provides you with several platforms and types of ad placements. Here mentioned are some of them:

Sponsored messages in LinkedIn: This type of LinkedIn ad was previously termed as sponsored InMail. Through this, you can directly advertise your product or brand in the user’s inbox. However, LinkedIn has set a maximum number of times that your customer can receive the messaging ad. This states that any member of your audience will not receive the ads more than two times in a short span of time. Also, it is estimated that consumers enjoy messaging ads but companies do not interact much with them via sponsored messaging ads.

Sponsored messaging on LinkedIn

Sponsored content: These ads show up in the feed of the LinkedIn user. No matter if they are using it on mobile on desktop. These sponsored contents also have a label of promotion on them. This makes them different from the regular contents. If you are choosing sponsored content then you also get the choice between carousel ads, video ads and images ads.

Sponsored content on LinkedIn

Dynamic ads: These ads are visible on the right rail as you open the LinkedIn. Also this is the best way to speak to your audience through personalization. The users get to see their own personal details as soon these ads pop up on the screen. This can even be changed through the settings so that the details get hidden if the user finds this to be very personal. Dynamic ads are also of two types. One is follower ads and other is sponsored ads.

Dynamic ads video requirements

Text ads: These ads are considered as the best way to build a strong lead amongst the audience. This is also suitable in the terms of professional demographic. These ads are shown on the top and right side of the feed of LinkedIn. Approximately 58% of the companies say that making the lead generation better is the top priority of digital marketing. This is also a good way to manage company’s budget.

Text ad videos

Awareness ads: If you want to make your brand stay on the tips of your audience then it is a good idea to go for awareness ads. These ads build a communication amongst the audience related to your brands, products and services, etc. These awareness ads also boost the engagement, help to gain followers and increase the views.

Awareness ad videos

Part 4 Best 5 LinkedIn Video Practices

**Optimized setup:**To create an excellent video its setup is most important thing. So before you create the video keep in mind that your setup is well organized. Your set up includes lighting, background, camera and its position. Until the lighting is not perfect your video will lack its charm. Often natural lights are the best but artificial lights are also can do the work of perk. Also the background must be free from clutters. The camera that you are using should also be perfect and the camera position should also be in place.

Correct video length: When the correct video length is concerned, LinkedIn recommends it to be less than 15 seconds. This is so because the shorter the video is the more effective it can be. You should also keep in mind that these video may be of maximum 10 minutes but the starting moments must be engaging. This will keep your audience stay to watch your video till the end.

**Grab the viewer’s attention:**Social media platforms are filled with ignorable contents and when it comes to LinkedIn it can be so true. So if you want to grab the attention of your targeted audience then you must make your videos extraordinary. This is only possible when you focus on each and every aspect of the videos. Adding subtitles to your videos can also be an amazing idea to make them more engaging. You can even optimize the length of your video according to the objective that you want to convey.

**Plan the content according to your objective:**It is a good idea to remain up to the objective that you want to convey to your audience. No matter if you want to facilitate consideration or want to spread awareness. If you want to generate some conversions then you can go for making small demos in your videos.

**Go for the best tools:**At last but one of the most important points is to pay attention on the tool that you are using. Although there are a number of tools that can be used but nowadays, Wondershare Filmora Video Editor is the most in the use. Here are some extraordinary features of both the tools:

Features of Filmora:

This one is an easy to use tool that can be used by beginners and less professional people.

Using this tool you can experience latest filters and colors making their perk at the best.

Here you will also get amazing sound effect to make your video stand out.

You can create the videos in just a single click. This is the reason its feature of key framing is immensely popular.

Wondershare Filmora

Get started easily with Filmora’s powerful performance, intuitive interface, and countless effects!

Try It Free Try It Free Try It Free Learn More >


Key Takeaways from This Episode

LinkedIn is an application that has made its popularity amongst the users and advertisers in a very recent and less time. Ads and videos on this application is being loved and watched these days at a rapid rate. As per the increased demand increases a responsibility to meet those demands.

To meet up the demands it is essential that all the technical requirements are fulfilled and also the protocols of the app are followed. This remains crucial and important in the terms of video aspect ratio, resolution, size and dimensions, and a lot more.

If you are uploading your videos and ads on LinkedIn then it is must that they should be engaging and interesting. To make them exciting you may opt for the best practices which also include the use of popular tools. The latest tools like Filmora, Inshot, etc. are laced with all the additional features and make your video perfect for the apps.

Try It Free Try It Free

The written content of LinkedIn has been taken over by the video content these days. Videos created with exceptional features and editing perks are booming amongst the audience.

In this article

01 [What is LinkedIn Video Format?](#Part 1)

02 [Everything You Need to Know About LinkedIn Ad Specs](#Part 2)

03 [5 Types of LinkedIn Ads](#Part 3)

04 [Best 5 LinkedIn Video Practices](#Part 4)

Part 1 What is LinkedIn Video Format?

01Can you post 1920x1080 on LinkedIn?

Yes, videos of 1920 by 1080px can be easily posted on LinkedIn. Moreover, this is the best resolution in which you should post your video. This will provide you the best quality.

02What aspect ratio is best for a LinkedIn video?

Although LinkedIn accepts and allows almost each aspect ratio but the most recommended aspect ratio is 16:This means it should remain between 1.778 and 0.565However, the aspect ratio can vary according to the mode of your video that is horizontal or vertical.

Recommended aspect ratios for LinkedIn videos

Part 2 Everything You Need to Know About LinkedIn Ad Specs

The specs can vary in the case of LinkedIn videos and LinkedIn ads. As the ads are totally different from the videos their specs also become different. Here are some of the specs that you should know when you are creating LinkedIn ads:

Length: The maximum and minimum length of these ad videos are 3 seconds to 30 minutes respectively. However, the most successful video length is up to 15 seconds.

File size and file format: The file size of the ad videos must be a minimum of 75 KB and the maximum it can be of 200 MB. The file format that is supported on the LinkedIn application is MP4.

Audio Format and size: The audio format of these ad videos must be MPEG4 or ACC. If you talk about the audio size then it is recommended not to be more than 64 KHz.

Resolution and aspect ratio: The resolution of these ads can be 360p, 480p, 720p or 1080p. When it comes to the aspect ratio then the best-recommended one is 16:9 for landscape mode and 9:16 for vertical mode.

Video captions and headlines: If you are adding video captions in your ad video, then it must be in SRT format and the headlines should also be under 200 characters. It is recommended to keep the headlines up to maximum of 70 characters.

Part 3 5 types of LinkedIn Ads

LinkedIn provides you with several platforms and types of ad placements. Here mentioned are some of them:

Sponsored messages in LinkedIn: This type of LinkedIn ad was previously termed as sponsored InMail. Through this, you can directly advertise your product or brand in the user’s inbox. However, LinkedIn has set a maximum number of times that your customer can receive the messaging ad. This states that any member of your audience will not receive the ads more than two times in a short span of time. Also, it is estimated that consumers enjoy messaging ads but companies do not interact much with them via sponsored messaging ads.

Sponsored messaging on LinkedIn

Sponsored content: These ads show up in the feed of the LinkedIn user. No matter if they are using it on mobile on desktop. These sponsored contents also have a label of promotion on them. This makes them different from the regular contents. If you are choosing sponsored content then you also get the choice between carousel ads, video ads and images ads.

Sponsored content on LinkedIn

Dynamic ads: These ads are visible on the right rail as you open the LinkedIn. Also this is the best way to speak to your audience through personalization. The users get to see their own personal details as soon these ads pop up on the screen. This can even be changed through the settings so that the details get hidden if the user finds this to be very personal. Dynamic ads are also of two types. One is follower ads and other is sponsored ads.

Dynamic ads video requirements

Text ads: These ads are considered as the best way to build a strong lead amongst the audience. This is also suitable in the terms of professional demographic. These ads are shown on the top and right side of the feed of LinkedIn. Approximately 58% of the companies say that making the lead generation better is the top priority of digital marketing. This is also a good way to manage company’s budget.

Text ad videos

Awareness ads: If you want to make your brand stay on the tips of your audience then it is a good idea to go for awareness ads. These ads build a communication amongst the audience related to your brands, products and services, etc. These awareness ads also boost the engagement, help to gain followers and increase the views.

Awareness ad videos

Part 4 Best 5 LinkedIn Video Practices

**Optimized setup:**To create an excellent video its setup is most important thing. So before you create the video keep in mind that your setup is well organized. Your set up includes lighting, background, camera and its position. Until the lighting is not perfect your video will lack its charm. Often natural lights are the best but artificial lights are also can do the work of perk. Also the background must be free from clutters. The camera that you are using should also be perfect and the camera position should also be in place.

Correct video length: When the correct video length is concerned, LinkedIn recommends it to be less than 15 seconds. This is so because the shorter the video is the more effective it can be. You should also keep in mind that these video may be of maximum 10 minutes but the starting moments must be engaging. This will keep your audience stay to watch your video till the end.

**Grab the viewer’s attention:**Social media platforms are filled with ignorable contents and when it comes to LinkedIn it can be so true. So if you want to grab the attention of your targeted audience then you must make your videos extraordinary. This is only possible when you focus on each and every aspect of the videos. Adding subtitles to your videos can also be an amazing idea to make them more engaging. You can even optimize the length of your video according to the objective that you want to convey.

**Plan the content according to your objective:**It is a good idea to remain up to the objective that you want to convey to your audience. No matter if you want to facilitate consideration or want to spread awareness. If you want to generate some conversions then you can go for making small demos in your videos.

**Go for the best tools:**At last but one of the most important points is to pay attention on the tool that you are using. Although there are a number of tools that can be used but nowadays, Wondershare Filmora Video Editor is the most in the use. Here are some extraordinary features of both the tools:

Features of Filmora:

This one is an easy to use tool that can be used by beginners and less professional people.

Using this tool you can experience latest filters and colors making their perk at the best.

Here you will also get amazing sound effect to make your video stand out.

You can create the videos in just a single click. This is the reason its feature of key framing is immensely popular.

Wondershare Filmora

Get started easily with Filmora’s powerful performance, intuitive interface, and countless effects!

Try It Free Try It Free Try It Free Learn More >


Key Takeaways from This Episode

LinkedIn is an application that has made its popularity amongst the users and advertisers in a very recent and less time. Ads and videos on this application is being loved and watched these days at a rapid rate. As per the increased demand increases a responsibility to meet those demands.

To meet up the demands it is essential that all the technical requirements are fulfilled and also the protocols of the app are followed. This remains crucial and important in the terms of video aspect ratio, resolution, size and dimensions, and a lot more.

If you are uploading your videos and ads on LinkedIn then it is must that they should be engaging and interesting. To make them exciting you may opt for the best practices which also include the use of popular tools. The latest tools like Filmora, Inshot, etc. are laced with all the additional features and make your video perfect for the apps.

Accelerate Your Videos: A QuickTime Player Guide

Are you watching a pre-recorded lecture or a video presentation that is too long? You can always save your time by fast-forwarding a video. Different software available in the market let you speed up video clips on your computer or laptop. Amongst hundreds of software available online, QuickTime Player- a creation of Apple Inc.- is easy to operate and works on all active versions of macOS and Windows.

Some features of QuickTime Video Player cannot be overlooked, such as fast-forward, slow down, video compression, and more. Moreover, the application supports multiple video formats, and you can even use 3rd party codecs- unsupported codecs are no more a problem now. Here, in this guide, we’ve provided detailed information about using QuickTime player to speed up a video.

In this article

01 What is QuickTime Player?

02 How to Speed Up Videos on QuickTime Player [Windows]?

03 How to Speed Up Videos on Mac with QuickTime Player?

04 Tips for Speeding up Video on QuickTime Player

05 Adjust Video Speed withWondershare Filmora Video Editor

Part 1: What is QuickTime Player?

QuickTime Player is a media player that Apple has developed. This media player or software allows you to play a movie file on your computer. You can also use QuickTime player to speed up a movie file according to your preferences.

Part 2: How to Speed Up Videos on QuickTime Player [Windows]?

Want to speed up an instructional or step-by-step guide to save your time? Worry not! QuickTime video player lets you fast-forward all types of video clips on your windows laptop in a breeze. Using the QuickTime video player, you can speed up your videos from 1/2x to 3x by simply moving the slider. Want to know how to speed up QuickTime player? Follow these steps.

Step 1: Open a movie or music video file on QuickTime Player.

Step 2: Open the Window menu and select the Show A/V Controls option. A dialog box will appear.

quicktime player window show av controls

Step 3: Adjust the playback speed slider from 1x to 3x.

change video playback speed quicktime player windows

Step 4: Close the dialog box and play the video.

Related: How to Change Video Playback Speed on Windows 10 ?

Part 3: How to Speed Up Videos on Mac with QuickTime Player?

Whether you’re a Mac or Windows user- QuickTime Video Player has got you covered. The interface and functions of this video player are intuitive and user-friendly for all Mac users.

If Mac doesn’t support any codec or format, you can also download the third-party codecs and use them with the QuickTime video player. Here’s how to speed up a video on Mac:

Step 1: Install QuickTime Player on your Mac computer.

Step 2: Drag the video file into the player or right-click on the video file and select **Open with -**> QuickTime Player app.

Step 3: Click on the Play button to stream the video content.

Note: The Play button will turn into the Pause button in a second.

Step 4: Hold the Option key, click the fast forward button from the player menu to increase the playback speed.

change video speed quicktime player mac

Part 4: Tips for Speeding up Video on QuickTime Player

It is necessary to learn some tips regarding how to speed up video on Mac or Windows using QuickTime Player. Following these tips will let you edit your video efficiently and flawlessly. The tips for speeding up video on QuickTime Player have been mentioned below:

  • Make Proper Adjustments

If you want to edit or speed up your video up to 2x without using the fast forward button, you must make adjustments in the editing process. QuickTime Player allows you to apply a 200% speed adjustment for editing each video clip and bring that clip into a new timeline. Then, you should apply the 2x Speed to it. After completing the editing process, you can export that clip.

  • Learn Keyboard Shortcuts

You can use shortcut keys to speed up your videos using QuickTime Player. You need to hold the Command key and press the arrow keys to adjust the video speed. For example, hold the Command key and press Right Arrow to fast-forward the Speed of your video. You can also trim the video using the shortcut key or Command + T.

  • Control Audio Quality

For your information, the audio quality of the original video is disturbed when you speed up the video up to 2.0x. If you do not want the audio quality to worsen, you should stop speeding up the video until 1.9x.

  • Control Playback Speed

You can control the playback QuickTime player speed while the video is playing. You only need to hold the option key and click the fast forward button. On every click, you will notice the Speed increases from 1.0x to 1.1x, 1.1x to 1.2x, and up to so on.

Related: How to Edit Videos with QuickTime Player

Part 5: Adjust Video Speed with Wondershare Filmora

Wondershare Filmora video editor allows you to adjust your video clip’s time duration and Speed. You can download and install this software from your Windows computer and Mac computer. You can create fast or slow-motion videos at any speed by using Wondershare Filmora. In addition, this player supports a wide variety of formats.

You need to follow the following steps to adjust the video speed using Wondershare Filmora:

Method 1: Change video speed with Uniform Speed

Step 1: Install Wondershare Filmora and launch it on your computer. Click on Import Media Files Here to add a video file to this editor.

Note: This editor supports multiple video formats such as MP4 WMV, DAT, TP, TRP, TS, EVO. NSV, MKV, MOD, FLV, M4V, VOB etc. Moreover, you can add videos through the import feature of simple drag and drop the video file.

Step 2: Drag the video to the timeline. Right-click on it, select Speed> Uniform Speed from the menu.

filmora speed menu

Step 3: At the Uniform Speed tab, move the slider to speed up the video and hit OK to save changes.

filmora uniform speed change speed

Step 4: Click on Export to export the edited video. Click on the Local to save the video in a popular format on your computer.

Method 2: Change video speed with Speed Raming

Step 1: Right-click on the video in the timeline and select Speed -> Speed Ramping from the menu.

Step 2: In the Speed Raming tab, you will see some speed presets which allows you to change the speed smoother quickly. You can also click the Custom option to set the speed points from scratch.

change video speed ramping filmora

Step 3: Now, to speed up the video, enter the duration less than the original one next to the Duration tab, and hit OK. Save the speed-up video by clicking on Export.

Watch the video tutorial about how to use the Speed Ramping feature in Filmora video editor.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

FAQs about Changing Speed on QuickTime Player

Why is my QuickTime player lagging?

Sometimes, you might experience lagging or sluggishness when you speed up the video via QuickTime. It affects the smoothness of the video. Here we’ve stated some errors and their solutions:

Check settings: Always check settings before you speed up any video on QuickTime player. Go to Windows>Check A/V controls and check all the payback setting there.

Codec Faut: Sometimes, an unsupportive codec can also affect the smoothness of the video. You can run your video through MediaInfo or GSpot to identify the codec and install proper plug-ins.


Now you can easily and effortlessly utilize QuickTime player speed up by following the above-mentioned essential tips. No doubt, QuickTime Player is one of the best players that can be used to play video files and edit them. Alternatively, you can also use Wondershare Filmora, another excellent Mac video editor , to speed up your video files to the extent you want.

02 How to Speed Up Videos on QuickTime Player [Windows]?

03 How to Speed Up Videos on Mac with QuickTime Player?

04 Tips for Speeding up Video on QuickTime Player

05 Adjust Video Speed withWondershare Filmora Video Editor

Part 1: What is QuickTime Player?

QuickTime Player is a media player that Apple has developed. This media player or software allows you to play a movie file on your computer. You can also use QuickTime player to speed up a movie file according to your preferences.

Part 2: How to Speed Up Videos on QuickTime Player [Windows]?

Want to speed up an instructional or step-by-step guide to save your time? Worry not! QuickTime video player lets you fast-forward all types of video clips on your windows laptop in a breeze. Using the QuickTime video player, you can speed up your videos from 1/2x to 3x by simply moving the slider. Want to know how to speed up QuickTime player? Follow these steps.

Step 1: Open a movie or music video file on QuickTime Player.

Step 2: Open the Window menu and select the Show A/V Controls option. A dialog box will appear.

quicktime player window show av controls

Step 3: Adjust the playback speed slider from 1x to 3x.

change video playback speed quicktime player windows

Step 4: Close the dialog box and play the video.

Related: How to Change Video Playback Speed on Windows 10 ?

Part 3: How to Speed Up Videos on Mac with QuickTime Player?

Whether you’re a Mac or Windows user- QuickTime Video Player has got you covered. The interface and functions of this video player are intuitive and user-friendly for all Mac users.

If Mac doesn’t support any codec or format, you can also download the third-party codecs and use them with the QuickTime video player. Here’s how to speed up a video on Mac:

Step 1: Install QuickTime Player on your Mac computer.

Step 2: Drag the video file into the player or right-click on the video file and select **Open with -**> QuickTime Player app.

Step 3: Click on the Play button to stream the video content.

Note: The Play button will turn into the Pause button in a second.

Step 4: Hold the Option key, click the fast forward button from the player menu to increase the playback speed.

change video speed quicktime player mac

Part 4: Tips for Speeding up Video on QuickTime Player

It is necessary to learn some tips regarding how to speed up video on Mac or Windows using QuickTime Player. Following these tips will let you edit your video efficiently and flawlessly. The tips for speeding up video on QuickTime Player have been mentioned below:

  • Make Proper Adjustments

If you want to edit or speed up your video up to 2x without using the fast forward button, you must make adjustments in the editing process. QuickTime Player allows you to apply a 200% speed adjustment for editing each video clip and bring that clip into a new timeline. Then, you should apply the 2x Speed to it. After completing the editing process, you can export that clip.

  • Learn Keyboard Shortcuts

You can use shortcut keys to speed up your videos using QuickTime Player. You need to hold the Command key and press the arrow keys to adjust the video speed. For example, hold the Command key and press Right Arrow to fast-forward the Speed of your video. You can also trim the video using the shortcut key or Command + T.

  • Control Audio Quality

For your information, the audio quality of the original video is disturbed when you speed up the video up to 2.0x. If you do not want the audio quality to worsen, you should stop speeding up the video until 1.9x.

  • Control Playback Speed

You can control the playback QuickTime player speed while the video is playing. You only need to hold the option key and click the fast forward button. On every click, you will notice the Speed increases from 1.0x to 1.1x, 1.1x to 1.2x, and up to so on.

Related: How to Edit Videos with QuickTime Player

Part 5: Adjust Video Speed with Wondershare Filmora

Wondershare Filmora video editor allows you to adjust your video clip’s time duration and Speed. You can download and install this software from your Windows computer and Mac computer. You can create fast or slow-motion videos at any speed by using Wondershare Filmora. In addition, this player supports a wide variety of formats.

You need to follow the following steps to adjust the video speed using Wondershare Filmora:

Method 1: Change video speed with Uniform Speed

Step 1: Install Wondershare Filmora and launch it on your computer. Click on Import Media Files Here to add a video file to this editor.

Note: This editor supports multiple video formats such as MP4 WMV, DAT, TP, TRP, TS, EVO. NSV, MKV, MOD, FLV, M4V, VOB etc. Moreover, you can add videos through the import feature of simple drag and drop the video file.

Step 2: Drag the video to the timeline. Right-click on it, select Speed> Uniform Speed from the menu.

filmora speed menu

Step 3: At the Uniform Speed tab, move the slider to speed up the video and hit OK to save changes.

filmora uniform speed change speed

Step 4: Click on Export to export the edited video. Click on the Local to save the video in a popular format on your computer.

Method 2: Change video speed with Speed Raming

Step 1: Right-click on the video in the timeline and select Speed -> Speed Ramping from the menu.

Step 2: In the Speed Raming tab, you will see some speed presets which allows you to change the speed smoother quickly. You can also click the Custom option to set the speed points from scratch.

change video speed ramping filmora

Step 3: Now, to speed up the video, enter the duration less than the original one next to the Duration tab, and hit OK. Save the speed-up video by clicking on Export.

Watch the video tutorial about how to use the Speed Ramping feature in Filmora video editor.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

FAQs about Changing Speed on QuickTime Player

Why is my QuickTime player lagging?

Sometimes, you might experience lagging or sluggishness when you speed up the video via QuickTime. It affects the smoothness of the video. Here we’ve stated some errors and their solutions:

Check settings: Always check settings before you speed up any video on QuickTime player. Go to Windows>Check A/V controls and check all the payback setting there.

Codec Faut: Sometimes, an unsupportive codec can also affect the smoothness of the video. You can run your video through MediaInfo or GSpot to identify the codec and install proper plug-ins.


Now you can easily and effortlessly utilize QuickTime player speed up by following the above-mentioned essential tips. No doubt, QuickTime Player is one of the best players that can be used to play video files and edit them. Alternatively, you can also use Wondershare Filmora, another excellent Mac video editor , to speed up your video files to the extent you want.

02 How to Speed Up Videos on QuickTime Player [Windows]?

03 How to Speed Up Videos on Mac with QuickTime Player?

04 Tips for Speeding up Video on QuickTime Player

05 Adjust Video Speed withWondershare Filmora Video Editor

Part 1: What is QuickTime Player?

QuickTime Player is a media player that Apple has developed. This media player or software allows you to play a movie file on your computer. You can also use QuickTime player to speed up a movie file according to your preferences.

Part 2: How to Speed Up Videos on QuickTime Player [Windows]?

Want to speed up an instructional or step-by-step guide to save your time? Worry not! QuickTime video player lets you fast-forward all types of video clips on your windows laptop in a breeze. Using the QuickTime video player, you can speed up your videos from 1/2x to 3x by simply moving the slider. Want to know how to speed up QuickTime player? Follow these steps.

Step 1: Open a movie or music video file on QuickTime Player.

Step 2: Open the Window menu and select the Show A/V Controls option. A dialog box will appear.

quicktime player window show av controls

Step 3: Adjust the playback speed slider from 1x to 3x.

change video playback speed quicktime player windows

Step 4: Close the dialog box and play the video.

Related: How to Change Video Playback Speed on Windows 10 ?

Part 3: How to Speed Up Videos on Mac with QuickTime Player?

Whether you’re a Mac or Windows user- QuickTime Video Player has got you covered. The interface and functions of this video player are intuitive and user-friendly for all Mac users.

If Mac doesn’t support any codec or format, you can also download the third-party codecs and use them with the QuickTime video player. Here’s how to speed up a video on Mac:

Step 1: Install QuickTime Player on your Mac computer.

Step 2: Drag the video file into the player or right-click on the video file and select **Open with -**> QuickTime Player app.

Step 3: Click on the Play button to stream the video content.

Note: The Play button will turn into the Pause button in a second.

Step 4: Hold the Option key, click the fast forward button from the player menu to increase the playback speed.

change video speed quicktime player mac

Part 4: Tips for Speeding up Video on QuickTime Player

It is necessary to learn some tips regarding how to speed up video on Mac or Windows using QuickTime Player. Following these tips will let you edit your video efficiently and flawlessly. The tips for speeding up video on QuickTime Player have been mentioned below:

  • Make Proper Adjustments

If you want to edit or speed up your video up to 2x without using the fast forward button, you must make adjustments in the editing process. QuickTime Player allows you to apply a 200% speed adjustment for editing each video clip and bring that clip into a new timeline. Then, you should apply the 2x Speed to it. After completing the editing process, you can export that clip.

  • Learn Keyboard Shortcuts

You can use shortcut keys to speed up your videos using QuickTime Player. You need to hold the Command key and press the arrow keys to adjust the video speed. For example, hold the Command key and press Right Arrow to fast-forward the Speed of your video. You can also trim the video using the shortcut key or Command + T.

  • Control Audio Quality

For your information, the audio quality of the original video is disturbed when you speed up the video up to 2.0x. If you do not want the audio quality to worsen, you should stop speeding up the video until 1.9x.

  • Control Playback Speed

You can control the playback QuickTime player speed while the video is playing. You only need to hold the option key and click the fast forward button. On every click, you will notice the Speed increases from 1.0x to 1.1x, 1.1x to 1.2x, and up to so on.

Related: How to Edit Videos with QuickTime Player

Part 5: Adjust Video Speed with Wondershare Filmora

Wondershare Filmora video editor allows you to adjust your video clip’s time duration and Speed. You can download and install this software from your Windows computer and Mac computer. You can create fast or slow-motion videos at any speed by using Wondershare Filmora. In addition, this player supports a wide variety of formats.

You need to follow the following steps to adjust the video speed using Wondershare Filmora:

Method 1: Change video speed with Uniform Speed

Step 1: Install Wondershare Filmora and launch it on your computer. Click on Import Media Files Here to add a video file to this editor.

Note: This editor supports multiple video formats such as MP4 WMV, DAT, TP, TRP, TS, EVO. NSV, MKV, MOD, FLV, M4V, VOB etc. Moreover, you can add videos through the import feature of simple drag and drop the video file.

Step 2: Drag the video to the timeline. Right-click on it, select Speed> Uniform Speed from the menu.

filmora speed menu

Step 3: At the Uniform Speed tab, move the slider to speed up the video and hit OK to save changes.

filmora uniform speed change speed

Step 4: Click on Export to export the edited video. Click on the Local to save the video in a popular format on your computer.

Method 2: Change video speed with Speed Raming

Step 1: Right-click on the video in the timeline and select Speed -> Speed Ramping from the menu.

Step 2: In the Speed Raming tab, you will see some speed presets which allows you to change the speed smoother quickly. You can also click the Custom option to set the speed points from scratch.

change video speed ramping filmora

Step 3: Now, to speed up the video, enter the duration less than the original one next to the Duration tab, and hit OK. Save the speed-up video by clicking on Export.

Watch the video tutorial about how to use the Speed Ramping feature in Filmora video editor.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

FAQs about Changing Speed on QuickTime Player

Why is my QuickTime player lagging?

Sometimes, you might experience lagging or sluggishness when you speed up the video via QuickTime. It affects the smoothness of the video. Here we’ve stated some errors and their solutions:

Check settings: Always check settings before you speed up any video on QuickTime player. Go to Windows>Check A/V controls and check all the payback setting there.

Codec Faut: Sometimes, an unsupportive codec can also affect the smoothness of the video. You can run your video through MediaInfo or GSpot to identify the codec and install proper plug-ins.


Now you can easily and effortlessly utilize QuickTime player speed up by following the above-mentioned essential tips. No doubt, QuickTime Player is one of the best players that can be used to play video files and edit them. Alternatively, you can also use Wondershare Filmora, another excellent Mac video editor , to speed up your video files to the extent you want.

02 How to Speed Up Videos on QuickTime Player [Windows]?

03 How to Speed Up Videos on Mac with QuickTime Player?

04 Tips for Speeding up Video on QuickTime Player

05 Adjust Video Speed withWondershare Filmora Video Editor

Part 1: What is QuickTime Player?

QuickTime Player is a media player that Apple has developed. This media player or software allows you to play a movie file on your computer. You can also use QuickTime player to speed up a movie file according to your preferences.

Part 2: How to Speed Up Videos on QuickTime Player [Windows]?

Want to speed up an instructional or step-by-step guide to save your time? Worry not! QuickTime video player lets you fast-forward all types of video clips on your windows laptop in a breeze. Using the QuickTime video player, you can speed up your videos from 1/2x to 3x by simply moving the slider. Want to know how to speed up QuickTime player? Follow these steps.

Step 1: Open a movie or music video file on QuickTime Player.

Step 2: Open the Window menu and select the Show A/V Controls option. A dialog box will appear.

quicktime player window show av controls

Step 3: Adjust the playback speed slider from 1x to 3x.

change video playback speed quicktime player windows

Step 4: Close the dialog box and play the video.

Related: How to Change Video Playback Speed on Windows 10 ?

Part 3: How to Speed Up Videos on Mac with QuickTime Player?

Whether you’re a Mac or Windows user- QuickTime Video Player has got you covered. The interface and functions of this video player are intuitive and user-friendly for all Mac users.

If Mac doesn’t support any codec or format, you can also download the third-party codecs and use them with the QuickTime video player. Here’s how to speed up a video on Mac:

Step 1: Install QuickTime Player on your Mac computer.

Step 2: Drag the video file into the player or right-click on the video file and select **Open with -**> QuickTime Player app.

Step 3: Click on the Play button to stream the video content.

Note: The Play button will turn into the Pause button in a second.

Step 4: Hold the Option key, click the fast forward button from the player menu to increase the playback speed.

change video speed quicktime player mac

Part 4: Tips for Speeding up Video on QuickTime Player

It is necessary to learn some tips regarding how to speed up video on Mac or Windows using QuickTime Player. Following these tips will let you edit your video efficiently and flawlessly. The tips for speeding up video on QuickTime Player have been mentioned below:

  • Make Proper Adjustments

If you want to edit or speed up your video up to 2x without using the fast forward button, you must make adjustments in the editing process. QuickTime Player allows you to apply a 200% speed adjustment for editing each video clip and bring that clip into a new timeline. Then, you should apply the 2x Speed to it. After completing the editing process, you can export that clip.

  • Learn Keyboard Shortcuts

You can use shortcut keys to speed up your videos using QuickTime Player. You need to hold the Command key and press the arrow keys to adjust the video speed. For example, hold the Command key and press Right Arrow to fast-forward the Speed of your video. You can also trim the video using the shortcut key or Command + T.

  • Control Audio Quality

For your information, the audio quality of the original video is disturbed when you speed up the video up to 2.0x. If you do not want the audio quality to worsen, you should stop speeding up the video until 1.9x.

  • Control Playback Speed

You can control the playback QuickTime player speed while the video is playing. You only need to hold the option key and click the fast forward button. On every click, you will notice the Speed increases from 1.0x to 1.1x, 1.1x to 1.2x, and up to so on.

Related: How to Edit Videos with QuickTime Player

Part 5: Adjust Video Speed with Wondershare Filmora

Wondershare Filmora video editor allows you to adjust your video clip’s time duration and Speed. You can download and install this software from your Windows computer and Mac computer. You can create fast or slow-motion videos at any speed by using Wondershare Filmora. In addition, this player supports a wide variety of formats.

You need to follow the following steps to adjust the video speed using Wondershare Filmora:

Method 1: Change video speed with Uniform Speed

Step 1: Install Wondershare Filmora and launch it on your computer. Click on Import Media Files Here to add a video file to this editor.

Note: This editor supports multiple video formats such as MP4 WMV, DAT, TP, TRP, TS, EVO. NSV, MKV, MOD, FLV, M4V, VOB etc. Moreover, you can add videos through the import feature of simple drag and drop the video file.

Step 2: Drag the video to the timeline. Right-click on it, select Speed> Uniform Speed from the menu.

filmora speed menu

Step 3: At the Uniform Speed tab, move the slider to speed up the video and hit OK to save changes.

filmora uniform speed change speed

Step 4: Click on Export to export the edited video. Click on the Local to save the video in a popular format on your computer.

Method 2: Change video speed with Speed Raming

Step 1: Right-click on the video in the timeline and select Speed -> Speed Ramping from the menu.

Step 2: In the Speed Raming tab, you will see some speed presets which allows you to change the speed smoother quickly. You can also click the Custom option to set the speed points from scratch.

change video speed ramping filmora

Step 3: Now, to speed up the video, enter the duration less than the original one next to the Duration tab, and hit OK. Save the speed-up video by clicking on Export.

Watch the video tutorial about how to use the Speed Ramping feature in Filmora video editor.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

FAQs about Changing Speed on QuickTime Player

Why is my QuickTime player lagging?

Sometimes, you might experience lagging or sluggishness when you speed up the video via QuickTime. It affects the smoothness of the video. Here we’ve stated some errors and their solutions:

Check settings: Always check settings before you speed up any video on QuickTime player. Go to Windows>Check A/V controls and check all the payback setting there.

Codec Faut: Sometimes, an unsupportive codec can also affect the smoothness of the video. You can run your video through MediaInfo or GSpot to identify the codec and install proper plug-ins.


Now you can easily and effortlessly utilize QuickTime player speed up by following the above-mentioned essential tips. No doubt, QuickTime Player is one of the best players that can be used to play video files and edit them. Alternatively, you can also use Wondershare Filmora, another excellent Mac video editor , to speed up your video files to the extent you want.

Free Split-Screen Video Maker: Online and Offline Options

Best Split Screen Video Editor [Online & Offline]

author avatar

Ollie Mattison

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

The effect that comes up after adding two or more screens in a single frame is called split screen, and the tool that enables the users to do this is a split screen video editor. These split screens have significant importance in post-production tasks. That said, the following sections discuss about the tools that enable you to create split screen videos, and explain the process of doing so.

As mentioned above, the split screen effect lets you add two or more screens in a single frame. When multiple activities occur at the same time but at different locations, they all can be shown on one screen by placing their corresponding footages side-by-side or in any other arrangement that the split screen video maker allows.

Best Split Screen Video Editing Software for Windows and Mac [Free & Paid]

After understanding what split screen is, it becomes both obvious and mandatory to know about some of the most used split screen video editor applications, and how they help you in adding the effect to your movies. Following is a list of a couple of such programs:

1. iMovie

A proprietary of Apple, iMovie is available for both iOS and macOS, and is absolutely free of cost. Even though the tool lacks some advanced options for fine editing, it still offers a good platform to those planning their career in post-production industry. With simple UI, it is easy to learn iMovie.

The step-by-step instructions given below explain how to use iMovie to add split screen effect to your videos:

Step 1: Add Footages to iMovie

After importing the footages to the Media Bin in iMovie, drag the first one to the Timeline, and then drag the second one above the first layer.

Step 2: Select the Split Screen Effect

Select the top video layer in the Timeline, and choose Split Screen from the screen type drop-down list at the top.

Step 3: Select Split Screen Preset

Choose a position for the selected layer from the Position drop-down list at the top, and use the Slide slider to adjust the speed of the appearance of the footage.


  • iMovie is free to download and use
  • The program is available for both macOS and iOS


  • Allows only up to two videos to be used in split screen

You can get iMovie from here:

2. Wondershare Filmora Editor

Download Filmora Win Version Download Filmora Mac Version

One of the most robust apps that is compared with post-production applications like Adobe Premiere Pro and Final Cut Pro X, Wondershare Filmora is also a video editor that helps split screen easily. The software is available for Windows and Mac computers, and provides prompt technical support to its consumers. Although Filmora that packed with more advanced tools is also available, most of the times Filmora serves the purpose pretty well.

You can learn how to add split screen effect in Wondershare Filmora by following the steps given below:

Step 1: Import Footages to Filmora

Launch Wondershare Filmora, click anywhere inside the Media window in the upper-left section, and import all the videos you want to use to create the split screen effect.

Step 2: Choose a Split Screen Preset

Click Split Screen from the standard toolbar at the top, click and drag your preferred preset to the Timeline, and then extend the duration of the effect in the Timeline by dragging its handle.

Step 3: Add Videos to Split Screen

free video editing software for windows

Click ADVANCED from the bottom-right area of the Media pane, on the Advanced Split Screen Edit box, drag the first video from the left pane, and drop it on your preferred section in the right. Repeat the process to add all the other videos to their corresponding sections. Adjust their time of appearance by dragging their thumbnail in the Timeline of the box, and click OK.


  • Wondershare Filmora is lightweight and is less resource intensive
  • Allows as many as 6 videos to be added to create split screen effect
  • Has 30+ split screen presets


  • A couple of windows are required to be opened while working with split screen

3 . VSDC

VSDC is a free and efficient split screen video maker. In fact, the program is a full-fledged post-production application that can be used to edit the videos to prepare industry-standard clips for presentations, broadcasting, and commercial and private distribution. The best thing about VSDC is, it is absolutely free of cost, and doesn’t add any watermarks to the output files.

The instructions given below explain how to use the split screen feature in VSDC:

Step 1: Add Video Footages

Click Add object from the standard toolbar at the top, click Video, and select and add the first footage to the preview window. Repeat the process to add more video(s) as needed.

Step 2: Add Split Screen Effect

Grab any of the side handles of the video you added last, and drag it inward to reduce its size proportionally. Repeat the process to reduce the size of the other video(s) that is/are now revealed from beneath the one you just adjusted in order to create the split screen effect.


  • Absolutely free to use
  • Allows practically unlimited number of footages to be added to create the split screen videos


  • No presets for automatic video positioning are available for split screen effect

You can get VSDC free video editor from here:

4. Shotcut

A free and opensource editing tool, Shotcut can also be used as a split screen video maker to produce industry-standard movies and documentaries. Shotcut is available for FreeBSD, Windows, Linux, and macOS, and comes in both x64 and x86 variants. Being a free program, Shotcut doesn’t require any activation or registration.

The procedure that follows explains how to use Shortcut as a free split screen video editor:

Step 1: Add Clips to the Timeline

Import the footages to the Shotcut’s media bin, drag one of the clips from the bin to the Timeline at the bottom, and then press Ctrl + I on your keyboard to add more video tracks. You can press this shortcut key for another couple of times depending on the number films you want to use for the split screen effect. Next, drag each film from the bin to their corresponding tracks. Note: Make sure NOT to place all the clips on the same track, and that each of them is on a different, its own, video layer.

Step 2: Adjust the First Video

Select the last video you added to the Timeline (it should be the topmost track), click Filters from above the Timeline, click the + button from the upper-left corner, click Size and Position from the list that appears next, and select the clip’s position from the Preset drop-down list.

Step 3: Adjust Other Videos

Select the second video in the Timeline and repeat the process to set its position, and do the same for all other footages that you added in order to create the split screen effect.


  • Available for FreeBSD, Windows, Linux, and macOS platforms
  • If using presets, as many as 4 videos can be added for split screen effect


  • Working with split screen manually may require practice and some calculations to position the clips on the screen correctly

You can get Shotcut from here:

5. Lightworks

Used by the professionals to edit and prepare movies like Pulp Fiction, The Cure, L.A. Confidential, Bruce Almighty, The Wolf of Wall Street, etc., Lightworks is, in true means, a complete and full-fledged post-production application to create industry-standard outputs. The main reason for the app’s wide userbase is that it is a cross-platform software that is available for Linux, Mac, and Windows computers.

To use Lightworks as split screen video maker, you can follow the instructions given below:

Step 1: Add Tracks in Timeline

After importing the clips to Lightworks, leave them in the Media Bin for now, right-click anywhere in the Timeline at the bottom, go to Tracks, click Add multiple, and from the Number to add drop-down list, choose the number of tracks you want to add to the Timeline. Click Add to confirm the changes.

Step 2: Disable Auto Sync

Right-click anywhere in the Timeline, and click to deselect Auto track sync.

Step 3: Add Clips to Timeline

Drag the clips from the Media Bin to the Timeline. Make sure to place each footage on a different track, and that all the tracks are on top of each other. Optionally, right-click the audio that was added along with the clips, and click Remove from the context menu. Use this method to remove all the audios or leave the one you want to have. Note: Removing the audio tracks ensures that they do not overlap during the playback.

Step 4: Enable Split Screen

Click VFX from above the preview window, click the + (Add new effects) icon from the top of the left pane, select the DVE category from the upper-right corner of the left pane, scroll down the left pane to the Split-screen Presets section, and double-click your preferred split screen preset to add the effect to the participating clips.


  • Even the free variant has split screen feature
  • A complete post-production tool that doesn’t require any other program for finalizing the things


  • Not many split screen presets are available

Download Lightworks free version from here:

6. Adobe Premiere Pro

One of the most appreciated and widely used post-production applications for Windows and Mac computers, Adobe Premiere Pro has been professionals’ first choice when it comes to video editing, irrespective of the fact that it has a steep learning curve, and is also a resource intensive software to work with.

The steps below explain how to use Adobe Premiere Pro as a split screen video maker:

Step 1: Add Videos to Timeline

After importing the clips to the Project window, drag each of them to the Timeline, and place them in their separate tracks one above the other.

Step 2: Position and Crop

Select the topmost video track in the Timeline, go to Effect Controls panel from the top of the upper-left pane, and use the Position slider to position the video to your preferred area of the screen. Repeat this process for all the clips in the Timeline you want to add to split screen.

Step 3: Crop the Clips

Search for the Crop effect in the Effects pane present at the lower-left corner, drag and drop the effect on each of the clips in the timeline, and use the Crop slider in the Effect Controls pane to crop the videos as needed. Optionally use the keyframes to add sliding animations to give more professional look to the split screen effect.


  • Most robust and efficient video editing tool
  • Allows practically unlimited number of videos to be used for split screen


  • Requires subscription that needs to be renewed regularly

For more details about making split screen with Pr, check How to create a split screen in Premiere Pro

7. Final Cut Pro X

Available only for Mac computers at the time of this writing, Final Cut Pro X or FCPX gives tough competition to Adobe Premiere Pro. Since Apple devices are famous for their speedy processing, professionals any day prefer FCPX over Adobe Premiere Pro if they own a Mac PC running macOS.

You can use FCPX as split screen video maker by following the steps given below:

Step 1: Place Footages in the Timeline

As mentioned earlier, add the clips on top of each other on separate tracks in the Timeline of FCPX.

Step 2: Position and Crop

Select the first clip in the Timeline, from the Transform section of the Video Inspector pane in the right, use the Position slider to move the clip to your preferred side of the screen, and use the sliders from the Crop section to crop the footage to adjust the portion of interest. Repeat the process for the other video tracks as well to get your desired split screen effect in Final Cut Pro X.


  • Offers quick and easy way to add split screen effect
  • Allows practically unlimited number of videos to be used for split screen


  • Doesn’t have any particular preset for split screen effect

You may also like: How to create a PIP video with Final Cut Pro X

Best Free Online Split Screen Video Editors

Apart from the desktop programs discussed above, there are a couple of web tools that can be used as split screen video maker online free. Two of the most used ones are introduced below:

1. Kapwing Collage Maker

Although Kapwing offers several other online tools like video resizer, meme generator, slideshow maker, etc., the solution that can be considered split screen video editor is Kapwing Collage Maker. This web app allows you to select a template to get started, and the rest of the process is simple.

The following steps explain how to create a split screen video with Kapwing:

Step 1: Add Clips to Preset

Go to the link, click to select your preferred split screen preset, click REPLACE on one of the segments of the split screen on the next page, and select and upload the first video. Next, click REPLACE on the other segment(s), and select and upload the other videos as well.

Step 2: Reposition and Publish

Click and drag each of the added clips to reposition them on the screen, use the other tools to crop and adjust the videos as needed, and click Publish from the top-right corner. Note: Optionally you can click Timeline from the top of the preview window, adjust the timings and other settings as needed on the next page, and click Done. After this, you can go ahead and hit Publish to create the split screen effect out of the uploaded videos.


  • Free to use
  • Allows as many as 4 videos to create split screen effect


  • Requires you to register and sign in to remove the watermark from the output file

2. WeVideo

Yet another split screen video maker online free solution, WeVideo offers almost desktop program-like experience while creating split screen effects. Even though all the subscription plans that the vendor offers are chargeable, the Education plan can be tried for 30 days for free, post which the teachers are required to pay to continue using the web tool.

The following steps explain how to get split screen effect with WeVideo:

Step 1: Import Videos

Visit and on the main window, click Video from under the Create a new section at the top, select a layout on the Let’s get started box, and click START EDITING from the bottom right corner. Next, click ADD in the My media window in the upper-left section, click BROWSE TO SELECT on the Import media box, and add the videos you want to use in the split screen effect.

Step 2: Add Clips to Timeline

As explained earlier, drag the videos from the My media pane and drop them in the Timeline. Make sure to place every video in its separate layer, and that all the layers are on top of each other.

Step 3: Create Split Screen Effect

Select any clip in the Timeline, and click the Open clip editor icon from the upper-left area of the track. On the next page, use the Scale slider to reduce the size of the selected clip, and from the preview window in the right, drag to reposition the video to your preferred location on the screen. Click SAVE CHANGES from the bottom of the left pane to confirm the settings. Repeat the process for the second clip in the Timeline to resize and reposition it on the screen. Click FINISH from the upper-right corner, on the next box, enter a name for the video in the available field, click SET, choose your preferred settings on the next page, and click EXPORT from the bottom-right corner to produce the split screen video.


  • Free to use
  • Allows multiple videos to be used for split screen


  • Paid subscription is needed to remove watermark from the outputs

FAQs About Split Screen Video Editors

Why you should use split screen effect in video?

There are a couple of reasons you may want to use split screen effect in your video. Some of the most common uses include:

  • Showing multiple actions by the same or different characters at the same time, without changing the screen
  • Comparing multiple objects or picture quality. This can be done only when the entities in question are placed side-by-side
  • Making your video look more professional
  • Showing different effects on the same screen

Can I create a split screen video with Windows Movie Maker or Windows 10 Photos app?

No, you cannot. Although these tools enable you to resize the videos, since they don’t allow multi-tracked Timelines, no video clips can be placed one above the other which is an essential part for any split screen video maker to create the effect. However, as discussed above, there are several post-production tools, offline and online, that allow you to make split screen videos easily and without any cost.


Split screen video editor tools are both paid and free. Regardless of the program you use to create the effect, the output files always look more professional and informative. Furthermore, things become way simpler if the split screen video maker has simple UI, is less resource intensive, and is easy to use as it is the case with Wondershare Filmora.

author avatar

Ollie Mattison

Ollie Mattison is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Ollie Mattison

Ollie Mattison

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

The effect that comes up after adding two or more screens in a single frame is called split screen, and the tool that enables the users to do this is a split screen video editor. These split screens have significant importance in post-production tasks. That said, the following sections discuss about the tools that enable you to create split screen videos, and explain the process of doing so.

As mentioned above, the split screen effect lets you add two or more screens in a single frame. When multiple activities occur at the same time but at different locations, they all can be shown on one screen by placing their corresponding footages side-by-side or in any other arrangement that the split screen video maker allows.

Best Split Screen Video Editing Software for Windows and Mac [Free & Paid]

After understanding what split screen is, it becomes both obvious and mandatory to know about some of the most used split screen video editor applications, and how they help you in adding the effect to your movies. Following is a list of a couple of such programs:

1. iMovie

A proprietary of Apple, iMovie is available for both iOS and macOS, and is absolutely free of cost. Even though the tool lacks some advanced options for fine editing, it still offers a good platform to those planning their career in post-production industry. With simple UI, it is easy to learn iMovie.

The step-by-step instructions given below explain how to use iMovie to add split screen effect to your videos:

Step 1: Add Footages to iMovie

After importing the footages to the Media Bin in iMovie, drag the first one to the Timeline, and then drag the second one above the first layer.

Step 2: Select the Split Screen Effect

Select the top video layer in the Timeline, and choose Split Screen from the screen type drop-down list at the top.

Step 3: Select Split Screen Preset

Choose a position for the selected layer from the Position drop-down list at the top, and use the Slide slider to adjust the speed of the appearance of the footage.


  • iMovie is free to download and use
  • The program is available for both macOS and iOS


  • Allows only up to two videos to be used in split screen

You can get iMovie from here:

2. Wondershare Filmora Editor

Download Filmora Win Version Download Filmora Mac Version

One of the most robust apps that is compared with post-production applications like Adobe Premiere Pro and Final Cut Pro X, Wondershare Filmora is also a video editor that helps split screen easily. The software is available for Windows and Mac computers, and provides prompt technical support to its consumers. Although Filmora that packed with more advanced tools is also available, most of the times Filmora serves the purpose pretty well.

You can learn how to add split screen effect in Wondershare Filmora by following the steps given below:

Step 1: Import Footages to Filmora

Launch Wondershare Filmora, click anywhere inside the Media window in the upper-left section, and import all the videos you want to use to create the split screen effect.

Step 2: Choose a Split Screen Preset

Click Split Screen from the standard toolbar at the top, click and drag your preferred preset to the Timeline, and then extend the duration of the effect in the Timeline by dragging its handle.

Step 3: Add Videos to Split Screen

free video editing software for windows

Click ADVANCED from the bottom-right area of the Media pane, on the Advanced Split Screen Edit box, drag the first video from the left pane, and drop it on your preferred section in the right. Repeat the process to add all the other videos to their corresponding sections. Adjust their time of appearance by dragging their thumbnail in the Timeline of the box, and click OK.


  • Wondershare Filmora is lightweight and is less resource intensive
  • Allows as many as 6 videos to be added to create split screen effect
  • Has 30+ split screen presets


  • A couple of windows are required to be opened while working with split screen

3 . VSDC

VSDC is a free and efficient split screen video maker. In fact, the program is a full-fledged post-production application that can be used to edit the videos to prepare industry-standard clips for presentations, broadcasting, and commercial and private distribution. The best thing about VSDC is, it is absolutely free of cost, and doesn’t add any watermarks to the output files.

The instructions given below explain how to use the split screen feature in VSDC:

Step 1: Add Video Footages

Click Add object from the standard toolbar at the top, click Video, and select and add the first footage to the preview window. Repeat the process to add more video(s) as needed.

Step 2: Add Split Screen Effect

Grab any of the side handles of the video you added last, and drag it inward to reduce its size proportionally. Repeat the process to reduce the size of the other video(s) that is/are now revealed from beneath the one you just adjusted in order to create the split screen effect.


  • Absolutely free to use
  • Allows practically unlimited number of footages to be added to create the split screen videos


  • No presets for automatic video positioning are available for split screen effect

You can get VSDC free video editor from here:

4. Shotcut

A free and opensource editing tool, Shotcut can also be used as a split screen video maker to produce industry-standard movies and documentaries. Shotcut is available for FreeBSD, Windows, Linux, and macOS, and comes in both x64 and x86 variants. Being a free program, Shotcut doesn’t require any activation or registration.

The procedure that follows explains how to use Shortcut as a free split screen video editor:

Step 1: Add Clips to the Timeline

Import the footages to the Shotcut’s media bin, drag one of the clips from the bin to the Timeline at the bottom, and then press Ctrl + I on your keyboard to add more video tracks. You can press this shortcut key for another couple of times depending on the number films you want to use for the split screen effect. Next, drag each film from the bin to their corresponding tracks. Note: Make sure NOT to place all the clips on the same track, and that each of them is on a different, its own, video layer.

Step 2: Adjust the First Video

Select the last video you added to the Timeline (it should be the topmost track), click Filters from above the Timeline, click the + button from the upper-left corner, click Size and Position from the list that appears next, and select the clip’s position from the Preset drop-down list.

Step 3: Adjust Other Videos

Select the second video in the Timeline and repeat the process to set its position, and do the same for all other footages that you added in order to create the split screen effect.


  • Available for FreeBSD, Windows, Linux, and macOS platforms
  • If using presets, as many as 4 videos can be added for split screen effect


  • Working with split screen manually may require practice and some calculations to position the clips on the screen correctly

You can get Shotcut from here:

5. Lightworks

Used by the professionals to edit and prepare movies like Pulp Fiction, The Cure, L.A. Confidential, Bruce Almighty, The Wolf of Wall Street, etc., Lightworks is, in true means, a complete and full-fledged post-production application to create industry-standard outputs. The main reason for the app’s wide userbase is that it is a cross-platform software that is available for Linux, Mac, and Windows computers.

To use Lightworks as split screen video maker, you can follow the instructions given below:

Step 1: Add Tracks in Timeline

After importing the clips to Lightworks, leave them in the Media Bin for now, right-click anywhere in the Timeline at the bottom, go to Tracks, click Add multiple, and from the Number to add drop-down list, choose the number of tracks you want to add to the Timeline. Click Add to confirm the changes.

Step 2: Disable Auto Sync

Right-click anywhere in the Timeline, and click to deselect Auto track sync.

Step 3: Add Clips to Timeline

Drag the clips from the Media Bin to the Timeline. Make sure to place each footage on a different track, and that all the tracks are on top of each other. Optionally, right-click the audio that was added along with the clips, and click Remove from the context menu. Use this method to remove all the audios or leave the one you want to have. Note: Removing the audio tracks ensures that they do not overlap during the playback.

Step 4: Enable Split Screen

Click VFX from above the preview window, click the + (Add new effects) icon from the top of the left pane, select the DVE category from the upper-right corner of the left pane, scroll down the left pane to the Split-screen Presets section, and double-click your preferred split screen preset to add the effect to the participating clips.


  • Even the free variant has split screen feature
  • A complete post-production tool that doesn’t require any other program for finalizing the things


  • Not many split screen presets are available

Download Lightworks free version from here:

6. Adobe Premiere Pro

One of the most appreciated and widely used post-production applications for Windows and Mac computers, Adobe Premiere Pro has been professionals’ first choice when it comes to video editing, irrespective of the fact that it has a steep learning curve, and is also a resource intensive software to work with.

The steps below explain how to use Adobe Premiere Pro as a split screen video maker:

Step 1: Add Videos to Timeline

After importing the clips to the Project window, drag each of them to the Timeline, and place them in their separate tracks one above the other.

Step 2: Position and Crop

Select the topmost video track in the Timeline, go to Effect Controls panel from the top of the upper-left pane, and use the Position slider to position the video to your preferred area of the screen. Repeat this process for all the clips in the Timeline you want to add to split screen.

Step 3: Crop the Clips

Search for the Crop effect in the Effects pane present at the lower-left corner, drag and drop the effect on each of the clips in the timeline, and use the Crop slider in the Effect Controls pane to crop the videos as needed. Optionally use the keyframes to add sliding animations to give more professional look to the split screen effect.


  • Most robust and efficient video editing tool
  • Allows practically unlimited number of videos to be used for split screen


  • Requires subscription that needs to be renewed regularly

For more details about making split screen with Pr, check How to create a split screen in Premiere Pro

7. Final Cut Pro X

Available only for Mac computers at the time of this writing, Final Cut Pro X or FCPX gives tough competition to Adobe Premiere Pro. Since Apple devices are famous for their speedy processing, professionals any day prefer FCPX over Adobe Premiere Pro if they own a Mac PC running macOS.

You can use FCPX as split screen video maker by following the steps given below:

Step 1: Place Footages in the Timeline

As mentioned earlier, add the clips on top of each other on separate tracks in the Timeline of FCPX.

Step 2: Position and Crop

Select the first clip in the Timeline, from the Transform section of the Video Inspector pane in the right, use the Position slider to move the clip to your preferred side of the screen, and use the sliders from the Crop section to crop the footage to adjust the portion of interest. Repeat the process for the other video tracks as well to get your desired split screen effect in Final Cut Pro X.


  • Offers quick and easy way to add split screen effect
  • Allows practically unlimited number of videos to be used for split screen


  • Doesn’t have any particular preset for split screen effect

You may also like: How to create a PIP video with Final Cut Pro X

Best Free Online Split Screen Video Editors

Apart from the desktop programs discussed above, there are a couple of web tools that can be used as split screen video maker online free. Two of the most used ones are introduced below:

1. Kapwing Collage Maker

Although Kapwing offers several other online tools like video resizer, meme generator, slideshow maker, etc., the solution that can be considered split screen video editor is Kapwing Collage Maker. This web app allows you to select a template to get started, and the rest of the process is simple.

The following steps explain how to create a split screen video with Kapwing:

Step 1: Add Clips to Preset

Go to the link, click to select your preferred split screen preset, click REPLACE on one of the segments of the split screen on the next page, and select and upload the first video. Next, click REPLACE on the other segment(s), and select and upload the other videos as well.

Step 2: Reposition and Publish

Click and drag each of the added clips to reposition them on the screen, use the other tools to crop and adjust the videos as needed, and click Publish from the top-right corner. Note: Optionally you can click Timeline from the top of the preview window, adjust the timings and other settings as needed on the next page, and click Done. After this, you can go ahead and hit Publish to create the split screen effect out of the uploaded videos.


  • Free to use
  • Allows as many as 4 videos to create split screen effect


  • Requires you to register and sign in to remove the watermark from the output file

2. WeVideo

Yet another split screen video maker online free solution, WeVideo offers almost desktop program-like experience while creating split screen effects. Even though all the subscription plans that the vendor offers are chargeable, the Education plan can be tried for 30 days for free, post which the teachers are required to pay to continue using the web tool.

The following steps explain how to get split screen effect with WeVideo:

Step 1: Import Videos

Visit and on the main window, click Video from under the Create a new section at the top, select a layout on the Let’s get started box, and click START EDITING from the bottom right corner. Next, click ADD in the My media window in the upper-left section, click BROWSE TO SELECT on the Import media box, and add the videos you want to use in the split screen effect.

Step 2: Add Clips to Timeline

As explained earlier, drag the videos from the My media pane and drop them in the Timeline. Make sure to place every video in its separate layer, and that all the layers are on top of each other.

Step 3: Create Split Screen Effect

Select any clip in the Timeline, and click the Open clip editor icon from the upper-left area of the track. On the next page, use the Scale slider to reduce the size of the selected clip, and from the preview window in the right, drag to reposition the video to your preferred location on the screen. Click SAVE CHANGES from the bottom of the left pane to confirm the settings. Repeat the process for the second clip in the Timeline to resize and reposition it on the screen. Click FINISH from the upper-right corner, on the next box, enter a name for the video in the available field, click SET, choose your preferred settings on the next page, and click EXPORT from the bottom-right corner to produce the split screen video.


  • Free to use
  • Allows multiple videos to be used for split screen


  • Paid subscription is needed to remove watermark from the outputs

FAQs About Split Screen Video Editors

Why you should use split screen effect in video?

There are a couple of reasons you may want to use split screen effect in your video. Some of the most common uses include:

  • Showing multiple actions by the same or different characters at the same time, without changing the screen
  • Comparing multiple objects or picture quality. This can be done only when the entities in question are placed side-by-side
  • Making your video look more professional
  • Showing different effects on the same screen

Can I create a split screen video with Windows Movie Maker or Windows 10 Photos app?

No, you cannot. Although these tools enable you to resize the videos, since they don’t allow multi-tracked Timelines, no video clips can be placed one above the other which is an essential part for any split screen video maker to create the effect. However, as discussed above, there are several post-production tools, offline and online, that allow you to make split screen videos easily and without any cost.


Split screen video editor tools are both paid and free. Regardless of the program you use to create the effect, the output files always look more professional and informative. Furthermore, things become way simpler if the split screen video maker has simple UI, is less resource intensive, and is easy to use as it is the case with Wondershare Filmora.

author avatar

Ollie Mattison

Ollie Mattison is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Ollie Mattison

Ollie Mattison

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

The effect that comes up after adding two or more screens in a single frame is called split screen, and the tool that enables the users to do this is a split screen video editor. These split screens have significant importance in post-production tasks. That said, the following sections discuss about the tools that enable you to create split screen videos, and explain the process of doing so.

As mentioned above, the split screen effect lets you add two or more screens in a single frame. When multiple activities occur at the same time but at different locations, they all can be shown on one screen by placing their corresponding footages side-by-side or in any other arrangement that the split screen video maker allows.

Best Split Screen Video Editing Software for Windows and Mac [Free & Paid]

After understanding what split screen is, it becomes both obvious and mandatory to know about some of the most used split screen video editor applications, and how they help you in adding the effect to your movies. Following is a list of a couple of such programs:

1. iMovie

A proprietary of Apple, iMovie is available for both iOS and macOS, and is absolutely free of cost. Even though the tool lacks some advanced options for fine editing, it still offers a good platform to those planning their career in post-production industry. With simple UI, it is easy to learn iMovie.

The step-by-step instructions given below explain how to use iMovie to add split screen effect to your videos:

Step 1: Add Footages to iMovie

After importing the footages to the Media Bin in iMovie, drag the first one to the Timeline, and then drag the second one above the first layer.

Step 2: Select the Split Screen Effect

Select the top video layer in the Timeline, and choose Split Screen from the screen type drop-down list at the top.

Step 3: Select Split Screen Preset

Choose a position for the selected layer from the Position drop-down list at the top, and use the Slide slider to adjust the speed of the appearance of the footage.


  • iMovie is free to download and use
  • The program is available for both macOS and iOS


  • Allows only up to two videos to be used in split screen

You can get iMovie from here:

2. Wondershare Filmora Editor

Download Filmora Win Version Download Filmora Mac Version

One of the most robust apps that is compared with post-production applications like Adobe Premiere Pro and Final Cut Pro X, Wondershare Filmora is also a video editor that helps split screen easily. The software is available for Windows and Mac computers, and provides prompt technical support to its consumers. Although Filmora that packed with more advanced tools is also available, most of the times Filmora serves the purpose pretty well.

You can learn how to add split screen effect in Wondershare Filmora by following the steps given below:

Step 1: Import Footages to Filmora

Launch Wondershare Filmora, click anywhere inside the Media window in the upper-left section, and import all the videos you want to use to create the split screen effect.

Step 2: Choose a Split Screen Preset

Click Split Screen from the standard toolbar at the top, click and drag your preferred preset to the Timeline, and then extend the duration of the effect in the Timeline by dragging its handle.

Step 3: Add Videos to Split Screen

free video editing software for windows

Click ADVANCED from the bottom-right area of the Media pane, on the Advanced Split Screen Edit box, drag the first video from the left pane, and drop it on your preferred section in the right. Repeat the process to add all the other videos to their corresponding sections. Adjust their time of appearance by dragging their thumbnail in the Timeline of the box, and click OK.


  • Wondershare Filmora is lightweight and is less resource intensive
  • Allows as many as 6 videos to be added to create split screen effect
  • Has 30+ split screen presets


  • A couple of windows are required to be opened while working with split screen

3 . VSDC

VSDC is a free and efficient split screen video maker. In fact, the program is a full-fledged post-production application that can be used to edit the videos to prepare industry-standard clips for presentations, broadcasting, and commercial and private distribution. The best thing about VSDC is, it is absolutely free of cost, and doesn’t add any watermarks to the output files.

The instructions given below explain how to use the split screen feature in VSDC:

Step 1: Add Video Footages

Click Add object from the standard toolbar at the top, click Video, and select and add the first footage to the preview window. Repeat the process to add more video(s) as needed.

Step 2: Add Split Screen Effect

Grab any of the side handles of the video you added last, and drag it inward to reduce its size proportionally. Repeat the process to reduce the size of the other video(s) that is/are now revealed from beneath the one you just adjusted in order to create the split screen effect.


  • Absolutely free to use
  • Allows practically unlimited number of footages to be added to create the split screen videos


  • No presets for automatic video positioning are available for split screen effect

You can get VSDC free video editor from here:

4. Shotcut

A free and opensource editing tool, Shotcut can also be used as a split screen video maker to produce industry-standard movies and documentaries. Shotcut is available for FreeBSD, Windows, Linux, and macOS, and comes in both x64 and x86 variants. Being a free program, Shotcut doesn’t require any activation or registration.

The procedure that follows explains how to use Shortcut as a free split screen video editor:

Step 1: Add Clips to the Timeline

Import the footages to the Shotcut’s media bin, drag one of the clips from the bin to the Timeline at the bottom, and then press Ctrl + I on your keyboard to add more video tracks. You can press this shortcut key for another couple of times depending on the number films you want to use for the split screen effect. Next, drag each film from the bin to their corresponding tracks. Note: Make sure NOT to place all the clips on the same track, and that each of them is on a different, its own, video layer.

Step 2: Adjust the First Video

Select the last video you added to the Timeline (it should be the topmost track), click Filters from above the Timeline, click the + button from the upper-left corner, click Size and Position from the list that appears next, and select the clip’s position from the Preset drop-down list.

Step 3: Adjust Other Videos

Select the second video in the Timeline and repeat the process to set its position, and do the same for all other footages that you added in order to create the split screen effect.


  • Available for FreeBSD, Windows, Linux, and macOS platforms
  • If using presets, as many as 4 videos can be added for split screen effect


  • Working with split screen manually may require practice and some calculations to position the clips on the screen correctly

You can get Shotcut from here:

5. Lightworks

Used by the professionals to edit and prepare movies like Pulp Fiction, The Cure, L.A. Confidential, Bruce Almighty, The Wolf of Wall Street, etc., Lightworks is, in true means, a complete and full-fledged post-production application to create industry-standard outputs. The main reason for the app’s wide userbase is that it is a cross-platform software that is available for Linux, Mac, and Windows computers.

To use Lightworks as split screen video maker, you can follow the instructions given below:

Step 1: Add Tracks in Timeline

After importing the clips to Lightworks, leave them in the Media Bin for now, right-click anywhere in the Timeline at the bottom, go to Tracks, click Add multiple, and from the Number to add drop-down list, choose the number of tracks you want to add to the Timeline. Click Add to confirm the changes.

Step 2: Disable Auto Sync

Right-click anywhere in the Timeline, and click to deselect Auto track sync.

Step 3: Add Clips to Timeline

Drag the clips from the Media Bin to the Timeline. Make sure to place each footage on a different track, and that all the tracks are on top of each other. Optionally, right-click the audio that was added along with the clips, and click Remove from the context menu. Use this method to remove all the audios or leave the one you want to have. Note: Removing the audio tracks ensures that they do not overlap during the playback.

Step 4: Enable Split Screen

Click VFX from above the preview window, click the + (Add new effects) icon from the top of the left pane, select the DVE category from the upper-right corner of the left pane, scroll down the left pane to the Split-screen Presets section, and double-click your preferred split screen preset to add the effect to the participating clips.


  • Even the free variant has split screen feature
  • A complete post-production tool that doesn’t require any other program for finalizing the things


  • Not many split screen presets are available

Download Lightworks free version from here:

6. Adobe Premiere Pro

One of the most appreciated and widely used post-production applications for Windows and Mac computers, Adobe Premiere Pro has been professionals’ first choice when it comes to video editing, irrespective of the fact that it has a steep learning curve, and is also a resource intensive software to work with.

The steps below explain how to use Adobe Premiere Pro as a split screen video maker:

Step 1: Add Videos to Timeline

After importing the clips to the Project window, drag each of them to the Timeline, and place them in their separate tracks one above the other.

Step 2: Position and Crop

Select the topmost video track in the Timeline, go to Effect Controls panel from the top of the upper-left pane, and use the Position slider to position the video to your preferred area of the screen. Repeat this process for all the clips in the Timeline you want to add to split screen.

Step 3: Crop the Clips

Search for the Crop effect in the Effects pane present at the lower-left corner, drag and drop the effect on each of the clips in the timeline, and use the Crop slider in the Effect Controls pane to crop the videos as needed. Optionally use the keyframes to add sliding animations to give more professional look to the split screen effect.


  • Most robust and efficient video editing tool
  • Allows practically unlimited number of videos to be used for split screen


  • Requires subscription that needs to be renewed regularly

For more details about making split screen with Pr, check How to create a split screen in Premiere Pro

7. Final Cut Pro X

Available only for Mac computers at the time of this writing, Final Cut Pro X or FCPX gives tough competition to Adobe Premiere Pro. Since Apple devices are famous for their speedy processing, professionals any day prefer FCPX over Adobe Premiere Pro if they own a Mac PC running macOS.

You can use FCPX as split screen video maker by following the steps given below:

Step 1: Place Footages in the Timeline

As mentioned earlier, add the clips on top of each other on separate tracks in the Timeline of FCPX.

Step 2: Position and Crop

Select the first clip in the Timeline, from the Transform section of the Video Inspector pane in the right, use the Position slider to move the clip to your preferred side of the screen, and use the sliders from the Crop section to crop the footage to adjust the portion of interest. Repeat the process for the other video tracks as well to get your desired split screen effect in Final Cut Pro X.


  • Offers quick and easy way to add split screen effect
  • Allows practically unlimited number of videos to be used for split screen


  • Doesn’t have any particular preset for split screen effect

You may also like: How to create a PIP video with Final Cut Pro X

Best Free Online Split Screen Video Editors

Apart from the desktop programs discussed above, there are a couple of web tools that can be used as split screen video maker online free. Two of the most used ones are introduced below:

1. Kapwing Collage Maker

Although Kapwing offers several other online tools like video resizer, meme generator, slideshow maker, etc., the solution that can be considered split screen video editor is Kapwing Collage Maker. This web app allows you to select a template to get started, and the rest of the process is simple.

The following steps explain how to create a split screen video with Kapwing:

Step 1: Add Clips to Preset

Go to the link, click to select your preferred split screen preset, click REPLACE on one of the segments of the split screen on the next page, and select and upload the first video. Next, click REPLACE on the other segment(s), and select and upload the other videos as well.

Step 2: Reposition and Publish

Click and drag each of the added clips to reposition them on the screen, use the other tools to crop and adjust the videos as needed, and click Publish from the top-right corner. Note: Optionally you can click Timeline from the top of the preview window, adjust the timings and other settings as needed on the next page, and click Done. After this, you can go ahead and hit Publish to create the split screen effect out of the uploaded videos.


  • Free to use
  • Allows as many as 4 videos to create split screen effect


  • Requires you to register and sign in to remove the watermark from the output file

2. WeVideo

Yet another split screen video maker online free solution, WeVideo offers almost desktop program-like experience while creating split screen effects. Even though all the subscription plans that the vendor offers are chargeable, the Education plan can be tried for 30 days for free, post which the teachers are required to pay to continue using the web tool.

The following steps explain how to get split screen effect with WeVideo:

Step 1: Import Videos

Visit and on the main window, click Video from under the Create a new section at the top, select a layout on the Let’s get started box, and click START EDITING from the bottom right corner. Next, click ADD in the My media window in the upper-left section, click BROWSE TO SELECT on the Import media box, and add the videos you want to use in the split screen effect.

Step 2: Add Clips to Timeline

As explained earlier, drag the videos from the My media pane and drop them in the Timeline. Make sure to place every video in its separate layer, and that all the layers are on top of each other.

Step 3: Create Split Screen Effect

Select any clip in the Timeline, and click the Open clip editor icon from the upper-left area of the track. On the next page, use the Scale slider to reduce the size of the selected clip, and from the preview window in the right, drag to reposition the video to your preferred location on the screen. Click SAVE CHANGES from the bottom of the left pane to confirm the settings. Repeat the process for the second clip in the Timeline to resize and reposition it on the screen. Click FINISH from the upper-right corner, on the next box, enter a name for the video in the available field, click SET, choose your preferred settings on the next page, and click EXPORT from the bottom-right corner to produce the split screen video.


  • Free to use
  • Allows multiple videos to be used for split screen


  • Paid subscription is needed to remove watermark from the outputs

FAQs About Split Screen Video Editors

Why you should use split screen effect in video?

There are a couple of reasons you may want to use split screen effect in your video. Some of the most common uses include:

  • Showing multiple actions by the same or different characters at the same time, without changing the screen
  • Comparing multiple objects or picture quality. This can be done only when the entities in question are placed side-by-side
  • Making your video look more professional
  • Showing different effects on the same screen

Can I create a split screen video with Windows Movie Maker or Windows 10 Photos app?

No, you cannot. Although these tools enable you to resize the videos, since they don’t allow multi-tracked Timelines, no video clips can be placed one above the other which is an essential part for any split screen video maker to create the effect. However, as discussed above, there are several post-production tools, offline and online, that allow you to make split screen videos easily and without any cost.


Split screen video editor tools are both paid and free. Regardless of the program you use to create the effect, the output files always look more professional and informative. Furthermore, things become way simpler if the split screen video maker has simple UI, is less resource intensive, and is easy to use as it is the case with Wondershare Filmora.

author avatar

Ollie Mattison

Ollie Mattison is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Ollie Mattison

Ollie Mattison

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

The effect that comes up after adding two or more screens in a single frame is called split screen, and the tool that enables the users to do this is a split screen video editor. These split screens have significant importance in post-production tasks. That said, the following sections discuss about the tools that enable you to create split screen videos, and explain the process of doing so.

As mentioned above, the split screen effect lets you add two or more screens in a single frame. When multiple activities occur at the same time but at different locations, they all can be shown on one screen by placing their corresponding footages side-by-side or in any other arrangement that the split screen video maker allows.

Best Split Screen Video Editing Software for Windows and Mac [Free & Paid]

After understanding what split screen is, it becomes both obvious and mandatory to know about some of the most used split screen video editor applications, and how they help you in adding the effect to your movies. Following is a list of a couple of such programs:

1. iMovie

A proprietary of Apple, iMovie is available for both iOS and macOS, and is absolutely free of cost. Even though the tool lacks some advanced options for fine editing, it still offers a good platform to those planning their career in post-production industry. With simple UI, it is easy to learn iMovie.

The step-by-step instructions given below explain how to use iMovie to add split screen effect to your videos:

Step 1: Add Footages to iMovie

After importing the footages to the Media Bin in iMovie, drag the first one to the Timeline, and then drag the second one above the first layer.

Step 2: Select the Split Screen Effect

Select the top video layer in the Timeline, and choose Split Screen from the screen type drop-down list at the top.

Step 3: Select Split Screen Preset

Choose a position for the selected layer from the Position drop-down list at the top, and use the Slide slider to adjust the speed of the appearance of the footage.


  • iMovie is free to download and use
  • The program is available for both macOS and iOS


  • Allows only up to two videos to be used in split screen

You can get iMovie from here:

2. Wondershare Filmora Editor

Download Filmora Win Version Download Filmora Mac Version

One of the most robust apps that is compared with post-production applications like Adobe Premiere Pro and Final Cut Pro X, Wondershare Filmora is also a video editor that helps split screen easily. The software is available for Windows and Mac computers, and provides prompt technical support to its consumers. Although Filmora that packed with more advanced tools is also available, most of the times Filmora serves the purpose pretty well.

You can learn how to add split screen effect in Wondershare Filmora by following the steps given below:

Step 1: Import Footages to Filmora

Launch Wondershare Filmora, click anywhere inside the Media window in the upper-left section, and import all the videos you want to use to create the split screen effect.

Step 2: Choose a Split Screen Preset

Click Split Screen from the standard toolbar at the top, click and drag your preferred preset to the Timeline, and then extend the duration of the effect in the Timeline by dragging its handle.

Step 3: Add Videos to Split Screen

free video editing software for windows

Click ADVANCED from the bottom-right area of the Media pane, on the Advanced Split Screen Edit box, drag the first video from the left pane, and drop it on your preferred section in the right. Repeat the process to add all the other videos to their corresponding sections. Adjust their time of appearance by dragging their thumbnail in the Timeline of the box, and click OK.


  • Wondershare Filmora is lightweight and is less resource intensive
  • Allows as many as 6 videos to be added to create split screen effect
  • Has 30+ split screen presets


  • A couple of windows are required to be opened while working with split screen

3 . VSDC

VSDC is a free and efficient split screen video maker. In fact, the program is a full-fledged post-production application that can be used to edit the videos to prepare industry-standard clips for presentations, broadcasting, and commercial and private distribution. The best thing about VSDC is, it is absolutely free of cost, and doesn’t add any watermarks to the output files.

The instructions given below explain how to use the split screen feature in VSDC:

Step 1: Add Video Footages

Click Add object from the standard toolbar at the top, click Video, and select and add the first footage to the preview window. Repeat the process to add more video(s) as needed.

Step 2: Add Split Screen Effect

Grab any of the side handles of the video you added last, and drag it inward to reduce its size proportionally. Repeat the process to reduce the size of the other video(s) that is/are now revealed from beneath the one you just adjusted in order to create the split screen effect.


  • Absolutely free to use
  • Allows practically unlimited number of footages to be added to create the split screen videos


  • No presets for automatic video positioning are available for split screen effect

You can get VSDC free video editor from here:

4. Shotcut

A free and opensource editing tool, Shotcut can also be used as a split screen video maker to produce industry-standard movies and documentaries. Shotcut is available for FreeBSD, Windows, Linux, and macOS, and comes in both x64 and x86 variants. Being a free program, Shotcut doesn’t require any activation or registration.

The procedure that follows explains how to use Shortcut as a free split screen video editor:

Step 1: Add Clips to the Timeline

Import the footages to the Shotcut’s media bin, drag one of the clips from the bin to the Timeline at the bottom, and then press Ctrl + I on your keyboard to add more video tracks. You can press this shortcut key for another couple of times depending on the number films you want to use for the split screen effect. Next, drag each film from the bin to their corresponding tracks. Note: Make sure NOT to place all the clips on the same track, and that each of them is on a different, its own, video layer.

Step 2: Adjust the First Video

Select the last video you added to the Timeline (it should be the topmost track), click Filters from above the Timeline, click the + button from the upper-left corner, click Size and Position from the list that appears next, and select the clip’s position from the Preset drop-down list.

Step 3: Adjust Other Videos

Select the second video in the Timeline and repeat the process to set its position, and do the same for all other footages that you added in order to create the split screen effect.


  • Available for FreeBSD, Windows, Linux, and macOS platforms
  • If using presets, as many as 4 videos can be added for split screen effect


  • Working with split screen manually may require practice and some calculations to position the clips on the screen correctly

You can get Shotcut from here:

5. Lightworks

Used by the professionals to edit and prepare movies like Pulp Fiction, The Cure, L.A. Confidential, Bruce Almighty, The Wolf of Wall Street, etc., Lightworks is, in true means, a complete and full-fledged post-production application to create industry-standard outputs. The main reason for the app’s wide userbase is that it is a cross-platform software that is available for Linux, Mac, and Windows computers.

To use Lightworks as split screen video maker, you can follow the instructions given below:

Step 1: Add Tracks in Timeline

After importing the clips to Lightworks, leave them in the Media Bin for now, right-click anywhere in the Timeline at the bottom, go to Tracks, click Add multiple, and from the Number to add drop-down list, choose the number of tracks you want to add to the Timeline. Click Add to confirm the changes.

Step 2: Disable Auto Sync

Right-click anywhere in the Timeline, and click to deselect Auto track sync.

Step 3: Add Clips to Timeline

Drag the clips from the Media Bin to the Timeline. Make sure to place each footage on a different track, and that all the tracks are on top of each other. Optionally, right-click the audio that was added along with the clips, and click Remove from the context menu. Use this method to remove all the audios or leave the one you want to have. Note: Removing the audio tracks ensures that they do not overlap during the playback.

Step 4: Enable Split Screen

Click VFX from above the preview window, click the + (Add new effects) icon from the top of the left pane, select the DVE category from the upper-right corner of the left pane, scroll down the left pane to the Split-screen Presets section, and double-click your preferred split screen preset to add the effect to the participating clips.


  • Even the free variant has split screen feature
  • A complete post-production tool that doesn’t require any other program for finalizing the things


  • Not many split screen presets are available

Download Lightworks free version from here:

6. Adobe Premiere Pro

One of the most appreciated and widely used post-production applications for Windows and Mac computers, Adobe Premiere Pro has been professionals’ first choice when it comes to video editing, irrespective of the fact that it has a steep learning curve, and is also a resource intensive software to work with.

The steps below explain how to use Adobe Premiere Pro as a split screen video maker:

Step 1: Add Videos to Timeline

After importing the clips to the Project window, drag each of them to the Timeline, and place them in their separate tracks one above the other.

Step 2: Position and Crop

Select the topmost video track in the Timeline, go to Effect Controls panel from the top of the upper-left pane, and use the Position slider to position the video to your preferred area of the screen. Repeat this process for all the clips in the Timeline you want to add to split screen.

Step 3: Crop the Clips

Search for the Crop effect in the Effects pane present at the lower-left corner, drag and drop the effect on each of the clips in the timeline, and use the Crop slider in the Effect Controls pane to crop the videos as needed. Optionally use the keyframes to add sliding animations to give more professional look to the split screen effect.


  • Most robust and efficient video editing tool
  • Allows practically unlimited number of videos to be used for split screen


  • Requires subscription that needs to be renewed regularly

For more details about making split screen with Pr, check How to create a split screen in Premiere Pro

7. Final Cut Pro X

Available only for Mac computers at the time of this writing, Final Cut Pro X or FCPX gives tough competition to Adobe Premiere Pro. Since Apple devices are famous for their speedy processing, professionals any day prefer FCPX over Adobe Premiere Pro if they own a Mac PC running macOS.

You can use FCPX as split screen video maker by following the steps given below:

Step 1: Place Footages in the Timeline

As mentioned earlier, add the clips on top of each other on separate tracks in the Timeline of FCPX.

Step 2: Position and Crop

Select the first clip in the Timeline, from the Transform section of the Video Inspector pane in the right, use the Position slider to move the clip to your preferred side of the screen, and use the sliders from the Crop section to crop the footage to adjust the portion of interest. Repeat the process for the other video tracks as well to get your desired split screen effect in Final Cut Pro X.


  • Offers quick and easy way to add split screen effect
  • Allows practically unlimited number of videos to be used for split screen


  • Doesn’t have any particular preset for split screen effect

You may also like: How to create a PIP video with Final Cut Pro X

Best Free Online Split Screen Video Editors

Apart from the desktop programs discussed above, there are a couple of web tools that can be used as split screen video maker online free. Two of the most used ones are introduced below:

1. Kapwing Collage Maker

Although Kapwing offers several other online tools like video resizer, meme generator, slideshow maker, etc., the solution that can be considered split screen video editor is Kapwing Collage Maker. This web app allows you to select a template to get started, and the rest of the process is simple.

The following steps explain how to create a split screen video with Kapwing:

Step 1: Add Clips to Preset

Go to the link, click to select your preferred split screen preset, click REPLACE on one of the segments of the split screen on the next page, and select and upload the first video. Next, click REPLACE on the other segment(s), and select and upload the other videos as well.

Step 2: Reposition and Publish

Click and drag each of the added clips to reposition them on the screen, use the other tools to crop and adjust the videos as needed, and click Publish from the top-right corner. Note: Optionally you can click Timeline from the top of the preview window, adjust the timings and other settings as needed on the next page, and click Done. After this, you can go ahead and hit Publish to create the split screen effect out of the uploaded videos.


  • Free to use
  • Allows as many as 4 videos to create split screen effect


  • Requires you to register and sign in to remove the watermark from the output file

2. WeVideo

Yet another split screen video maker online free solution, WeVideo offers almost desktop program-like experience while creating split screen effects. Even though all the subscription plans that the vendor offers are chargeable, the Education plan can be tried for 30 days for free, post which the teachers are required to pay to continue using the web tool.

The following steps explain how to get split screen effect with WeVideo:

Step 1: Import Videos

Visit and on the main window, click Video from under the Create a new section at the top, select a layout on the Let’s get started box, and click START EDITING from the bottom right corner. Next, click ADD in the My media window in the upper-left section, click BROWSE TO SELECT on the Import media box, and add the videos you want to use in the split screen effect.

Step 2: Add Clips to Timeline

As explained earlier, drag the videos from the My media pane and drop them in the Timeline. Make sure to place every video in its separate layer, and that all the layers are on top of each other.

Step 3: Create Split Screen Effect

Select any clip in the Timeline, and click the Open clip editor icon from the upper-left area of the track. On the next page, use the Scale slider to reduce the size of the selected clip, and from the preview window in the right, drag to reposition the video to your preferred location on the screen. Click SAVE CHANGES from the bottom of the left pane to confirm the settings. Repeat the process for the second clip in the Timeline to resize and reposition it on the screen. Click FINISH from the upper-right corner, on the next box, enter a name for the video in the available field, click SET, choose your preferred settings on the next page, and click EXPORT from the bottom-right corner to produce the split screen video.


  • Free to use
  • Allows multiple videos to be used for split screen


  • Paid subscription is needed to remove watermark from the outputs

FAQs About Split Screen Video Editors

Why you should use split screen effect in video?

There are a couple of reasons you may want to use split screen effect in your video. Some of the most common uses include:

  • Showing multiple actions by the same or different characters at the same time, without changing the screen
  • Comparing multiple objects or picture quality. This can be done only when the entities in question are placed side-by-side
  • Making your video look more professional
  • Showing different effects on the same screen

Can I create a split screen video with Windows Movie Maker or Windows 10 Photos app?

No, you cannot. Although these tools enable you to resize the videos, since they don’t allow multi-tracked Timelines, no video clips can be placed one above the other which is an essential part for any split screen video maker to create the effect. However, as discussed above, there are several post-production tools, offline and online, that allow you to make split screen videos easily and without any cost.


Split screen video editor tools are both paid and free. Regardless of the program you use to create the effect, the output files always look more professional and informative. Furthermore, things become way simpler if the split screen video maker has simple UI, is less resource intensive, and is easy to use as it is the case with Wondershare Filmora.

author avatar

Ollie Mattison

Ollie Mattison is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Ollie Mattison

Video Advertising Trailer Production Platforms

5 Best Online Video Trailer Makers

author avatar

Ollie Mattison

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

Finding effective ways to promote the videos you create is almost as important as the quality of the movies you make. A movie trailer is probably one of the oldest marketing tools filmmakers use to advertise their upcoming projects. Nonetheless, you no longer need access to professional video editing software or advanced video editing skills to create a captivating video trailer, since online video editing platforms allow you to go through this process almost automatically.

That’s why in this article we are going to take you through some of the best online video trailer makers that enable you to make trailers for your videos with ease. So, let’s get started.

Top 5 Online Video Trailer Makers

Making a trailer online shouldn’t be a complicated task since you just have to put a few video clips together and add music to them . You just need to discover a creative way to combine the footage and the online video trailer makers we included in this article will do the rest for you. Here’s what the top five online video trailer makers have to offer.

1. Biteable


Price: Free, pricing plans start at $19.00 per month

In case you are looking for an online platform that allows you to make Facebook ads, Instagram stories, promo videos or trailers, Biteable may be one of your best options. The platform grants you access to a huge library of templates that can be used for a broad range of purposes. You can choose from editorial, book and YouTube channel trailer templates or you can start a new project from scratch. Furthermore, Bitable lets you upload footage from social media or cloud storage services. You won’t be able to download finished projects if you opt for the free version of Biteable, and you can only share ten video trailers on social media each month. That’s why you must opt for one of the available subscription plans if you want to create video trailers with Bitable on a constant basis.


  • Fully customizable video trailer templates
  • Biteable offers the option to make video trailers from scratch
  • Offers royalty-free music
  • The platform offers a huge selection of stock footage


  • All videos created with the free version of Biteable are watermarked
  • Equipped with only basic video editing tools

2. MotionDen


Price: $9.00 per video

MotionDen enables social media marketers and all other video content creators who publish their work online to create new videos effortlessly. The video templates you can find on this platform are organized into categories such as Ads, Instagram or Fashion which helps you avoid browsing through hundreds of templates searching for the one you can use to create a video trailer. You must log in to your MotionDen account before you can start editing a template. So once you’re signed in, you just have to upload the photos or videos and add the text to the text boxes that are already included in the template you selected. Optionally, you can also use MotionDen’s stock audio or upload a song you would like to use as a soundtrack from your computer.


  • No previous video editing experience required
  • Customizing a template doesn’t take a lot of time
  • Users can upload their own audio files
  • Video trailers can be published to YouTube directly from MotionDen


  • You must upgrade to the monthly plan if you want to download video trailers
  • All videos created with the free version of MotionDen are watermarked

3. MakeWebVideo


Price: Free, $29.00 for a full HD video

This video editing platform allows you to create a broad range of different types of videos, as it offers whiteboard animation, explainer video or movie trailer templates, among numerous others. Creating an account on MakeWebVideo is the mandatory step you need to take before you can start working on a new movie trailer. You just have to upload the footage, insert up to 21 lines of text, apply the visual effects to your footage, and MakeWebVideo will do the rest for you. All test versions of video trailers are free, but if you want to download them in full HD resolution you must pay a $29.00 one-time fee. In return, the platform will offer the hosting services for the video trailer you created as well as the media player viewers can use to watch the trailer.


  • A new video trailer can be generated in less than 15 minutes
  • All projects can be exported as MP4 or WebM video files
  • The platform also provides video hosting services
  • Offers a huge selection of video templates


  • No advanced video editing tools
  • The fee for different video templates can vary

4. Renderforest


Price: Free, pricing plans start at $9.99 per month

The process of creating a video trailer with Renderforest can be completed in just three simple steps. You just have to select a template, insert title scenes, videos, photos or logo animations and then decide if you want to publish the trailer on social media or download it to your computer. Renderforest grants you access to huge libraries of stock footage that are perfectly adjusted to the genre of the video trailer you select, which means that you don’t even need your own footage to create a trailer with this platform. Furthermore, you can also choose if you want to use the platform’s music library or upload the audio file you intend to use as a soundtrack for the video trailer you are making. It is worth noting that the free version of Renderforest doesn’t allow users to create videos that are longer than three minutes.


  • Renderforest is a versatile platform that can be used for a broad range of purposes
  • Great selection of movie trailer templates
  • The maximum duration of a movie trailer is not limited
  • Offers audio editing options


  • Exporting videos in resolutions larger than 360p isn’t possible
  • More expensive than other online video trailer makers

5. LightMV


Price: Free

LightMV is a video content creation platform that allows its users to turn their photos into videos. Simply choose a template from Social Media, Fashion, or Travel categories and upload the images to the template. The number of images you can include in a video trailer varies from template to template, although you can purchase lollies, the platform’s virtual money, that enables you to increase the number of images you can add to a template. Even though all templates have built-in soundtracks, you can add a new song from the platform’s music library or from your computer. LightMV can be used from a web browser, installed as software on a PC computer or downloaded as an app from Google Play or App Store.


  • LightMV offers an easy way to turn photos into videos
  • All templates are easily customizable
  • Equipped with basic audio editing tools
  • Good social sharing options


  • Downloading videos is only possible if you purchase lollies
  • No video editing tools


All film productions regardless of how big or small they are can benefit from online promotion. Each of the online video trailer makers we featured in this article is easy to use, and you don’t need a lot of video editing experience in order to customize a video trailer template.

Well, if you want to make a fully tailored trailer, I highly suggest you download Filmora with the buttons below. It definitely gives you the best value.

Download Win VersionDownload Mac Version

author avatar

Ollie Mattison

Ollie Mattison is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Ollie Mattison

Ollie Mattison

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

Finding effective ways to promote the videos you create is almost as important as the quality of the movies you make. A movie trailer is probably one of the oldest marketing tools filmmakers use to advertise their upcoming projects. Nonetheless, you no longer need access to professional video editing software or advanced video editing skills to create a captivating video trailer, since online video editing platforms allow you to go through this process almost automatically.

That’s why in this article we are going to take you through some of the best online video trailer makers that enable you to make trailers for your videos with ease. So, let’s get started.

Top 5 Online Video Trailer Makers

Making a trailer online shouldn’t be a complicated task since you just have to put a few video clips together and add music to them . You just need to discover a creative way to combine the footage and the online video trailer makers we included in this article will do the rest for you. Here’s what the top five online video trailer makers have to offer.

1. Biteable


Price: Free, pricing plans start at $19.00 per month

In case you are looking for an online platform that allows you to make Facebook ads, Instagram stories, promo videos or trailers, Biteable may be one of your best options. The platform grants you access to a huge library of templates that can be used for a broad range of purposes. You can choose from editorial, book and YouTube channel trailer templates or you can start a new project from scratch. Furthermore, Bitable lets you upload footage from social media or cloud storage services. You won’t be able to download finished projects if you opt for the free version of Biteable, and you can only share ten video trailers on social media each month. That’s why you must opt for one of the available subscription plans if you want to create video trailers with Bitable on a constant basis.


  • Fully customizable video trailer templates
  • Biteable offers the option to make video trailers from scratch
  • Offers royalty-free music
  • The platform offers a huge selection of stock footage


  • All videos created with the free version of Biteable are watermarked
  • Equipped with only basic video editing tools

2. MotionDen


Price: $9.00 per video

MotionDen enables social media marketers and all other video content creators who publish their work online to create new videos effortlessly. The video templates you can find on this platform are organized into categories such as Ads, Instagram or Fashion which helps you avoid browsing through hundreds of templates searching for the one you can use to create a video trailer. You must log in to your MotionDen account before you can start editing a template. So once you’re signed in, you just have to upload the photos or videos and add the text to the text boxes that are already included in the template you selected. Optionally, you can also use MotionDen’s stock audio or upload a song you would like to use as a soundtrack from your computer.


  • No previous video editing experience required
  • Customizing a template doesn’t take a lot of time
  • Users can upload their own audio files
  • Video trailers can be published to YouTube directly from MotionDen


  • You must upgrade to the monthly plan if you want to download video trailers
  • All videos created with the free version of MotionDen are watermarked

3. MakeWebVideo


Price: Free, $29.00 for a full HD video

This video editing platform allows you to create a broad range of different types of videos, as it offers whiteboard animation, explainer video or movie trailer templates, among numerous others. Creating an account on MakeWebVideo is the mandatory step you need to take before you can start working on a new movie trailer. You just have to upload the footage, insert up to 21 lines of text, apply the visual effects to your footage, and MakeWebVideo will do the rest for you. All test versions of video trailers are free, but if you want to download them in full HD resolution you must pay a $29.00 one-time fee. In return, the platform will offer the hosting services for the video trailer you created as well as the media player viewers can use to watch the trailer.


  • A new video trailer can be generated in less than 15 minutes
  • All projects can be exported as MP4 or WebM video files
  • The platform also provides video hosting services
  • Offers a huge selection of video templates


  • No advanced video editing tools
  • The fee for different video templates can vary

4. Renderforest


Price: Free, pricing plans start at $9.99 per month

The process of creating a video trailer with Renderforest can be completed in just three simple steps. You just have to select a template, insert title scenes, videos, photos or logo animations and then decide if you want to publish the trailer on social media or download it to your computer. Renderforest grants you access to huge libraries of stock footage that are perfectly adjusted to the genre of the video trailer you select, which means that you don’t even need your own footage to create a trailer with this platform. Furthermore, you can also choose if you want to use the platform’s music library or upload the audio file you intend to use as a soundtrack for the video trailer you are making. It is worth noting that the free version of Renderforest doesn’t allow users to create videos that are longer than three minutes.


  • Renderforest is a versatile platform that can be used for a broad range of purposes
  • Great selection of movie trailer templates
  • The maximum duration of a movie trailer is not limited
  • Offers audio editing options


  • Exporting videos in resolutions larger than 360p isn’t possible
  • More expensive than other online video trailer makers

5. LightMV


Price: Free

LightMV is a video content creation platform that allows its users to turn their photos into videos. Simply choose a template from Social Media, Fashion, or Travel categories and upload the images to the template. The number of images you can include in a video trailer varies from template to template, although you can purchase lollies, the platform’s virtual money, that enables you to increase the number of images you can add to a template. Even though all templates have built-in soundtracks, you can add a new song from the platform’s music library or from your computer. LightMV can be used from a web browser, installed as software on a PC computer or downloaded as an app from Google Play or App Store.


  • LightMV offers an easy way to turn photos into videos
  • All templates are easily customizable
  • Equipped with basic audio editing tools
  • Good social sharing options


  • Downloading videos is only possible if you purchase lollies
  • No video editing tools


All film productions regardless of how big or small they are can benefit from online promotion. Each of the online video trailer makers we featured in this article is easy to use, and you don’t need a lot of video editing experience in order to customize a video trailer template.

Well, if you want to make a fully tailored trailer, I highly suggest you download Filmora with the buttons below. It definitely gives you the best value.

Download Win VersionDownload Mac Version

author avatar

Ollie Mattison

Ollie Mattison is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Ollie Mattison

Ollie Mattison

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

Finding effective ways to promote the videos you create is almost as important as the quality of the movies you make. A movie trailer is probably one of the oldest marketing tools filmmakers use to advertise their upcoming projects. Nonetheless, you no longer need access to professional video editing software or advanced video editing skills to create a captivating video trailer, since online video editing platforms allow you to go through this process almost automatically.

That’s why in this article we are going to take you through some of the best online video trailer makers that enable you to make trailers for your videos with ease. So, let’s get started.

Top 5 Online Video Trailer Makers

Making a trailer online shouldn’t be a complicated task since you just have to put a few video clips together and add music to them . You just need to discover a creative way to combine the footage and the online video trailer makers we included in this article will do the rest for you. Here’s what the top five online video trailer makers have to offer.

1. Biteable


Price: Free, pricing plans start at $19.00 per month

In case you are looking for an online platform that allows you to make Facebook ads, Instagram stories, promo videos or trailers, Biteable may be one of your best options. The platform grants you access to a huge library of templates that can be used for a broad range of purposes. You can choose from editorial, book and YouTube channel trailer templates or you can start a new project from scratch. Furthermore, Bitable lets you upload footage from social media or cloud storage services. You won’t be able to download finished projects if you opt for the free version of Biteable, and you can only share ten video trailers on social media each month. That’s why you must opt for one of the available subscription plans if you want to create video trailers with Bitable on a constant basis.


  • Fully customizable video trailer templates
  • Biteable offers the option to make video trailers from scratch
  • Offers royalty-free music
  • The platform offers a huge selection of stock footage


  • All videos created with the free version of Biteable are watermarked
  • Equipped with only basic video editing tools

2. MotionDen


Price: $9.00 per video

MotionDen enables social media marketers and all other video content creators who publish their work online to create new videos effortlessly. The video templates you can find on this platform are organized into categories such as Ads, Instagram or Fashion which helps you avoid browsing through hundreds of templates searching for the one you can use to create a video trailer. You must log in to your MotionDen account before you can start editing a template. So once you’re signed in, you just have to upload the photos or videos and add the text to the text boxes that are already included in the template you selected. Optionally, you can also use MotionDen’s stock audio or upload a song you would like to use as a soundtrack from your computer.


  • No previous video editing experience required
  • Customizing a template doesn’t take a lot of time
  • Users can upload their own audio files
  • Video trailers can be published to YouTube directly from MotionDen


  • You must upgrade to the monthly plan if you want to download video trailers
  • All videos created with the free version of MotionDen are watermarked

3. MakeWebVideo


Price: Free, $29.00 for a full HD video

This video editing platform allows you to create a broad range of different types of videos, as it offers whiteboard animation, explainer video or movie trailer templates, among numerous others. Creating an account on MakeWebVideo is the mandatory step you need to take before you can start working on a new movie trailer. You just have to upload the footage, insert up to 21 lines of text, apply the visual effects to your footage, and MakeWebVideo will do the rest for you. All test versions of video trailers are free, but if you want to download them in full HD resolution you must pay a $29.00 one-time fee. In return, the platform will offer the hosting services for the video trailer you created as well as the media player viewers can use to watch the trailer.


  • A new video trailer can be generated in less than 15 minutes
  • All projects can be exported as MP4 or WebM video files
  • The platform also provides video hosting services
  • Offers a huge selection of video templates


  • No advanced video editing tools
  • The fee for different video templates can vary

4. Renderforest


Price: Free, pricing plans start at $9.99 per month

The process of creating a video trailer with Renderforest can be completed in just three simple steps. You just have to select a template, insert title scenes, videos, photos or logo animations and then decide if you want to publish the trailer on social media or download it to your computer. Renderforest grants you access to huge libraries of stock footage that are perfectly adjusted to the genre of the video trailer you select, which means that you don’t even need your own footage to create a trailer with this platform. Furthermore, you can also choose if you want to use the platform’s music library or upload the audio file you intend to use as a soundtrack for the video trailer you are making. It is worth noting that the free version of Renderforest doesn’t allow users to create videos that are longer than three minutes.


  • Renderforest is a versatile platform that can be used for a broad range of purposes
  • Great selection of movie trailer templates
  • The maximum duration of a movie trailer is not limited
  • Offers audio editing options


  • Exporting videos in resolutions larger than 360p isn’t possible
  • More expensive than other online video trailer makers

5. LightMV


Price: Free

LightMV is a video content creation platform that allows its users to turn their photos into videos. Simply choose a template from Social Media, Fashion, or Travel categories and upload the images to the template. The number of images you can include in a video trailer varies from template to template, although you can purchase lollies, the platform’s virtual money, that enables you to increase the number of images you can add to a template. Even though all templates have built-in soundtracks, you can add a new song from the platform’s music library or from your computer. LightMV can be used from a web browser, installed as software on a PC computer or downloaded as an app from Google Play or App Store.


  • LightMV offers an easy way to turn photos into videos
  • All templates are easily customizable
  • Equipped with basic audio editing tools
  • Good social sharing options


  • Downloading videos is only possible if you purchase lollies
  • No video editing tools


All film productions regardless of how big or small they are can benefit from online promotion. Each of the online video trailer makers we featured in this article is easy to use, and you don’t need a lot of video editing experience in order to customize a video trailer template.

Well, if you want to make a fully tailored trailer, I highly suggest you download Filmora with the buttons below. It definitely gives you the best value.

Download Win VersionDownload Mac Version

author avatar

Ollie Mattison

Ollie Mattison is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Ollie Mattison

Ollie Mattison

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

Finding effective ways to promote the videos you create is almost as important as the quality of the movies you make. A movie trailer is probably one of the oldest marketing tools filmmakers use to advertise their upcoming projects. Nonetheless, you no longer need access to professional video editing software or advanced video editing skills to create a captivating video trailer, since online video editing platforms allow you to go through this process almost automatically.

That’s why in this article we are going to take you through some of the best online video trailer makers that enable you to make trailers for your videos with ease. So, let’s get started.

Top 5 Online Video Trailer Makers

Making a trailer online shouldn’t be a complicated task since you just have to put a few video clips together and add music to them . You just need to discover a creative way to combine the footage and the online video trailer makers we included in this article will do the rest for you. Here’s what the top five online video trailer makers have to offer.

1. Biteable


Price: Free, pricing plans start at $19.00 per month

In case you are looking for an online platform that allows you to make Facebook ads, Instagram stories, promo videos or trailers, Biteable may be one of your best options. The platform grants you access to a huge library of templates that can be used for a broad range of purposes. You can choose from editorial, book and YouTube channel trailer templates or you can start a new project from scratch. Furthermore, Bitable lets you upload footage from social media or cloud storage services. You won’t be able to download finished projects if you opt for the free version of Biteable, and you can only share ten video trailers on social media each month. That’s why you must opt for one of the available subscription plans if you want to create video trailers with Bitable on a constant basis.


  • Fully customizable video trailer templates
  • Biteable offers the option to make video trailers from scratch
  • Offers royalty-free music
  • The platform offers a huge selection of stock footage


  • All videos created with the free version of Biteable are watermarked
  • Equipped with only basic video editing tools

2. MotionDen


Price: $9.00 per video

MotionDen enables social media marketers and all other video content creators who publish their work online to create new videos effortlessly. The video templates you can find on this platform are organized into categories such as Ads, Instagram or Fashion which helps you avoid browsing through hundreds of templates searching for the one you can use to create a video trailer. You must log in to your MotionDen account before you can start editing a template. So once you’re signed in, you just have to upload the photos or videos and add the text to the text boxes that are already included in the template you selected. Optionally, you can also use MotionDen’s stock audio or upload a song you would like to use as a soundtrack from your computer.


  • No previous video editing experience required
  • Customizing a template doesn’t take a lot of time
  • Users can upload their own audio files
  • Video trailers can be published to YouTube directly from MotionDen


  • You must upgrade to the monthly plan if you want to download video trailers
  • All videos created with the free version of MotionDen are watermarked

3. MakeWebVideo


Price: Free, $29.00 for a full HD video

This video editing platform allows you to create a broad range of different types of videos, as it offers whiteboard animation, explainer video or movie trailer templates, among numerous others. Creating an account on MakeWebVideo is the mandatory step you need to take before you can start working on a new movie trailer. You just have to upload the footage, insert up to 21 lines of text, apply the visual effects to your footage, and MakeWebVideo will do the rest for you. All test versions of video trailers are free, but if you want to download them in full HD resolution you must pay a $29.00 one-time fee. In return, the platform will offer the hosting services for the video trailer you created as well as the media player viewers can use to watch the trailer.


  • A new video trailer can be generated in less than 15 minutes
  • All projects can be exported as MP4 or WebM video files
  • The platform also provides video hosting services
  • Offers a huge selection of video templates


  • No advanced video editing tools
  • The fee for different video templates can vary

4. Renderforest


Price: Free, pricing plans start at $9.99 per month

The process of creating a video trailer with Renderforest can be completed in just three simple steps. You just have to select a template, insert title scenes, videos, photos or logo animations and then decide if you want to publish the trailer on social media or download it to your computer. Renderforest grants you access to huge libraries of stock footage that are perfectly adjusted to the genre of the video trailer you select, which means that you don’t even need your own footage to create a trailer with this platform. Furthermore, you can also choose if you want to use the platform’s music library or upload the audio file you intend to use as a soundtrack for the video trailer you are making. It is worth noting that the free version of Renderforest doesn’t allow users to create videos that are longer than three minutes.


  • Renderforest is a versatile platform that can be used for a broad range of purposes
  • Great selection of movie trailer templates
  • The maximum duration of a movie trailer is not limited
  • Offers audio editing options


  • Exporting videos in resolutions larger than 360p isn’t possible
  • More expensive than other online video trailer makers

5. LightMV


Price: Free

LightMV is a video content creation platform that allows its users to turn their photos into videos. Simply choose a template from Social Media, Fashion, or Travel categories and upload the images to the template. The number of images you can include in a video trailer varies from template to template, although you can purchase lollies, the platform’s virtual money, that enables you to increase the number of images you can add to a template. Even though all templates have built-in soundtracks, you can add a new song from the platform’s music library or from your computer. LightMV can be used from a web browser, installed as software on a PC computer or downloaded as an app from Google Play or App Store.


  • LightMV offers an easy way to turn photos into videos
  • All templates are easily customizable
  • Equipped with basic audio editing tools
  • Good social sharing options


  • Downloading videos is only possible if you purchase lollies
  • No video editing tools


All film productions regardless of how big or small they are can benefit from online promotion. Each of the online video trailer makers we featured in this article is easy to use, and you don’t need a lot of video editing experience in order to customize a video trailer template.

Well, if you want to make a fully tailored trailer, I highly suggest you download Filmora with the buttons below. It definitely gives you the best value.

Download Win VersionDownload Mac Version

author avatar

Ollie Mattison

Ollie Mattison is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Ollie Mattison

Also read:

  • Title: In 2024, Get Noticed on LinkedIn Ideal Video Aspect Ratios for Standout Posts
  • Author: Amelia
  • Created at : 2024-05-19 11:47:31
  • Updated at : 2024-05-20 11:47:31
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  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
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In 2024, Get Noticed on LinkedIn Ideal Video Aspect Ratios for Standout Posts