In 2024, Optimize Your Mac A Step-by-Step Guide to Reclaiming Storage for FCPX

In 2024, Optimize Your Mac A Step-by-Step Guide to Reclaiming Storage for FCPX

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Optimize Your Mac: A Step-by-Step Guide to Reclaiming Storage for FCPX

How to Free Up Disk Space for Final Cut Pro X?

author avatar

Benjamin Arango

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

Whenever you are working on a Mac ensure that 10% of your storage is ideal and free. Without free space, your work is going to get slow. Sometimes you have to erase a portion of things occupying extra storage to work smoothly.

Never ignore and disregard the errors and alerts of the space disk being full. This article is all about how to fix the disk space in the final cut Pro X. Moreover, this article will cover the different ways via which you can check mac storage space, and how to free up space in FCPX and Mac.

Quick Guide:

Part 1: How to free up space from Final Cut Pro Library?

It takes three steps, and here are these steps.

Download Win VersionDownload Mac Version

Step1: Remember to delete unused clips and original medias

To make room in your final cut pro, delete all the unused clips and original media. Delete the generated library files and delete the render files. Before deleting make sure to check whether to delete unused or used render files.


Step 2: How to save space with files and transcoding options?

It happens in final cut pro, that while working, it creates records, proxy files, and rendered files. To save space, you have to delete these files. It is advised to delete the generated rendered files before moving the library to mac Final Cut pro. Moreover, Mac recovers all the files the following time you open the project

Step 3: How to stop background rendering and how to delete render files in Fcpx?

Sometimes temporary videos and audios are created in Final cut pro X . Background rendering starts just after 5 seconds you quit working in mac. You can physically control the background rendering in Final cut pro. When you want to have more control, disable rendering in FCP and choose which clip you would like to render. You can change the preferences to disable or enable through the FCPx settings. Once you disable the rendering, it is your choice to select the specific clips to render.

Open the preferences menu in your mac and render the highlighted clips in your Fcpx timeline. Use the control+R shortcut to render the files.

To delete the render files in Fcpx, Delete the generated files. Files> generated files. A window will appear, Click ok on delete render files.


Part2: What to do with the “not enough disk space” error even with enough space in Mac?

Sometimes still having a lot of space, Your final cut pro X shows not enough disk space error in FCP X. Help!

Have you ever got the error of not having enough space at available destinations whenever you import anything to FCP X.?

Quick GuideFollow the below steps to solve this problem

  1. Click and select the library in FCPX
  2. Then go to the File menu and select “Delete generated library file”
  3. Next, Select all the render and proxy files
  4. You might not be using optimized files, In that case, select optimized files
  5. Exit FCPX.
  6. To reboot, hold down both option and command keys
  7. Delete the preference files
  8. If the error persists, run the utility folder that is inside the Application folder.
  9. Execute First aid in all the units.
  10. If the error persists, obtain a copy of the disk, and repair the directories on all the drives.

Part 3: How much space can FCPX take in Mac?

Today, when we have hard drives and multi-terabytes, many of us have stopped looking at the disk space. Many of you usually don’t bother until you get an alert that the disk is full.

Sometimes the largest drives get filled eventually. If you haven’t checked your disk space yet, use your Mac and follow the instructions given below. You may be surprised about how much space can FCPX take.

Here is how you will do it:

Option 1: Checking the mac storage through “About this Mac”

Now it is a bit easy to check the storage from about the section. You will find this in most of the recent MAC versions.

Click on the mac logo and then click on “About this mac”.

Click on “storage” and you will see a reference chart stacked portraying the capacity of the disk and the absolute amount of storage taken by different categories of information. Moreover, you will find out the space that is yet accessible to you.

Option 2: Checking the mac storage through “Disk utility”

If you’re a Mac user, you might know that there is a disk utility app. You can easily get a readout of the available space from there.

Open your Finder and click “Applications” on the left side.

Or click the magnifying glass in the upper right to find disk utility.

You will find utilities in Applications. Applications> utilities.

After the disk utility opens, you can see the available used spaces. Remember to put your hard drive’s name from the list. The popup window that opens up will also tell you the free space of any device connected to your Mac.


Option3: Checking the storage from the Finder

You can get a preview of your storage device by clicking an item in the Finder and pressing the spacebar on your keyboard. Let’s suppose you need to check a particular document without opening it.

Select that document and press the spacebar. You will know what’s inside without even opening it.

Quick Guide Here is how you can do it

  1. Go to Finder and select Finder>Preferences, next Click General, modify the settings and you will see the storage device on the desktop.
  2. To check the available or remaining space, click the spacebar. As you click it a window popup will show you the remaining space.
  3. Press the spacebar again to close the window or you can do it via command. Press Command-W.
  4. Turn on the finder status bar on your window. In case you want to check the disk space frequently.
  5. Open a Finder window and next open the view menu. As you select the show status bar option, you will see the number of items in the folders. In the other case, if you are viewing the folder you’ll get the idea of remaining or free space

If you’re looking for a lighter alternative to Final Cut Pro, try Filmora to save more space!

Download Win Version Download Mac Version

So, is your FCPX good to go? Get your tutorials for FCPX here!

Part 4: How to free up space in Mac?

Find out what’s occupying the room in your Mac to save room for final cut pro. Get familiar with how to deal with your Mac’s capacity. Acquaint yourself with the ideal approaches to free up space in Mac.

Nowadays, Macs have limited and restricted capacity due to the SSDs present in them. When there were hard drives in Mac, we had a huge room on them. In recent memory, high-resolution videos, music, and other functional records take up more capacity. When you run out of space, it hampers your work and processing.

Quickly clear your mac space.

If you are in a hurry, you can do the below things to quickly clear up the space in your mac.

  1. Select the download folder and open it in the Finder. Now select the folder whose content you don’t need and trash it.
  2. Move to the home folder and open a new Find window. Press command-F.
  3. Click the drop-down menu to choose “other.”Look to the box next to “Document size”. Press ok. Choose” greater than” in the next dropdown menu. With this choose the unwanted file or the one that is no longer useful to throw in the trash.
  4. Another thing that you can do is, move those files in the trash that you haven’t opened in the last year.
  5. If your desktop has a lot of unused stuff and is taking space, then delete the folders on the desktop.

Ways to clean junk on your Mac

There are many ways to clean garbage records on Mac. You may have different types of garbage in your Mac. Here is a simple solution for the elimination of junk from your Mac. Along with occupying the space, junk slows down your Pc, phone, and Mac.

Cleaning cache files: Every Mac has some files stored which are known as cache files. Some temporary files are kept in Mac to speed up the Apple software. It better to clean the files before it gets accumulated and hampers the performance.

  • Press command +shift+G after opening the Finder.
  • Enter this command in the field box~/Library/Caches.
  • See all the visible files on the appearing window
  • Select all files to delete, and you can delete one by one
  • Enter the username and password in the popup window

Similarly, you can clean the system log files too from your mac by below steps:

  1. Go to the folder. Before selecting Go, enter the /var/log/.
  2. All the system files are visible to you. Now, you can easily delete unwanted files.

Clean with Clean MyMacX

You can now clean your mac with this application. Download this application for free. After launching it, see the features on left and click on the system junk. Do scanning and check the opposite side of user cache files and delete the items, you want to delete. Lastly, press clean to clean it. Your Mac is now as new as before. Clean MyMacX cleans all the junk and makes your mac clutter-free.


Move the unwanted and unused clips from your Mac final cut pro X. Even you can free up the storage by deleting the whole event. A few media files stay in the library as many projects use the same media.

author avatar

Benjamin Arango

Benjamin Arango is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Benjamin Arango

Benjamin Arango

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

Whenever you are working on a Mac ensure that 10% of your storage is ideal and free. Without free space, your work is going to get slow. Sometimes you have to erase a portion of things occupying extra storage to work smoothly.

Never ignore and disregard the errors and alerts of the space disk being full. This article is all about how to fix the disk space in the final cut Pro X. Moreover, this article will cover the different ways via which you can check mac storage space, and how to free up space in FCPX and Mac.

Quick Guide:

Part 1: How to free up space from Final Cut Pro Library?

It takes three steps, and here are these steps.

Download Win VersionDownload Mac Version

Step1: Remember to delete unused clips and original medias

To make room in your final cut pro, delete all the unused clips and original media. Delete the generated library files and delete the render files. Before deleting make sure to check whether to delete unused or used render files.


Step 2: How to save space with files and transcoding options?

It happens in final cut pro, that while working, it creates records, proxy files, and rendered files. To save space, you have to delete these files. It is advised to delete the generated rendered files before moving the library to mac Final Cut pro. Moreover, Mac recovers all the files the following time you open the project

Step 3: How to stop background rendering and how to delete render files in Fcpx?

Sometimes temporary videos and audios are created in Final cut pro X . Background rendering starts just after 5 seconds you quit working in mac. You can physically control the background rendering in Final cut pro. When you want to have more control, disable rendering in FCP and choose which clip you would like to render. You can change the preferences to disable or enable through the FCPx settings. Once you disable the rendering, it is your choice to select the specific clips to render.

Open the preferences menu in your mac and render the highlighted clips in your Fcpx timeline. Use the control+R shortcut to render the files.

To delete the render files in Fcpx, Delete the generated files. Files> generated files. A window will appear, Click ok on delete render files.


Part2: What to do with the “not enough disk space” error even with enough space in Mac?

Sometimes still having a lot of space, Your final cut pro X shows not enough disk space error in FCP X. Help!

Have you ever got the error of not having enough space at available destinations whenever you import anything to FCP X.?

Quick GuideFollow the below steps to solve this problem

  1. Click and select the library in FCPX
  2. Then go to the File menu and select “Delete generated library file”
  3. Next, Select all the render and proxy files
  4. You might not be using optimized files, In that case, select optimized files
  5. Exit FCPX.
  6. To reboot, hold down both option and command keys
  7. Delete the preference files
  8. If the error persists, run the utility folder that is inside the Application folder.
  9. Execute First aid in all the units.
  10. If the error persists, obtain a copy of the disk, and repair the directories on all the drives.

Part 3: How much space can FCPX take in Mac?

Today, when we have hard drives and multi-terabytes, many of us have stopped looking at the disk space. Many of you usually don’t bother until you get an alert that the disk is full.

Sometimes the largest drives get filled eventually. If you haven’t checked your disk space yet, use your Mac and follow the instructions given below. You may be surprised about how much space can FCPX take.

Here is how you will do it:

Option 1: Checking the mac storage through “About this Mac”

Now it is a bit easy to check the storage from about the section. You will find this in most of the recent MAC versions.

Click on the mac logo and then click on “About this mac”.

Click on “storage” and you will see a reference chart stacked portraying the capacity of the disk and the absolute amount of storage taken by different categories of information. Moreover, you will find out the space that is yet accessible to you.

Option 2: Checking the mac storage through “Disk utility”

If you’re a Mac user, you might know that there is a disk utility app. You can easily get a readout of the available space from there.

Open your Finder and click “Applications” on the left side.

Or click the magnifying glass in the upper right to find disk utility.

You will find utilities in Applications. Applications> utilities.

After the disk utility opens, you can see the available used spaces. Remember to put your hard drive’s name from the list. The popup window that opens up will also tell you the free space of any device connected to your Mac.


Option3: Checking the storage from the Finder

You can get a preview of your storage device by clicking an item in the Finder and pressing the spacebar on your keyboard. Let’s suppose you need to check a particular document without opening it.

Select that document and press the spacebar. You will know what’s inside without even opening it.

Quick Guide Here is how you can do it

  1. Go to Finder and select Finder>Preferences, next Click General, modify the settings and you will see the storage device on the desktop.
  2. To check the available or remaining space, click the spacebar. As you click it a window popup will show you the remaining space.
  3. Press the spacebar again to close the window or you can do it via command. Press Command-W.
  4. Turn on the finder status bar on your window. In case you want to check the disk space frequently.
  5. Open a Finder window and next open the view menu. As you select the show status bar option, you will see the number of items in the folders. In the other case, if you are viewing the folder you’ll get the idea of remaining or free space

If you’re looking for a lighter alternative to Final Cut Pro, try Filmora to save more space!

Download Win Version Download Mac Version

So, is your FCPX good to go? Get your tutorials for FCPX here!

Part 4: How to free up space in Mac?

Find out what’s occupying the room in your Mac to save room for final cut pro. Get familiar with how to deal with your Mac’s capacity. Acquaint yourself with the ideal approaches to free up space in Mac.

Nowadays, Macs have limited and restricted capacity due to the SSDs present in them. When there were hard drives in Mac, we had a huge room on them. In recent memory, high-resolution videos, music, and other functional records take up more capacity. When you run out of space, it hampers your work and processing.

Quickly clear your mac space.

If you are in a hurry, you can do the below things to quickly clear up the space in your mac.

  1. Select the download folder and open it in the Finder. Now select the folder whose content you don’t need and trash it.
  2. Move to the home folder and open a new Find window. Press command-F.
  3. Click the drop-down menu to choose “other.”Look to the box next to “Document size”. Press ok. Choose” greater than” in the next dropdown menu. With this choose the unwanted file or the one that is no longer useful to throw in the trash.
  4. Another thing that you can do is, move those files in the trash that you haven’t opened in the last year.
  5. If your desktop has a lot of unused stuff and is taking space, then delete the folders on the desktop.

Ways to clean junk on your Mac

There are many ways to clean garbage records on Mac. You may have different types of garbage in your Mac. Here is a simple solution for the elimination of junk from your Mac. Along with occupying the space, junk slows down your Pc, phone, and Mac.

Cleaning cache files: Every Mac has some files stored which are known as cache files. Some temporary files are kept in Mac to speed up the Apple software. It better to clean the files before it gets accumulated and hampers the performance.

  • Press command +shift+G after opening the Finder.
  • Enter this command in the field box~/Library/Caches.
  • See all the visible files on the appearing window
  • Select all files to delete, and you can delete one by one
  • Enter the username and password in the popup window

Similarly, you can clean the system log files too from your mac by below steps:

  1. Go to the folder. Before selecting Go, enter the /var/log/.
  2. All the system files are visible to you. Now, you can easily delete unwanted files.

Clean with Clean MyMacX

You can now clean your mac with this application. Download this application for free. After launching it, see the features on left and click on the system junk. Do scanning and check the opposite side of user cache files and delete the items, you want to delete. Lastly, press clean to clean it. Your Mac is now as new as before. Clean MyMacX cleans all the junk and makes your mac clutter-free.


Move the unwanted and unused clips from your Mac final cut pro X. Even you can free up the storage by deleting the whole event. A few media files stay in the library as many projects use the same media.

author avatar

Benjamin Arango

Benjamin Arango is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Benjamin Arango

Benjamin Arango

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

Whenever you are working on a Mac ensure that 10% of your storage is ideal and free. Without free space, your work is going to get slow. Sometimes you have to erase a portion of things occupying extra storage to work smoothly.

Never ignore and disregard the errors and alerts of the space disk being full. This article is all about how to fix the disk space in the final cut Pro X. Moreover, this article will cover the different ways via which you can check mac storage space, and how to free up space in FCPX and Mac.

Quick Guide:

Part 1: How to free up space from Final Cut Pro Library?

It takes three steps, and here are these steps.

Download Win VersionDownload Mac Version

Step1: Remember to delete unused clips and original medias

To make room in your final cut pro, delete all the unused clips and original media. Delete the generated library files and delete the render files. Before deleting make sure to check whether to delete unused or used render files.


Step 2: How to save space with files and transcoding options?

It happens in final cut pro, that while working, it creates records, proxy files, and rendered files. To save space, you have to delete these files. It is advised to delete the generated rendered files before moving the library to mac Final Cut pro. Moreover, Mac recovers all the files the following time you open the project

Step 3: How to stop background rendering and how to delete render files in Fcpx?

Sometimes temporary videos and audios are created in Final cut pro X . Background rendering starts just after 5 seconds you quit working in mac. You can physically control the background rendering in Final cut pro. When you want to have more control, disable rendering in FCP and choose which clip you would like to render. You can change the preferences to disable or enable through the FCPx settings. Once you disable the rendering, it is your choice to select the specific clips to render.

Open the preferences menu in your mac and render the highlighted clips in your Fcpx timeline. Use the control+R shortcut to render the files.

To delete the render files in Fcpx, Delete the generated files. Files> generated files. A window will appear, Click ok on delete render files.


Part2: What to do with the “not enough disk space” error even with enough space in Mac?

Sometimes still having a lot of space, Your final cut pro X shows not enough disk space error in FCP X. Help!

Have you ever got the error of not having enough space at available destinations whenever you import anything to FCP X.?

Quick GuideFollow the below steps to solve this problem

  1. Click and select the library in FCPX
  2. Then go to the File menu and select “Delete generated library file”
  3. Next, Select all the render and proxy files
  4. You might not be using optimized files, In that case, select optimized files
  5. Exit FCPX.
  6. To reboot, hold down both option and command keys
  7. Delete the preference files
  8. If the error persists, run the utility folder that is inside the Application folder.
  9. Execute First aid in all the units.
  10. If the error persists, obtain a copy of the disk, and repair the directories on all the drives.

Part 3: How much space can FCPX take in Mac?

Today, when we have hard drives and multi-terabytes, many of us have stopped looking at the disk space. Many of you usually don’t bother until you get an alert that the disk is full.

Sometimes the largest drives get filled eventually. If you haven’t checked your disk space yet, use your Mac and follow the instructions given below. You may be surprised about how much space can FCPX take.

Here is how you will do it:

Option 1: Checking the mac storage through “About this Mac”

Now it is a bit easy to check the storage from about the section. You will find this in most of the recent MAC versions.

Click on the mac logo and then click on “About this mac”.

Click on “storage” and you will see a reference chart stacked portraying the capacity of the disk and the absolute amount of storage taken by different categories of information. Moreover, you will find out the space that is yet accessible to you.

Option 2: Checking the mac storage through “Disk utility”

If you’re a Mac user, you might know that there is a disk utility app. You can easily get a readout of the available space from there.

Open your Finder and click “Applications” on the left side.

Or click the magnifying glass in the upper right to find disk utility.

You will find utilities in Applications. Applications> utilities.

After the disk utility opens, you can see the available used spaces. Remember to put your hard drive’s name from the list. The popup window that opens up will also tell you the free space of any device connected to your Mac.


Option3: Checking the storage from the Finder

You can get a preview of your storage device by clicking an item in the Finder and pressing the spacebar on your keyboard. Let’s suppose you need to check a particular document without opening it.

Select that document and press the spacebar. You will know what’s inside without even opening it.

Quick Guide Here is how you can do it

  1. Go to Finder and select Finder>Preferences, next Click General, modify the settings and you will see the storage device on the desktop.
  2. To check the available or remaining space, click the spacebar. As you click it a window popup will show you the remaining space.
  3. Press the spacebar again to close the window or you can do it via command. Press Command-W.
  4. Turn on the finder status bar on your window. In case you want to check the disk space frequently.
  5. Open a Finder window and next open the view menu. As you select the show status bar option, you will see the number of items in the folders. In the other case, if you are viewing the folder you’ll get the idea of remaining or free space

If you’re looking for a lighter alternative to Final Cut Pro, try Filmora to save more space!

Download Win Version Download Mac Version

So, is your FCPX good to go? Get your tutorials for FCPX here!

Part 4: How to free up space in Mac?

Find out what’s occupying the room in your Mac to save room for final cut pro. Get familiar with how to deal with your Mac’s capacity. Acquaint yourself with the ideal approaches to free up space in Mac.

Nowadays, Macs have limited and restricted capacity due to the SSDs present in them. When there were hard drives in Mac, we had a huge room on them. In recent memory, high-resolution videos, music, and other functional records take up more capacity. When you run out of space, it hampers your work and processing.

Quickly clear your mac space.

If you are in a hurry, you can do the below things to quickly clear up the space in your mac.

  1. Select the download folder and open it in the Finder. Now select the folder whose content you don’t need and trash it.
  2. Move to the home folder and open a new Find window. Press command-F.
  3. Click the drop-down menu to choose “other.”Look to the box next to “Document size”. Press ok. Choose” greater than” in the next dropdown menu. With this choose the unwanted file or the one that is no longer useful to throw in the trash.
  4. Another thing that you can do is, move those files in the trash that you haven’t opened in the last year.
  5. If your desktop has a lot of unused stuff and is taking space, then delete the folders on the desktop.

Ways to clean junk on your Mac

There are many ways to clean garbage records on Mac. You may have different types of garbage in your Mac. Here is a simple solution for the elimination of junk from your Mac. Along with occupying the space, junk slows down your Pc, phone, and Mac.

Cleaning cache files: Every Mac has some files stored which are known as cache files. Some temporary files are kept in Mac to speed up the Apple software. It better to clean the files before it gets accumulated and hampers the performance.

  • Press command +shift+G after opening the Finder.
  • Enter this command in the field box~/Library/Caches.
  • See all the visible files on the appearing window
  • Select all files to delete, and you can delete one by one
  • Enter the username and password in the popup window

Similarly, you can clean the system log files too from your mac by below steps:

  1. Go to the folder. Before selecting Go, enter the /var/log/.
  2. All the system files are visible to you. Now, you can easily delete unwanted files.

Clean with Clean MyMacX

You can now clean your mac with this application. Download this application for free. After launching it, see the features on left and click on the system junk. Do scanning and check the opposite side of user cache files and delete the items, you want to delete. Lastly, press clean to clean it. Your Mac is now as new as before. Clean MyMacX cleans all the junk and makes your mac clutter-free.


Move the unwanted and unused clips from your Mac final cut pro X. Even you can free up the storage by deleting the whole event. A few media files stay in the library as many projects use the same media.

author avatar

Benjamin Arango

Benjamin Arango is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Benjamin Arango

Benjamin Arango

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

Whenever you are working on a Mac ensure that 10% of your storage is ideal and free. Without free space, your work is going to get slow. Sometimes you have to erase a portion of things occupying extra storage to work smoothly.

Never ignore and disregard the errors and alerts of the space disk being full. This article is all about how to fix the disk space in the final cut Pro X. Moreover, this article will cover the different ways via which you can check mac storage space, and how to free up space in FCPX and Mac.

Quick Guide:

Part 1: How to free up space from Final Cut Pro Library?

It takes three steps, and here are these steps.

Download Win VersionDownload Mac Version

Step1: Remember to delete unused clips and original medias

To make room in your final cut pro, delete all the unused clips and original media. Delete the generated library files and delete the render files. Before deleting make sure to check whether to delete unused or used render files.


Step 2: How to save space with files and transcoding options?

It happens in final cut pro, that while working, it creates records, proxy files, and rendered files. To save space, you have to delete these files. It is advised to delete the generated rendered files before moving the library to mac Final Cut pro. Moreover, Mac recovers all the files the following time you open the project

Step 3: How to stop background rendering and how to delete render files in Fcpx?

Sometimes temporary videos and audios are created in Final cut pro X . Background rendering starts just after 5 seconds you quit working in mac. You can physically control the background rendering in Final cut pro. When you want to have more control, disable rendering in FCP and choose which clip you would like to render. You can change the preferences to disable or enable through the FCPx settings. Once you disable the rendering, it is your choice to select the specific clips to render.

Open the preferences menu in your mac and render the highlighted clips in your Fcpx timeline. Use the control+R shortcut to render the files.

To delete the render files in Fcpx, Delete the generated files. Files> generated files. A window will appear, Click ok on delete render files.


Part2: What to do with the “not enough disk space” error even with enough space in Mac?

Sometimes still having a lot of space, Your final cut pro X shows not enough disk space error in FCP X. Help!

Have you ever got the error of not having enough space at available destinations whenever you import anything to FCP X.?

Quick GuideFollow the below steps to solve this problem

  1. Click and select the library in FCPX
  2. Then go to the File menu and select “Delete generated library file”
  3. Next, Select all the render and proxy files
  4. You might not be using optimized files, In that case, select optimized files
  5. Exit FCPX.
  6. To reboot, hold down both option and command keys
  7. Delete the preference files
  8. If the error persists, run the utility folder that is inside the Application folder.
  9. Execute First aid in all the units.
  10. If the error persists, obtain a copy of the disk, and repair the directories on all the drives.

Part 3: How much space can FCPX take in Mac?

Today, when we have hard drives and multi-terabytes, many of us have stopped looking at the disk space. Many of you usually don’t bother until you get an alert that the disk is full.

Sometimes the largest drives get filled eventually. If you haven’t checked your disk space yet, use your Mac and follow the instructions given below. You may be surprised about how much space can FCPX take.

Here is how you will do it:

Option 1: Checking the mac storage through “About this Mac”

Now it is a bit easy to check the storage from about the section. You will find this in most of the recent MAC versions.

Click on the mac logo and then click on “About this mac”.

Click on “storage” and you will see a reference chart stacked portraying the capacity of the disk and the absolute amount of storage taken by different categories of information. Moreover, you will find out the space that is yet accessible to you.

Option 2: Checking the mac storage through “Disk utility”

If you’re a Mac user, you might know that there is a disk utility app. You can easily get a readout of the available space from there.

Open your Finder and click “Applications” on the left side.

Or click the magnifying glass in the upper right to find disk utility.

You will find utilities in Applications. Applications> utilities.

After the disk utility opens, you can see the available used spaces. Remember to put your hard drive’s name from the list. The popup window that opens up will also tell you the free space of any device connected to your Mac.


Option3: Checking the storage from the Finder

You can get a preview of your storage device by clicking an item in the Finder and pressing the spacebar on your keyboard. Let’s suppose you need to check a particular document without opening it.

Select that document and press the spacebar. You will know what’s inside without even opening it.

Quick Guide Here is how you can do it

  1. Go to Finder and select Finder>Preferences, next Click General, modify the settings and you will see the storage device on the desktop.
  2. To check the available or remaining space, click the spacebar. As you click it a window popup will show you the remaining space.
  3. Press the spacebar again to close the window or you can do it via command. Press Command-W.
  4. Turn on the finder status bar on your window. In case you want to check the disk space frequently.
  5. Open a Finder window and next open the view menu. As you select the show status bar option, you will see the number of items in the folders. In the other case, if you are viewing the folder you’ll get the idea of remaining or free space

If you’re looking for a lighter alternative to Final Cut Pro, try Filmora to save more space!

Download Win Version Download Mac Version

So, is your FCPX good to go? Get your tutorials for FCPX here!

Part 4: How to free up space in Mac?

Find out what’s occupying the room in your Mac to save room for final cut pro. Get familiar with how to deal with your Mac’s capacity. Acquaint yourself with the ideal approaches to free up space in Mac.

Nowadays, Macs have limited and restricted capacity due to the SSDs present in them. When there were hard drives in Mac, we had a huge room on them. In recent memory, high-resolution videos, music, and other functional records take up more capacity. When you run out of space, it hampers your work and processing.

Quickly clear your mac space.

If you are in a hurry, you can do the below things to quickly clear up the space in your mac.

  1. Select the download folder and open it in the Finder. Now select the folder whose content you don’t need and trash it.
  2. Move to the home folder and open a new Find window. Press command-F.
  3. Click the drop-down menu to choose “other.”Look to the box next to “Document size”. Press ok. Choose” greater than” in the next dropdown menu. With this choose the unwanted file or the one that is no longer useful to throw in the trash.
  4. Another thing that you can do is, move those files in the trash that you haven’t opened in the last year.
  5. If your desktop has a lot of unused stuff and is taking space, then delete the folders on the desktop.

Ways to clean junk on your Mac

There are many ways to clean garbage records on Mac. You may have different types of garbage in your Mac. Here is a simple solution for the elimination of junk from your Mac. Along with occupying the space, junk slows down your Pc, phone, and Mac.

Cleaning cache files: Every Mac has some files stored which are known as cache files. Some temporary files are kept in Mac to speed up the Apple software. It better to clean the files before it gets accumulated and hampers the performance.

  • Press command +shift+G after opening the Finder.
  • Enter this command in the field box~/Library/Caches.
  • See all the visible files on the appearing window
  • Select all files to delete, and you can delete one by one
  • Enter the username and password in the popup window

Similarly, you can clean the system log files too from your mac by below steps:

  1. Go to the folder. Before selecting Go, enter the /var/log/.
  2. All the system files are visible to you. Now, you can easily delete unwanted files.

Clean with Clean MyMacX

You can now clean your mac with this application. Download this application for free. After launching it, see the features on left and click on the system junk. Do scanning and check the opposite side of user cache files and delete the items, you want to delete. Lastly, press clean to clean it. Your Mac is now as new as before. Clean MyMacX cleans all the junk and makes your mac clutter-free.


Move the unwanted and unused clips from your Mac final cut pro X. Even you can free up the storage by deleting the whole event. A few media files stay in the library as many projects use the same media.

author avatar

Benjamin Arango

Benjamin Arango is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Benjamin Arango

Virtualdub Review and Its Best Alternatives

Those who have previously used VirtualDub windows 10 know precisely what to anticipate from it. In case you’ve never heard of it, VirtualDub2 is a free video editing and capture tool for both 32-bit and 64-bit Windows systems. Although it has many useful features, it lacks some of the more complex editing capabilities of other programs. Because of its ability to do quick linear operations on videos, VirtualDub mp4 has become a popular choice for many people throughout the globe.


Best VirtualDub Alternative for VirtualDub windows 10

Filmora Video Editor for Windows (and Filmora Video Editor for Mac) is the greatest alternative to VirtualDub mp4 or vdubmod for people who do not want to deal with substandard video and audio editing software. Video clips may be quickly turned into movies with this program, which works far quicker than VirtualDub2 or vdubmod. Users just drag and drop files into the project area to produce a timed movie with music, professional effects, and seamless transitions. Filmora Video Editor is by far the greatest video editing software on the market today, compared to VirtualDub(vdubmod) and other comparable tools.

Wondershare Filmora

Start easily with Filmora’s powerful performance, intuitive interface, and countless effects!

Try It Free Try It Free Try It Free Learn More >

Capture Features Of VirtualDub windows 10

  • All Windows-compatible videos may be accessed in the vdubmod.
  • Definition of the frame rate at will.
  • Improved access to the hard drive for more reliable data storage.
  • You may overcome the AVI 2 GB restriction by creating AVI2 (OpenDML) files.
  • A volume meter and histogram for monitoring input levels are included.
  • Downsizing, noise reduction, & field shifting are all possible in real-time.
  • Compression levels, CPU use, and spare storage space are all monitored in great detail.
  • You can access secret video formats supported by your capture card, such as 352x480, which may not have a setting.
  • Mouse and keyboard shortcuts to speed up the process.
  • Caption, menu bar, information panel, and status bar are all shown in a simple arrangement.

Processing Features Of VirtualDub windows 10

  • Playback of multi-segment AVI clips is supported in the vdubmod.
  • Keep the video intact when removing and replacing audio tracks.
  • Blur, sharpen, emboss, smooth 3x3 convolutions, flip resize, rotate and brightness/contrast/levels/deinterlacing/threshold are just some of the video filters available.
  • Resampling in both linear and bicubic forms.
  • Both video and audio may be decompressed and recompressed at the same time.
  • Remove sections of a video clip & preserve the remainder without recompression.
  • Remove 3:2 pulldown by changing the frame rate and decimating the frames.
  • Listen to the results in real-time.
  • Organize and automate your tasks in vdubmod.

Benefits of VirtualDub

VirtualDub’s key advantages are that it is simple to use, free to use, and has powerful capture capabilities. Here are some further details:

Easy to use

The VirtualDub(Download ) interface may be confusing to first-time users. However, after users get familiar with the solution’s user interface, editing video using it will be simple. Although the solution lacks nonlinear editing features, it allows the user to easily do other video editing tasks. VirtualDub makes it simple to process AVI files, as well as read MPEG1 files and manipulate BMP pictures. The nicest aspect is that all of the features are available via simple menus. Furthermore, keyboard shortcuts make it simple to do all of the essential activities.

Free to use

VirtualDub is completely free to use, so you won’t have to pay anything to use it. Despite the fact that it is a freemium software, it has more functions than you may think. You may use the application to covert and compress audio and video files, among other things. VirtualDub download may also be used to filter, capture, render, & edit video files. Cut, copy, paste, & delete actions are included in the video editing menus.

Advanced features

For the VFD drivers contained in AVI2 files, VirtualDub has sophisticated capture options. You may also modify or delete audio tracks from movies without compromising the quality of the video. Remotely, using tools like the Hex editor & other dumping tools, you may extract tiny video descriptions files and investigate compatibility issues.

VirtualDub Download for window

Are you seeking a quick and easy way to capture and edit videos? VirtualDub2 download is your best assistant.

If you want to VirtualDub2 download(VirtualDub mp4 ) For Window, CLICK HERE .


VirtualDub2 or VirtualDub windows 10 is often fairly easy to use, and users won’t have to worry about encountering any issues of any type. You may use VirtualDub mp4 batch processing capabilities to handle huge numbers of files, and you can further enhance these capabilities using third-party video filters. VirtualDub2(VirtualDub mp4 ) is the most effective tool for processing AVI files, however, it can also read MPEG-1 files and handle BMP picture sets as well.

Best VirtualDub Alternative for VirtualDub windows 10

Filmora Video Editor for Windows (and Filmora Video Editor for Mac) is the greatest alternative to VirtualDub mp4 or vdubmod for people who do not want to deal with substandard video and audio editing software. Video clips may be quickly turned into movies with this program, which works far quicker than VirtualDub2 or vdubmod. Users just drag and drop files into the project area to produce a timed movie with music, professional effects, and seamless transitions. Filmora Video Editor is by far the greatest video editing software on the market today, compared to VirtualDub(vdubmod) and other comparable tools.

Wondershare Filmora

Start easily with Filmora’s powerful performance, intuitive interface, and countless effects!

Try It Free Try It Free Try It Free Learn More >

Capture Features Of VirtualDub windows 10

  • All Windows-compatible videos may be accessed in the vdubmod.
  • Definition of the frame rate at will.
  • Improved access to the hard drive for more reliable data storage.
  • You may overcome the AVI 2 GB restriction by creating AVI2 (OpenDML) files.
  • A volume meter and histogram for monitoring input levels are included.
  • Downsizing, noise reduction, & field shifting are all possible in real-time.
  • Compression levels, CPU use, and spare storage space are all monitored in great detail.
  • You can access secret video formats supported by your capture card, such as 352x480, which may not have a setting.
  • Mouse and keyboard shortcuts to speed up the process.
  • Caption, menu bar, information panel, and status bar are all shown in a simple arrangement.

Processing Features Of VirtualDub windows 10

  • Playback of multi-segment AVI clips is supported in the vdubmod.
  • Keep the video intact when removing and replacing audio tracks.
  • Blur, sharpen, emboss, smooth 3x3 convolutions, flip resize, rotate and brightness/contrast/levels/deinterlacing/threshold are just some of the video filters available.
  • Resampling in both linear and bicubic forms.
  • Both video and audio may be decompressed and recompressed at the same time.
  • Remove sections of a video clip & preserve the remainder without recompression.
  • Remove 3:2 pulldown by changing the frame rate and decimating the frames.
  • Listen to the results in real-time.
  • Organize and automate your tasks in vdubmod.

Benefits of VirtualDub

VirtualDub’s key advantages are that it is simple to use, free to use, and has powerful capture capabilities. Here are some further details:

Easy to use

The VirtualDub(Download ) interface may be confusing to first-time users. However, after users get familiar with the solution’s user interface, editing video using it will be simple. Although the solution lacks nonlinear editing features, it allows the user to easily do other video editing tasks. VirtualDub makes it simple to process AVI files, as well as read MPEG1 files and manipulate BMP pictures. The nicest aspect is that all of the features are available via simple menus. Furthermore, keyboard shortcuts make it simple to do all of the essential activities.

Free to use

VirtualDub is completely free to use, so you won’t have to pay anything to use it. Despite the fact that it is a freemium software, it has more functions than you may think. You may use the application to covert and compress audio and video files, among other things. VirtualDub download may also be used to filter, capture, render, & edit video files. Cut, copy, paste, & delete actions are included in the video editing menus.

Advanced features

For the VFD drivers contained in AVI2 files, VirtualDub has sophisticated capture options. You may also modify or delete audio tracks from movies without compromising the quality of the video. Remotely, using tools like the Hex editor & other dumping tools, you may extract tiny video descriptions files and investigate compatibility issues.

VirtualDub Download for window

Are you seeking a quick and easy way to capture and edit videos? VirtualDub2 download is your best assistant.

If you want to VirtualDub2 download(VirtualDub mp4 ) For Window, CLICK HERE .


VirtualDub2 or VirtualDub windows 10 is often fairly easy to use, and users won’t have to worry about encountering any issues of any type. You may use VirtualDub mp4 batch processing capabilities to handle huge numbers of files, and you can further enhance these capabilities using third-party video filters. VirtualDub2(VirtualDub mp4 ) is the most effective tool for processing AVI files, however, it can also read MPEG-1 files and handle BMP picture sets as well.

Best VirtualDub Alternative for VirtualDub windows 10

Filmora Video Editor for Windows (and Filmora Video Editor for Mac) is the greatest alternative to VirtualDub mp4 or vdubmod for people who do not want to deal with substandard video and audio editing software. Video clips may be quickly turned into movies with this program, which works far quicker than VirtualDub2 or vdubmod. Users just drag and drop files into the project area to produce a timed movie with music, professional effects, and seamless transitions. Filmora Video Editor is by far the greatest video editing software on the market today, compared to VirtualDub(vdubmod) and other comparable tools.

Wondershare Filmora

Start easily with Filmora’s powerful performance, intuitive interface, and countless effects!

Try It Free Try It Free Try It Free Learn More >

Capture Features Of VirtualDub windows 10

  • All Windows-compatible videos may be accessed in the vdubmod.
  • Definition of the frame rate at will.
  • Improved access to the hard drive for more reliable data storage.
  • You may overcome the AVI 2 GB restriction by creating AVI2 (OpenDML) files.
  • A volume meter and histogram for monitoring input levels are included.
  • Downsizing, noise reduction, & field shifting are all possible in real-time.
  • Compression levels, CPU use, and spare storage space are all monitored in great detail.
  • You can access secret video formats supported by your capture card, such as 352x480, which may not have a setting.
  • Mouse and keyboard shortcuts to speed up the process.
  • Caption, menu bar, information panel, and status bar are all shown in a simple arrangement.

Processing Features Of VirtualDub windows 10

  • Playback of multi-segment AVI clips is supported in the vdubmod.
  • Keep the video intact when removing and replacing audio tracks.
  • Blur, sharpen, emboss, smooth 3x3 convolutions, flip resize, rotate and brightness/contrast/levels/deinterlacing/threshold are just some of the video filters available.
  • Resampling in both linear and bicubic forms.
  • Both video and audio may be decompressed and recompressed at the same time.
  • Remove sections of a video clip & preserve the remainder without recompression.
  • Remove 3:2 pulldown by changing the frame rate and decimating the frames.
  • Listen to the results in real-time.
  • Organize and automate your tasks in vdubmod.

Benefits of VirtualDub

VirtualDub’s key advantages are that it is simple to use, free to use, and has powerful capture capabilities. Here are some further details:

Easy to use

The VirtualDub(Download ) interface may be confusing to first-time users. However, after users get familiar with the solution’s user interface, editing video using it will be simple. Although the solution lacks nonlinear editing features, it allows the user to easily do other video editing tasks. VirtualDub makes it simple to process AVI files, as well as read MPEG1 files and manipulate BMP pictures. The nicest aspect is that all of the features are available via simple menus. Furthermore, keyboard shortcuts make it simple to do all of the essential activities.

Free to use

VirtualDub is completely free to use, so you won’t have to pay anything to use it. Despite the fact that it is a freemium software, it has more functions than you may think. You may use the application to covert and compress audio and video files, among other things. VirtualDub download may also be used to filter, capture, render, & edit video files. Cut, copy, paste, & delete actions are included in the video editing menus.

Advanced features

For the VFD drivers contained in AVI2 files, VirtualDub has sophisticated capture options. You may also modify or delete audio tracks from movies without compromising the quality of the video. Remotely, using tools like the Hex editor & other dumping tools, you may extract tiny video descriptions files and investigate compatibility issues.

VirtualDub Download for window

Are you seeking a quick and easy way to capture and edit videos? VirtualDub2 download is your best assistant.

If you want to VirtualDub2 download(VirtualDub mp4 ) For Window, CLICK HERE .


VirtualDub2 or VirtualDub windows 10 is often fairly easy to use, and users won’t have to worry about encountering any issues of any type. You may use VirtualDub mp4 batch processing capabilities to handle huge numbers of files, and you can further enhance these capabilities using third-party video filters. VirtualDub2(VirtualDub mp4 ) is the most effective tool for processing AVI files, however, it can also read MPEG-1 files and handle BMP picture sets as well.

Best VirtualDub Alternative for VirtualDub windows 10

Filmora Video Editor for Windows (and Filmora Video Editor for Mac) is the greatest alternative to VirtualDub mp4 or vdubmod for people who do not want to deal with substandard video and audio editing software. Video clips may be quickly turned into movies with this program, which works far quicker than VirtualDub2 or vdubmod. Users just drag and drop files into the project area to produce a timed movie with music, professional effects, and seamless transitions. Filmora Video Editor is by far the greatest video editing software on the market today, compared to VirtualDub(vdubmod) and other comparable tools.

Wondershare Filmora

Start easily with Filmora’s powerful performance, intuitive interface, and countless effects!

Try It Free Try It Free Try It Free Learn More >

Capture Features Of VirtualDub windows 10

  • All Windows-compatible videos may be accessed in the vdubmod.
  • Definition of the frame rate at will.
  • Improved access to the hard drive for more reliable data storage.
  • You may overcome the AVI 2 GB restriction by creating AVI2 (OpenDML) files.
  • A volume meter and histogram for monitoring input levels are included.
  • Downsizing, noise reduction, & field shifting are all possible in real-time.
  • Compression levels, CPU use, and spare storage space are all monitored in great detail.
  • You can access secret video formats supported by your capture card, such as 352x480, which may not have a setting.
  • Mouse and keyboard shortcuts to speed up the process.
  • Caption, menu bar, information panel, and status bar are all shown in a simple arrangement.

Processing Features Of VirtualDub windows 10

  • Playback of multi-segment AVI clips is supported in the vdubmod.
  • Keep the video intact when removing and replacing audio tracks.
  • Blur, sharpen, emboss, smooth 3x3 convolutions, flip resize, rotate and brightness/contrast/levels/deinterlacing/threshold are just some of the video filters available.
  • Resampling in both linear and bicubic forms.
  • Both video and audio may be decompressed and recompressed at the same time.
  • Remove sections of a video clip & preserve the remainder without recompression.
  • Remove 3:2 pulldown by changing the frame rate and decimating the frames.
  • Listen to the results in real-time.
  • Organize and automate your tasks in vdubmod.

Benefits of VirtualDub

VirtualDub’s key advantages are that it is simple to use, free to use, and has powerful capture capabilities. Here are some further details:

Easy to use

The VirtualDub(Download ) interface may be confusing to first-time users. However, after users get familiar with the solution’s user interface, editing video using it will be simple. Although the solution lacks nonlinear editing features, it allows the user to easily do other video editing tasks. VirtualDub makes it simple to process AVI files, as well as read MPEG1 files and manipulate BMP pictures. The nicest aspect is that all of the features are available via simple menus. Furthermore, keyboard shortcuts make it simple to do all of the essential activities.

Free to use

VirtualDub is completely free to use, so you won’t have to pay anything to use it. Despite the fact that it is a freemium software, it has more functions than you may think. You may use the application to covert and compress audio and video files, among other things. VirtualDub download may also be used to filter, capture, render, & edit video files. Cut, copy, paste, & delete actions are included in the video editing menus.

Advanced features

For the VFD drivers contained in AVI2 files, VirtualDub has sophisticated capture options. You may also modify or delete audio tracks from movies without compromising the quality of the video. Remotely, using tools like the Hex editor & other dumping tools, you may extract tiny video descriptions files and investigate compatibility issues.

VirtualDub Download for window

Are you seeking a quick and easy way to capture and edit videos? VirtualDub2 download is your best assistant.

If you want to VirtualDub2 download(VirtualDub mp4 ) For Window, CLICK HERE .


VirtualDub2 or VirtualDub windows 10 is often fairly easy to use, and users won’t have to worry about encountering any issues of any type. You may use VirtualDub mp4 batch processing capabilities to handle huge numbers of files, and you can further enhance these capabilities using third-party video filters. VirtualDub2(VirtualDub mp4 ) is the most effective tool for processing AVI files, however, it can also read MPEG-1 files and handle BMP picture sets as well.

The Best of the Best: Top AVCHD Video Editing Software

Top 5 AVCHD video editing software

author avatar

Ollie Mattison

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

avchd is a video format that is commonly used in High Definition camcorders from Sony or Panasonic. It is a format of any camera settings. If you have a camcorder device or a High Definition (HD) Camera from Sony or Panasonic, you may have dealt with avchd video files. So when you take your photos, their primary format is avchd. You may therefore want to edit this format into a format that you can play in your device. In this case, you use video editing software that support AVCHD format. There are many of these avchd video editing software in the market today. I’m going to show you the top 5 avchd video editing software commonly used by many people.

Top 5 AVCHD video editing software

1.Wondershare Filmora(Originally Wondershare Video editor)

This is a powerful easy and quick to use video editing software that can help you make professional videos from avchd videos recorded by your camcorder in minutes. Its features include

  • Cut, merge, edit and trim clips features with an option of adding text and music
  • combine clips to produce single video
  • special effects such as resolution, video bits, frames and many others

Download a free trial version below:

Download Win VersionDownload Mac Version ]( )

2. Free avchd Editor

free avchd editor

This is free software that can help you edit your camcorder avchd video formats or Blu-Ray video. To features of this avchd video editing software include

  • You can watch HD videos on TV
  • You can build your avchd structure to suit your preferences
  • Unable you to create a personal copy of blu-ray movie
  • You can strip video from those parts that you don’t prefer

3. WinX avchd editing software

winx avchd editing software

WinX AVCHD editing software is excellent video editing software that can help you edit your camcorder AVCHD recorded videos within a short time. WinX AVCHD not only can help you edit avchd Video, but also have a built in avchd video converter and an online downloader. Its main features include:

  • Trim and split avchd video files and remove unwanted parts
  • Clip and rearrange avchd video
  • You can crop the recording image to show the parts that are more brilliant
  • Extract scenes from videos and store them into a photo gallery
  • Convert avchd video to iPhone, Samsung, iPad, HTC, WP8, etc

4. ArcSoft ShowBiz

arcsoft showbiz

With the help of ArcSoft ShowBiz video editing software, you can make professional videos from your camcorder avchd videos. This video editing software offers two video editing modes depending on your needs and preferences. Its main features include the following:

  • Enhance avchd video effects by use of Storyboard
  • Add multiple clips on timeline and produce a single clip from those clips
  • Cut, copy, split, combine and rearrange video clips in less than a minute

5. Sony Vegas Pro 8 Video Editing Software

editing software

The Vegas Pro 8 Video Editing Software for Windows can help you convert your avchd video files into professional videos. It is powerful software that was developed by Sony. Vegas Pro 8 has the following features:

  • Precise easy to understand editing tools that produce professional video content
  • Features tools audio production for video
  • Windows-based NLE editing workflow
  • Text adding tools

author avatar

Ollie Mattison

Ollie Mattison is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Ollie Mattison

Ollie Mattison

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

avchd is a video format that is commonly used in High Definition camcorders from Sony or Panasonic. It is a format of any camera settings. If you have a camcorder device or a High Definition (HD) Camera from Sony or Panasonic, you may have dealt with avchd video files. So when you take your photos, their primary format is avchd. You may therefore want to edit this format into a format that you can play in your device. In this case, you use video editing software that support AVCHD format. There are many of these avchd video editing software in the market today. I’m going to show you the top 5 avchd video editing software commonly used by many people.

Top 5 AVCHD video editing software

1.Wondershare Filmora(Originally Wondershare Video editor)

This is a powerful easy and quick to use video editing software that can help you make professional videos from avchd videos recorded by your camcorder in minutes. Its features include

  • Cut, merge, edit and trim clips features with an option of adding text and music
  • combine clips to produce single video
  • special effects such as resolution, video bits, frames and many others

Download a free trial version below:

Download Win VersionDownload Mac Version ]( )

2. Free avchd Editor

free avchd editor

This is free software that can help you edit your camcorder avchd video formats or Blu-Ray video. To features of this avchd video editing software include

  • You can watch HD videos on TV
  • You can build your avchd structure to suit your preferences
  • Unable you to create a personal copy of blu-ray movie
  • You can strip video from those parts that you don’t prefer

3. WinX avchd editing software

winx avchd editing software

WinX AVCHD editing software is excellent video editing software that can help you edit your camcorder AVCHD recorded videos within a short time. WinX AVCHD not only can help you edit avchd Video, but also have a built in avchd video converter and an online downloader. Its main features include:

  • Trim and split avchd video files and remove unwanted parts
  • Clip and rearrange avchd video
  • You can crop the recording image to show the parts that are more brilliant
  • Extract scenes from videos and store them into a photo gallery
  • Convert avchd video to iPhone, Samsung, iPad, HTC, WP8, etc

4. ArcSoft ShowBiz

arcsoft showbiz

With the help of ArcSoft ShowBiz video editing software, you can make professional videos from your camcorder avchd videos. This video editing software offers two video editing modes depending on your needs and preferences. Its main features include the following:

  • Enhance avchd video effects by use of Storyboard
  • Add multiple clips on timeline and produce a single clip from those clips
  • Cut, copy, split, combine and rearrange video clips in less than a minute

5. Sony Vegas Pro 8 Video Editing Software

editing software

The Vegas Pro 8 Video Editing Software for Windows can help you convert your avchd video files into professional videos. It is powerful software that was developed by Sony. Vegas Pro 8 has the following features:

  • Precise easy to understand editing tools that produce professional video content
  • Features tools audio production for video
  • Windows-based NLE editing workflow
  • Text adding tools

author avatar

Ollie Mattison

Ollie Mattison is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Ollie Mattison

Ollie Mattison

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

avchd is a video format that is commonly used in High Definition camcorders from Sony or Panasonic. It is a format of any camera settings. If you have a camcorder device or a High Definition (HD) Camera from Sony or Panasonic, you may have dealt with avchd video files. So when you take your photos, their primary format is avchd. You may therefore want to edit this format into a format that you can play in your device. In this case, you use video editing software that support AVCHD format. There are many of these avchd video editing software in the market today. I’m going to show you the top 5 avchd video editing software commonly used by many people.

Top 5 AVCHD video editing software

1.Wondershare Filmora(Originally Wondershare Video editor)

This is a powerful easy and quick to use video editing software that can help you make professional videos from avchd videos recorded by your camcorder in minutes. Its features include

  • Cut, merge, edit and trim clips features with an option of adding text and music
  • combine clips to produce single video
  • special effects such as resolution, video bits, frames and many others

Download a free trial version below:

Download Win VersionDownload Mac Version ]( )

2. Free avchd Editor

free avchd editor

This is free software that can help you edit your camcorder avchd video formats or Blu-Ray video. To features of this avchd video editing software include

  • You can watch HD videos on TV
  • You can build your avchd structure to suit your preferences
  • Unable you to create a personal copy of blu-ray movie
  • You can strip video from those parts that you don’t prefer

3. WinX avchd editing software

winx avchd editing software

WinX AVCHD editing software is excellent video editing software that can help you edit your camcorder AVCHD recorded videos within a short time. WinX AVCHD not only can help you edit avchd Video, but also have a built in avchd video converter and an online downloader. Its main features include:

  • Trim and split avchd video files and remove unwanted parts
  • Clip and rearrange avchd video
  • You can crop the recording image to show the parts that are more brilliant
  • Extract scenes from videos and store them into a photo gallery
  • Convert avchd video to iPhone, Samsung, iPad, HTC, WP8, etc

4. ArcSoft ShowBiz

arcsoft showbiz

With the help of ArcSoft ShowBiz video editing software, you can make professional videos from your camcorder avchd videos. This video editing software offers two video editing modes depending on your needs and preferences. Its main features include the following:

  • Enhance avchd video effects by use of Storyboard
  • Add multiple clips on timeline and produce a single clip from those clips
  • Cut, copy, split, combine and rearrange video clips in less than a minute

5. Sony Vegas Pro 8 Video Editing Software

editing software

The Vegas Pro 8 Video Editing Software for Windows can help you convert your avchd video files into professional videos. It is powerful software that was developed by Sony. Vegas Pro 8 has the following features:

  • Precise easy to understand editing tools that produce professional video content
  • Features tools audio production for video
  • Windows-based NLE editing workflow
  • Text adding tools

author avatar

Ollie Mattison

Ollie Mattison is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Ollie Mattison

Ollie Mattison

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

avchd is a video format that is commonly used in High Definition camcorders from Sony or Panasonic. It is a format of any camera settings. If you have a camcorder device or a High Definition (HD) Camera from Sony or Panasonic, you may have dealt with avchd video files. So when you take your photos, their primary format is avchd. You may therefore want to edit this format into a format that you can play in your device. In this case, you use video editing software that support AVCHD format. There are many of these avchd video editing software in the market today. I’m going to show you the top 5 avchd video editing software commonly used by many people.

Top 5 AVCHD video editing software

1.Wondershare Filmora(Originally Wondershare Video editor)

This is a powerful easy and quick to use video editing software that can help you make professional videos from avchd videos recorded by your camcorder in minutes. Its features include

  • Cut, merge, edit and trim clips features with an option of adding text and music
  • combine clips to produce single video
  • special effects such as resolution, video bits, frames and many others

Download a free trial version below:

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2. Free avchd Editor

free avchd editor

This is free software that can help you edit your camcorder avchd video formats or Blu-Ray video. To features of this avchd video editing software include

  • You can watch HD videos on TV
  • You can build your avchd structure to suit your preferences
  • Unable you to create a personal copy of blu-ray movie
  • You can strip video from those parts that you don’t prefer

3. WinX avchd editing software

winx avchd editing software

WinX AVCHD editing software is excellent video editing software that can help you edit your camcorder AVCHD recorded videos within a short time. WinX AVCHD not only can help you edit avchd Video, but also have a built in avchd video converter and an online downloader. Its main features include:

  • Trim and split avchd video files and remove unwanted parts
  • Clip and rearrange avchd video
  • You can crop the recording image to show the parts that are more brilliant
  • Extract scenes from videos and store them into a photo gallery
  • Convert avchd video to iPhone, Samsung, iPad, HTC, WP8, etc

4. ArcSoft ShowBiz

arcsoft showbiz

With the help of ArcSoft ShowBiz video editing software, you can make professional videos from your camcorder avchd videos. This video editing software offers two video editing modes depending on your needs and preferences. Its main features include the following:

  • Enhance avchd video effects by use of Storyboard
  • Add multiple clips on timeline and produce a single clip from those clips
  • Cut, copy, split, combine and rearrange video clips in less than a minute

5. Sony Vegas Pro 8 Video Editing Software

editing software

The Vegas Pro 8 Video Editing Software for Windows can help you convert your avchd video files into professional videos. It is powerful software that was developed by Sony. Vegas Pro 8 has the following features:

  • Precise easy to understand editing tools that produce professional video content
  • Features tools audio production for video
  • Windows-based NLE editing workflow
  • Text adding tools

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Ollie Mattison

Ollie Mattison is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Ollie Mattison

The Ultimate Guide to Alternatives to GoPro Studio for Video Editing

Best Alternative to GoPro Studio to Work with GoPro Footage

author avatar

Ollie Mattison

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

GoPro is becoming a trendsetter in the field of action sports shooting. These cameras output high quality video footages which are interesting to watch. However, when it comes to editing, you will need the assistance of a perfect tool. GoPro provides a dedicated software tool called GoPro Studio to accomplish this task. Apart from this default application, people may want to go for some alternatives due to various reasons. Here are some alternatives for GoPro studio which are handy in terms of video editing. You may consider the given facts before trying out them.

If you are interested in color correction in GoPro Studio, this article shouldn’t be missed out: How to correct color in GoPro Studio

Best Alternatives to GoPro Studio

1. Wondershare Filmora

This is the best alternative for GoPro Studio recommended by many experts. The recommendation is fair enough concerning the features it delivers. Basically, Wondershare Filmora offers you exclusive new features for Action Camera: Lens distortion correction, Video Stabilization, Audio Denoise, Advanced Speed Control (slow-mo, fast-mo, replay, reverse and freeze frame), as well as color correction (white balance, 3D LUT etc.). The Instant Cutter option for users to trim or merge video files easily and fast with no quality loss. What’s more, it supports encoded MP4, MOV& MTS videos shot by Action Cams, Phones, and Home HD Camcorders.

Download Win VersionDownload Mac Version

Expect for the Action Cam Tool, Wondershare Filmora’s Full mode offers you a range of features from inserting a text message to adding stunning still and motion graphics. With Filmora, producing a dreamy video is realistic. It has a great ability to expand your imagination with the assistance of hundred unique visual effects.

Features like speed control, transitions, audio separation, auto enhances and social imports are really advance features ensuring anybody to become a professional video editor with few simple steps. This advanced featured software provides you limitless video editing options like adjusting Hue, merging and cropping videos, rotating them, adjusting brightness, contrast and saturation, changing the aspect ratio and speed of the original video.

Apart from the video editing features, Filmora facilitates you to edit the audio sources too. You will be able to trim and split the audio clips separately. Adjusting volume with fade in and fade out features and voice overs will benefit you in creating an exceptional audio clip to match the video you created.

You can load the videos you captured to your pc and then directly import them to the work area or the Filmora and start editing. If not, you can directly record videos into the Filmora and do your editing by; Clicking the Record button on the upper left corner of the Media library panel and then, in the pop up Capture Video window, clicking the record to start recording and clicking it again to stop recording. After the recoding is done, click OK to save the recorded video file in the default Captured file folder.

Fully featured edition of the Filmora is available from $29.99 per year. However, you can download the demo version and try. The demo version contains Filmora Logo on all the output videos.


  • Easy to use interface
  • Highly affordable
  • Hundreds of inbuilt effects
  • Record or import options
  • Compatible with Windows and Mac


  • Watermark appears on Demo mode videos

2. Final Cut Pro X

This is another powerful tool which is compatible ONLY with Apple. There are various effects available to use. Filters, transitions, videos enhancements tools, color adjustments and interesting text designs are available with Final Cut Pro X. This is a good software tool for a professional video editor. Need some time to get familiar with the interface as the interface is little bit complex because of the features. Fully featured version is available for a rate of $299, which is hardly affordable for a beginner level video editor.


  • Large number of tools with interesting effects
  • Can produce professional video edits
  • Lots of templates are available


  • Price is too high for a beginner
  • Compatible only with Apple machines

3.Vegas Pro

This is another popular video editing tool used by professionals. It has gained a good reputation over the time because of the advance features. There are innovative editing tools like Edit SD, HD, 2K, and 4K material in 2D or stereoscopic 3D, with drag-and-drop functionality. Also it supports traditional 3-point and 4-point editing modes. However, concerning the price factor, SONY Vegas is hardly recommendable for someone as it costs $599.95 to purchase the full version


  • Innovative features
  • Lots of filters
  • Support any format


  • Very high price ($599.95)
  • Needs High End PC perfomances

There are many other software tools which can be used to edit videos. However, as per the comparisons, Filmora from Wondershare is seem to be as the best alternative for GoPro studio concerning the features, tools, options and the affordability. Filmora has all the features that comes with other high end software tools, but for a very affordable price.

Download Win VersionDownload Mac Version

author avatar

Ollie Mattison

Ollie Mattison is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Ollie Mattison

Ollie Mattison

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

GoPro is becoming a trendsetter in the field of action sports shooting. These cameras output high quality video footages which are interesting to watch. However, when it comes to editing, you will need the assistance of a perfect tool. GoPro provides a dedicated software tool called GoPro Studio to accomplish this task. Apart from this default application, people may want to go for some alternatives due to various reasons. Here are some alternatives for GoPro studio which are handy in terms of video editing. You may consider the given facts before trying out them.

If you are interested in color correction in GoPro Studio, this article shouldn’t be missed out: How to correct color in GoPro Studio

Best Alternatives to GoPro Studio

1. Wondershare Filmora

This is the best alternative for GoPro Studio recommended by many experts. The recommendation is fair enough concerning the features it delivers. Basically, Wondershare Filmora offers you exclusive new features for Action Camera: Lens distortion correction, Video Stabilization, Audio Denoise, Advanced Speed Control (slow-mo, fast-mo, replay, reverse and freeze frame), as well as color correction (white balance, 3D LUT etc.). The Instant Cutter option for users to trim or merge video files easily and fast with no quality loss. What’s more, it supports encoded MP4, MOV& MTS videos shot by Action Cams, Phones, and Home HD Camcorders.

Download Win VersionDownload Mac Version

Expect for the Action Cam Tool, Wondershare Filmora’s Full mode offers you a range of features from inserting a text message to adding stunning still and motion graphics. With Filmora, producing a dreamy video is realistic. It has a great ability to expand your imagination with the assistance of hundred unique visual effects.

Features like speed control, transitions, audio separation, auto enhances and social imports are really advance features ensuring anybody to become a professional video editor with few simple steps. This advanced featured software provides you limitless video editing options like adjusting Hue, merging and cropping videos, rotating them, adjusting brightness, contrast and saturation, changing the aspect ratio and speed of the original video.

Apart from the video editing features, Filmora facilitates you to edit the audio sources too. You will be able to trim and split the audio clips separately. Adjusting volume with fade in and fade out features and voice overs will benefit you in creating an exceptional audio clip to match the video you created.

You can load the videos you captured to your pc and then directly import them to the work area or the Filmora and start editing. If not, you can directly record videos into the Filmora and do your editing by; Clicking the Record button on the upper left corner of the Media library panel and then, in the pop up Capture Video window, clicking the record to start recording and clicking it again to stop recording. After the recoding is done, click OK to save the recorded video file in the default Captured file folder.

Fully featured edition of the Filmora is available from $29.99 per year. However, you can download the demo version and try. The demo version contains Filmora Logo on all the output videos.


  • Easy to use interface
  • Highly affordable
  • Hundreds of inbuilt effects
  • Record or import options
  • Compatible with Windows and Mac


  • Watermark appears on Demo mode videos

2. Final Cut Pro X

This is another powerful tool which is compatible ONLY with Apple. There are various effects available to use. Filters, transitions, videos enhancements tools, color adjustments and interesting text designs are available with Final Cut Pro X. This is a good software tool for a professional video editor. Need some time to get familiar with the interface as the interface is little bit complex because of the features. Fully featured version is available for a rate of $299, which is hardly affordable for a beginner level video editor.


  • Large number of tools with interesting effects
  • Can produce professional video edits
  • Lots of templates are available


  • Price is too high for a beginner
  • Compatible only with Apple machines

3.Vegas Pro

This is another popular video editing tool used by professionals. It has gained a good reputation over the time because of the advance features. There are innovative editing tools like Edit SD, HD, 2K, and 4K material in 2D or stereoscopic 3D, with drag-and-drop functionality. Also it supports traditional 3-point and 4-point editing modes. However, concerning the price factor, SONY Vegas is hardly recommendable for someone as it costs $599.95 to purchase the full version


  • Innovative features
  • Lots of filters
  • Support any format


  • Very high price ($599.95)
  • Needs High End PC perfomances

There are many other software tools which can be used to edit videos. However, as per the comparisons, Filmora from Wondershare is seem to be as the best alternative for GoPro studio concerning the features, tools, options and the affordability. Filmora has all the features that comes with other high end software tools, but for a very affordable price.

Download Win VersionDownload Mac Version

author avatar

Ollie Mattison

Ollie Mattison is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Ollie Mattison

Ollie Mattison

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

GoPro is becoming a trendsetter in the field of action sports shooting. These cameras output high quality video footages which are interesting to watch. However, when it comes to editing, you will need the assistance of a perfect tool. GoPro provides a dedicated software tool called GoPro Studio to accomplish this task. Apart from this default application, people may want to go for some alternatives due to various reasons. Here are some alternatives for GoPro studio which are handy in terms of video editing. You may consider the given facts before trying out them.

If you are interested in color correction in GoPro Studio, this article shouldn’t be missed out: How to correct color in GoPro Studio

Best Alternatives to GoPro Studio

1. Wondershare Filmora

This is the best alternative for GoPro Studio recommended by many experts. The recommendation is fair enough concerning the features it delivers. Basically, Wondershare Filmora offers you exclusive new features for Action Camera: Lens distortion correction, Video Stabilization, Audio Denoise, Advanced Speed Control (slow-mo, fast-mo, replay, reverse and freeze frame), as well as color correction (white balance, 3D LUT etc.). The Instant Cutter option for users to trim or merge video files easily and fast with no quality loss. What’s more, it supports encoded MP4, MOV& MTS videos shot by Action Cams, Phones, and Home HD Camcorders.

Download Win VersionDownload Mac Version

Expect for the Action Cam Tool, Wondershare Filmora’s Full mode offers you a range of features from inserting a text message to adding stunning still and motion graphics. With Filmora, producing a dreamy video is realistic. It has a great ability to expand your imagination with the assistance of hundred unique visual effects.

Features like speed control, transitions, audio separation, auto enhances and social imports are really advance features ensuring anybody to become a professional video editor with few simple steps. This advanced featured software provides you limitless video editing options like adjusting Hue, merging and cropping videos, rotating them, adjusting brightness, contrast and saturation, changing the aspect ratio and speed of the original video.

Apart from the video editing features, Filmora facilitates you to edit the audio sources too. You will be able to trim and split the audio clips separately. Adjusting volume with fade in and fade out features and voice overs will benefit you in creating an exceptional audio clip to match the video you created.

You can load the videos you captured to your pc and then directly import them to the work area or the Filmora and start editing. If not, you can directly record videos into the Filmora and do your editing by; Clicking the Record button on the upper left corner of the Media library panel and then, in the pop up Capture Video window, clicking the record to start recording and clicking it again to stop recording. After the recoding is done, click OK to save the recorded video file in the default Captured file folder.

Fully featured edition of the Filmora is available from $29.99 per year. However, you can download the demo version and try. The demo version contains Filmora Logo on all the output videos.


  • Easy to use interface
  • Highly affordable
  • Hundreds of inbuilt effects
  • Record or import options
  • Compatible with Windows and Mac


  • Watermark appears on Demo mode videos

2. Final Cut Pro X

This is another powerful tool which is compatible ONLY with Apple. There are various effects available to use. Filters, transitions, videos enhancements tools, color adjustments and interesting text designs are available with Final Cut Pro X. This is a good software tool for a professional video editor. Need some time to get familiar with the interface as the interface is little bit complex because of the features. Fully featured version is available for a rate of $299, which is hardly affordable for a beginner level video editor.


  • Large number of tools with interesting effects
  • Can produce professional video edits
  • Lots of templates are available


  • Price is too high for a beginner
  • Compatible only with Apple machines

3.Vegas Pro

This is another popular video editing tool used by professionals. It has gained a good reputation over the time because of the advance features. There are innovative editing tools like Edit SD, HD, 2K, and 4K material in 2D or stereoscopic 3D, with drag-and-drop functionality. Also it supports traditional 3-point and 4-point editing modes. However, concerning the price factor, SONY Vegas is hardly recommendable for someone as it costs $599.95 to purchase the full version


  • Innovative features
  • Lots of filters
  • Support any format


  • Very high price ($599.95)
  • Needs High End PC perfomances

There are many other software tools which can be used to edit videos. However, as per the comparisons, Filmora from Wondershare is seem to be as the best alternative for GoPro studio concerning the features, tools, options and the affordability. Filmora has all the features that comes with other high end software tools, but for a very affordable price.

Download Win VersionDownload Mac Version

author avatar

Ollie Mattison

Ollie Mattison is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Ollie Mattison

Ollie Mattison

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

GoPro is becoming a trendsetter in the field of action sports shooting. These cameras output high quality video footages which are interesting to watch. However, when it comes to editing, you will need the assistance of a perfect tool. GoPro provides a dedicated software tool called GoPro Studio to accomplish this task. Apart from this default application, people may want to go for some alternatives due to various reasons. Here are some alternatives for GoPro studio which are handy in terms of video editing. You may consider the given facts before trying out them.

If you are interested in color correction in GoPro Studio, this article shouldn’t be missed out: How to correct color in GoPro Studio

Best Alternatives to GoPro Studio

1. Wondershare Filmora

This is the best alternative for GoPro Studio recommended by many experts. The recommendation is fair enough concerning the features it delivers. Basically, Wondershare Filmora offers you exclusive new features for Action Camera: Lens distortion correction, Video Stabilization, Audio Denoise, Advanced Speed Control (slow-mo, fast-mo, replay, reverse and freeze frame), as well as color correction (white balance, 3D LUT etc.). The Instant Cutter option for users to trim or merge video files easily and fast with no quality loss. What’s more, it supports encoded MP4, MOV& MTS videos shot by Action Cams, Phones, and Home HD Camcorders.

Download Win VersionDownload Mac Version

Expect for the Action Cam Tool, Wondershare Filmora’s Full mode offers you a range of features from inserting a text message to adding stunning still and motion graphics. With Filmora, producing a dreamy video is realistic. It has a great ability to expand your imagination with the assistance of hundred unique visual effects.

Features like speed control, transitions, audio separation, auto enhances and social imports are really advance features ensuring anybody to become a professional video editor with few simple steps. This advanced featured software provides you limitless video editing options like adjusting Hue, merging and cropping videos, rotating them, adjusting brightness, contrast and saturation, changing the aspect ratio and speed of the original video.

Apart from the video editing features, Filmora facilitates you to edit the audio sources too. You will be able to trim and split the audio clips separately. Adjusting volume with fade in and fade out features and voice overs will benefit you in creating an exceptional audio clip to match the video you created.

You can load the videos you captured to your pc and then directly import them to the work area or the Filmora and start editing. If not, you can directly record videos into the Filmora and do your editing by; Clicking the Record button on the upper left corner of the Media library panel and then, in the pop up Capture Video window, clicking the record to start recording and clicking it again to stop recording. After the recoding is done, click OK to save the recorded video file in the default Captured file folder.

Fully featured edition of the Filmora is available from $29.99 per year. However, you can download the demo version and try. The demo version contains Filmora Logo on all the output videos.


  • Easy to use interface
  • Highly affordable
  • Hundreds of inbuilt effects
  • Record or import options
  • Compatible with Windows and Mac


  • Watermark appears on Demo mode videos

2. Final Cut Pro X

This is another powerful tool which is compatible ONLY with Apple. There are various effects available to use. Filters, transitions, videos enhancements tools, color adjustments and interesting text designs are available with Final Cut Pro X. This is a good software tool for a professional video editor. Need some time to get familiar with the interface as the interface is little bit complex because of the features. Fully featured version is available for a rate of $299, which is hardly affordable for a beginner level video editor.


  • Large number of tools with interesting effects
  • Can produce professional video edits
  • Lots of templates are available


  • Price is too high for a beginner
  • Compatible only with Apple machines

3.Vegas Pro

This is another popular video editing tool used by professionals. It has gained a good reputation over the time because of the advance features. There are innovative editing tools like Edit SD, HD, 2K, and 4K material in 2D or stereoscopic 3D, with drag-and-drop functionality. Also it supports traditional 3-point and 4-point editing modes. However, concerning the price factor, SONY Vegas is hardly recommendable for someone as it costs $599.95 to purchase the full version


  • Innovative features
  • Lots of filters
  • Support any format


  • Very high price ($599.95)
  • Needs High End PC perfomances

There are many other software tools which can be used to edit videos. However, as per the comparisons, Filmora from Wondershare is seem to be as the best alternative for GoPro studio concerning the features, tools, options and the affordability. Filmora has all the features that comes with other high end software tools, but for a very affordable price.

Download Win VersionDownload Mac Version

author avatar

Ollie Mattison

Ollie Mattison is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Ollie Mattison

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  • Author: Amelia
  • Created at : 2024-05-19 11:47:41
  • Updated at : 2024-05-20 11:47:41
  • Link:
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
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In 2024, Optimize Your Mac A Step-by-Step Guide to Reclaiming Storage for FCPX