New In 2024, Elevate Your LinkedIn Video Strategy with Optimized Aspect Ratios

New In 2024, Elevate Your LinkedIn Video Strategy with Optimized Aspect Ratios

Amelia Lv12

Elevate Your LinkedIn Video Strategy with Optimized Aspect Ratios

The Ideal LinkedIn Video Aspect Ratios for Effective Posting

An easy yet powerful editor

Numerous effects to choose from

Detailed tutorials provided by the official channel

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The written content of LinkedIn has been taken over by the video content these days. Videos created with exceptional features and editing perks are booming amongst the audience.

In this article

01 [What is LinkedIn Video Format?](#Part 1)

02 [Everything You Need to Know About LinkedIn Ad Specs](#Part 2)

03 [5 Types of LinkedIn Ads](#Part 3)

04 [Best 5 LinkedIn Video Practices](#Part 4)

Part 1 What is LinkedIn Video Format?

01Can you post 1920x1080 on LinkedIn?

Yes, videos of 1920 by 1080px can be easily posted on LinkedIn. Moreover, this is the best resolution in which you should post your video. This will provide you the best quality.

02What aspect ratio is best for a LinkedIn video?

Although LinkedIn accepts and allows almost each aspect ratio but the most recommended aspect ratio is 16:This means it should remain between 1.778 and 0.565However, the aspect ratio can vary according to the mode of your video that is horizontal or vertical.

Recommended aspect ratios for LinkedIn videos

Part 2 Everything You Need to Know About LinkedIn Ad Specs

The specs can vary in the case of LinkedIn videos and LinkedIn ads. As the ads are totally different from the videos their specs also become different. Here are some of the specs that you should know when you are creating LinkedIn ads:

Length: The maximum and minimum length of these ad videos are 3 seconds to 30 minutes respectively. However, the most successful video length is up to 15 seconds.

File size and file format: The file size of the ad videos must be a minimum of 75 KB and the maximum it can be of 200 MB. The file format that is supported on the LinkedIn application is MP4.

Audio Format and size: The audio format of these ad videos must be MPEG4 or ACC. If you talk about the audio size then it is recommended not to be more than 64 KHz.

Resolution and aspect ratio: The resolution of these ads can be 360p, 480p, 720p or 1080p. When it comes to the aspect ratio then the best-recommended one is 16:9 for landscape mode and 9:16 for vertical mode.

Video captions and headlines: If you are adding video captions in your ad video, then it must be in SRT format and the headlines should also be under 200 characters. It is recommended to keep the headlines up to maximum of 70 characters.

Part 3 5 types of LinkedIn Ads

LinkedIn provides you with several platforms and types of ad placements. Here mentioned are some of them:

Sponsored messages in LinkedIn: This type of LinkedIn ad was previously termed as sponsored InMail. Through this, you can directly advertise your product or brand in the user’s inbox. However, LinkedIn has set a maximum number of times that your customer can receive the messaging ad. This states that any member of your audience will not receive the ads more than two times in a short span of time. Also, it is estimated that consumers enjoy messaging ads but companies do not interact much with them via sponsored messaging ads.

Sponsored messaging on LinkedIn

Sponsored content: These ads show up in the feed of the LinkedIn user. No matter if they are using it on mobile on desktop. These sponsored contents also have a label of promotion on them. This makes them different from the regular contents. If you are choosing sponsored content then you also get the choice between carousel ads, video ads and images ads.

Sponsored content on LinkedIn

Dynamic ads: These ads are visible on the right rail as you open the LinkedIn. Also this is the best way to speak to your audience through personalization. The users get to see their own personal details as soon these ads pop up on the screen. This can even be changed through the settings so that the details get hidden if the user finds this to be very personal. Dynamic ads are also of two types. One is follower ads and other is sponsored ads.

Dynamic ads video requirements

Text ads: These ads are considered as the best way to build a strong lead amongst the audience. This is also suitable in the terms of professional demographic. These ads are shown on the top and right side of the feed of LinkedIn. Approximately 58% of the companies say that making the lead generation better is the top priority of digital marketing. This is also a good way to manage company’s budget.

Text ad videos

Awareness ads: If you want to make your brand stay on the tips of your audience then it is a good idea to go for awareness ads. These ads build a communication amongst the audience related to your brands, products and services, etc. These awareness ads also boost the engagement, help to gain followers and increase the views.

Awareness ad videos

Part 4 Best 5 LinkedIn Video Practices

**Optimized setup:**To create an excellent video its setup is most important thing. So before you create the video keep in mind that your setup is well organized. Your set up includes lighting, background, camera and its position. Until the lighting is not perfect your video will lack its charm. Often natural lights are the best but artificial lights are also can do the work of perk. Also the background must be free from clutters. The camera that you are using should also be perfect and the camera position should also be in place.

Correct video length: When the correct video length is concerned, LinkedIn recommends it to be less than 15 seconds. This is so because the shorter the video is the more effective it can be. You should also keep in mind that these video may be of maximum 10 minutes but the starting moments must be engaging. This will keep your audience stay to watch your video till the end.

**Grab the viewer’s attention:**Social media platforms are filled with ignorable contents and when it comes to LinkedIn it can be so true. So if you want to grab the attention of your targeted audience then you must make your videos extraordinary. This is only possible when you focus on each and every aspect of the videos. Adding subtitles to your videos can also be an amazing idea to make them more engaging. You can even optimize the length of your video according to the objective that you want to convey.

**Plan the content according to your objective:**It is a good idea to remain up to the objective that you want to convey to your audience. No matter if you want to facilitate consideration or want to spread awareness. If you want to generate some conversions then you can go for making small demos in your videos.

**Go for the best tools:**At last but one of the most important points is to pay attention on the tool that you are using. Although there are a number of tools that can be used but nowadays, Wondershare Filmora Video Editor is the most in the use. Here are some extraordinary features of both the tools:

Features of Filmora:

This one is an easy to use tool that can be used by beginners and less professional people.

Using this tool you can experience latest filters and colors making their perk at the best.

Here you will also get amazing sound effect to make your video stand out.

You can create the videos in just a single click. This is the reason its feature of key framing is immensely popular.

Wondershare Filmora

Get started easily with Filmora’s powerful performance, intuitive interface, and countless effects!

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Key Takeaways from This Episode

LinkedIn is an application that has made its popularity amongst the users and advertisers in a very recent and less time. Ads and videos on this application is being loved and watched these days at a rapid rate. As per the increased demand increases a responsibility to meet those demands.

To meet up the demands it is essential that all the technical requirements are fulfilled and also the protocols of the app are followed. This remains crucial and important in the terms of video aspect ratio, resolution, size and dimensions, and a lot more.

If you are uploading your videos and ads on LinkedIn then it is must that they should be engaging and interesting. To make them exciting you may opt for the best practices which also include the use of popular tools. The latest tools like Filmora, Inshot, etc. are laced with all the additional features and make your video perfect for the apps.

Try It Free Try It Free

The written content of LinkedIn has been taken over by the video content these days. Videos created with exceptional features and editing perks are booming amongst the audience.

In this article

01 [What is LinkedIn Video Format?](#Part 1)

02 [Everything You Need to Know About LinkedIn Ad Specs](#Part 2)

03 [5 Types of LinkedIn Ads](#Part 3)

04 [Best 5 LinkedIn Video Practices](#Part 4)

Part 1 What is LinkedIn Video Format?

01Can you post 1920x1080 on LinkedIn?

Yes, videos of 1920 by 1080px can be easily posted on LinkedIn. Moreover, this is the best resolution in which you should post your video. This will provide you the best quality.

02What aspect ratio is best for a LinkedIn video?

Although LinkedIn accepts and allows almost each aspect ratio but the most recommended aspect ratio is 16:This means it should remain between 1.778 and 0.565However, the aspect ratio can vary according to the mode of your video that is horizontal or vertical.

Recommended aspect ratios for LinkedIn videos

Part 2 Everything You Need to Know About LinkedIn Ad Specs

The specs can vary in the case of LinkedIn videos and LinkedIn ads. As the ads are totally different from the videos their specs also become different. Here are some of the specs that you should know when you are creating LinkedIn ads:

Length: The maximum and minimum length of these ad videos are 3 seconds to 30 minutes respectively. However, the most successful video length is up to 15 seconds.

File size and file format: The file size of the ad videos must be a minimum of 75 KB and the maximum it can be of 200 MB. The file format that is supported on the LinkedIn application is MP4.

Audio Format and size: The audio format of these ad videos must be MPEG4 or ACC. If you talk about the audio size then it is recommended not to be more than 64 KHz.

Resolution and aspect ratio: The resolution of these ads can be 360p, 480p, 720p or 1080p. When it comes to the aspect ratio then the best-recommended one is 16:9 for landscape mode and 9:16 for vertical mode.

Video captions and headlines: If you are adding video captions in your ad video, then it must be in SRT format and the headlines should also be under 200 characters. It is recommended to keep the headlines up to maximum of 70 characters.

Part 3 5 types of LinkedIn Ads

LinkedIn provides you with several platforms and types of ad placements. Here mentioned are some of them:

Sponsored messages in LinkedIn: This type of LinkedIn ad was previously termed as sponsored InMail. Through this, you can directly advertise your product or brand in the user’s inbox. However, LinkedIn has set a maximum number of times that your customer can receive the messaging ad. This states that any member of your audience will not receive the ads more than two times in a short span of time. Also, it is estimated that consumers enjoy messaging ads but companies do not interact much with them via sponsored messaging ads.

Sponsored messaging on LinkedIn

Sponsored content: These ads show up in the feed of the LinkedIn user. No matter if they are using it on mobile on desktop. These sponsored contents also have a label of promotion on them. This makes them different from the regular contents. If you are choosing sponsored content then you also get the choice between carousel ads, video ads and images ads.

Sponsored content on LinkedIn

Dynamic ads: These ads are visible on the right rail as you open the LinkedIn. Also this is the best way to speak to your audience through personalization. The users get to see their own personal details as soon these ads pop up on the screen. This can even be changed through the settings so that the details get hidden if the user finds this to be very personal. Dynamic ads are also of two types. One is follower ads and other is sponsored ads.

Dynamic ads video requirements

Text ads: These ads are considered as the best way to build a strong lead amongst the audience. This is also suitable in the terms of professional demographic. These ads are shown on the top and right side of the feed of LinkedIn. Approximately 58% of the companies say that making the lead generation better is the top priority of digital marketing. This is also a good way to manage company’s budget.

Text ad videos

Awareness ads: If you want to make your brand stay on the tips of your audience then it is a good idea to go for awareness ads. These ads build a communication amongst the audience related to your brands, products and services, etc. These awareness ads also boost the engagement, help to gain followers and increase the views.

Awareness ad videos

Part 4 Best 5 LinkedIn Video Practices

**Optimized setup:**To create an excellent video its setup is most important thing. So before you create the video keep in mind that your setup is well organized. Your set up includes lighting, background, camera and its position. Until the lighting is not perfect your video will lack its charm. Often natural lights are the best but artificial lights are also can do the work of perk. Also the background must be free from clutters. The camera that you are using should also be perfect and the camera position should also be in place.

Correct video length: When the correct video length is concerned, LinkedIn recommends it to be less than 15 seconds. This is so because the shorter the video is the more effective it can be. You should also keep in mind that these video may be of maximum 10 minutes but the starting moments must be engaging. This will keep your audience stay to watch your video till the end.

**Grab the viewer’s attention:**Social media platforms are filled with ignorable contents and when it comes to LinkedIn it can be so true. So if you want to grab the attention of your targeted audience then you must make your videos extraordinary. This is only possible when you focus on each and every aspect of the videos. Adding subtitles to your videos can also be an amazing idea to make them more engaging. You can even optimize the length of your video according to the objective that you want to convey.

**Plan the content according to your objective:**It is a good idea to remain up to the objective that you want to convey to your audience. No matter if you want to facilitate consideration or want to spread awareness. If you want to generate some conversions then you can go for making small demos in your videos.

**Go for the best tools:**At last but one of the most important points is to pay attention on the tool that you are using. Although there are a number of tools that can be used but nowadays, Wondershare Filmora Video Editor is the most in the use. Here are some extraordinary features of both the tools:

Features of Filmora:

This one is an easy to use tool that can be used by beginners and less professional people.

Using this tool you can experience latest filters and colors making their perk at the best.

Here you will also get amazing sound effect to make your video stand out.

You can create the videos in just a single click. This is the reason its feature of key framing is immensely popular.

Wondershare Filmora

Get started easily with Filmora’s powerful performance, intuitive interface, and countless effects!

Try It Free Try It Free Try It Free Learn More >


Key Takeaways from This Episode

LinkedIn is an application that has made its popularity amongst the users and advertisers in a very recent and less time. Ads and videos on this application is being loved and watched these days at a rapid rate. As per the increased demand increases a responsibility to meet those demands.

To meet up the demands it is essential that all the technical requirements are fulfilled and also the protocols of the app are followed. This remains crucial and important in the terms of video aspect ratio, resolution, size and dimensions, and a lot more.

If you are uploading your videos and ads on LinkedIn then it is must that they should be engaging and interesting. To make them exciting you may opt for the best practices which also include the use of popular tools. The latest tools like Filmora, Inshot, etc. are laced with all the additional features and make your video perfect for the apps.

Try It Free Try It Free

The written content of LinkedIn has been taken over by the video content these days. Videos created with exceptional features and editing perks are booming amongst the audience.

In this article

01 [What is LinkedIn Video Format?](#Part 1)

02 [Everything You Need to Know About LinkedIn Ad Specs](#Part 2)

03 [5 Types of LinkedIn Ads](#Part 3)

04 [Best 5 LinkedIn Video Practices](#Part 4)

Part 1 What is LinkedIn Video Format?

01Can you post 1920x1080 on LinkedIn?

Yes, videos of 1920 by 1080px can be easily posted on LinkedIn. Moreover, this is the best resolution in which you should post your video. This will provide you the best quality.

02What aspect ratio is best for a LinkedIn video?

Although LinkedIn accepts and allows almost each aspect ratio but the most recommended aspect ratio is 16:This means it should remain between 1.778 and 0.565However, the aspect ratio can vary according to the mode of your video that is horizontal or vertical.

Recommended aspect ratios for LinkedIn videos

Part 2 Everything You Need to Know About LinkedIn Ad Specs

The specs can vary in the case of LinkedIn videos and LinkedIn ads. As the ads are totally different from the videos their specs also become different. Here are some of the specs that you should know when you are creating LinkedIn ads:

Length: The maximum and minimum length of these ad videos are 3 seconds to 30 minutes respectively. However, the most successful video length is up to 15 seconds.

File size and file format: The file size of the ad videos must be a minimum of 75 KB and the maximum it can be of 200 MB. The file format that is supported on the LinkedIn application is MP4.

Audio Format and size: The audio format of these ad videos must be MPEG4 or ACC. If you talk about the audio size then it is recommended not to be more than 64 KHz.

Resolution and aspect ratio: The resolution of these ads can be 360p, 480p, 720p or 1080p. When it comes to the aspect ratio then the best-recommended one is 16:9 for landscape mode and 9:16 for vertical mode.

Video captions and headlines: If you are adding video captions in your ad video, then it must be in SRT format and the headlines should also be under 200 characters. It is recommended to keep the headlines up to maximum of 70 characters.

Part 3 5 types of LinkedIn Ads

LinkedIn provides you with several platforms and types of ad placements. Here mentioned are some of them:

Sponsored messages in LinkedIn: This type of LinkedIn ad was previously termed as sponsored InMail. Through this, you can directly advertise your product or brand in the user’s inbox. However, LinkedIn has set a maximum number of times that your customer can receive the messaging ad. This states that any member of your audience will not receive the ads more than two times in a short span of time. Also, it is estimated that consumers enjoy messaging ads but companies do not interact much with them via sponsored messaging ads.

Sponsored messaging on LinkedIn

Sponsored content: These ads show up in the feed of the LinkedIn user. No matter if they are using it on mobile on desktop. These sponsored contents also have a label of promotion on them. This makes them different from the regular contents. If you are choosing sponsored content then you also get the choice between carousel ads, video ads and images ads.

Sponsored content on LinkedIn

Dynamic ads: These ads are visible on the right rail as you open the LinkedIn. Also this is the best way to speak to your audience through personalization. The users get to see their own personal details as soon these ads pop up on the screen. This can even be changed through the settings so that the details get hidden if the user finds this to be very personal. Dynamic ads are also of two types. One is follower ads and other is sponsored ads.

Dynamic ads video requirements

Text ads: These ads are considered as the best way to build a strong lead amongst the audience. This is also suitable in the terms of professional demographic. These ads are shown on the top and right side of the feed of LinkedIn. Approximately 58% of the companies say that making the lead generation better is the top priority of digital marketing. This is also a good way to manage company’s budget.

Text ad videos

Awareness ads: If you want to make your brand stay on the tips of your audience then it is a good idea to go for awareness ads. These ads build a communication amongst the audience related to your brands, products and services, etc. These awareness ads also boost the engagement, help to gain followers and increase the views.

Awareness ad videos

Part 4 Best 5 LinkedIn Video Practices

**Optimized setup:**To create an excellent video its setup is most important thing. So before you create the video keep in mind that your setup is well organized. Your set up includes lighting, background, camera and its position. Until the lighting is not perfect your video will lack its charm. Often natural lights are the best but artificial lights are also can do the work of perk. Also the background must be free from clutters. The camera that you are using should also be perfect and the camera position should also be in place.

Correct video length: When the correct video length is concerned, LinkedIn recommends it to be less than 15 seconds. This is so because the shorter the video is the more effective it can be. You should also keep in mind that these video may be of maximum 10 minutes but the starting moments must be engaging. This will keep your audience stay to watch your video till the end.

**Grab the viewer’s attention:**Social media platforms are filled with ignorable contents and when it comes to LinkedIn it can be so true. So if you want to grab the attention of your targeted audience then you must make your videos extraordinary. This is only possible when you focus on each and every aspect of the videos. Adding subtitles to your videos can also be an amazing idea to make them more engaging. You can even optimize the length of your video according to the objective that you want to convey.

**Plan the content according to your objective:**It is a good idea to remain up to the objective that you want to convey to your audience. No matter if you want to facilitate consideration or want to spread awareness. If you want to generate some conversions then you can go for making small demos in your videos.

**Go for the best tools:**At last but one of the most important points is to pay attention on the tool that you are using. Although there are a number of tools that can be used but nowadays, Wondershare Filmora Video Editor is the most in the use. Here are some extraordinary features of both the tools:

Features of Filmora:

This one is an easy to use tool that can be used by beginners and less professional people.

Using this tool you can experience latest filters and colors making their perk at the best.

Here you will also get amazing sound effect to make your video stand out.

You can create the videos in just a single click. This is the reason its feature of key framing is immensely popular.

Wondershare Filmora

Get started easily with Filmora’s powerful performance, intuitive interface, and countless effects!

Try It Free Try It Free Try It Free Learn More >


Key Takeaways from This Episode

LinkedIn is an application that has made its popularity amongst the users and advertisers in a very recent and less time. Ads and videos on this application is being loved and watched these days at a rapid rate. As per the increased demand increases a responsibility to meet those demands.

To meet up the demands it is essential that all the technical requirements are fulfilled and also the protocols of the app are followed. This remains crucial and important in the terms of video aspect ratio, resolution, size and dimensions, and a lot more.

If you are uploading your videos and ads on LinkedIn then it is must that they should be engaging and interesting. To make them exciting you may opt for the best practices which also include the use of popular tools. The latest tools like Filmora, Inshot, etc. are laced with all the additional features and make your video perfect for the apps.

Try It Free Try It Free

The written content of LinkedIn has been taken over by the video content these days. Videos created with exceptional features and editing perks are booming amongst the audience.

In this article

01 [What is LinkedIn Video Format?](#Part 1)

02 [Everything You Need to Know About LinkedIn Ad Specs](#Part 2)

03 [5 Types of LinkedIn Ads](#Part 3)

04 [Best 5 LinkedIn Video Practices](#Part 4)

Part 1 What is LinkedIn Video Format?

01Can you post 1920x1080 on LinkedIn?

Yes, videos of 1920 by 1080px can be easily posted on LinkedIn. Moreover, this is the best resolution in which you should post your video. This will provide you the best quality.

02What aspect ratio is best for a LinkedIn video?

Although LinkedIn accepts and allows almost each aspect ratio but the most recommended aspect ratio is 16:This means it should remain between 1.778 and 0.565However, the aspect ratio can vary according to the mode of your video that is horizontal or vertical.

Recommended aspect ratios for LinkedIn videos

Part 2 Everything You Need to Know About LinkedIn Ad Specs

The specs can vary in the case of LinkedIn videos and LinkedIn ads. As the ads are totally different from the videos their specs also become different. Here are some of the specs that you should know when you are creating LinkedIn ads:

Length: The maximum and minimum length of these ad videos are 3 seconds to 30 minutes respectively. However, the most successful video length is up to 15 seconds.

File size and file format: The file size of the ad videos must be a minimum of 75 KB and the maximum it can be of 200 MB. The file format that is supported on the LinkedIn application is MP4.

Audio Format and size: The audio format of these ad videos must be MPEG4 or ACC. If you talk about the audio size then it is recommended not to be more than 64 KHz.

Resolution and aspect ratio: The resolution of these ads can be 360p, 480p, 720p or 1080p. When it comes to the aspect ratio then the best-recommended one is 16:9 for landscape mode and 9:16 for vertical mode.

Video captions and headlines: If you are adding video captions in your ad video, then it must be in SRT format and the headlines should also be under 200 characters. It is recommended to keep the headlines up to maximum of 70 characters.

Part 3 5 types of LinkedIn Ads

LinkedIn provides you with several platforms and types of ad placements. Here mentioned are some of them:

Sponsored messages in LinkedIn: This type of LinkedIn ad was previously termed as sponsored InMail. Through this, you can directly advertise your product or brand in the user’s inbox. However, LinkedIn has set a maximum number of times that your customer can receive the messaging ad. This states that any member of your audience will not receive the ads more than two times in a short span of time. Also, it is estimated that consumers enjoy messaging ads but companies do not interact much with them via sponsored messaging ads.

Sponsored messaging on LinkedIn

Sponsored content: These ads show up in the feed of the LinkedIn user. No matter if they are using it on mobile on desktop. These sponsored contents also have a label of promotion on them. This makes them different from the regular contents. If you are choosing sponsored content then you also get the choice between carousel ads, video ads and images ads.

Sponsored content on LinkedIn

Dynamic ads: These ads are visible on the right rail as you open the LinkedIn. Also this is the best way to speak to your audience through personalization. The users get to see their own personal details as soon these ads pop up on the screen. This can even be changed through the settings so that the details get hidden if the user finds this to be very personal. Dynamic ads are also of two types. One is follower ads and other is sponsored ads.

Dynamic ads video requirements

Text ads: These ads are considered as the best way to build a strong lead amongst the audience. This is also suitable in the terms of professional demographic. These ads are shown on the top and right side of the feed of LinkedIn. Approximately 58% of the companies say that making the lead generation better is the top priority of digital marketing. This is also a good way to manage company’s budget.

Text ad videos

Awareness ads: If you want to make your brand stay on the tips of your audience then it is a good idea to go for awareness ads. These ads build a communication amongst the audience related to your brands, products and services, etc. These awareness ads also boost the engagement, help to gain followers and increase the views.

Awareness ad videos

Part 4 Best 5 LinkedIn Video Practices

**Optimized setup:**To create an excellent video its setup is most important thing. So before you create the video keep in mind that your setup is well organized. Your set up includes lighting, background, camera and its position. Until the lighting is not perfect your video will lack its charm. Often natural lights are the best but artificial lights are also can do the work of perk. Also the background must be free from clutters. The camera that you are using should also be perfect and the camera position should also be in place.

Correct video length: When the correct video length is concerned, LinkedIn recommends it to be less than 15 seconds. This is so because the shorter the video is the more effective it can be. You should also keep in mind that these video may be of maximum 10 minutes but the starting moments must be engaging. This will keep your audience stay to watch your video till the end.

**Grab the viewer’s attention:**Social media platforms are filled with ignorable contents and when it comes to LinkedIn it can be so true. So if you want to grab the attention of your targeted audience then you must make your videos extraordinary. This is only possible when you focus on each and every aspect of the videos. Adding subtitles to your videos can also be an amazing idea to make them more engaging. You can even optimize the length of your video according to the objective that you want to convey.

**Plan the content according to your objective:**It is a good idea to remain up to the objective that you want to convey to your audience. No matter if you want to facilitate consideration or want to spread awareness. If you want to generate some conversions then you can go for making small demos in your videos.

**Go for the best tools:**At last but one of the most important points is to pay attention on the tool that you are using. Although there are a number of tools that can be used but nowadays, Wondershare Filmora Video Editor is the most in the use. Here are some extraordinary features of both the tools:

Features of Filmora:

This one is an easy to use tool that can be used by beginners and less professional people.

Using this tool you can experience latest filters and colors making their perk at the best.

Here you will also get amazing sound effect to make your video stand out.

You can create the videos in just a single click. This is the reason its feature of key framing is immensely popular.

Wondershare Filmora

Get started easily with Filmora’s powerful performance, intuitive interface, and countless effects!

Try It Free Try It Free Try It Free Learn More >


Key Takeaways from This Episode

LinkedIn is an application that has made its popularity amongst the users and advertisers in a very recent and less time. Ads and videos on this application is being loved and watched these days at a rapid rate. As per the increased demand increases a responsibility to meet those demands.

To meet up the demands it is essential that all the technical requirements are fulfilled and also the protocols of the app are followed. This remains crucial and important in the terms of video aspect ratio, resolution, size and dimensions, and a lot more.

If you are uploading your videos and ads on LinkedIn then it is must that they should be engaging and interesting. To make them exciting you may opt for the best practices which also include the use of popular tools. The latest tools like Filmora, Inshot, etc. are laced with all the additional features and make your video perfect for the apps.

Top-Rated MP4 Video Tagging Applications

MP4 Video Tag Editors are used to alter or add general information to a video. These video tag editor software allow you to edit common metadata, including album, artist, title, comments, language, track information, copyright, genre, etc. Besides this, you can also sum up movie credits to your videos, such as information about composer, producer, writer, editor, director, or cinematographer. Not only this, some advanced software lets you edit information like internet URL, digitization, location, source form, dimensions, and many more. So, are you in search of such an mp4 metadata editor? In this article, we will share the top best MP4 Video Tag Editors for Windows and Mac.

In this article

01 Top 10 Best MP4 Video Tag Editors for Windows and Mac:

02 What is Video Tag, and why should you use it?

Part 1: Top 10 Best MP4 Video Tag Editors for Windows and Mac

To help you find the best video tag editor, we’ve compiled a list of the top 10 best MP4 tag editors for Windows and Mac. Let’s have a look at them!

1. VLC Media Player

Supported OS: VLC Media Player software is compatible with Mac, Windows, and Linux.

Price: It is free of cost.

VLC is a versatile mp4 metadata editor that supports a huge range of video formats. The software lets you alter the general metadata, including artist, album, copyright, title, track number, publisher, date, etc. All you’ve to do is to open a video, then move to Tools > Media Information, and you can edit the tags you want.

VLC offers a handy audio fingerprint feature that checks an online database to recognize tags for an audio file. Moreover, you can also sum up an album cover image to an audio or video file.

vlc media player metadata tag editor

2. MP4 Video and Audio Tag Editor

Supported OS: The software is compatible with Windows.

Price: The price starts from $14.49.

The MP4 Video and Audio Tag Editor is used for editing both audio and video file tags. The software enables you to edit the music arts, cover arts, and apply effects. Further, it can help you to get the tags from movie videos and post them.

You can edit the MP4 tags in 3GP, MP4, M4B, M4V files and rename them by the tags. It can also help you to edit all metadata, atoms, and more.

mp4 video and audio tag editor

3. Amvidia Tag Editor

Supported OS: Amvidia Tag Editor is compatible with Mac.

Price: You can download the software free of cost.

The Amvidia software is a simple, flexible, and fast spreadsheet application for editing video tags. It enables you to download metadata and album covers from the load tags such as iTunes and other networks and paths. The software supports batch tagging, and it allows you to rename multiple files as well. It also enables you to fix encoding, find and replace texts, and manage artworks.

The Amvidia is a reliable music tag editor and supports numerous audio and video formats including, MP4, AIFF, MP3, WAV, M4A, and FLAC files. You can customize your columns and rearrange them to see desired tags during MP4 tag editing.

amvidia tag video editor

4. Openshot Video Editor

Supported OS: The software is compatible with Mac, Windows, and Linux.

Price: Free.

Openshot software offers you much more productive work than just the ability to edit metadata tags. It comes with an intuitive interface that makes it easy to find your way around, especially while using it to alter video tags. It supports the editing of many audios, video, and image format files, plus it is used for real-time previews and video transitions.

Openshot gives outstanding films, videos, and animation editing with its rich set of features. It can import media files, add music to the timeline, arrange videos with photos, preview the project and export your content as well.

openshot video tag video editor

5. MyMeta video Editor

Supported OS: The software is compatible with Windows.

Price: You can download the software at a $3.49 rate.

MyMeta video tag editor software enables you to connect to different databases and automatically tag your files. It can connect with,, and tagChimp to find the tags for your audio and video files. It integrates with metadata providers and works with M4V, MP4, and MOV.

The software offers comprehensive editing of MP4 video files and permits you a quick view of media files before tagging. Further, it gives the AutoTag feature to tag your media collection quickly with the least effort.

mymeta tag video editor

6. tinyMediaManager video Editor

Supported OS: The tinyMediaManager is compatible with Mac, Windows, Linux, and many other operating systems.

Price: It is available free of cost

The software comes with an automatic updating system and is set up to alter the video metadata for online media centers. It organizes data and works as a movie metadata editor, plus it can support command-line arguments. It gets all the important metadata for your TV shows from,, and

TinyMediaManager works as an MP4 tag editor that lets you generate video file metadata and supports you in organizing your files. Also, you can rename your folders according to your needs. Further, if you’re not contented with the results, you can manually edit all metadata or artwork.

7. Subler

Supported OS: It is compatible with all versions of the MAC system and other Apple devices such as iPhone, iPod, Apple TV, QuickTime, etc.

Price: The availability of this software is free.

Subler is MP4 tag editor video software that is free, and you can download it from the official website. It enables you to edit subtitles for both the audio and video files without using any other program. It also helps you to update Meta for all popular video and image files format.

It can create WebVTT subtitles tracks and TX3G files plus supports all metadata MP4 editing. It allows you to add, remove, or save MP4 media tracks and is dedicated to generating MPEG4 files for iDevices.

8. Avidemux

Supported OS: The Avidemux software is compatible with Microsoft Windows, Linux, BSD, and Mac.

Price: No charges

The Avidemux video tag editor enables you to perform simple video editing tasks such as editing video and audio metadata. It is open-source software having powerful automation functionality and helps you to perform scripting tasks.

It fulfills the basic editing requirements, including cutting, encoding, and lets you compress videos through VirtualDub. The software is known for its professional video production in MP4 tag editing as it can also help you embed permanent subtitles in your videos. Further, it can accept some other video file formats, including MPG, MPEG, and AVI.

9. ExifTool

Supported OS: The ExifTool is compatible with Mac, Windows, and even least-used operating systems.

Price: It is free of cost.

The software is best for users who want large metadata editing within highly particular digital files to achieve their targets. It can handle basic and complex tasks, making it perfect for newbies as well. The software can also work for users to open un-clear digital files and folders for viewing and reading. It also lets users manipulate images, videos audios, and PDF metadata.

Exiftool software works well with MP4 and allows you to edit Meta information of audios, videos, and images at once. It also enables you to write, edit, or delete video metadata one at a time or in group form.

10. Vidmore Video Converter

Supported OS: It is compatible with both Windows and Mac computers.

Price: The software charges you $19.95 for one month.

The software allows you to update the metadata of video or audio files, including album, artist, title, composer, genre, etc. Moreover, it enables you to set your picture or thumbnail for different video tracks and formats. It works with M4A, MP4, MOV, M4V, and many other input formats.

Vidmore video converter supports MP4 tag editing for both audio and video files. You can also customize your metadata tags and rename them according to your choice.

Part 2: What is Video Tag, and why should you use it?


Do you know why to use these tags? The video tags are illustrative keywords that can add to the video to help viewers search the content. Further, video tags are contemplated as an important ranking factor in algorithm and YouTube’s search. Most importantly, video tags give information about your video to Google search and YouTube, such as your video’s category, topic, note boundaries, and more. Further, video tags allow you to arrange and manage files easily, plus sort and search the target video file promptly.


To ensure safety and security, we need some special tools to edit audio or video metadata. For this purpose, video tag editors are used for editing all common format audio and video files. The MP4 video tag editors enable you to manage and alter the music arts plus sort out the multimedia files. So, if you want to edit video metadata tags on your Mac or Windows, you need specific software. For your convenience, here we’ve listed the top 10 best mp4 metadata editors.

02 What is Video Tag, and why should you use it?

Part 1: Top 10 Best MP4 Video Tag Editors for Windows and Mac

To help you find the best video tag editor, we’ve compiled a list of the top 10 best MP4 tag editors for Windows and Mac. Let’s have a look at them!

1. VLC Media Player

Supported OS: VLC Media Player software is compatible with Mac, Windows, and Linux.

Price: It is free of cost.

VLC is a versatile mp4 metadata editor that supports a huge range of video formats. The software lets you alter the general metadata, including artist, album, copyright, title, track number, publisher, date, etc. All you’ve to do is to open a video, then move to Tools > Media Information, and you can edit the tags you want.

VLC offers a handy audio fingerprint feature that checks an online database to recognize tags for an audio file. Moreover, you can also sum up an album cover image to an audio or video file.

vlc media player metadata tag editor

2. MP4 Video and Audio Tag Editor

Supported OS: The software is compatible with Windows.

Price: The price starts from $14.49.

The MP4 Video and Audio Tag Editor is used for editing both audio and video file tags. The software enables you to edit the music arts, cover arts, and apply effects. Further, it can help you to get the tags from movie videos and post them.

You can edit the MP4 tags in 3GP, MP4, M4B, M4V files and rename them by the tags. It can also help you to edit all metadata, atoms, and more.

mp4 video and audio tag editor

3. Amvidia Tag Editor

Supported OS: Amvidia Tag Editor is compatible with Mac.

Price: You can download the software free of cost.

The Amvidia software is a simple, flexible, and fast spreadsheet application for editing video tags. It enables you to download metadata and album covers from the load tags such as iTunes and other networks and paths. The software supports batch tagging, and it allows you to rename multiple files as well. It also enables you to fix encoding, find and replace texts, and manage artworks.

The Amvidia is a reliable music tag editor and supports numerous audio and video formats including, MP4, AIFF, MP3, WAV, M4A, and FLAC files. You can customize your columns and rearrange them to see desired tags during MP4 tag editing.

amvidia tag video editor

4. Openshot Video Editor

Supported OS: The software is compatible with Mac, Windows, and Linux.

Price: Free.

Openshot software offers you much more productive work than just the ability to edit metadata tags. It comes with an intuitive interface that makes it easy to find your way around, especially while using it to alter video tags. It supports the editing of many audios, video, and image format files, plus it is used for real-time previews and video transitions.

Openshot gives outstanding films, videos, and animation editing with its rich set of features. It can import media files, add music to the timeline, arrange videos with photos, preview the project and export your content as well.

openshot video tag video editor

5. MyMeta video Editor

Supported OS: The software is compatible with Windows.

Price: You can download the software at a $3.49 rate.

MyMeta video tag editor software enables you to connect to different databases and automatically tag your files. It can connect with,, and tagChimp to find the tags for your audio and video files. It integrates with metadata providers and works with M4V, MP4, and MOV.

The software offers comprehensive editing of MP4 video files and permits you a quick view of media files before tagging. Further, it gives the AutoTag feature to tag your media collection quickly with the least effort.

mymeta tag video editor

6. tinyMediaManager video Editor

Supported OS: The tinyMediaManager is compatible with Mac, Windows, Linux, and many other operating systems.

Price: It is available free of cost

The software comes with an automatic updating system and is set up to alter the video metadata for online media centers. It organizes data and works as a movie metadata editor, plus it can support command-line arguments. It gets all the important metadata for your TV shows from,, and

TinyMediaManager works as an MP4 tag editor that lets you generate video file metadata and supports you in organizing your files. Also, you can rename your folders according to your needs. Further, if you’re not contented with the results, you can manually edit all metadata or artwork.

7. Subler

Supported OS: It is compatible with all versions of the MAC system and other Apple devices such as iPhone, iPod, Apple TV, QuickTime, etc.

Price: The availability of this software is free.

Subler is MP4 tag editor video software that is free, and you can download it from the official website. It enables you to edit subtitles for both the audio and video files without using any other program. It also helps you to update Meta for all popular video and image files format.

It can create WebVTT subtitles tracks and TX3G files plus supports all metadata MP4 editing. It allows you to add, remove, or save MP4 media tracks and is dedicated to generating MPEG4 files for iDevices.

8. Avidemux

Supported OS: The Avidemux software is compatible with Microsoft Windows, Linux, BSD, and Mac.

Price: No charges

The Avidemux video tag editor enables you to perform simple video editing tasks such as editing video and audio metadata. It is open-source software having powerful automation functionality and helps you to perform scripting tasks.

It fulfills the basic editing requirements, including cutting, encoding, and lets you compress videos through VirtualDub. The software is known for its professional video production in MP4 tag editing as it can also help you embed permanent subtitles in your videos. Further, it can accept some other video file formats, including MPG, MPEG, and AVI.

9. ExifTool

Supported OS: The ExifTool is compatible with Mac, Windows, and even least-used operating systems.

Price: It is free of cost.

The software is best for users who want large metadata editing within highly particular digital files to achieve their targets. It can handle basic and complex tasks, making it perfect for newbies as well. The software can also work for users to open un-clear digital files and folders for viewing and reading. It also lets users manipulate images, videos audios, and PDF metadata.

Exiftool software works well with MP4 and allows you to edit Meta information of audios, videos, and images at once. It also enables you to write, edit, or delete video metadata one at a time or in group form.

10. Vidmore Video Converter

Supported OS: It is compatible with both Windows and Mac computers.

Price: The software charges you $19.95 for one month.

The software allows you to update the metadata of video or audio files, including album, artist, title, composer, genre, etc. Moreover, it enables you to set your picture or thumbnail for different video tracks and formats. It works with M4A, MP4, MOV, M4V, and many other input formats.

Vidmore video converter supports MP4 tag editing for both audio and video files. You can also customize your metadata tags and rename them according to your choice.

Part 2: What is Video Tag, and why should you use it?


Do you know why to use these tags? The video tags are illustrative keywords that can add to the video to help viewers search the content. Further, video tags are contemplated as an important ranking factor in algorithm and YouTube’s search. Most importantly, video tags give information about your video to Google search and YouTube, such as your video’s category, topic, note boundaries, and more. Further, video tags allow you to arrange and manage files easily, plus sort and search the target video file promptly.


To ensure safety and security, we need some special tools to edit audio or video metadata. For this purpose, video tag editors are used for editing all common format audio and video files. The MP4 video tag editors enable you to manage and alter the music arts plus sort out the multimedia files. So, if you want to edit video metadata tags on your Mac or Windows, you need specific software. For your convenience, here we’ve listed the top 10 best mp4 metadata editors.

02 What is Video Tag, and why should you use it?

Part 1: Top 10 Best MP4 Video Tag Editors for Windows and Mac

To help you find the best video tag editor, we’ve compiled a list of the top 10 best MP4 tag editors for Windows and Mac. Let’s have a look at them!

1. VLC Media Player

Supported OS: VLC Media Player software is compatible with Mac, Windows, and Linux.

Price: It is free of cost.

VLC is a versatile mp4 metadata editor that supports a huge range of video formats. The software lets you alter the general metadata, including artist, album, copyright, title, track number, publisher, date, etc. All you’ve to do is to open a video, then move to Tools > Media Information, and you can edit the tags you want.

VLC offers a handy audio fingerprint feature that checks an online database to recognize tags for an audio file. Moreover, you can also sum up an album cover image to an audio or video file.

vlc media player metadata tag editor

2. MP4 Video and Audio Tag Editor

Supported OS: The software is compatible with Windows.

Price: The price starts from $14.49.

The MP4 Video and Audio Tag Editor is used for editing both audio and video file tags. The software enables you to edit the music arts, cover arts, and apply effects. Further, it can help you to get the tags from movie videos and post them.

You can edit the MP4 tags in 3GP, MP4, M4B, M4V files and rename them by the tags. It can also help you to edit all metadata, atoms, and more.

mp4 video and audio tag editor

3. Amvidia Tag Editor

Supported OS: Amvidia Tag Editor is compatible with Mac.

Price: You can download the software free of cost.

The Amvidia software is a simple, flexible, and fast spreadsheet application for editing video tags. It enables you to download metadata and album covers from the load tags such as iTunes and other networks and paths. The software supports batch tagging, and it allows you to rename multiple files as well. It also enables you to fix encoding, find and replace texts, and manage artworks.

The Amvidia is a reliable music tag editor and supports numerous audio and video formats including, MP4, AIFF, MP3, WAV, M4A, and FLAC files. You can customize your columns and rearrange them to see desired tags during MP4 tag editing.

amvidia tag video editor

4. Openshot Video Editor

Supported OS: The software is compatible with Mac, Windows, and Linux.

Price: Free.

Openshot software offers you much more productive work than just the ability to edit metadata tags. It comes with an intuitive interface that makes it easy to find your way around, especially while using it to alter video tags. It supports the editing of many audios, video, and image format files, plus it is used for real-time previews and video transitions.

Openshot gives outstanding films, videos, and animation editing with its rich set of features. It can import media files, add music to the timeline, arrange videos with photos, preview the project and export your content as well.

openshot video tag video editor

5. MyMeta video Editor

Supported OS: The software is compatible with Windows.

Price: You can download the software at a $3.49 rate.

MyMeta video tag editor software enables you to connect to different databases and automatically tag your files. It can connect with,, and tagChimp to find the tags for your audio and video files. It integrates with metadata providers and works with M4V, MP4, and MOV.

The software offers comprehensive editing of MP4 video files and permits you a quick view of media files before tagging. Further, it gives the AutoTag feature to tag your media collection quickly with the least effort.

mymeta tag video editor

6. tinyMediaManager video Editor

Supported OS: The tinyMediaManager is compatible with Mac, Windows, Linux, and many other operating systems.

Price: It is available free of cost

The software comes with an automatic updating system and is set up to alter the video metadata for online media centers. It organizes data and works as a movie metadata editor, plus it can support command-line arguments. It gets all the important metadata for your TV shows from,, and

TinyMediaManager works as an MP4 tag editor that lets you generate video file metadata and supports you in organizing your files. Also, you can rename your folders according to your needs. Further, if you’re not contented with the results, you can manually edit all metadata or artwork.

7. Subler

Supported OS: It is compatible with all versions of the MAC system and other Apple devices such as iPhone, iPod, Apple TV, QuickTime, etc.

Price: The availability of this software is free.

Subler is MP4 tag editor video software that is free, and you can download it from the official website. It enables you to edit subtitles for both the audio and video files without using any other program. It also helps you to update Meta for all popular video and image files format.

It can create WebVTT subtitles tracks and TX3G files plus supports all metadata MP4 editing. It allows you to add, remove, or save MP4 media tracks and is dedicated to generating MPEG4 files for iDevices.

8. Avidemux

Supported OS: The Avidemux software is compatible with Microsoft Windows, Linux, BSD, and Mac.

Price: No charges

The Avidemux video tag editor enables you to perform simple video editing tasks such as editing video and audio metadata. It is open-source software having powerful automation functionality and helps you to perform scripting tasks.

It fulfills the basic editing requirements, including cutting, encoding, and lets you compress videos through VirtualDub. The software is known for its professional video production in MP4 tag editing as it can also help you embed permanent subtitles in your videos. Further, it can accept some other video file formats, including MPG, MPEG, and AVI.

9. ExifTool

Supported OS: The ExifTool is compatible with Mac, Windows, and even least-used operating systems.

Price: It is free of cost.

The software is best for users who want large metadata editing within highly particular digital files to achieve their targets. It can handle basic and complex tasks, making it perfect for newbies as well. The software can also work for users to open un-clear digital files and folders for viewing and reading. It also lets users manipulate images, videos audios, and PDF metadata.

Exiftool software works well with MP4 and allows you to edit Meta information of audios, videos, and images at once. It also enables you to write, edit, or delete video metadata one at a time or in group form.

10. Vidmore Video Converter

Supported OS: It is compatible with both Windows and Mac computers.

Price: The software charges you $19.95 for one month.

The software allows you to update the metadata of video or audio files, including album, artist, title, composer, genre, etc. Moreover, it enables you to set your picture or thumbnail for different video tracks and formats. It works with M4A, MP4, MOV, M4V, and many other input formats.

Vidmore video converter supports MP4 tag editing for both audio and video files. You can also customize your metadata tags and rename them according to your choice.

Part 2: What is Video Tag, and why should you use it?


Do you know why to use these tags? The video tags are illustrative keywords that can add to the video to help viewers search the content. Further, video tags are contemplated as an important ranking factor in algorithm and YouTube’s search. Most importantly, video tags give information about your video to Google search and YouTube, such as your video’s category, topic, note boundaries, and more. Further, video tags allow you to arrange and manage files easily, plus sort and search the target video file promptly.


To ensure safety and security, we need some special tools to edit audio or video metadata. For this purpose, video tag editors are used for editing all common format audio and video files. The MP4 video tag editors enable you to manage and alter the music arts plus sort out the multimedia files. So, if you want to edit video metadata tags on your Mac or Windows, you need specific software. For your convenience, here we’ve listed the top 10 best mp4 metadata editors.

02 What is Video Tag, and why should you use it?

Part 1: Top 10 Best MP4 Video Tag Editors for Windows and Mac

To help you find the best video tag editor, we’ve compiled a list of the top 10 best MP4 tag editors for Windows and Mac. Let’s have a look at them!

1. VLC Media Player

Supported OS: VLC Media Player software is compatible with Mac, Windows, and Linux.

Price: It is free of cost.

VLC is a versatile mp4 metadata editor that supports a huge range of video formats. The software lets you alter the general metadata, including artist, album, copyright, title, track number, publisher, date, etc. All you’ve to do is to open a video, then move to Tools > Media Information, and you can edit the tags you want.

VLC offers a handy audio fingerprint feature that checks an online database to recognize tags for an audio file. Moreover, you can also sum up an album cover image to an audio or video file.

vlc media player metadata tag editor

2. MP4 Video and Audio Tag Editor

Supported OS: The software is compatible with Windows.

Price: The price starts from $14.49.

The MP4 Video and Audio Tag Editor is used for editing both audio and video file tags. The software enables you to edit the music arts, cover arts, and apply effects. Further, it can help you to get the tags from movie videos and post them.

You can edit the MP4 tags in 3GP, MP4, M4B, M4V files and rename them by the tags. It can also help you to edit all metadata, atoms, and more.

mp4 video and audio tag editor

3. Amvidia Tag Editor

Supported OS: Amvidia Tag Editor is compatible with Mac.

Price: You can download the software free of cost.

The Amvidia software is a simple, flexible, and fast spreadsheet application for editing video tags. It enables you to download metadata and album covers from the load tags such as iTunes and other networks and paths. The software supports batch tagging, and it allows you to rename multiple files as well. It also enables you to fix encoding, find and replace texts, and manage artworks.

The Amvidia is a reliable music tag editor and supports numerous audio and video formats including, MP4, AIFF, MP3, WAV, M4A, and FLAC files. You can customize your columns and rearrange them to see desired tags during MP4 tag editing.

amvidia tag video editor

4. Openshot Video Editor

Supported OS: The software is compatible with Mac, Windows, and Linux.

Price: Free.

Openshot software offers you much more productive work than just the ability to edit metadata tags. It comes with an intuitive interface that makes it easy to find your way around, especially while using it to alter video tags. It supports the editing of many audios, video, and image format files, plus it is used for real-time previews and video transitions.

Openshot gives outstanding films, videos, and animation editing with its rich set of features. It can import media files, add music to the timeline, arrange videos with photos, preview the project and export your content as well.

openshot video tag video editor

5. MyMeta video Editor

Supported OS: The software is compatible with Windows.

Price: You can download the software at a $3.49 rate.

MyMeta video tag editor software enables you to connect to different databases and automatically tag your files. It can connect with,, and tagChimp to find the tags for your audio and video files. It integrates with metadata providers and works with M4V, MP4, and MOV.

The software offers comprehensive editing of MP4 video files and permits you a quick view of media files before tagging. Further, it gives the AutoTag feature to tag your media collection quickly with the least effort.

mymeta tag video editor

6. tinyMediaManager video Editor

Supported OS: The tinyMediaManager is compatible with Mac, Windows, Linux, and many other operating systems.

Price: It is available free of cost

The software comes with an automatic updating system and is set up to alter the video metadata for online media centers. It organizes data and works as a movie metadata editor, plus it can support command-line arguments. It gets all the important metadata for your TV shows from,, and

TinyMediaManager works as an MP4 tag editor that lets you generate video file metadata and supports you in organizing your files. Also, you can rename your folders according to your needs. Further, if you’re not contented with the results, you can manually edit all metadata or artwork.

7. Subler

Supported OS: It is compatible with all versions of the MAC system and other Apple devices such as iPhone, iPod, Apple TV, QuickTime, etc.

Price: The availability of this software is free.

Subler is MP4 tag editor video software that is free, and you can download it from the official website. It enables you to edit subtitles for both the audio and video files without using any other program. It also helps you to update Meta for all popular video and image files format.

It can create WebVTT subtitles tracks and TX3G files plus supports all metadata MP4 editing. It allows you to add, remove, or save MP4 media tracks and is dedicated to generating MPEG4 files for iDevices.

8. Avidemux

Supported OS: The Avidemux software is compatible with Microsoft Windows, Linux, BSD, and Mac.

Price: No charges

The Avidemux video tag editor enables you to perform simple video editing tasks such as editing video and audio metadata. It is open-source software having powerful automation functionality and helps you to perform scripting tasks.

It fulfills the basic editing requirements, including cutting, encoding, and lets you compress videos through VirtualDub. The software is known for its professional video production in MP4 tag editing as it can also help you embed permanent subtitles in your videos. Further, it can accept some other video file formats, including MPG, MPEG, and AVI.

9. ExifTool

Supported OS: The ExifTool is compatible with Mac, Windows, and even least-used operating systems.

Price: It is free of cost.

The software is best for users who want large metadata editing within highly particular digital files to achieve their targets. It can handle basic and complex tasks, making it perfect for newbies as well. The software can also work for users to open un-clear digital files and folders for viewing and reading. It also lets users manipulate images, videos audios, and PDF metadata.

Exiftool software works well with MP4 and allows you to edit Meta information of audios, videos, and images at once. It also enables you to write, edit, or delete video metadata one at a time or in group form.

10. Vidmore Video Converter

Supported OS: It is compatible with both Windows and Mac computers.

Price: The software charges you $19.95 for one month.

The software allows you to update the metadata of video or audio files, including album, artist, title, composer, genre, etc. Moreover, it enables you to set your picture or thumbnail for different video tracks and formats. It works with M4A, MP4, MOV, M4V, and many other input formats.

Vidmore video converter supports MP4 tag editing for both audio and video files. You can also customize your metadata tags and rename them according to your choice.

Part 2: What is Video Tag, and why should you use it?


Do you know why to use these tags? The video tags are illustrative keywords that can add to the video to help viewers search the content. Further, video tags are contemplated as an important ranking factor in algorithm and YouTube’s search. Most importantly, video tags give information about your video to Google search and YouTube, such as your video’s category, topic, note boundaries, and more. Further, video tags allow you to arrange and manage files easily, plus sort and search the target video file promptly.


To ensure safety and security, we need some special tools to edit audio or video metadata. For this purpose, video tag editors are used for editing all common format audio and video files. The MP4 video tag editors enable you to manage and alter the music arts plus sort out the multimedia files. So, if you want to edit video metadata tags on your Mac or Windows, you need specific software. For your convenience, here we’ve listed the top 10 best mp4 metadata editors.

The Art of Freezing Time: A Comprehensive Guide to Video Freeze Frames

How to Freeze Frame in a Video Easily

author avatar

Liza Brown

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

Want to make a still or “Frozen” scene to tell the most exciting or the funniest moment of the story? Or would like to freeze something to give a familiar story some freshness? Actually, it’s quite easy to freeze a video to emphasis an action or add some captions if you get the right tool at hand.

Here, Wondershare Filmora is directly shared with you. With it, you can create a still image with your desired zoom in and out effect in a simple click. Below shows how to do it step by step.

To begin with, get a free trial copy of Wondershare Filmora.

Download Win VersionDownload Mac Version ]( )

Why You Need to Freeze Frame in a Video

You can show your favorite scene by freezing a video to let viewers know your idea easily. In doing so, the core of your video would be shown naturally. After you apply freeze video, your video will be split into two parts because the edited frame will be in the middle of the clicp. However, it won’t affect the completeness of video. Safe and easy!

You may also like: How to Edit Video Frame

How to Freeze Video with Filmora

1 Import your media files

Click “Import” to browse your file folder or simply drag and drop all files into the primary window. This program supports a vast array of media files, including WMV, MOV, MP4, AVI, MKV, MTS, DV, TS, 3GP, M4V, and more.

When you load all of them, they will show as thumbnails in the Media Library. Now drag them to the Video Timeline and get ready for step 2.

Note: by default, all files in Video Timeline will be merged together without any stop.

You may also like: How to Create Freeze Frame in Adobe Premiere Pro

freeze video

2 Freeze video with ease

Now play the video clip you want to create a frozen picture, and pause it when it comes to the right position. Click the “Snapshot” incon that locates under the Viewer panel. Immediately, there will be a picture added to media library. Drag the image to the PIP track over the main video track, and set the duration of the still image.

video freeze frame

Now you’ve created a frozen frame, want to further customize it? Double click the picture icon to reveal the editing window. Here, you can rotate it 90 degrees clockwise, adjust the duration, brightness, contrast.

frame freezer

You can also pick up your favorite fade in/out or zoom in/out effect by in the “Motion” pane.

how to freeze frame

3 Save your creation

When everything satisfies, simply click “Export” to export your creation. In the pop-up window that appears, choose from a variety of format options to save onto your computer. Or directly upload it to YouTube, Facebook, Twitter to share with your friends or family.

how to freeze frame

Bonus tips:
You may also want to add captions for the still image to make it more meaningful. It’s pretty easy to do this with the help of Wondershare Filmora . Simply click the “Text/Credit” tab in the toolbar, and pick up your favorite template to further customize it. Time duration, size, and zoom in/out effect are all flexibly adjustable.

how to freeze frame

Download Win VersionDownload Mac Version ]( )

author avatar

Liza Brown

Liza Brown is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Liza Brown

Liza Brown

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

Want to make a still or “Frozen” scene to tell the most exciting or the funniest moment of the story? Or would like to freeze something to give a familiar story some freshness? Actually, it’s quite easy to freeze a video to emphasis an action or add some captions if you get the right tool at hand.

Here, Wondershare Filmora is directly shared with you. With it, you can create a still image with your desired zoom in and out effect in a simple click. Below shows how to do it step by step.

To begin with, get a free trial copy of Wondershare Filmora.

Download Win VersionDownload Mac Version ]( )

Why You Need to Freeze Frame in a Video

You can show your favorite scene by freezing a video to let viewers know your idea easily. In doing so, the core of your video would be shown naturally. After you apply freeze video, your video will be split into two parts because the edited frame will be in the middle of the clicp. However, it won’t affect the completeness of video. Safe and easy!

You may also like: How to Edit Video Frame

How to Freeze Video with Filmora

1 Import your media files

Click “Import” to browse your file folder or simply drag and drop all files into the primary window. This program supports a vast array of media files, including WMV, MOV, MP4, AVI, MKV, MTS, DV, TS, 3GP, M4V, and more.

When you load all of them, they will show as thumbnails in the Media Library. Now drag them to the Video Timeline and get ready for step 2.

Note: by default, all files in Video Timeline will be merged together without any stop.

You may also like: How to Create Freeze Frame in Adobe Premiere Pro

freeze video

2 Freeze video with ease

Now play the video clip you want to create a frozen picture, and pause it when it comes to the right position. Click the “Snapshot” incon that locates under the Viewer panel. Immediately, there will be a picture added to media library. Drag the image to the PIP track over the main video track, and set the duration of the still image.

video freeze frame

Now you’ve created a frozen frame, want to further customize it? Double click the picture icon to reveal the editing window. Here, you can rotate it 90 degrees clockwise, adjust the duration, brightness, contrast.

frame freezer

You can also pick up your favorite fade in/out or zoom in/out effect by in the “Motion” pane.

how to freeze frame

3 Save your creation

When everything satisfies, simply click “Export” to export your creation. In the pop-up window that appears, choose from a variety of format options to save onto your computer. Or directly upload it to YouTube, Facebook, Twitter to share with your friends or family.

how to freeze frame

Bonus tips:
You may also want to add captions for the still image to make it more meaningful. It’s pretty easy to do this with the help of Wondershare Filmora . Simply click the “Text/Credit” tab in the toolbar, and pick up your favorite template to further customize it. Time duration, size, and zoom in/out effect are all flexibly adjustable.

how to freeze frame

Download Win VersionDownload Mac Version ]( )

author avatar

Liza Brown

Liza Brown is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Liza Brown

Liza Brown

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

Want to make a still or “Frozen” scene to tell the most exciting or the funniest moment of the story? Or would like to freeze something to give a familiar story some freshness? Actually, it’s quite easy to freeze a video to emphasis an action or add some captions if you get the right tool at hand.

Here, Wondershare Filmora is directly shared with you. With it, you can create a still image with your desired zoom in and out effect in a simple click. Below shows how to do it step by step.

To begin with, get a free trial copy of Wondershare Filmora.

Download Win VersionDownload Mac Version ]( )

Why You Need to Freeze Frame in a Video

You can show your favorite scene by freezing a video to let viewers know your idea easily. In doing so, the core of your video would be shown naturally. After you apply freeze video, your video will be split into two parts because the edited frame will be in the middle of the clicp. However, it won’t affect the completeness of video. Safe and easy!

You may also like: How to Edit Video Frame

How to Freeze Video with Filmora

1 Import your media files

Click “Import” to browse your file folder or simply drag and drop all files into the primary window. This program supports a vast array of media files, including WMV, MOV, MP4, AVI, MKV, MTS, DV, TS, 3GP, M4V, and more.

When you load all of them, they will show as thumbnails in the Media Library. Now drag them to the Video Timeline and get ready for step 2.

Note: by default, all files in Video Timeline will be merged together without any stop.

You may also like: How to Create Freeze Frame in Adobe Premiere Pro

freeze video

2 Freeze video with ease

Now play the video clip you want to create a frozen picture, and pause it when it comes to the right position. Click the “Snapshot” incon that locates under the Viewer panel. Immediately, there will be a picture added to media library. Drag the image to the PIP track over the main video track, and set the duration of the still image.

video freeze frame

Now you’ve created a frozen frame, want to further customize it? Double click the picture icon to reveal the editing window. Here, you can rotate it 90 degrees clockwise, adjust the duration, brightness, contrast.

frame freezer

You can also pick up your favorite fade in/out or zoom in/out effect by in the “Motion” pane.

how to freeze frame

3 Save your creation

When everything satisfies, simply click “Export” to export your creation. In the pop-up window that appears, choose from a variety of format options to save onto your computer. Or directly upload it to YouTube, Facebook, Twitter to share with your friends or family.

how to freeze frame

Bonus tips:
You may also want to add captions for the still image to make it more meaningful. It’s pretty easy to do this with the help of Wondershare Filmora . Simply click the “Text/Credit” tab in the toolbar, and pick up your favorite template to further customize it. Time duration, size, and zoom in/out effect are all flexibly adjustable.

how to freeze frame

Download Win VersionDownload Mac Version ]( )

author avatar

Liza Brown

Liza Brown is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Liza Brown

Liza Brown

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

Want to make a still or “Frozen” scene to tell the most exciting or the funniest moment of the story? Or would like to freeze something to give a familiar story some freshness? Actually, it’s quite easy to freeze a video to emphasis an action or add some captions if you get the right tool at hand.

Here, Wondershare Filmora is directly shared with you. With it, you can create a still image with your desired zoom in and out effect in a simple click. Below shows how to do it step by step.

To begin with, get a free trial copy of Wondershare Filmora.

Download Win VersionDownload Mac Version ]( )

Why You Need to Freeze Frame in a Video

You can show your favorite scene by freezing a video to let viewers know your idea easily. In doing so, the core of your video would be shown naturally. After you apply freeze video, your video will be split into two parts because the edited frame will be in the middle of the clicp. However, it won’t affect the completeness of video. Safe and easy!

You may also like: How to Edit Video Frame

How to Freeze Video with Filmora

1 Import your media files

Click “Import” to browse your file folder or simply drag and drop all files into the primary window. This program supports a vast array of media files, including WMV, MOV, MP4, AVI, MKV, MTS, DV, TS, 3GP, M4V, and more.

When you load all of them, they will show as thumbnails in the Media Library. Now drag them to the Video Timeline and get ready for step 2.

Note: by default, all files in Video Timeline will be merged together without any stop.

You may also like: How to Create Freeze Frame in Adobe Premiere Pro

freeze video

2 Freeze video with ease

Now play the video clip you want to create a frozen picture, and pause it when it comes to the right position. Click the “Snapshot” incon that locates under the Viewer panel. Immediately, there will be a picture added to media library. Drag the image to the PIP track over the main video track, and set the duration of the still image.

video freeze frame

Now you’ve created a frozen frame, want to further customize it? Double click the picture icon to reveal the editing window. Here, you can rotate it 90 degrees clockwise, adjust the duration, brightness, contrast.

frame freezer

You can also pick up your favorite fade in/out or zoom in/out effect by in the “Motion” pane.

how to freeze frame

3 Save your creation

When everything satisfies, simply click “Export” to export your creation. In the pop-up window that appears, choose from a variety of format options to save onto your computer. Or directly upload it to YouTube, Facebook, Twitter to share with your friends or family.

how to freeze frame

Bonus tips:
You may also want to add captions for the still image to make it more meaningful. It’s pretty easy to do this with the help of Wondershare Filmora . Simply click the “Text/Credit” tab in the toolbar, and pick up your favorite template to further customize it. Time duration, size, and zoom in/out effect are all flexibly adjustable.

how to freeze frame

Download Win VersionDownload Mac Version ]( )

author avatar

Liza Brown

Liza Brown is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Liza Brown

Zero Watermark, Total Freedom: Best Free Online Video Editors

FREE Top 10 Best Online Video Editors [No Watermark]

author avatar

Shanoon Cox

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

Video-sharing continues to soar across all social media platforms. The quest for a simple and easy-to-use online video editor with no watermark is causing restless nights for software developers. YouTube is uploaded with millions of videos a week. Only a video editor with state-of-heart technology can place you in a competitive position.

In this article, you will get to know the best online video editors without a watermark to create and edit videos that attract thousands of views in 7 days. Whether to edit on Mac, Windows, Android, or iPhone, you’ll find the most suitable video editor for your device.

filmora box

Wondershare Filmora Video Editor

Filmora - No Watermark Video Editing Software

• Easily edit and export video files without watermark

• offers popular effects and filters for making your video professional

• Cross-platform supported - (Windows, Mac, iOS, Android)

Try Video Editor without Watermark Try Video Editor without Watermark Try Video Editor without Watermark Learn More >

Part 1: What to Consider When Choosing an Online Video Editor

Each video editor listed below has its distinct features. Here are the factors to consider when choosing an online video editor.

1. Pricing

Whereas some online video editors are absolutely free, to others payment is a must to access no watermark option. It may be financially draining to subscribe to a $49.99/month plan. Then, why not opt for the $9.99/month if you have to?

It’s critically important to weigh your financial strengths. However, the features included in the paid plans and the video purpose determine how much to spend.

2. Features

The attractiveness and video theme are better actualized by the features you use. Can you spot “no watermark” indicated anywhere within the features? Whether your edited videos will show with editor labels or watermarks is determined by the online video editor’s features.

Choosing an online video editor with cloud-based storage full of royalty-free videos and templates helps save time and simplifies editing procedures.

3. Ease of Use

Some online video editors are so complex that you’ve to tutorials and guides before starting to edit. You don’t have to spend 2 hours editing a 10-minute video.

Before you can begin to use any video editor, consider evaluating the complexity of all features to use. How to import images and share edited videos to social media and websites should be given first priority during the evaluation process.

4. Purpose of the Video

Creating and editing commercial videos require an online video editor with features designed with a business theme. You cannot choose an editor with watermarks and yet you are advertising a different product.

Tutorial videos are usually above 8 minutes and the voice should be as clear as possible. Some video editors and plans are limited to a 5-minute video.

Part 2: Top 10+ Online Video Editors [No Watermark]

Here are our picks of the best online video editing software for your information.

Free Download

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Filmora secure download Secure Download

Free Download

For macOS 10.14 or later

Filmora secure download Secure Download

1. WeVideo

Want to upload and edit videos in seconds? WeVideo has millions of built-in images, videos, and music that are commercially licensed and free to try. It’s probably the cheapest online video editor with prices ranging from 0 to $29.59/month.

online video editor no watermark - wevideo

To serve every video editor, it’s compatible with Android and iOS mobiles, Chromebook, Mac and Windows without downloading it. Upload any file format, edit and share it on social media and web while on the go. To save your storage space, it has a cloud-based storage system that offers unlimited media storage space.

Note: The watermark is located in the upper right corner of your video. To remove the watermark, you may need to register and subscribe.

2. Movie Maker Online

The greatest advantages of using Movie Maker Online are no registration requirements, free to use and edited videos have no watermarks and site labels. Imagine uploading all kinds of photos and images for free with only one click! And to make it the best, the number of royalty-free music videos can take you months to edit.

online video editor no watermark

Other than editing videos, you can create videos, edit photos, and make animations and slideshows online. Do you want to know how to make GIF videos, combine videos, or insert music into the video? Click the “How To” at the top bar and read all the tutorials.

You don’t have to download and install to use.

3. Clipchamp

This is no doubt the most used online video editor no watermark no download software due to its simplicity and above all, free. The Clipchamp library is overstocked with all genres of videos and music.

online video editor no watermark

Its best features include creating and editing original videos, collecting videos from websites, recording, compressing and converting videos. There is a video template for every kind of video you want to create.

4. VSDC Free Video Editor

With VSCD Free Video Editor, there are no free trials, no ads and no watermarks. Just download this software and start editing your videos for free. It works exceptionally well with all types of audio, video and image formats. The video effects are superb. You can alter the shape and position of images in the video quite easily.

online video editor no watermark

Want to add or reduce the video’s color saturation? Very simple; use the multi-color Chroma Key to adjust the color intensity. The audio editor has sound equalization, volume correction echo redundancy feature to help produce videos with the desired voice.

Finding a Way to Export Edited Video with No Watermark? Try This Out!

Filmora Video Editor brings you all the convenience of editing videos with handy functions. You can make your creative ideas into realize! More importantly, your edited video can export without a watermark!

Try It Free Try It Free Try It Free Learn More >

5. OpenShot

OpenShot is a free online video editor without watermark software that’s compatible with mac, windows, and Linux. There are over ten features to ensure the edited videos meet the desired specifications. They include trim and slice, drop and drag, slow motion and time effects, and audio editors.

free online video editor no watermark

There are over 400 video transitions and effects to make your videos as stunning as possible. Use the multiple speed controls to introduce small motions, fast motions, and reverse moves. The 40+ vector title templates are worth making your edited videos go viral on all social media platforms.

6. Hippo Video

Hippo Video Editor comes with both paid and free plans. If you want an online video editor for Youtube with no watermark sharing, the video-sharing feature is designed with love to satisfy your needs. This feature allows the import and export of images, music, and videos from Gmail, Google Suite, Google Drive, and other cloud-based storage apps.

free online video editor no watermark

What other editing features will interest you? Blurring features, trim, drop and cut scissors, emojis, text and callout options. Hippo Video also gives the option of narrating a voice inside the video editor.

7. MiniTool Movie Maker

How about using a video editor online free with effects no watermark developed by Microsoft? Surely, this makes you feel more confident when editing videos. This Windows Essential Software Suite is designed purposely for Windows users to create, edit and share videos.

best online video editor no watermark

Other features include video trimming, video splitter, title, and caption templates. Add transitions and effects and animations to make videos more thrilling. Don’t forget to change the background color to match your video theme.

8. FlexClip

FlexClip is the best online video editor with no watermark software for entrepreneurs who promote their products and services with videos consistently. You can use it to create and edit marketing tutorials, real estate introduction videos, and lifestyle videos from the free templates.

online video editor no watermark no download

The extensive library has millions of free high-resolution images and commercial-free videos and audio for you to create and edit a captivating promotional video. If combined with the rich text editor and the record voiceover feature, the edited video is a guaranteed sale.

filmora logo

A cross-platform for making videos anywhere for all creators


Why your video editing isn’t good enough? How about some creative inspo?

  • 100 Million+ Users
  • 150+ Countries and Regions
  • 4 Million+ Social Media Followers
  • 5 Million+ Stock Media for Use

Try It Free Try It Free

Try It Free

Try It Free

* Secure Download


9. Magisto

Not many video creators and editors would be happy with the pricing. However, the library of images and photos from iStock by Getty images, makes it the best. This video editing software is designed to help businesses create, edit, share, and provide insights to marketers.

online video editor for youtube no watermark

Magisto has a sharing feature for faster distribution of videos to social media platforms and websites. It also compiles shared video statistics for business insights.

10. Renderforest

Renderforest is an easy video editor online without watermark software used by individuals and big institutions to create and edit videos. To edit and share videos without watermarks, you’ve to use the paid plans. Their prices range from $9.99/month to $49.99/month.

video editor online free with effects no watermark

You can upload and edit your own videos or choose from the editor’s library of 195,000+ videos.

Make your videos attractive with these features: Broadcast Video Editing Toolkit, Animated Titles Pack, and Creative Titles Pack. To change your video outlook, the typography pack will be the best tool to use.

Part 3: Online Video Editor vs. Video Editing Software

Even though both are used to editing videos, their editing procedures are as much different as the quality and advancement of their features.

Pros Cons
Online Video Editor They are cloud-based and editing can be done from anywhere as long as there is internet connectivity. Protection of edited videos against loss as is cloud storage based. For large companies with different office locations, you can share and edit videos at the same time. Low-level features. Responsiveness and speed of cloud’s internet servers may compromise the quality and speed of your video. No internet no video editing.
Video Editing Software/App A high number of advanced video editing tools/effects and visualizations. Most have DVD Burn and upload options. Easy to use and requires no login details. You can work offline anytime, anywhere. Requires high-speed computers as well as a high-capacity RAM. Some are complex and require an expert thereby becoming costly. Most have no media library or templates which makes it time-consuming to search and import files. You have to purchase software before use.

Why Filmora Video Editor is the Best Choice?

Filmora Video Editor supports exporting videos without a watermark after a subscription. This free-to-download video editor from Wondershare is an easy-to-go software for individuals, professionals and big corporates. Filmora is not only used to edit videos to share on social media and websites but is accredited for editing the best videos by movie producers.

Free Download

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Filmora secure download Secure Download

Free Download

For macOS 10.14 or later

Filmora secure download Secure Download

Filmora video editor supports over 50 formats and is compatible with both Windows and macOS.

Imagine the quality and number of video effects at Filmstock! Filmora software links directly with Filmstock so you can select the best for your project.

Mention any editing tool and you’ll find it right in there indicated in bold. Combining both basic and advanced tools like 3D Lut, PictureInPicture, Green Screen, Screen Split, and Screen Recording to mention a few will produce a winning video.

Download it to have a try now!

FAQs about free online video editors no watermark

Have some questions about the free online video editors without watermark? Check the answers below to find the information.

1. How can I edit my video online without a watermark?

As we mentioned above, there are many online video editors without watermarks, you can choose one of them to use. However, some free online video editors will have limitations on export video quality or video length for the free plan.

2. Is Clipchamp online video editor free of watermark?

Yes, Clipchamp is free of watermarks even you didn’t subscribe. You can export the video at 480p resolution with no watermark for free.

3. Is there any free video editor without a watermark?

Yes, there are. Both Windows and Mac computers have a free in-built video editor. If you are running Windows 10, you can try the Photos app to edit the video. For Mac users, you can edit and create a video with the free iMovie app.


There is quite a good number of credible online video editors worth making your videos trend across all social media platforms and websites. These videos play an integral part in ensuring you edit and distribute high-quality videos.

Getting an online video editor with no watermark today can take less than a minute. The bad part is the majority of the free video editors online have limited features. They may look simple to use, but, they offer little help.

The list above is not exhaustive and several new online video editors with no watermark with better reviews are gonna emerge tomorrow.


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Turn long videos into viral clips. Effortlessly transform lengthy videos into engaging, shareable clips.

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author avatar

Shanoon Cox

Shanoon Cox is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Shanoon Cox

Shanoon Cox

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

Video-sharing continues to soar across all social media platforms. The quest for a simple and easy-to-use online video editor with no watermark is causing restless nights for software developers. YouTube is uploaded with millions of videos a week. Only a video editor with state-of-heart technology can place you in a competitive position.

In this article, you will get to know the best online video editors without a watermark to create and edit videos that attract thousands of views in 7 days. Whether to edit on Mac, Windows, Android, or iPhone, you’ll find the most suitable video editor for your device.

filmora box

Wondershare Filmora Video Editor

Filmora - No Watermark Video Editing Software

• Easily edit and export video files without watermark

• offers popular effects and filters for making your video professional

• Cross-platform supported - (Windows, Mac, iOS, Android)

Try Video Editor without Watermark Try Video Editor without Watermark Try Video Editor without Watermark Learn More >

Part 1: What to Consider When Choosing an Online Video Editor

Each video editor listed below has its distinct features. Here are the factors to consider when choosing an online video editor.

1. Pricing

Whereas some online video editors are absolutely free, to others payment is a must to access no watermark option. It may be financially draining to subscribe to a $49.99/month plan. Then, why not opt for the $9.99/month if you have to?

It’s critically important to weigh your financial strengths. However, the features included in the paid plans and the video purpose determine how much to spend.

2. Features

The attractiveness and video theme are better actualized by the features you use. Can you spot “no watermark” indicated anywhere within the features? Whether your edited videos will show with editor labels or watermarks is determined by the online video editor’s features.

Choosing an online video editor with cloud-based storage full of royalty-free videos and templates helps save time and simplifies editing procedures.

3. Ease of Use

Some online video editors are so complex that you’ve to tutorials and guides before starting to edit. You don’t have to spend 2 hours editing a 10-minute video.

Before you can begin to use any video editor, consider evaluating the complexity of all features to use. How to import images and share edited videos to social media and websites should be given first priority during the evaluation process.

4. Purpose of the Video

Creating and editing commercial videos require an online video editor with features designed with a business theme. You cannot choose an editor with watermarks and yet you are advertising a different product.

Tutorial videos are usually above 8 minutes and the voice should be as clear as possible. Some video editors and plans are limited to a 5-minute video.

Part 2: Top 10+ Online Video Editors [No Watermark]

Here are our picks of the best online video editing software for your information.

Free Download

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Filmora secure download Secure Download

Free Download

For macOS 10.14 or later

Filmora secure download Secure Download

1. WeVideo

Want to upload and edit videos in seconds? WeVideo has millions of built-in images, videos, and music that are commercially licensed and free to try. It’s probably the cheapest online video editor with prices ranging from 0 to $29.59/month.

online video editor no watermark - wevideo

To serve every video editor, it’s compatible with Android and iOS mobiles, Chromebook, Mac and Windows without downloading it. Upload any file format, edit and share it on social media and web while on the go. To save your storage space, it has a cloud-based storage system that offers unlimited media storage space.

Note: The watermark is located in the upper right corner of your video. To remove the watermark, you may need to register and subscribe.

2. Movie Maker Online

The greatest advantages of using Movie Maker Online are no registration requirements, free to use and edited videos have no watermarks and site labels. Imagine uploading all kinds of photos and images for free with only one click! And to make it the best, the number of royalty-free music videos can take you months to edit.

online video editor no watermark

Other than editing videos, you can create videos, edit photos, and make animations and slideshows online. Do you want to know how to make GIF videos, combine videos, or insert music into the video? Click the “How To” at the top bar and read all the tutorials.

You don’t have to download and install to use.

3. Clipchamp

This is no doubt the most used online video editor no watermark no download software due to its simplicity and above all, free. The Clipchamp library is overstocked with all genres of videos and music.

online video editor no watermark

Its best features include creating and editing original videos, collecting videos from websites, recording, compressing and converting videos. There is a video template for every kind of video you want to create.

4. VSDC Free Video Editor

With VSCD Free Video Editor, there are no free trials, no ads and no watermarks. Just download this software and start editing your videos for free. It works exceptionally well with all types of audio, video and image formats. The video effects are superb. You can alter the shape and position of images in the video quite easily.

online video editor no watermark

Want to add or reduce the video’s color saturation? Very simple; use the multi-color Chroma Key to adjust the color intensity. The audio editor has sound equalization, volume correction echo redundancy feature to help produce videos with the desired voice.

Finding a Way to Export Edited Video with No Watermark? Try This Out!

Filmora Video Editor brings you all the convenience of editing videos with handy functions. You can make your creative ideas into realize! More importantly, your edited video can export without a watermark!

Try It Free Try It Free Try It Free Learn More >

5. OpenShot

OpenShot is a free online video editor without watermark software that’s compatible with mac, windows, and Linux. There are over ten features to ensure the edited videos meet the desired specifications. They include trim and slice, drop and drag, slow motion and time effects, and audio editors.

free online video editor no watermark

There are over 400 video transitions and effects to make your videos as stunning as possible. Use the multiple speed controls to introduce small motions, fast motions, and reverse moves. The 40+ vector title templates are worth making your edited videos go viral on all social media platforms.

6. Hippo Video

Hippo Video Editor comes with both paid and free plans. If you want an online video editor for Youtube with no watermark sharing, the video-sharing feature is designed with love to satisfy your needs. This feature allows the import and export of images, music, and videos from Gmail, Google Suite, Google Drive, and other cloud-based storage apps.

free online video editor no watermark

What other editing features will interest you? Blurring features, trim, drop and cut scissors, emojis, text and callout options. Hippo Video also gives the option of narrating a voice inside the video editor.

7. MiniTool Movie Maker

How about using a video editor online free with effects no watermark developed by Microsoft? Surely, this makes you feel more confident when editing videos. This Windows Essential Software Suite is designed purposely for Windows users to create, edit and share videos.

best online video editor no watermark

Other features include video trimming, video splitter, title, and caption templates. Add transitions and effects and animations to make videos more thrilling. Don’t forget to change the background color to match your video theme.

8. FlexClip

FlexClip is the best online video editor with no watermark software for entrepreneurs who promote their products and services with videos consistently. You can use it to create and edit marketing tutorials, real estate introduction videos, and lifestyle videos from the free templates.

online video editor no watermark no download

The extensive library has millions of free high-resolution images and commercial-free videos and audio for you to create and edit a captivating promotional video. If combined with the rich text editor and the record voiceover feature, the edited video is a guaranteed sale.

filmora logo

A cross-platform for making videos anywhere for all creators


Why your video editing isn’t good enough? How about some creative inspo?

  • 100 Million+ Users
  • 150+ Countries and Regions
  • 4 Million+ Social Media Followers
  • 5 Million+ Stock Media for Use

Try It Free Try It Free

Try It Free

Try It Free

* Secure Download


9. Magisto

Not many video creators and editors would be happy with the pricing. However, the library of images and photos from iStock by Getty images, makes it the best. This video editing software is designed to help businesses create, edit, share, and provide insights to marketers.

online video editor for youtube no watermark

Magisto has a sharing feature for faster distribution of videos to social media platforms and websites. It also compiles shared video statistics for business insights.

10. Renderforest

Renderforest is an easy video editor online without watermark software used by individuals and big institutions to create and edit videos. To edit and share videos without watermarks, you’ve to use the paid plans. Their prices range from $9.99/month to $49.99/month.

video editor online free with effects no watermark

You can upload and edit your own videos or choose from the editor’s library of 195,000+ videos.

Make your videos attractive with these features: Broadcast Video Editing Toolkit, Animated Titles Pack, and Creative Titles Pack. To change your video outlook, the typography pack will be the best tool to use.

Part 3: Online Video Editor vs. Video Editing Software

Even though both are used to editing videos, their editing procedures are as much different as the quality and advancement of their features.

Pros Cons
Online Video Editor They are cloud-based and editing can be done from anywhere as long as there is internet connectivity. Protection of edited videos against loss as is cloud storage based. For large companies with different office locations, you can share and edit videos at the same time. Low-level features. Responsiveness and speed of cloud’s internet servers may compromise the quality and speed of your video. No internet no video editing.
Video Editing Software/App A high number of advanced video editing tools/effects and visualizations. Most have DVD Burn and upload options. Easy to use and requires no login details. You can work offline anytime, anywhere. Requires high-speed computers as well as a high-capacity RAM. Some are complex and require an expert thereby becoming costly. Most have no media library or templates which makes it time-consuming to search and import files. You have to purchase software before use.

Why Filmora Video Editor is the Best Choice?

Filmora Video Editor supports exporting videos without a watermark after a subscription. This free-to-download video editor from Wondershare is an easy-to-go software for individuals, professionals and big corporates. Filmora is not only used to edit videos to share on social media and websites but is accredited for editing the best videos by movie producers.

Free Download

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Filmora secure download Secure Download

Free Download

For macOS 10.14 or later

Filmora secure download Secure Download

Filmora video editor supports over 50 formats and is compatible with both Windows and macOS.

Imagine the quality and number of video effects at Filmstock! Filmora software links directly with Filmstock so you can select the best for your project.

Mention any editing tool and you’ll find it right in there indicated in bold. Combining both basic and advanced tools like 3D Lut, PictureInPicture, Green Screen, Screen Split, and Screen Recording to mention a few will produce a winning video.

Download it to have a try now!

FAQs about free online video editors no watermark

Have some questions about the free online video editors without watermark? Check the answers below to find the information.

1. How can I edit my video online without a watermark?

As we mentioned above, there are many online video editors without watermarks, you can choose one of them to use. However, some free online video editors will have limitations on export video quality or video length for the free plan.

2. Is Clipchamp online video editor free of watermark?

Yes, Clipchamp is free of watermarks even you didn’t subscribe. You can export the video at 480p resolution with no watermark for free.

3. Is there any free video editor without a watermark?

Yes, there are. Both Windows and Mac computers have a free in-built video editor. If you are running Windows 10, you can try the Photos app to edit the video. For Mac users, you can edit and create a video with the free iMovie app.


There is quite a good number of credible online video editors worth making your videos trend across all social media platforms and websites. These videos play an integral part in ensuring you edit and distribute high-quality videos.

Getting an online video editor with no watermark today can take less than a minute. The bad part is the majority of the free video editors online have limited features. They may look simple to use, but, they offer little help.

The list above is not exhaustive and several new online video editors with no watermark with better reviews are gonna emerge tomorrow.


Transform Long Videos into Short Ones Instantly

Turn long videos into viral clips. Effortlessly transform lengthy videos into engaging, shareable clips.

Get Started Now

Download For Free


author avatar

Shanoon Cox

Shanoon Cox is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Shanoon Cox

Shanoon Cox

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

Video-sharing continues to soar across all social media platforms. The quest for a simple and easy-to-use online video editor with no watermark is causing restless nights for software developers. YouTube is uploaded with millions of videos a week. Only a video editor with state-of-heart technology can place you in a competitive position.

In this article, you will get to know the best online video editors without a watermark to create and edit videos that attract thousands of views in 7 days. Whether to edit on Mac, Windows, Android, or iPhone, you’ll find the most suitable video editor for your device.

filmora box

Wondershare Filmora Video Editor

Filmora - No Watermark Video Editing Software

• Easily edit and export video files without watermark

• offers popular effects and filters for making your video professional

• Cross-platform supported - (Windows, Mac, iOS, Android)

Try Video Editor without Watermark Try Video Editor without Watermark Try Video Editor without Watermark Learn More >

Part 1: What to Consider When Choosing an Online Video Editor

Each video editor listed below has its distinct features. Here are the factors to consider when choosing an online video editor.

1. Pricing

Whereas some online video editors are absolutely free, to others payment is a must to access no watermark option. It may be financially draining to subscribe to a $49.99/month plan. Then, why not opt for the $9.99/month if you have to?

It’s critically important to weigh your financial strengths. However, the features included in the paid plans and the video purpose determine how much to spend.

2. Features

The attractiveness and video theme are better actualized by the features you use. Can you spot “no watermark” indicated anywhere within the features? Whether your edited videos will show with editor labels or watermarks is determined by the online video editor’s features.

Choosing an online video editor with cloud-based storage full of royalty-free videos and templates helps save time and simplifies editing procedures.

3. Ease of Use

Some online video editors are so complex that you’ve to tutorials and guides before starting to edit. You don’t have to spend 2 hours editing a 10-minute video.

Before you can begin to use any video editor, consider evaluating the complexity of all features to use. How to import images and share edited videos to social media and websites should be given first priority during the evaluation process.

4. Purpose of the Video

Creating and editing commercial videos require an online video editor with features designed with a business theme. You cannot choose an editor with watermarks and yet you are advertising a different product.

Tutorial videos are usually above 8 minutes and the voice should be as clear as possible. Some video editors and plans are limited to a 5-minute video.

Part 2: Top 10+ Online Video Editors [No Watermark]

Here are our picks of the best online video editing software for your information.

Free Download

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Filmora secure download Secure Download

Free Download

For macOS 10.14 or later

Filmora secure download Secure Download

1. WeVideo

Want to upload and edit videos in seconds? WeVideo has millions of built-in images, videos, and music that are commercially licensed and free to try. It’s probably the cheapest online video editor with prices ranging from 0 to $29.59/month.

online video editor no watermark - wevideo

To serve every video editor, it’s compatible with Android and iOS mobiles, Chromebook, Mac and Windows without downloading it. Upload any file format, edit and share it on social media and web while on the go. To save your storage space, it has a cloud-based storage system that offers unlimited media storage space.

Note: The watermark is located in the upper right corner of your video. To remove the watermark, you may need to register and subscribe.

2. Movie Maker Online

The greatest advantages of using Movie Maker Online are no registration requirements, free to use and edited videos have no watermarks and site labels. Imagine uploading all kinds of photos and images for free with only one click! And to make it the best, the number of royalty-free music videos can take you months to edit.

online video editor no watermark

Other than editing videos, you can create videos, edit photos, and make animations and slideshows online. Do you want to know how to make GIF videos, combine videos, or insert music into the video? Click the “How To” at the top bar and read all the tutorials.

You don’t have to download and install to use.

3. Clipchamp

This is no doubt the most used online video editor no watermark no download software due to its simplicity and above all, free. The Clipchamp library is overstocked with all genres of videos and music.

online video editor no watermark

Its best features include creating and editing original videos, collecting videos from websites, recording, compressing and converting videos. There is a video template for every kind of video you want to create.

4. VSDC Free Video Editor

With VSCD Free Video Editor, there are no free trials, no ads and no watermarks. Just download this software and start editing your videos for free. It works exceptionally well with all types of audio, video and image formats. The video effects are superb. You can alter the shape and position of images in the video quite easily.

online video editor no watermark

Want to add or reduce the video’s color saturation? Very simple; use the multi-color Chroma Key to adjust the color intensity. The audio editor has sound equalization, volume correction echo redundancy feature to help produce videos with the desired voice.

Finding a Way to Export Edited Video with No Watermark? Try This Out!

Filmora Video Editor brings you all the convenience of editing videos with handy functions. You can make your creative ideas into realize! More importantly, your edited video can export without a watermark!

Try It Free Try It Free Try It Free Learn More >

5. OpenShot

OpenShot is a free online video editor without watermark software that’s compatible with mac, windows, and Linux. There are over ten features to ensure the edited videos meet the desired specifications. They include trim and slice, drop and drag, slow motion and time effects, and audio editors.

free online video editor no watermark

There are over 400 video transitions and effects to make your videos as stunning as possible. Use the multiple speed controls to introduce small motions, fast motions, and reverse moves. The 40+ vector title templates are worth making your edited videos go viral on all social media platforms.

6. Hippo Video

Hippo Video Editor comes with both paid and free plans. If you want an online video editor for Youtube with no watermark sharing, the video-sharing feature is designed with love to satisfy your needs. This feature allows the import and export of images, music, and videos from Gmail, Google Suite, Google Drive, and other cloud-based storage apps.

free online video editor no watermark

What other editing features will interest you? Blurring features, trim, drop and cut scissors, emojis, text and callout options. Hippo Video also gives the option of narrating a voice inside the video editor.

7. MiniTool Movie Maker

How about using a video editor online free with effects no watermark developed by Microsoft? Surely, this makes you feel more confident when editing videos. This Windows Essential Software Suite is designed purposely for Windows users to create, edit and share videos.

best online video editor no watermark

Other features include video trimming, video splitter, title, and caption templates. Add transitions and effects and animations to make videos more thrilling. Don’t forget to change the background color to match your video theme.

8. FlexClip

FlexClip is the best online video editor with no watermark software for entrepreneurs who promote their products and services with videos consistently. You can use it to create and edit marketing tutorials, real estate introduction videos, and lifestyle videos from the free templates.

online video editor no watermark no download

The extensive library has millions of free high-resolution images and commercial-free videos and audio for you to create and edit a captivating promotional video. If combined with the rich text editor and the record voiceover feature, the edited video is a guaranteed sale.

filmora logo

A cross-platform for making videos anywhere for all creators


Why your video editing isn’t good enough? How about some creative inspo?

  • 100 Million+ Users
  • 150+ Countries and Regions
  • 4 Million+ Social Media Followers
  • 5 Million+ Stock Media for Use

Try It Free Try It Free

Try It Free

Try It Free

* Secure Download


9. Magisto

Not many video creators and editors would be happy with the pricing. However, the library of images and photos from iStock by Getty images, makes it the best. This video editing software is designed to help businesses create, edit, share, and provide insights to marketers.

online video editor for youtube no watermark

Magisto has a sharing feature for faster distribution of videos to social media platforms and websites. It also compiles shared video statistics for business insights.

10. Renderforest

Renderforest is an easy video editor online without watermark software used by individuals and big institutions to create and edit videos. To edit and share videos without watermarks, you’ve to use the paid plans. Their prices range from $9.99/month to $49.99/month.

video editor online free with effects no watermark

You can upload and edit your own videos or choose from the editor’s library of 195,000+ videos.

Make your videos attractive with these features: Broadcast Video Editing Toolkit, Animated Titles Pack, and Creative Titles Pack. To change your video outlook, the typography pack will be the best tool to use.

Part 3: Online Video Editor vs. Video Editing Software

Even though both are used to editing videos, their editing procedures are as much different as the quality and advancement of their features.

Pros Cons
Online Video Editor They are cloud-based and editing can be done from anywhere as long as there is internet connectivity. Protection of edited videos against loss as is cloud storage based. For large companies with different office locations, you can share and edit videos at the same time. Low-level features. Responsiveness and speed of cloud’s internet servers may compromise the quality and speed of your video. No internet no video editing.
Video Editing Software/App A high number of advanced video editing tools/effects and visualizations. Most have DVD Burn and upload options. Easy to use and requires no login details. You can work offline anytime, anywhere. Requires high-speed computers as well as a high-capacity RAM. Some are complex and require an expert thereby becoming costly. Most have no media library or templates which makes it time-consuming to search and import files. You have to purchase software before use.

Why Filmora Video Editor is the Best Choice?

Filmora Video Editor supports exporting videos without a watermark after a subscription. This free-to-download video editor from Wondershare is an easy-to-go software for individuals, professionals and big corporates. Filmora is not only used to edit videos to share on social media and websites but is accredited for editing the best videos by movie producers.

Free Download

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Filmora secure download Secure Download

Free Download

For macOS 10.14 or later

Filmora secure download Secure Download

Filmora video editor supports over 50 formats and is compatible with both Windows and macOS.

Imagine the quality and number of video effects at Filmstock! Filmora software links directly with Filmstock so you can select the best for your project.

Mention any editing tool and you’ll find it right in there indicated in bold. Combining both basic and advanced tools like 3D Lut, PictureInPicture, Green Screen, Screen Split, and Screen Recording to mention a few will produce a winning video.

Download it to have a try now!

FAQs about free online video editors no watermark

Have some questions about the free online video editors without watermark? Check the answers below to find the information.

1. How can I edit my video online without a watermark?

As we mentioned above, there are many online video editors without watermarks, you can choose one of them to use. However, some free online video editors will have limitations on export video quality or video length for the free plan.

2. Is Clipchamp online video editor free of watermark?

Yes, Clipchamp is free of watermarks even you didn’t subscribe. You can export the video at 480p resolution with no watermark for free.

3. Is there any free video editor without a watermark?

Yes, there are. Both Windows and Mac computers have a free in-built video editor. If you are running Windows 10, you can try the Photos app to edit the video. For Mac users, you can edit and create a video with the free iMovie app.


There is quite a good number of credible online video editors worth making your videos trend across all social media platforms and websites. These videos play an integral part in ensuring you edit and distribute high-quality videos.

Getting an online video editor with no watermark today can take less than a minute. The bad part is the majority of the free video editors online have limited features. They may look simple to use, but, they offer little help.

The list above is not exhaustive and several new online video editors with no watermark with better reviews are gonna emerge tomorrow.


Transform Long Videos into Short Ones Instantly

Turn long videos into viral clips. Effortlessly transform lengthy videos into engaging, shareable clips.

Get Started Now

Download For Free


author avatar

Shanoon Cox

Shanoon Cox is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Shanoon Cox

Shanoon Cox

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

Video-sharing continues to soar across all social media platforms. The quest for a simple and easy-to-use online video editor with no watermark is causing restless nights for software developers. YouTube is uploaded with millions of videos a week. Only a video editor with state-of-heart technology can place you in a competitive position.

In this article, you will get to know the best online video editors without a watermark to create and edit videos that attract thousands of views in 7 days. Whether to edit on Mac, Windows, Android, or iPhone, you’ll find the most suitable video editor for your device.

filmora box

Wondershare Filmora Video Editor

Filmora - No Watermark Video Editing Software

• Easily edit and export video files without watermark

• offers popular effects and filters for making your video professional

• Cross-platform supported - (Windows, Mac, iOS, Android)

Try Video Editor without Watermark Try Video Editor without Watermark Try Video Editor without Watermark Learn More >

Part 1: What to Consider When Choosing an Online Video Editor

Each video editor listed below has its distinct features. Here are the factors to consider when choosing an online video editor.

1. Pricing

Whereas some online video editors are absolutely free, to others payment is a must to access no watermark option. It may be financially draining to subscribe to a $49.99/month plan. Then, why not opt for the $9.99/month if you have to?

It’s critically important to weigh your financial strengths. However, the features included in the paid plans and the video purpose determine how much to spend.

2. Features

The attractiveness and video theme are better actualized by the features you use. Can you spot “no watermark” indicated anywhere within the features? Whether your edited videos will show with editor labels or watermarks is determined by the online video editor’s features.

Choosing an online video editor with cloud-based storage full of royalty-free videos and templates helps save time and simplifies editing procedures.

3. Ease of Use

Some online video editors are so complex that you’ve to tutorials and guides before starting to edit. You don’t have to spend 2 hours editing a 10-minute video.

Before you can begin to use any video editor, consider evaluating the complexity of all features to use. How to import images and share edited videos to social media and websites should be given first priority during the evaluation process.

4. Purpose of the Video

Creating and editing commercial videos require an online video editor with features designed with a business theme. You cannot choose an editor with watermarks and yet you are advertising a different product.

Tutorial videos are usually above 8 minutes and the voice should be as clear as possible. Some video editors and plans are limited to a 5-minute video.

Part 2: Top 10+ Online Video Editors [No Watermark]

Here are our picks of the best online video editing software for your information.

Free Download

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Filmora secure download Secure Download

Free Download

For macOS 10.14 or later

Filmora secure download Secure Download

1. WeVideo

Want to upload and edit videos in seconds? WeVideo has millions of built-in images, videos, and music that are commercially licensed and free to try. It’s probably the cheapest online video editor with prices ranging from 0 to $29.59/month.

online video editor no watermark - wevideo

To serve every video editor, it’s compatible with Android and iOS mobiles, Chromebook, Mac and Windows without downloading it. Upload any file format, edit and share it on social media and web while on the go. To save your storage space, it has a cloud-based storage system that offers unlimited media storage space.

Note: The watermark is located in the upper right corner of your video. To remove the watermark, you may need to register and subscribe.

2. Movie Maker Online

The greatest advantages of using Movie Maker Online are no registration requirements, free to use and edited videos have no watermarks and site labels. Imagine uploading all kinds of photos and images for free with only one click! And to make it the best, the number of royalty-free music videos can take you months to edit.

online video editor no watermark

Other than editing videos, you can create videos, edit photos, and make animations and slideshows online. Do you want to know how to make GIF videos, combine videos, or insert music into the video? Click the “How To” at the top bar and read all the tutorials.

You don’t have to download and install to use.

3. Clipchamp

This is no doubt the most used online video editor no watermark no download software due to its simplicity and above all, free. The Clipchamp library is overstocked with all genres of videos and music.

online video editor no watermark

Its best features include creating and editing original videos, collecting videos from websites, recording, compressing and converting videos. There is a video template for every kind of video you want to create.

4. VSDC Free Video Editor

With VSCD Free Video Editor, there are no free trials, no ads and no watermarks. Just download this software and start editing your videos for free. It works exceptionally well with all types of audio, video and image formats. The video effects are superb. You can alter the shape and position of images in the video quite easily.

online video editor no watermark

Want to add or reduce the video’s color saturation? Very simple; use the multi-color Chroma Key to adjust the color intensity. The audio editor has sound equalization, volume correction echo redundancy feature to help produce videos with the desired voice.

Finding a Way to Export Edited Video with No Watermark? Try This Out!

Filmora Video Editor brings you all the convenience of editing videos with handy functions. You can make your creative ideas into realize! More importantly, your edited video can export without a watermark!

Try It Free Try It Free Try It Free Learn More >

5. OpenShot

OpenShot is a free online video editor without watermark software that’s compatible with mac, windows, and Linux. There are over ten features to ensure the edited videos meet the desired specifications. They include trim and slice, drop and drag, slow motion and time effects, and audio editors.

free online video editor no watermark

There are over 400 video transitions and effects to make your videos as stunning as possible. Use the multiple speed controls to introduce small motions, fast motions, and reverse moves. The 40+ vector title templates are worth making your edited videos go viral on all social media platforms.

6. Hippo Video

Hippo Video Editor comes with both paid and free plans. If you want an online video editor for Youtube with no watermark sharing, the video-sharing feature is designed with love to satisfy your needs. This feature allows the import and export of images, music, and videos from Gmail, Google Suite, Google Drive, and other cloud-based storage apps.

free online video editor no watermark

What other editing features will interest you? Blurring features, trim, drop and cut scissors, emojis, text and callout options. Hippo Video also gives the option of narrating a voice inside the video editor.

7. MiniTool Movie Maker

How about using a video editor online free with effects no watermark developed by Microsoft? Surely, this makes you feel more confident when editing videos. This Windows Essential Software Suite is designed purposely for Windows users to create, edit and share videos.

best online video editor no watermark

Other features include video trimming, video splitter, title, and caption templates. Add transitions and effects and animations to make videos more thrilling. Don’t forget to change the background color to match your video theme.

8. FlexClip

FlexClip is the best online video editor with no watermark software for entrepreneurs who promote their products and services with videos consistently. You can use it to create and edit marketing tutorials, real estate introduction videos, and lifestyle videos from the free templates.

online video editor no watermark no download

The extensive library has millions of free high-resolution images and commercial-free videos and audio for you to create and edit a captivating promotional video. If combined with the rich text editor and the record voiceover feature, the edited video is a guaranteed sale.

filmora logo

A cross-platform for making videos anywhere for all creators


Why your video editing isn’t good enough? How about some creative inspo?

  • 100 Million+ Users
  • 150+ Countries and Regions
  • 4 Million+ Social Media Followers
  • 5 Million+ Stock Media for Use

Try It Free Try It Free

Try It Free

Try It Free

* Secure Download


9. Magisto

Not many video creators and editors would be happy with the pricing. However, the library of images and photos from iStock by Getty images, makes it the best. This video editing software is designed to help businesses create, edit, share, and provide insights to marketers.

online video editor for youtube no watermark

Magisto has a sharing feature for faster distribution of videos to social media platforms and websites. It also compiles shared video statistics for business insights.

10. Renderforest

Renderforest is an easy video editor online without watermark software used by individuals and big institutions to create and edit videos. To edit and share videos without watermarks, you’ve to use the paid plans. Their prices range from $9.99/month to $49.99/month.

video editor online free with effects no watermark

You can upload and edit your own videos or choose from the editor’s library of 195,000+ videos.

Make your videos attractive with these features: Broadcast Video Editing Toolkit, Animated Titles Pack, and Creative Titles Pack. To change your video outlook, the typography pack will be the best tool to use.

Part 3: Online Video Editor vs. Video Editing Software

Even though both are used to editing videos, their editing procedures are as much different as the quality and advancement of their features.

Pros Cons
Online Video Editor They are cloud-based and editing can be done from anywhere as long as there is internet connectivity. Protection of edited videos against loss as is cloud storage based. For large companies with different office locations, you can share and edit videos at the same time. Low-level features. Responsiveness and speed of cloud’s internet servers may compromise the quality and speed of your video. No internet no video editing.
Video Editing Software/App A high number of advanced video editing tools/effects and visualizations. Most have DVD Burn and upload options. Easy to use and requires no login details. You can work offline anytime, anywhere. Requires high-speed computers as well as a high-capacity RAM. Some are complex and require an expert thereby becoming costly. Most have no media library or templates which makes it time-consuming to search and import files. You have to purchase software before use.

Why Filmora Video Editor is the Best Choice?

Filmora Video Editor supports exporting videos without a watermark after a subscription. This free-to-download video editor from Wondershare is an easy-to-go software for individuals, professionals and big corporates. Filmora is not only used to edit videos to share on social media and websites but is accredited for editing the best videos by movie producers.

Free Download

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Filmora secure download Secure Download

Free Download

For macOS 10.14 or later

Filmora secure download Secure Download

Filmora video editor supports over 50 formats and is compatible with both Windows and macOS.

Imagine the quality and number of video effects at Filmstock! Filmora software links directly with Filmstock so you can select the best for your project.

Mention any editing tool and you’ll find it right in there indicated in bold. Combining both basic and advanced tools like 3D Lut, PictureInPicture, Green Screen, Screen Split, and Screen Recording to mention a few will produce a winning video.

Download it to have a try now!

FAQs about free online video editors no watermark

Have some questions about the free online video editors without watermark? Check the answers below to find the information.

1. How can I edit my video online without a watermark?

As we mentioned above, there are many online video editors without watermarks, you can choose one of them to use. However, some free online video editors will have limitations on export video quality or video length for the free plan.

2. Is Clipchamp online video editor free of watermark?

Yes, Clipchamp is free of watermarks even you didn’t subscribe. You can export the video at 480p resolution with no watermark for free.

3. Is there any free video editor without a watermark?

Yes, there are. Both Windows and Mac computers have a free in-built video editor. If you are running Windows 10, you can try the Photos app to edit the video. For Mac users, you can edit and create a video with the free iMovie app.


There is quite a good number of credible online video editors worth making your videos trend across all social media platforms and websites. These videos play an integral part in ensuring you edit and distribute high-quality videos.

Getting an online video editor with no watermark today can take less than a minute. The bad part is the majority of the free video editors online have limited features. They may look simple to use, but, they offer little help.

The list above is not exhaustive and several new online video editors with no watermark with better reviews are gonna emerge tomorrow.


Transform Long Videos into Short Ones Instantly

Turn long videos into viral clips. Effortlessly transform lengthy videos into engaging, shareable clips.

Get Started Now

Download For Free


author avatar

Shanoon Cox

Shanoon Cox is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Shanoon Cox

Also read:

  • Title: New In 2024, Elevate Your LinkedIn Video Strategy with Optimized Aspect Ratios
  • Author: Amelia
  • Created at : 2024-06-08 18:31:48
  • Updated at : 2024-06-09 18:31:48
  • Link:
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
On this page
New In 2024, Elevate Your LinkedIn Video Strategy with Optimized Aspect Ratios