Updated 2024 Approved Taking Lower Thirds to the Next Level in Final Cut Pro X

Updated 2024 Approved Taking Lower Thirds to the Next Level in Final Cut Pro X

Amelia Lv12

Taking Lower Thirds to the Next Level in Final Cut Pro X

What Makes the Best Lower Thirds in Final Cut Pro X?

author avatar

Liza Brown

Oct 26, 2023• Proven solutions

The videos drop facts to audiences and educate the viewers. The video makers strive to offer a complete overview of the topic within a short duration. Graphics, elements, modules occupy the screen and excites the viewers. The advent of video editing innovations shifted the perspectives.

Here comes an enlightening discussion about the lower third modules in your videos. The tips and tricks associated with the making of this lower third element are available in the below content. Surf them carefully and learn the fabulous lower third templates to customize your videos to the next level.

lower third intro

Part1: What is the lower third?

Are you aware of lower third elements? If you are a newbie video designer, then this article ignites you with reliable facts about it. The lower third module is a graphical element that takes the lower position of a video.

It carries texts to educate the viewers related to the discussed topic in the video. It adds information to the existing content playing in the background. On a clear note, had you observed the news boards displayed at the bottom of the news channel? Yes, of course, most of you must be aware of this element flashing the current news.

You can also observe this lower third module during an interview session on your television. It displays the name of the interviewer and extra data about the session.

On a short note, you can define the lower third module as a piece of a graphical element that hangs at the bottom of the screen displaying related data in pace with the existing video content. You can create the lower third module using an incredible tool for your videos in no time. Identify the factors to work on to refine the lower third module appearance and performances.

lower thirds

Part2: What factors contribute to a good lower third?

While designing the lower third element for your video, you must keep an eye on few factors. Work on the below attributes to build a good lower third element. Always remember to keep it simple to obtain the desired outcomes.

  1. The harmony of hues

The color combinations of your lower third element play a vital factor. Choose the right mix of shades to attract the viewers. Based on the background, use a complementary color to fill your lower third module for a persuasive display. Ensure the combination of hues must not distract the viewers at any cost.

Try different color schemes with Green, Magenta, Orange, and Blue to create a mesmerizing display of the lower third element. You can also use a color picker tool to choose the right combination of colors that match perfectly with the background and typography.


  1. Motion effect

Thrill your audience by inserting movements with the lower third elements. When you add some motion effect to this module, it adds flavors to your video. Work on this feature in-depth and observe whether the lower third’s motion effect excites the audience. Customize the animation time, style, and the way it flashes on the screen.

Make the movements simple and do not add too many moves which distract the viewers. Decide how long the animation should play and align the texts and other related elements according to obtain a perfect look. With the perfect text movements, you can draw the attention of the viewers in no time.

  1. Fonts

The next crucial factor associated with the lower third element is fonts. Font size, the style creates an impact on the overall design of a lower third module.

If you concentrate on this attribute, you will surely end up with a professional design. Choose the font style and sine according to the background content. Do not overshadow the lower third element with the playing content, instead try to add value to it.

  1. Right timing of showing up

Now, you must sense the time for the module to turn up on the video. The timing factor contributes a lot to the perfect display of the lower third element.

Set the right time for the element to enter the screen. Decide the enter and exit timing attribute for this element to reach the audience in a better way.

  1. Logos and positions

Position the element at the perfect place on the screen to ensure its visibility. You can also insert your logos along with the texts to enhance your brand.

Proper alignment and the best coordinates on the screen make the lower third module shine better in your video. Proper placement of this element decides the impact on it.


Part3: How to make a lower third quickly in final cut pro X?

The Final Cut Pro X is a fabulous program to edit your videos professionally. Insert the desired elements and customize them quickly. To work on this platform, you do not require any special skills.

Click, drag, and drop appropriately to include the right elements at the perfect positions on the video. There is ample personalization options built-in with the Final Cut Pro X. It is high time to discover them for optimal utilization.

Features of Final Cut Pro X to design lower third module element

  • It has a built-in title element to add the desired texts in the video
  • Quick customization option to type in the relevant message on the screen.
  • This app consist of a user-friendly interface and the controls are explicit for easy reach.
  • Personalize the lower third element further using the ‘Generator’ option
  • You can include animations for the lower third module to persuade the viewers.


In this section, you will learn to make a lower third element using a Final Cut Pro X tool. It is high to check out the steps in detail.

1Step 1: Download the tool

You can download the app and install them in your system. Launch the tool by double-tapping the tool icon.


2Step 2: Add the Title

In the home screen, import the video that requires the edits and then tap the ‘Titles’ tab at the left top of the screen. Click the ‘Build-in/Build-out’ option to custom the Title element. According to your needs, you can repeat it to insert the desired titles on the video screen.


3Step 3: Customize the Title

Now, you can edit the texts in the inserted titles and add animation to the element using the attributes under the ‘Generator’ tab. Modify the title’s textures, background, and positions using the relevant options displayed. Choose accordingly to personalize the title element based on your requirement.


Use the above instructions, insert the lower third element in your video effortlessly. Simple click and drag actions are sufficient to carry out the desired effects on the element.

For those who still need more guides about making lower thirds, this Filmora tutorial may help a lot.

Download Win Version Download Mac Version

Part 4: Where to find great lower thirds templates for final cut pro X?

You can find the best collections of lower third templates in the online space. Evanto Elements offers an incredible design structure for the lower third module to add value to your videos. They are unique and jaw-dropping. You can opt for this template, instead of creating from the scratch.

According to your needs, you can select the template, customize it, and insert them on your videos flawlessly. Evanto offers the lower third templates based on the video content. It has organized the templates based on the end-use. Check out few suggestions on the built-in templates for the lower third.

YouTube Lower Thirds

If you have a YouTube channel, then make use of this collection to add a lower third module for your video. Increase the followers by adding the perfect texts at the right time on the screen. Easy to use design and displays attractive appearances.

Pop Lower Thirds template

Colorful and yet attractive design from the Evanto elements. This design has a fresh and creative structure to convince the viewer’s needs. It has a high-end resolution with a duration control option.

Minimalistic collection

In this template group, you can find the design seems to be simple and minimal. It offers a lighter touch to your videos. The text overlays do not distract the viewers. Everything looks the same but still, you can feel the difference in it when you customize it according to your needs.


Thus, this article had given you enlightening discussion about the lower third elements. Insert this module optimally in your videos and obtain the desired outcomes. Enhance the design of the lower third element using the Final Cut Pro X app and feel the difference in your video.

Display the texts promptly to enlighten the audience. Connect the texts to the target audience without distracting them. Work on this challenging element using a professional app like the Final Cut Pro X program. Stay tuned with this article to discover the new horizons of video editing.

author avatar

Liza Brown

Liza Brown is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Liza Brown

Liza Brown

Oct 26, 2023• Proven solutions

The videos drop facts to audiences and educate the viewers. The video makers strive to offer a complete overview of the topic within a short duration. Graphics, elements, modules occupy the screen and excites the viewers. The advent of video editing innovations shifted the perspectives.

Here comes an enlightening discussion about the lower third modules in your videos. The tips and tricks associated with the making of this lower third element are available in the below content. Surf them carefully and learn the fabulous lower third templates to customize your videos to the next level.

lower third intro

Part1: What is the lower third?

Are you aware of lower third elements? If you are a newbie video designer, then this article ignites you with reliable facts about it. The lower third module is a graphical element that takes the lower position of a video.

It carries texts to educate the viewers related to the discussed topic in the video. It adds information to the existing content playing in the background. On a clear note, had you observed the news boards displayed at the bottom of the news channel? Yes, of course, most of you must be aware of this element flashing the current news.

You can also observe this lower third module during an interview session on your television. It displays the name of the interviewer and extra data about the session.

On a short note, you can define the lower third module as a piece of a graphical element that hangs at the bottom of the screen displaying related data in pace with the existing video content. You can create the lower third module using an incredible tool for your videos in no time. Identify the factors to work on to refine the lower third module appearance and performances.

lower thirds

Part2: What factors contribute to a good lower third?

While designing the lower third element for your video, you must keep an eye on few factors. Work on the below attributes to build a good lower third element. Always remember to keep it simple to obtain the desired outcomes.

  1. The harmony of hues

The color combinations of your lower third element play a vital factor. Choose the right mix of shades to attract the viewers. Based on the background, use a complementary color to fill your lower third module for a persuasive display. Ensure the combination of hues must not distract the viewers at any cost.

Try different color schemes with Green, Magenta, Orange, and Blue to create a mesmerizing display of the lower third element. You can also use a color picker tool to choose the right combination of colors that match perfectly with the background and typography.


  1. Motion effect

Thrill your audience by inserting movements with the lower third elements. When you add some motion effect to this module, it adds flavors to your video. Work on this feature in-depth and observe whether the lower third’s motion effect excites the audience. Customize the animation time, style, and the way it flashes on the screen.

Make the movements simple and do not add too many moves which distract the viewers. Decide how long the animation should play and align the texts and other related elements according to obtain a perfect look. With the perfect text movements, you can draw the attention of the viewers in no time.

  1. Fonts

The next crucial factor associated with the lower third element is fonts. Font size, the style creates an impact on the overall design of a lower third module.

If you concentrate on this attribute, you will surely end up with a professional design. Choose the font style and sine according to the background content. Do not overshadow the lower third element with the playing content, instead try to add value to it.

  1. Right timing of showing up

Now, you must sense the time for the module to turn up on the video. The timing factor contributes a lot to the perfect display of the lower third element.

Set the right time for the element to enter the screen. Decide the enter and exit timing attribute for this element to reach the audience in a better way.

  1. Logos and positions

Position the element at the perfect place on the screen to ensure its visibility. You can also insert your logos along with the texts to enhance your brand.

Proper alignment and the best coordinates on the screen make the lower third module shine better in your video. Proper placement of this element decides the impact on it.


Part3: How to make a lower third quickly in final cut pro X?

The Final Cut Pro X is a fabulous program to edit your videos professionally. Insert the desired elements and customize them quickly. To work on this platform, you do not require any special skills.

Click, drag, and drop appropriately to include the right elements at the perfect positions on the video. There is ample personalization options built-in with the Final Cut Pro X. It is high time to discover them for optimal utilization.

Features of Final Cut Pro X to design lower third module element

  • It has a built-in title element to add the desired texts in the video
  • Quick customization option to type in the relevant message on the screen.
  • This app consist of a user-friendly interface and the controls are explicit for easy reach.
  • Personalize the lower third element further using the ‘Generator’ option
  • You can include animations for the lower third module to persuade the viewers.


In this section, you will learn to make a lower third element using a Final Cut Pro X tool. It is high to check out the steps in detail.

1Step 1: Download the tool

You can download the app and install them in your system. Launch the tool by double-tapping the tool icon.


2Step 2: Add the Title

In the home screen, import the video that requires the edits and then tap the ‘Titles’ tab at the left top of the screen. Click the ‘Build-in/Build-out’ option to custom the Title element. According to your needs, you can repeat it to insert the desired titles on the video screen.


3Step 3: Customize the Title

Now, you can edit the texts in the inserted titles and add animation to the element using the attributes under the ‘Generator’ tab. Modify the title’s textures, background, and positions using the relevant options displayed. Choose accordingly to personalize the title element based on your requirement.


Use the above instructions, insert the lower third element in your video effortlessly. Simple click and drag actions are sufficient to carry out the desired effects on the element.

For those who still need more guides about making lower thirds, this Filmora tutorial may help a lot.

Download Win Version Download Mac Version

Part 4: Where to find great lower thirds templates for final cut pro X?

You can find the best collections of lower third templates in the online space. Evanto Elements offers an incredible design structure for the lower third module to add value to your videos. They are unique and jaw-dropping. You can opt for this template, instead of creating from the scratch.

According to your needs, you can select the template, customize it, and insert them on your videos flawlessly. Evanto offers the lower third templates based on the video content. It has organized the templates based on the end-use. Check out few suggestions on the built-in templates for the lower third.

YouTube Lower Thirds

If you have a YouTube channel, then make use of this collection to add a lower third module for your video. Increase the followers by adding the perfect texts at the right time on the screen. Easy to use design and displays attractive appearances.

Pop Lower Thirds template

Colorful and yet attractive design from the Evanto elements. This design has a fresh and creative structure to convince the viewer’s needs. It has a high-end resolution with a duration control option.

Minimalistic collection

In this template group, you can find the design seems to be simple and minimal. It offers a lighter touch to your videos. The text overlays do not distract the viewers. Everything looks the same but still, you can feel the difference in it when you customize it according to your needs.


Thus, this article had given you enlightening discussion about the lower third elements. Insert this module optimally in your videos and obtain the desired outcomes. Enhance the design of the lower third element using the Final Cut Pro X app and feel the difference in your video.

Display the texts promptly to enlighten the audience. Connect the texts to the target audience without distracting them. Work on this challenging element using a professional app like the Final Cut Pro X program. Stay tuned with this article to discover the new horizons of video editing.

author avatar

Liza Brown

Liza Brown is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Liza Brown

Liza Brown

Oct 26, 2023• Proven solutions

The videos drop facts to audiences and educate the viewers. The video makers strive to offer a complete overview of the topic within a short duration. Graphics, elements, modules occupy the screen and excites the viewers. The advent of video editing innovations shifted the perspectives.

Here comes an enlightening discussion about the lower third modules in your videos. The tips and tricks associated with the making of this lower third element are available in the below content. Surf them carefully and learn the fabulous lower third templates to customize your videos to the next level.

lower third intro

Part1: What is the lower third?

Are you aware of lower third elements? If you are a newbie video designer, then this article ignites you with reliable facts about it. The lower third module is a graphical element that takes the lower position of a video.

It carries texts to educate the viewers related to the discussed topic in the video. It adds information to the existing content playing in the background. On a clear note, had you observed the news boards displayed at the bottom of the news channel? Yes, of course, most of you must be aware of this element flashing the current news.

You can also observe this lower third module during an interview session on your television. It displays the name of the interviewer and extra data about the session.

On a short note, you can define the lower third module as a piece of a graphical element that hangs at the bottom of the screen displaying related data in pace with the existing video content. You can create the lower third module using an incredible tool for your videos in no time. Identify the factors to work on to refine the lower third module appearance and performances.

lower thirds

Part2: What factors contribute to a good lower third?

While designing the lower third element for your video, you must keep an eye on few factors. Work on the below attributes to build a good lower third element. Always remember to keep it simple to obtain the desired outcomes.

  1. The harmony of hues

The color combinations of your lower third element play a vital factor. Choose the right mix of shades to attract the viewers. Based on the background, use a complementary color to fill your lower third module for a persuasive display. Ensure the combination of hues must not distract the viewers at any cost.

Try different color schemes with Green, Magenta, Orange, and Blue to create a mesmerizing display of the lower third element. You can also use a color picker tool to choose the right combination of colors that match perfectly with the background and typography.


  1. Motion effect

Thrill your audience by inserting movements with the lower third elements. When you add some motion effect to this module, it adds flavors to your video. Work on this feature in-depth and observe whether the lower third’s motion effect excites the audience. Customize the animation time, style, and the way it flashes on the screen.

Make the movements simple and do not add too many moves which distract the viewers. Decide how long the animation should play and align the texts and other related elements according to obtain a perfect look. With the perfect text movements, you can draw the attention of the viewers in no time.

  1. Fonts

The next crucial factor associated with the lower third element is fonts. Font size, the style creates an impact on the overall design of a lower third module.

If you concentrate on this attribute, you will surely end up with a professional design. Choose the font style and sine according to the background content. Do not overshadow the lower third element with the playing content, instead try to add value to it.

  1. Right timing of showing up

Now, you must sense the time for the module to turn up on the video. The timing factor contributes a lot to the perfect display of the lower third element.

Set the right time for the element to enter the screen. Decide the enter and exit timing attribute for this element to reach the audience in a better way.

  1. Logos and positions

Position the element at the perfect place on the screen to ensure its visibility. You can also insert your logos along with the texts to enhance your brand.

Proper alignment and the best coordinates on the screen make the lower third module shine better in your video. Proper placement of this element decides the impact on it.


Part3: How to make a lower third quickly in final cut pro X?

The Final Cut Pro X is a fabulous program to edit your videos professionally. Insert the desired elements and customize them quickly. To work on this platform, you do not require any special skills.

Click, drag, and drop appropriately to include the right elements at the perfect positions on the video. There is ample personalization options built-in with the Final Cut Pro X. It is high time to discover them for optimal utilization.

Features of Final Cut Pro X to design lower third module element

  • It has a built-in title element to add the desired texts in the video
  • Quick customization option to type in the relevant message on the screen.
  • This app consist of a user-friendly interface and the controls are explicit for easy reach.
  • Personalize the lower third element further using the ‘Generator’ option
  • You can include animations for the lower third module to persuade the viewers.


In this section, you will learn to make a lower third element using a Final Cut Pro X tool. It is high to check out the steps in detail.

1Step 1: Download the tool

You can download the app and install them in your system. Launch the tool by double-tapping the tool icon.


2Step 2: Add the Title

In the home screen, import the video that requires the edits and then tap the ‘Titles’ tab at the left top of the screen. Click the ‘Build-in/Build-out’ option to custom the Title element. According to your needs, you can repeat it to insert the desired titles on the video screen.


3Step 3: Customize the Title

Now, you can edit the texts in the inserted titles and add animation to the element using the attributes under the ‘Generator’ tab. Modify the title’s textures, background, and positions using the relevant options displayed. Choose accordingly to personalize the title element based on your requirement.


Use the above instructions, insert the lower third element in your video effortlessly. Simple click and drag actions are sufficient to carry out the desired effects on the element.

For those who still need more guides about making lower thirds, this Filmora tutorial may help a lot.

Download Win Version Download Mac Version

Part 4: Where to find great lower thirds templates for final cut pro X?

You can find the best collections of lower third templates in the online space. Evanto Elements offers an incredible design structure for the lower third module to add value to your videos. They are unique and jaw-dropping. You can opt for this template, instead of creating from the scratch.

According to your needs, you can select the template, customize it, and insert them on your videos flawlessly. Evanto offers the lower third templates based on the video content. It has organized the templates based on the end-use. Check out few suggestions on the built-in templates for the lower third.

YouTube Lower Thirds

If you have a YouTube channel, then make use of this collection to add a lower third module for your video. Increase the followers by adding the perfect texts at the right time on the screen. Easy to use design and displays attractive appearances.

Pop Lower Thirds template

Colorful and yet attractive design from the Evanto elements. This design has a fresh and creative structure to convince the viewer’s needs. It has a high-end resolution with a duration control option.

Minimalistic collection

In this template group, you can find the design seems to be simple and minimal. It offers a lighter touch to your videos. The text overlays do not distract the viewers. Everything looks the same but still, you can feel the difference in it when you customize it according to your needs.


Thus, this article had given you enlightening discussion about the lower third elements. Insert this module optimally in your videos and obtain the desired outcomes. Enhance the design of the lower third element using the Final Cut Pro X app and feel the difference in your video.

Display the texts promptly to enlighten the audience. Connect the texts to the target audience without distracting them. Work on this challenging element using a professional app like the Final Cut Pro X program. Stay tuned with this article to discover the new horizons of video editing.

author avatar

Liza Brown

Liza Brown is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Liza Brown

Liza Brown

Oct 26, 2023• Proven solutions

The videos drop facts to audiences and educate the viewers. The video makers strive to offer a complete overview of the topic within a short duration. Graphics, elements, modules occupy the screen and excites the viewers. The advent of video editing innovations shifted the perspectives.

Here comes an enlightening discussion about the lower third modules in your videos. The tips and tricks associated with the making of this lower third element are available in the below content. Surf them carefully and learn the fabulous lower third templates to customize your videos to the next level.

lower third intro

Part1: What is the lower third?

Are you aware of lower third elements? If you are a newbie video designer, then this article ignites you with reliable facts about it. The lower third module is a graphical element that takes the lower position of a video.

It carries texts to educate the viewers related to the discussed topic in the video. It adds information to the existing content playing in the background. On a clear note, had you observed the news boards displayed at the bottom of the news channel? Yes, of course, most of you must be aware of this element flashing the current news.

You can also observe this lower third module during an interview session on your television. It displays the name of the interviewer and extra data about the session.

On a short note, you can define the lower third module as a piece of a graphical element that hangs at the bottom of the screen displaying related data in pace with the existing video content. You can create the lower third module using an incredible tool for your videos in no time. Identify the factors to work on to refine the lower third module appearance and performances.

lower thirds

Part2: What factors contribute to a good lower third?

While designing the lower third element for your video, you must keep an eye on few factors. Work on the below attributes to build a good lower third element. Always remember to keep it simple to obtain the desired outcomes.

  1. The harmony of hues

The color combinations of your lower third element play a vital factor. Choose the right mix of shades to attract the viewers. Based on the background, use a complementary color to fill your lower third module for a persuasive display. Ensure the combination of hues must not distract the viewers at any cost.

Try different color schemes with Green, Magenta, Orange, and Blue to create a mesmerizing display of the lower third element. You can also use a color picker tool to choose the right combination of colors that match perfectly with the background and typography.


  1. Motion effect

Thrill your audience by inserting movements with the lower third elements. When you add some motion effect to this module, it adds flavors to your video. Work on this feature in-depth and observe whether the lower third’s motion effect excites the audience. Customize the animation time, style, and the way it flashes on the screen.

Make the movements simple and do not add too many moves which distract the viewers. Decide how long the animation should play and align the texts and other related elements according to obtain a perfect look. With the perfect text movements, you can draw the attention of the viewers in no time.

  1. Fonts

The next crucial factor associated with the lower third element is fonts. Font size, the style creates an impact on the overall design of a lower third module.

If you concentrate on this attribute, you will surely end up with a professional design. Choose the font style and sine according to the background content. Do not overshadow the lower third element with the playing content, instead try to add value to it.

  1. Right timing of showing up

Now, you must sense the time for the module to turn up on the video. The timing factor contributes a lot to the perfect display of the lower third element.

Set the right time for the element to enter the screen. Decide the enter and exit timing attribute for this element to reach the audience in a better way.

  1. Logos and positions

Position the element at the perfect place on the screen to ensure its visibility. You can also insert your logos along with the texts to enhance your brand.

Proper alignment and the best coordinates on the screen make the lower third module shine better in your video. Proper placement of this element decides the impact on it.


Part3: How to make a lower third quickly in final cut pro X?

The Final Cut Pro X is a fabulous program to edit your videos professionally. Insert the desired elements and customize them quickly. To work on this platform, you do not require any special skills.

Click, drag, and drop appropriately to include the right elements at the perfect positions on the video. There is ample personalization options built-in with the Final Cut Pro X. It is high time to discover them for optimal utilization.

Features of Final Cut Pro X to design lower third module element

  • It has a built-in title element to add the desired texts in the video
  • Quick customization option to type in the relevant message on the screen.
  • This app consist of a user-friendly interface and the controls are explicit for easy reach.
  • Personalize the lower third element further using the ‘Generator’ option
  • You can include animations for the lower third module to persuade the viewers.


In this section, you will learn to make a lower third element using a Final Cut Pro X tool. It is high to check out the steps in detail.

1Step 1: Download the tool

You can download the app and install them in your system. Launch the tool by double-tapping the tool icon.


2Step 2: Add the Title

In the home screen, import the video that requires the edits and then tap the ‘Titles’ tab at the left top of the screen. Click the ‘Build-in/Build-out’ option to custom the Title element. According to your needs, you can repeat it to insert the desired titles on the video screen.


3Step 3: Customize the Title

Now, you can edit the texts in the inserted titles and add animation to the element using the attributes under the ‘Generator’ tab. Modify the title’s textures, background, and positions using the relevant options displayed. Choose accordingly to personalize the title element based on your requirement.


Use the above instructions, insert the lower third element in your video effortlessly. Simple click and drag actions are sufficient to carry out the desired effects on the element.

For those who still need more guides about making lower thirds, this Filmora tutorial may help a lot.

Download Win Version Download Mac Version

Part 4: Where to find great lower thirds templates for final cut pro X?

You can find the best collections of lower third templates in the online space. Evanto Elements offers an incredible design structure for the lower third module to add value to your videos. They are unique and jaw-dropping. You can opt for this template, instead of creating from the scratch.

According to your needs, you can select the template, customize it, and insert them on your videos flawlessly. Evanto offers the lower third templates based on the video content. It has organized the templates based on the end-use. Check out few suggestions on the built-in templates for the lower third.

YouTube Lower Thirds

If you have a YouTube channel, then make use of this collection to add a lower third module for your video. Increase the followers by adding the perfect texts at the right time on the screen. Easy to use design and displays attractive appearances.

Pop Lower Thirds template

Colorful and yet attractive design from the Evanto elements. This design has a fresh and creative structure to convince the viewer’s needs. It has a high-end resolution with a duration control option.

Minimalistic collection

In this template group, you can find the design seems to be simple and minimal. It offers a lighter touch to your videos. The text overlays do not distract the viewers. Everything looks the same but still, you can feel the difference in it when you customize it according to your needs.


Thus, this article had given you enlightening discussion about the lower third elements. Insert this module optimally in your videos and obtain the desired outcomes. Enhance the design of the lower third element using the Final Cut Pro X app and feel the difference in your video.

Display the texts promptly to enlighten the audience. Connect the texts to the target audience without distracting them. Work on this challenging element using a professional app like the Final Cut Pro X program. Stay tuned with this article to discover the new horizons of video editing.

author avatar

Liza Brown

Liza Brown is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Liza Brown

Top Free Video Editing Software for Windows 10: Trimming Made Easy

If you enjoy recording and editing videos, you may have some hefty video files to trim. Do you wish to split the long videos into shorter ones? Do you want to remove the black part that appears at the start and conclusion of your videos? Typically, a video trimmer is required.

However, finding an excellent video trimmer for Windows 10 is a difficult job. But don’t worry, a few excellent video trimmers are reviewed in this article, all of which are simple to use and have useful features. Let’s get started!

In this article

01 Best Free Video Trimmer for Windows 10

02 Best Free Online Video Trimmer for Windows 10

03 How to Trim Multiple Parts from One Video Faster?

Part 1: Best Free Video Trimmer for Windows 10

Time is important, and some people cannot afford to waste it. Or maybe they want to cut a specific part of the video on their PC. For both of these tasks, they need a video trimmer. Following are the best video trimmers for Windows 10:

1. Windows 10 Video Editor

Windows 10 features an excellent video editor , offering a full collection of video creation and editing features that use music, graphics, animation, and 3D effects to convey your narrative. Video Editor is Windows 10’s replacement for Movie Maker, emphasizing simple creative tools that allow you to convey your narrative.


  • It supports all of the windows 10 input and output formats
  • Lets you add texts and animations to the videos
  • You can split the videos using this tool
  • It leaves no watermark on the video

Follow the steps below to trim the videos using Windows 10 Photo video editor :

Step 1: Open the Photos app and click on Video Editor to proceed.

Step 2: Now, click on New Video Project to import the video you wish to trim.

Step 3: Drag the video to the editing toolbar and click on Trim.

Step 4: Now adjust the sliders accordingly to trim your video and click on Done to save the trimmed video.

microsoft photos app trim interface

2. Windows 10 - Movies & TV

You will be surprised to learn that there might be another built-in video trimmer for Windows 10 - Movies & TV - that works effectively to edit films with no effort. It is another built-in tool with an easy-to-use interface. It supports multiple formats, such as mp4, asf, m4v, mov, etc.


  • It supports all the input and output formats of windows 10
  • You can trim the videos while watching it
  • Offers several editing features to edit the video

Follow the steps below to trim the videos using Movies & TV:

Step 1: Open the video you wish to trim with Movies & TV on your PC.

Step 2: Click the Edit button in the bottom right corner and then choose the Trim tool from the menu that appears.

Step 3: After loading the movie, move it over the timeline in the playback windows to finish the cutting procedure and save it on Windows 10.

trim video windows 10 movie tv app

3. Filmora Instant Cutter Tool

The Instant Cutter tool in Wondershare Filmora video editor lets you input huge video clips in formats and rapidly reduce or combine them without re-encoding. This is a very valuable tool when working with high-resolution movies. It supports MP4/MOV and MTS/M2TS video files.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later


  • It maintains the quality of the video
  • It supports 4K UHD video formats
  • It allows you to merge the videos
  • You can trim massive files with ease

Follow the steps below to trim the videos using this video editor:

Step 1: Launch Filmora, select Import, and then Import with Instant Cutter Tool.

Step 2: Click Open File under the Trim tab to select a video from your computer.

Step 3: Drag the editing sliders on their timeline to decide which parts of the clip to preserve.

Step 4: To preview the segment, choose it in the left side window and hit the Play option.

Step 5: After you’ve finished previewing the video, click Export to save it.

filmora instant cutter tool 4k video trim merge

4. FilmForth

FilmForth is an effective and straightforward free video editor , media encoder, and slideshows video creator for Windows 10. It is a free movie director and slideshow creator for Windows. FilmForth, as a free film editor, can export any output format to share it with social media platforms, like YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitch.


  • It is a completely free editing tool
  • It can export the video to social media
  • It allows you to create slideshows
  • You can also create videos with this tool

Follow the steps below to trim the videos using this video editor:

Step 1: Open FilmForth and select New Project to add the video to be edited.

Step 2: Now, drag the video to the timeline.

Step 3: Select Edit, then Trim from the popup menu.

Step 4: Now, adjust the sliders as needed to trim your movie.

Step 5: Simply click the red Save Video button in the editor’s bottom right corner.

filmforth trim video free windows

5. VSDC Free video editor

VSDC Video Editor is a free video trimmer that converts one clip type to another. It helps you create various shaped masks for obscuring, blurring, or emphasizing specific aspects in your movie. It supports all major formats, including mkv, mp4, mov, and wav.


  • It allows you to apply visual and audio effects to your videos.
  • It has several blending options and Instagram-style filters.
  • It can upload videos straight to YouTube.
  • It enables you to construct your multimedia file library.

Follow the steps below to trim the videos using this video editor:

Step 1: Open VSDC Free Video Editor on your PC and import the video you wish to trim.

Step 2: Select Cutting and splitting in the object properties or the object menu**.**

Step 3: Mark the region to be removed and then click the Cut region button.

Step 4: Then, in the bottom right corner, click the Apply changes option to save your changes.

vsdc video editing interface

Part 2: Best Free Online Video Trimmer for Windows 10

Trimming the unnecessary parts of the video is the need of the hour. However, some people don’t prefer downloading a tool for it. So, the following online video trimmers for windows 10 can assist them in their job:

2. Online Video Cutter

online video cutter trimmer

Online Video Cutter allows you to trim easily, crop, and twist videos, as well as modify the playing speed. It functions in any browser — tested it in Safari on the Mac, which isn’t frequently recognized by online tools, and it worked flawlessly – and the only restriction is that your file size cannot exceed 500MB.

You may export in MP4, MKV, or MOV format. It does not require any sign up from the user to trim the video and nor does it leave any watermark on the video after editing.


  • Supports every kind of browser
  • It does not leave any watermark
  • Offers a quick no-encode alternative

3. Kapwing

kapwing trim video online

Kapwing is a straightforward online video editor. It displays a preview of your video on the left side of the screen, and users can use the scales or timeouts to choose the start and finish times of their cut.

Kapwing is a premium service, which means free users can only upload files up to 250MB in size, and exports may only be 7 minutes long. There’s no need to register yourself for editing the videos through Kapwing, but it does leave a watermark.


  • Allows you to preview the video
  • It is quite simple to use for editing
  • It does not require any sign up before trimming

4. Adobe Creative Cloud Express

Adobe Creative Cloud Express is the best free online video trimmer windows 10 available for making simple modifications to videos. It enables the creation, editing, and sharing of new projects from any device. It recognizes original edit spots automatically and works with all AVI, MXF, and other file formats. Furthermore, the curve is managed automatically by this online video trimmer.

However, it needs registration to edit the video, and the free version leaves a watermark.


  • It reformats the video automatically.
  • It enables the editing platform to be expanded.
  • It integrates with other apps and services without a hitch.

adobe express trim video interface

5. Clipchamp

clipchamp trim video online windows chrome

Clipchamp is a freemium service, which means it has a free tier, but the finest features are only available to paying users. Your video output is restricted to general standards at 480p quality.

Since Safari does not support Clipchamp, you must use the Chrome or Edge browser on a Mac. Users need to register themselves for editing the videos through Clipchamp. The free version also leaves a watermark on the video.


  • Helps the user to add audio and video
  • Lets you export the video to social media platforms
  • Offers multiple editing features for the video

6. Clideo

Clideo provides several online tools for looping, flipping, reversing, and filtering video clips, adding subtitles, resizing clips, and creating memes. Each tool is a standalone application running in your internet browser.

There are file size restrictions while using the free version, i.e., 500MB or fewer files, as with other online services. A Pro subscription, which costs $9 per month, allows you access to the full version. Clideo does not need registration, but the free version leaves a watermark.


  • Excellent editing features in the free version
  • Helps you add subtitles to the video
  • Allows you to compress/resize the video


Part 3: How to Trim Multiple Parts from One Video Faster?

Trimming usually entails eliminating a piece of the beginning or conclusion of the clip. In various methods, Filmora’s sophisticated video trimmer speeds up the process of removing undesirable bits of a film. Follow the instruction below to trim multiple parts from the video faster using the Mark In and Out approach:

Step 1: Double-click on the media files in the Media library to preview it in the Preview window.

Step 2: Choose one of the markers shown below the video preview. Highlight the in and out marks by tapping on the video and dragging the cursor to the beginning and finish positions.

mark in mark out trim video

Step 3: Move the video from the media files to the timeline, and it will be cut according to your specifications. You may now repeat the technique to extract additional sections of the clip.

mark in mark out trim video repeat

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Note: You can also move them to the timeline to combine the clips.


Does Windows Have a Video Trimmer?

Windows do include a video editor that lets you trim the videos as per choice. You may trim films by adjusting the start and stop locations in the Video Editor accessed through the Photos app on Windows 10.


As said above, trimming the unnecessary parts of the video is the need of the hour. To ease the procedure of finding the best video trimmer windows 10, some excellent video trimmers are reviewed in this article. Simply select one that appeals to you and begin video editing for a quality video result.

02 Best Free Online Video Trimmer for Windows 10

03 How to Trim Multiple Parts from One Video Faster?

Part 1: Best Free Video Trimmer for Windows 10

Time is important, and some people cannot afford to waste it. Or maybe they want to cut a specific part of the video on their PC. For both of these tasks, they need a video trimmer. Following are the best video trimmers for Windows 10:

1. Windows 10 Video Editor

Windows 10 features an excellent video editor , offering a full collection of video creation and editing features that use music, graphics, animation, and 3D effects to convey your narrative. Video Editor is Windows 10’s replacement for Movie Maker, emphasizing simple creative tools that allow you to convey your narrative.


  • It supports all of the windows 10 input and output formats
  • Lets you add texts and animations to the videos
  • You can split the videos using this tool
  • It leaves no watermark on the video

Follow the steps below to trim the videos using Windows 10 Photo video editor :

Step 1: Open the Photos app and click on Video Editor to proceed.

Step 2: Now, click on New Video Project to import the video you wish to trim.

Step 3: Drag the video to the editing toolbar and click on Trim.

Step 4: Now adjust the sliders accordingly to trim your video and click on Done to save the trimmed video.

microsoft photos app trim interface

2. Windows 10 - Movies & TV

You will be surprised to learn that there might be another built-in video trimmer for Windows 10 - Movies & TV - that works effectively to edit films with no effort. It is another built-in tool with an easy-to-use interface. It supports multiple formats, such as mp4, asf, m4v, mov, etc.


  • It supports all the input and output formats of windows 10
  • You can trim the videos while watching it
  • Offers several editing features to edit the video

Follow the steps below to trim the videos using Movies & TV:

Step 1: Open the video you wish to trim with Movies & TV on your PC.

Step 2: Click the Edit button in the bottom right corner and then choose the Trim tool from the menu that appears.

Step 3: After loading the movie, move it over the timeline in the playback windows to finish the cutting procedure and save it on Windows 10.

trim video windows 10 movie tv app

3. Filmora Instant Cutter Tool

The Instant Cutter tool in Wondershare Filmora video editor lets you input huge video clips in formats and rapidly reduce or combine them without re-encoding. This is a very valuable tool when working with high-resolution movies. It supports MP4/MOV and MTS/M2TS video files.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later


  • It maintains the quality of the video
  • It supports 4K UHD video formats
  • It allows you to merge the videos
  • You can trim massive files with ease

Follow the steps below to trim the videos using this video editor:

Step 1: Launch Filmora, select Import, and then Import with Instant Cutter Tool.

Step 2: Click Open File under the Trim tab to select a video from your computer.

Step 3: Drag the editing sliders on their timeline to decide which parts of the clip to preserve.

Step 4: To preview the segment, choose it in the left side window and hit the Play option.

Step 5: After you’ve finished previewing the video, click Export to save it.

filmora instant cutter tool 4k video trim merge

4. FilmForth

FilmForth is an effective and straightforward free video editor , media encoder, and slideshows video creator for Windows 10. It is a free movie director and slideshow creator for Windows. FilmForth, as a free film editor, can export any output format to share it with social media platforms, like YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitch.


  • It is a completely free editing tool
  • It can export the video to social media
  • It allows you to create slideshows
  • You can also create videos with this tool

Follow the steps below to trim the videos using this video editor:

Step 1: Open FilmForth and select New Project to add the video to be edited.

Step 2: Now, drag the video to the timeline.

Step 3: Select Edit, then Trim from the popup menu.

Step 4: Now, adjust the sliders as needed to trim your movie.

Step 5: Simply click the red Save Video button in the editor’s bottom right corner.

filmforth trim video free windows

5. VSDC Free video editor

VSDC Video Editor is a free video trimmer that converts one clip type to another. It helps you create various shaped masks for obscuring, blurring, or emphasizing specific aspects in your movie. It supports all major formats, including mkv, mp4, mov, and wav.


  • It allows you to apply visual and audio effects to your videos.
  • It has several blending options and Instagram-style filters.
  • It can upload videos straight to YouTube.
  • It enables you to construct your multimedia file library.

Follow the steps below to trim the videos using this video editor:

Step 1: Open VSDC Free Video Editor on your PC and import the video you wish to trim.

Step 2: Select Cutting and splitting in the object properties or the object menu**.**

Step 3: Mark the region to be removed and then click the Cut region button.

Step 4: Then, in the bottom right corner, click the Apply changes option to save your changes.

vsdc video editing interface

Part 2: Best Free Online Video Trimmer for Windows 10

Trimming the unnecessary parts of the video is the need of the hour. However, some people don’t prefer downloading a tool for it. So, the following online video trimmers for windows 10 can assist them in their job:

2. Online Video Cutter

online video cutter trimmer

Online Video Cutter allows you to trim easily, crop, and twist videos, as well as modify the playing speed. It functions in any browser — tested it in Safari on the Mac, which isn’t frequently recognized by online tools, and it worked flawlessly – and the only restriction is that your file size cannot exceed 500MB.

You may export in MP4, MKV, or MOV format. It does not require any sign up from the user to trim the video and nor does it leave any watermark on the video after editing.


  • Supports every kind of browser
  • It does not leave any watermark
  • Offers a quick no-encode alternative

3. Kapwing

kapwing trim video online

Kapwing is a straightforward online video editor. It displays a preview of your video on the left side of the screen, and users can use the scales or timeouts to choose the start and finish times of their cut.

Kapwing is a premium service, which means free users can only upload files up to 250MB in size, and exports may only be 7 minutes long. There’s no need to register yourself for editing the videos through Kapwing, but it does leave a watermark.


  • Allows you to preview the video
  • It is quite simple to use for editing
  • It does not require any sign up before trimming

4. Adobe Creative Cloud Express

Adobe Creative Cloud Express is the best free online video trimmer windows 10 available for making simple modifications to videos. It enables the creation, editing, and sharing of new projects from any device. It recognizes original edit spots automatically and works with all AVI, MXF, and other file formats. Furthermore, the curve is managed automatically by this online video trimmer.

However, it needs registration to edit the video, and the free version leaves a watermark.


  • It reformats the video automatically.
  • It enables the editing platform to be expanded.
  • It integrates with other apps and services without a hitch.

adobe express trim video interface

5. Clipchamp

clipchamp trim video online windows chrome

Clipchamp is a freemium service, which means it has a free tier, but the finest features are only available to paying users. Your video output is restricted to general standards at 480p quality.

Since Safari does not support Clipchamp, you must use the Chrome or Edge browser on a Mac. Users need to register themselves for editing the videos through Clipchamp. The free version also leaves a watermark on the video.


  • Helps the user to add audio and video
  • Lets you export the video to social media platforms
  • Offers multiple editing features for the video

6. Clideo

Clideo provides several online tools for looping, flipping, reversing, and filtering video clips, adding subtitles, resizing clips, and creating memes. Each tool is a standalone application running in your internet browser.

There are file size restrictions while using the free version, i.e., 500MB or fewer files, as with other online services. A Pro subscription, which costs $9 per month, allows you access to the full version. Clideo does not need registration, but the free version leaves a watermark.


  • Excellent editing features in the free version
  • Helps you add subtitles to the video
  • Allows you to compress/resize the video


Part 3: How to Trim Multiple Parts from One Video Faster?

Trimming usually entails eliminating a piece of the beginning or conclusion of the clip. In various methods, Filmora’s sophisticated video trimmer speeds up the process of removing undesirable bits of a film. Follow the instruction below to trim multiple parts from the video faster using the Mark In and Out approach:

Step 1: Double-click on the media files in the Media library to preview it in the Preview window.

Step 2: Choose one of the markers shown below the video preview. Highlight the in and out marks by tapping on the video and dragging the cursor to the beginning and finish positions.

mark in mark out trim video

Step 3: Move the video from the media files to the timeline, and it will be cut according to your specifications. You may now repeat the technique to extract additional sections of the clip.

mark in mark out trim video repeat

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Note: You can also move them to the timeline to combine the clips.


Does Windows Have a Video Trimmer?

Windows do include a video editor that lets you trim the videos as per choice. You may trim films by adjusting the start and stop locations in the Video Editor accessed through the Photos app on Windows 10.


As said above, trimming the unnecessary parts of the video is the need of the hour. To ease the procedure of finding the best video trimmer windows 10, some excellent video trimmers are reviewed in this article. Simply select one that appeals to you and begin video editing for a quality video result.

02 Best Free Online Video Trimmer for Windows 10

03 How to Trim Multiple Parts from One Video Faster?

Part 1: Best Free Video Trimmer for Windows 10

Time is important, and some people cannot afford to waste it. Or maybe they want to cut a specific part of the video on their PC. For both of these tasks, they need a video trimmer. Following are the best video trimmers for Windows 10:

1. Windows 10 Video Editor

Windows 10 features an excellent video editor , offering a full collection of video creation and editing features that use music, graphics, animation, and 3D effects to convey your narrative. Video Editor is Windows 10’s replacement for Movie Maker, emphasizing simple creative tools that allow you to convey your narrative.


  • It supports all of the windows 10 input and output formats
  • Lets you add texts and animations to the videos
  • You can split the videos using this tool
  • It leaves no watermark on the video

Follow the steps below to trim the videos using Windows 10 Photo video editor :

Step 1: Open the Photos app and click on Video Editor to proceed.

Step 2: Now, click on New Video Project to import the video you wish to trim.

Step 3: Drag the video to the editing toolbar and click on Trim.

Step 4: Now adjust the sliders accordingly to trim your video and click on Done to save the trimmed video.

microsoft photos app trim interface

2. Windows 10 - Movies & TV

You will be surprised to learn that there might be another built-in video trimmer for Windows 10 - Movies & TV - that works effectively to edit films with no effort. It is another built-in tool with an easy-to-use interface. It supports multiple formats, such as mp4, asf, m4v, mov, etc.


  • It supports all the input and output formats of windows 10
  • You can trim the videos while watching it
  • Offers several editing features to edit the video

Follow the steps below to trim the videos using Movies & TV:

Step 1: Open the video you wish to trim with Movies & TV on your PC.

Step 2: Click the Edit button in the bottom right corner and then choose the Trim tool from the menu that appears.

Step 3: After loading the movie, move it over the timeline in the playback windows to finish the cutting procedure and save it on Windows 10.

trim video windows 10 movie tv app

3. Filmora Instant Cutter Tool

The Instant Cutter tool in Wondershare Filmora video editor lets you input huge video clips in formats and rapidly reduce or combine them without re-encoding. This is a very valuable tool when working with high-resolution movies. It supports MP4/MOV and MTS/M2TS video files.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later


  • It maintains the quality of the video
  • It supports 4K UHD video formats
  • It allows you to merge the videos
  • You can trim massive files with ease

Follow the steps below to trim the videos using this video editor:

Step 1: Launch Filmora, select Import, and then Import with Instant Cutter Tool.

Step 2: Click Open File under the Trim tab to select a video from your computer.

Step 3: Drag the editing sliders on their timeline to decide which parts of the clip to preserve.

Step 4: To preview the segment, choose it in the left side window and hit the Play option.

Step 5: After you’ve finished previewing the video, click Export to save it.

filmora instant cutter tool 4k video trim merge

4. FilmForth

FilmForth is an effective and straightforward free video editor , media encoder, and slideshows video creator for Windows 10. It is a free movie director and slideshow creator for Windows. FilmForth, as a free film editor, can export any output format to share it with social media platforms, like YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitch.


  • It is a completely free editing tool
  • It can export the video to social media
  • It allows you to create slideshows
  • You can also create videos with this tool

Follow the steps below to trim the videos using this video editor:

Step 1: Open FilmForth and select New Project to add the video to be edited.

Step 2: Now, drag the video to the timeline.

Step 3: Select Edit, then Trim from the popup menu.

Step 4: Now, adjust the sliders as needed to trim your movie.

Step 5: Simply click the red Save Video button in the editor’s bottom right corner.

filmforth trim video free windows

5. VSDC Free video editor

VSDC Video Editor is a free video trimmer that converts one clip type to another. It helps you create various shaped masks for obscuring, blurring, or emphasizing specific aspects in your movie. It supports all major formats, including mkv, mp4, mov, and wav.


  • It allows you to apply visual and audio effects to your videos.
  • It has several blending options and Instagram-style filters.
  • It can upload videos straight to YouTube.
  • It enables you to construct your multimedia file library.

Follow the steps below to trim the videos using this video editor:

Step 1: Open VSDC Free Video Editor on your PC and import the video you wish to trim.

Step 2: Select Cutting and splitting in the object properties or the object menu**.**

Step 3: Mark the region to be removed and then click the Cut region button.

Step 4: Then, in the bottom right corner, click the Apply changes option to save your changes.

vsdc video editing interface

Part 2: Best Free Online Video Trimmer for Windows 10

Trimming the unnecessary parts of the video is the need of the hour. However, some people don’t prefer downloading a tool for it. So, the following online video trimmers for windows 10 can assist them in their job:

2. Online Video Cutter

online video cutter trimmer

Online Video Cutter allows you to trim easily, crop, and twist videos, as well as modify the playing speed. It functions in any browser — tested it in Safari on the Mac, which isn’t frequently recognized by online tools, and it worked flawlessly – and the only restriction is that your file size cannot exceed 500MB.

You may export in MP4, MKV, or MOV format. It does not require any sign up from the user to trim the video and nor does it leave any watermark on the video after editing.


  • Supports every kind of browser
  • It does not leave any watermark
  • Offers a quick no-encode alternative

3. Kapwing

kapwing trim video online

Kapwing is a straightforward online video editor. It displays a preview of your video on the left side of the screen, and users can use the scales or timeouts to choose the start and finish times of their cut.

Kapwing is a premium service, which means free users can only upload files up to 250MB in size, and exports may only be 7 minutes long. There’s no need to register yourself for editing the videos through Kapwing, but it does leave a watermark.


  • Allows you to preview the video
  • It is quite simple to use for editing
  • It does not require any sign up before trimming

4. Adobe Creative Cloud Express

Adobe Creative Cloud Express is the best free online video trimmer windows 10 available for making simple modifications to videos. It enables the creation, editing, and sharing of new projects from any device. It recognizes original edit spots automatically and works with all AVI, MXF, and other file formats. Furthermore, the curve is managed automatically by this online video trimmer.

However, it needs registration to edit the video, and the free version leaves a watermark.


  • It reformats the video automatically.
  • It enables the editing platform to be expanded.
  • It integrates with other apps and services without a hitch.

adobe express trim video interface

5. Clipchamp

clipchamp trim video online windows chrome

Clipchamp is a freemium service, which means it has a free tier, but the finest features are only available to paying users. Your video output is restricted to general standards at 480p quality.

Since Safari does not support Clipchamp, you must use the Chrome or Edge browser on a Mac. Users need to register themselves for editing the videos through Clipchamp. The free version also leaves a watermark on the video.


  • Helps the user to add audio and video
  • Lets you export the video to social media platforms
  • Offers multiple editing features for the video

6. Clideo

Clideo provides several online tools for looping, flipping, reversing, and filtering video clips, adding subtitles, resizing clips, and creating memes. Each tool is a standalone application running in your internet browser.

There are file size restrictions while using the free version, i.e., 500MB or fewer files, as with other online services. A Pro subscription, which costs $9 per month, allows you access to the full version. Clideo does not need registration, but the free version leaves a watermark.


  • Excellent editing features in the free version
  • Helps you add subtitles to the video
  • Allows you to compress/resize the video


Part 3: How to Trim Multiple Parts from One Video Faster?

Trimming usually entails eliminating a piece of the beginning or conclusion of the clip. In various methods, Filmora’s sophisticated video trimmer speeds up the process of removing undesirable bits of a film. Follow the instruction below to trim multiple parts from the video faster using the Mark In and Out approach:

Step 1: Double-click on the media files in the Media library to preview it in the Preview window.

Step 2: Choose one of the markers shown below the video preview. Highlight the in and out marks by tapping on the video and dragging the cursor to the beginning and finish positions.

mark in mark out trim video

Step 3: Move the video from the media files to the timeline, and it will be cut according to your specifications. You may now repeat the technique to extract additional sections of the clip.

mark in mark out trim video repeat

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Note: You can also move them to the timeline to combine the clips.


Does Windows Have a Video Trimmer?

Windows do include a video editor that lets you trim the videos as per choice. You may trim films by adjusting the start and stop locations in the Video Editor accessed through the Photos app on Windows 10.


As said above, trimming the unnecessary parts of the video is the need of the hour. To ease the procedure of finding the best video trimmer windows 10, some excellent video trimmers are reviewed in this article. Simply select one that appeals to you and begin video editing for a quality video result.

02 Best Free Online Video Trimmer for Windows 10

03 How to Trim Multiple Parts from One Video Faster?

Part 1: Best Free Video Trimmer for Windows 10

Time is important, and some people cannot afford to waste it. Or maybe they want to cut a specific part of the video on their PC. For both of these tasks, they need a video trimmer. Following are the best video trimmers for Windows 10:

1. Windows 10 Video Editor

Windows 10 features an excellent video editor , offering a full collection of video creation and editing features that use music, graphics, animation, and 3D effects to convey your narrative. Video Editor is Windows 10’s replacement for Movie Maker, emphasizing simple creative tools that allow you to convey your narrative.


  • It supports all of the windows 10 input and output formats
  • Lets you add texts and animations to the videos
  • You can split the videos using this tool
  • It leaves no watermark on the video

Follow the steps below to trim the videos using Windows 10 Photo video editor :

Step 1: Open the Photos app and click on Video Editor to proceed.

Step 2: Now, click on New Video Project to import the video you wish to trim.

Step 3: Drag the video to the editing toolbar and click on Trim.

Step 4: Now adjust the sliders accordingly to trim your video and click on Done to save the trimmed video.

microsoft photos app trim interface

2. Windows 10 - Movies & TV

You will be surprised to learn that there might be another built-in video trimmer for Windows 10 - Movies & TV - that works effectively to edit films with no effort. It is another built-in tool with an easy-to-use interface. It supports multiple formats, such as mp4, asf, m4v, mov, etc.


  • It supports all the input and output formats of windows 10
  • You can trim the videos while watching it
  • Offers several editing features to edit the video

Follow the steps below to trim the videos using Movies & TV:

Step 1: Open the video you wish to trim with Movies & TV on your PC.

Step 2: Click the Edit button in the bottom right corner and then choose the Trim tool from the menu that appears.

Step 3: After loading the movie, move it over the timeline in the playback windows to finish the cutting procedure and save it on Windows 10.

trim video windows 10 movie tv app

3. Filmora Instant Cutter Tool

The Instant Cutter tool in Wondershare Filmora video editor lets you input huge video clips in formats and rapidly reduce or combine them without re-encoding. This is a very valuable tool when working with high-resolution movies. It supports MP4/MOV and MTS/M2TS video files.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later


  • It maintains the quality of the video
  • It supports 4K UHD video formats
  • It allows you to merge the videos
  • You can trim massive files with ease

Follow the steps below to trim the videos using this video editor:

Step 1: Launch Filmora, select Import, and then Import with Instant Cutter Tool.

Step 2: Click Open File under the Trim tab to select a video from your computer.

Step 3: Drag the editing sliders on their timeline to decide which parts of the clip to preserve.

Step 4: To preview the segment, choose it in the left side window and hit the Play option.

Step 5: After you’ve finished previewing the video, click Export to save it.

filmora instant cutter tool 4k video trim merge

4. FilmForth

FilmForth is an effective and straightforward free video editor , media encoder, and slideshows video creator for Windows 10. It is a free movie director and slideshow creator for Windows. FilmForth, as a free film editor, can export any output format to share it with social media platforms, like YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitch.


  • It is a completely free editing tool
  • It can export the video to social media
  • It allows you to create slideshows
  • You can also create videos with this tool

Follow the steps below to trim the videos using this video editor:

Step 1: Open FilmForth and select New Project to add the video to be edited.

Step 2: Now, drag the video to the timeline.

Step 3: Select Edit, then Trim from the popup menu.

Step 4: Now, adjust the sliders as needed to trim your movie.

Step 5: Simply click the red Save Video button in the editor’s bottom right corner.

filmforth trim video free windows

5. VSDC Free video editor

VSDC Video Editor is a free video trimmer that converts one clip type to another. It helps you create various shaped masks for obscuring, blurring, or emphasizing specific aspects in your movie. It supports all major formats, including mkv, mp4, mov, and wav.


  • It allows you to apply visual and audio effects to your videos.
  • It has several blending options and Instagram-style filters.
  • It can upload videos straight to YouTube.
  • It enables you to construct your multimedia file library.

Follow the steps below to trim the videos using this video editor:

Step 1: Open VSDC Free Video Editor on your PC and import the video you wish to trim.

Step 2: Select Cutting and splitting in the object properties or the object menu**.**

Step 3: Mark the region to be removed and then click the Cut region button.

Step 4: Then, in the bottom right corner, click the Apply changes option to save your changes.

vsdc video editing interface

Part 2: Best Free Online Video Trimmer for Windows 10

Trimming the unnecessary parts of the video is the need of the hour. However, some people don’t prefer downloading a tool for it. So, the following online video trimmers for windows 10 can assist them in their job:

2. Online Video Cutter

online video cutter trimmer

Online Video Cutter allows you to trim easily, crop, and twist videos, as well as modify the playing speed. It functions in any browser — tested it in Safari on the Mac, which isn’t frequently recognized by online tools, and it worked flawlessly – and the only restriction is that your file size cannot exceed 500MB.

You may export in MP4, MKV, or MOV format. It does not require any sign up from the user to trim the video and nor does it leave any watermark on the video after editing.


  • Supports every kind of browser
  • It does not leave any watermark
  • Offers a quick no-encode alternative

3. Kapwing

kapwing trim video online

Kapwing is a straightforward online video editor. It displays a preview of your video on the left side of the screen, and users can use the scales or timeouts to choose the start and finish times of their cut.

Kapwing is a premium service, which means free users can only upload files up to 250MB in size, and exports may only be 7 minutes long. There’s no need to register yourself for editing the videos through Kapwing, but it does leave a watermark.


  • Allows you to preview the video
  • It is quite simple to use for editing
  • It does not require any sign up before trimming

4. Adobe Creative Cloud Express

Adobe Creative Cloud Express is the best free online video trimmer windows 10 available for making simple modifications to videos. It enables the creation, editing, and sharing of new projects from any device. It recognizes original edit spots automatically and works with all AVI, MXF, and other file formats. Furthermore, the curve is managed automatically by this online video trimmer.

However, it needs registration to edit the video, and the free version leaves a watermark.


  • It reformats the video automatically.
  • It enables the editing platform to be expanded.
  • It integrates with other apps and services without a hitch.

adobe express trim video interface

5. Clipchamp

clipchamp trim video online windows chrome

Clipchamp is a freemium service, which means it has a free tier, but the finest features are only available to paying users. Your video output is restricted to general standards at 480p quality.

Since Safari does not support Clipchamp, you must use the Chrome or Edge browser on a Mac. Users need to register themselves for editing the videos through Clipchamp. The free version also leaves a watermark on the video.


  • Helps the user to add audio and video
  • Lets you export the video to social media platforms
  • Offers multiple editing features for the video

6. Clideo

Clideo provides several online tools for looping, flipping, reversing, and filtering video clips, adding subtitles, resizing clips, and creating memes. Each tool is a standalone application running in your internet browser.

There are file size restrictions while using the free version, i.e., 500MB or fewer files, as with other online services. A Pro subscription, which costs $9 per month, allows you access to the full version. Clideo does not need registration, but the free version leaves a watermark.


  • Excellent editing features in the free version
  • Helps you add subtitles to the video
  • Allows you to compress/resize the video


Part 3: How to Trim Multiple Parts from One Video Faster?

Trimming usually entails eliminating a piece of the beginning or conclusion of the clip. In various methods, Filmora’s sophisticated video trimmer speeds up the process of removing undesirable bits of a film. Follow the instruction below to trim multiple parts from the video faster using the Mark In and Out approach:

Step 1: Double-click on the media files in the Media library to preview it in the Preview window.

Step 2: Choose one of the markers shown below the video preview. Highlight the in and out marks by tapping on the video and dragging the cursor to the beginning and finish positions.

mark in mark out trim video

Step 3: Move the video from the media files to the timeline, and it will be cut according to your specifications. You may now repeat the technique to extract additional sections of the clip.

mark in mark out trim video repeat

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Note: You can also move them to the timeline to combine the clips.


Does Windows Have a Video Trimmer?

Windows do include a video editor that lets you trim the videos as per choice. You may trim films by adjusting the start and stop locations in the Video Editor accessed through the Photos app on Windows 10.


As said above, trimming the unnecessary parts of the video is the need of the hour. To ease the procedure of finding the best video trimmer windows 10, some excellent video trimmers are reviewed in this article. Simply select one that appeals to you and begin video editing for a quality video result.

6 Best Audio Converter Software to Pick

The 6 Best Audio Converter Software to Pick

An easy yet powerful editor

Numerous effects to choose from

Detailed tutorials provided by the official channel

Try It Free Try It Free

We’ve picked out some of the best audio converters available right now based on several different factors

You’ll be able to see for yourself just how good each audio converter actually is.

In this article

01 [How to Convert Audio?](#Part 1)

02 [How we tested the best audio converter software?](#Part 2)

03 [Essential Features of Audio Converter Software](#Part 3)

04 [What’s the Best Free Audio Converter Software Programs](#Part 4)

Part 1 How to Convert Audio?

Before we start listing the best audio converters down, we’ve prepared a bit of an overview for you! With this first part being a tutorial for how to use an audio converter! The example that we’ll be using is the 6th of the audio converters on our list, but it’s also the most general one. So, even if you decide to choose another, you should still be able to learn from this tutorial!

**Step 1: Launch The Audio Converter!

The first step in any conversion, of course, is to have it all primed for conversion! The free audio converter that we’ll be using as our example is an online one, so there is no actual ‘launching’ but one must open it up anyway through the link provided!

Launch Audio Converter

**Step 2: Upload Audio File!

The next general step is to ‘Upload’ the audio file that you want to convert. Usually, this can be done either by making use of the drag-and-drop function or selecting the ‘UPLOAD’ function that will allow you to browse your device for the audio file.

Upload Audio for Conversion

**Step 3: Select Output Format!

The next general step is to select the output format for the file that you want to convert! You can usually choose a whole array of formats for this: MP3, M4A, WAV, OGG, FLAC, WMA, M4R, AIFF, MMF, OPUS, MIDI, etc.

Select Audio File Output Format

**Step 4: Start Conversion!

Once the output format has been chosen, you can proceed with initializing the conversion! Usually, this is as simple as selecting ‘CONVERT’.

Start conversion

**Step 5: Download or Save File!

Once the conversion has been completed, your audio converter will either give you an option to ‘DOWNLOAD’ or ‘SAVE’ the finished product to your device!

Download or Save Converted Audio

Part 2 How we tested the best audio converter software?

In order to make sure that we are providing the ultimate list of audio converters out there, we’ve tested every single one on this list (and then some!) We played around with the settings, tried out all compatible formats, determined their efficiency, intuitiveness, extra features, and so much more!

Part 3 Essential Features of Audio Converter Software

There are three essential features that one needs to consider to decide which is the best audio converter software for them:

Input Formats and Output Formats: These are the most basic of the basic when it comes to requirements, but it’s notable regardless! After all, if your audio converter ends up being so limited that it is incapable of converting some of the more obscure formats out there, you might find it useless in the future.

Conversion Speed: No one has the time to spend endlessly on their computer to wait for a file to convert. Everything has a deadline! So, the speed of conversion is definitely something to consider.

Bonus Features: What other features does this audio converter have in store for you? Will it allow you to create playlists? Trim your audio? Merge your audio? You might find some of these features to be not useful at this moment in time. But, you never know!

Part 4 What’s the Best Free Audio Converter Software Programs

Now to get to our list of the best free audio converter software available! We’ve made sure to include a variety below! Note, this list is not in any particular order as we arranged it in a way to highlight the best audio converter for each type of user…

01**Wondershare Filmora Video Editor **

Supported OS: Windows/Mac

Supported Input: MP3, M4A, WAV, AIFF, OGG, WMA, AIF

Supported Output: MP3, M4A, WAV, AIFF, OGG, WMA, AIF

CNET Rating: 4/5

The first of the audio converters on this list is Filmora Pro! Filmora Pro is not necessarily an audio converter, since it’s capable of doing so much more than that. But it earned a spot on this list anyway because it has audio converting features! We recommend this for users who want an ‘All-in-One’ tool! One that will not only allow them to convert a variety of audio but also give them the ability to protect their projects with advanced video editing functions.

Highlights Pros Cons
● Advanced video editing tools.● Multi-input and output formats.● Clean interface. ● Clean interface.● Video editor and audio converter all in one. ● Lots of bonus features for creating exciting projects. ● Premium product.● Users must pay a subscription fee or one-time fee for an all-access pass.● Not suitable for beginners.

Wondershare Filmora

02EaseUS Video Converter

Supported OS: Windows

Supported Input: MP3, M4A, WAV, M4R, AIFF, APE, MP4, MOV, MKV, M4V, AVI, , MP4, , and many more

Supported Output: MP4, MP3, MKV, WMV, DivX, MXF, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, DV, VOB, DV, 3GP, 3G2, OGV, WebM, and more

CNET Rating: N/A

For the next item on our list, we have EaseUs Video Converter! If Filmora Pro is the jack of all trades, EaseUs Video Converter is the master of its trade. As a converter true and true, it is capable of more advanced conversions. Case in point, the software supports over 300 audio formats (including some of the obscure ones!) It also offers basic video and audio editing for perfecting projects!

Highlights Pros Cons
● Supports over 1,000+ video and audio formats. ● Bonus video and audio editing features.● FREE trial available. ● FREE trial available.● Easy, one-click conversions. ● Bulk-conversion functionalities. ● Bulk-conversion functionalities.● A subscription fee must be paid to have all-out access.● The software is available only for Windows OS users.

EaseUs Video Converter


Supported OS: Windows

Supported Input: AMR, AC3, FLAC, M4A, M4R, MP3, OGG, WAV, and WMA

Supported Output: FLAC, M4A, MP3, OGG, WAV, and WMA

CNET Rating: 2.5/5

The next audio converter on this list is the one we recommend for those looking for an open-source solution! This is a very basic, and very simple free audio converter. It’s got everything that an average person could possibly need from a solution for converting audio, and it’s all FREE!

Highlights Pros Cons
● FREE, open-source software.● FREE, open-source software.● Basic editing features for adjusting audio parameters. ● Supports over 50+ audio formats.● Efficient conversion.● Bulk-item conversions are available. ● Available only for Windows Users.● Not suitable for professional work.● More limited conversion support than other alternatives.



Supported OS: Any!

Supported Input: 3GA, AC3, AIFC, FLAC, M4A, MP3, Ram, WAV, WMA, OGG, OGA

Supported Output: AC3, FLAC, M4A, MP3, OGG, WAV, M4R

CNET Rating: 3/5

The next converter on this list is the first of the free online audio converters on this list! We’ve chosen it for its straightforward capabilities. Allowing one, no matter their device, to convert from one file format to another in seconds.

Highlights Pros Cons
● Free Online Audio Converter● Converts other file formats (not just audio)● Intuitive, and easy to use ● Supports a good variety of input and output formats.● Supports a good variety of input and output formats.● Fast, and efficient uploads ● Fast, and efficient uploads● Max upload file size is limited to the FREE version. ● Not as many supported file formats as other alternatives

ZAMZAR Free Online Audio Convert

05MediaHuman Audio Converter

Supported OS: Windows/Mac

Supported Input: AC3, AIF and AIFF, ALAW. AMR, APE. AU, AWB. CAF. DSF. DTS. FLAC. M4A, MP4R, MP2, MPC. OGG. RA, SHN. SPX. A. WV. WAV and WMA.

Supported Output: AC3, AIFF. ALAC. FLAC. M4R. MP3, OGG. OPUS. WAV.

CNET Rating: 4/5

A majority of the audio converter software that we’ve introduced has mainly been for Windows users! That is why, for this fifth audio converter, we’ve specifically picked one that is compatible with Mac OS and Windows! As you can see from the image provided, MediaHuman is a very simple and clean audio converter. That makes it incredibly easy to use, and quite convenient to just pick up.

Highlights Pros Cons
● Clean, and intuitive interface● Settings for changing audio parameters ● iTunes integrations for ease-of-use ● Supports a variety of iOS and Mac-friendly audio formats● Capable of bulk-conversion● Fast, and efficient ● Not the most advanced solution● Limited file output formats

MediaHuman Audio Converter UI

06Audio Tool Set

Supported OS: Any

Supported Input: MP3, WAV, AIFF, FLAC, M4A, M4R, MMF, OGG, MIDI, OPUS, WMA

Supported Output: MP3, WAV, AIFF, FLAC, M4A, M4R, MMF, OGG, MIDI, OPUS, WMA

CNET Rating: N/A

Audio Tool Set makes the last of the audio converters on this list (as well as the second one that is hosted online!) The beauty of the Audio Tool Set is that you can use it on any computer that you wish to. All you need is a browser and internet! Making it the perfect option for users looking to convert something on the odd occasion (rather than constantly).

Highlights Pros Cons
● Free, online audio converter● Accessible on any computer or PC● Comes with extra tools for adding audio effects, etc. ● Good variety of input and output formats.● Quick and efficient conversion rate● Bulk conversion available ● Must have internet● No advanced video or audio editing, just basic tools

Audio Tool Set

Key Takeaways from This Episode

It can be incredibly difficult to find the audio converter that is most suited for your needs. There are just too many of them! No one has the time to go and test each and every single one of them! (Aside from us!)

Fortunately, in terms of features, there are really only three that you have to think about: speed, flexibility, and bonus features.

The abundance of choices at least makes sure that each audio auditor is able to meet the specific needs of a certain group of users! To imitate this fact, our list of audio converters was compiled specifically so that we could offer as much variety as possible. With hints along the way to make sure that everyone has an audio converter that suits their own projects.

Try It Free Try It Free

We’ve picked out some of the best audio converters available right now based on several different factors

You’ll be able to see for yourself just how good each audio converter actually is.

In this article

01 [How to Convert Audio?](#Part 1)

02 [How we tested the best audio converter software?](#Part 2)

03 [Essential Features of Audio Converter Software](#Part 3)

04 [What’s the Best Free Audio Converter Software Programs](#Part 4)

Part 1 How to Convert Audio?

Before we start listing the best audio converters down, we’ve prepared a bit of an overview for you! With this first part being a tutorial for how to use an audio converter! The example that we’ll be using is the 6th of the audio converters on our list, but it’s also the most general one. So, even if you decide to choose another, you should still be able to learn from this tutorial!

**Step 1: Launch The Audio Converter!

The first step in any conversion, of course, is to have it all primed for conversion! The free audio converter that we’ll be using as our example is an online one, so there is no actual ‘launching’ but one must open it up anyway through the link provided!

Launch Audio Converter

**Step 2: Upload Audio File!

The next general step is to ‘Upload’ the audio file that you want to convert. Usually, this can be done either by making use of the drag-and-drop function or selecting the ‘UPLOAD’ function that will allow you to browse your device for the audio file.

Upload Audio for Conversion

**Step 3: Select Output Format!

The next general step is to select the output format for the file that you want to convert! You can usually choose a whole array of formats for this: MP3, M4A, WAV, OGG, FLAC, WMA, M4R, AIFF, MMF, OPUS, MIDI, etc.

Select Audio File Output Format

**Step 4: Start Conversion!

Once the output format has been chosen, you can proceed with initializing the conversion! Usually, this is as simple as selecting ‘CONVERT’.

Start conversion

**Step 5: Download or Save File!

Once the conversion has been completed, your audio converter will either give you an option to ‘DOWNLOAD’ or ‘SAVE’ the finished product to your device!

Download or Save Converted Audio

Part 2 How we tested the best audio converter software?

In order to make sure that we are providing the ultimate list of audio converters out there, we’ve tested every single one on this list (and then some!) We played around with the settings, tried out all compatible formats, determined their efficiency, intuitiveness, extra features, and so much more!

Part 3 Essential Features of Audio Converter Software

There are three essential features that one needs to consider to decide which is the best audio converter software for them:

Input Formats and Output Formats: These are the most basic of the basic when it comes to requirements, but it’s notable regardless! After all, if your audio converter ends up being so limited that it is incapable of converting some of the more obscure formats out there, you might find it useless in the future.

Conversion Speed: No one has the time to spend endlessly on their computer to wait for a file to convert. Everything has a deadline! So, the speed of conversion is definitely something to consider.

Bonus Features: What other features does this audio converter have in store for you? Will it allow you to create playlists? Trim your audio? Merge your audio? You might find some of these features to be not useful at this moment in time. But, you never know!

Part 4 What’s the Best Free Audio Converter Software Programs

Now to get to our list of the best free audio converter software available! We’ve made sure to include a variety below! Note, this list is not in any particular order as we arranged it in a way to highlight the best audio converter for each type of user…

01**Wondershare Filmora Video Editor **

Supported OS: Windows/Mac

Supported Input: MP3, M4A, WAV, AIFF, OGG, WMA, AIF

Supported Output: MP3, M4A, WAV, AIFF, OGG, WMA, AIF

CNET Rating: 4/5

The first of the audio converters on this list is Filmora Pro! Filmora Pro is not necessarily an audio converter, since it’s capable of doing so much more than that. But it earned a spot on this list anyway because it has audio converting features! We recommend this for users who want an ‘All-in-One’ tool! One that will not only allow them to convert a variety of audio but also give them the ability to protect their projects with advanced video editing functions.

Highlights Pros Cons
● Advanced video editing tools.● Multi-input and output formats.● Clean interface. ● Clean interface.● Video editor and audio converter all in one. ● Lots of bonus features for creating exciting projects. ● Premium product.● Users must pay a subscription fee or one-time fee for an all-access pass.● Not suitable for beginners.

Wondershare Filmora

02EaseUS Video Converter

Supported OS: Windows

Supported Input: MP3, M4A, WAV, M4R, AIFF, APE, MP4, MOV, MKV, M4V, AVI, , MP4, , and many more

Supported Output: MP4, MP3, MKV, WMV, DivX, MXF, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, DV, VOB, DV, 3GP, 3G2, OGV, WebM, and more

CNET Rating: N/A

For the next item on our list, we have EaseUs Video Converter! If Filmora Pro is the jack of all trades, EaseUs Video Converter is the master of its trade. As a converter true and true, it is capable of more advanced conversions. Case in point, the software supports over 300 audio formats (including some of the obscure ones!) It also offers basic video and audio editing for perfecting projects!

Highlights Pros Cons
● Supports over 1,000+ video and audio formats. ● Bonus video and audio editing features.● FREE trial available. ● FREE trial available.● Easy, one-click conversions. ● Bulk-conversion functionalities. ● Bulk-conversion functionalities.● A subscription fee must be paid to have all-out access.● The software is available only for Windows OS users.

EaseUs Video Converter


Supported OS: Windows

Supported Input: AMR, AC3, FLAC, M4A, M4R, MP3, OGG, WAV, and WMA

Supported Output: FLAC, M4A, MP3, OGG, WAV, and WMA

CNET Rating: 2.5/5

The next audio converter on this list is the one we recommend for those looking for an open-source solution! This is a very basic, and very simple free audio converter. It’s got everything that an average person could possibly need from a solution for converting audio, and it’s all FREE!

Highlights Pros Cons
● FREE, open-source software.● FREE, open-source software.● Basic editing features for adjusting audio parameters. ● Supports over 50+ audio formats.● Efficient conversion.● Bulk-item conversions are available. ● Available only for Windows Users.● Not suitable for professional work.● More limited conversion support than other alternatives.



Supported OS: Any!

Supported Input: 3GA, AC3, AIFC, FLAC, M4A, MP3, Ram, WAV, WMA, OGG, OGA

Supported Output: AC3, FLAC, M4A, MP3, OGG, WAV, M4R

CNET Rating: 3/5

The next converter on this list is the first of the free online audio converters on this list! We’ve chosen it for its straightforward capabilities. Allowing one, no matter their device, to convert from one file format to another in seconds.

Highlights Pros Cons
● Free Online Audio Converter● Converts other file formats (not just audio)● Intuitive, and easy to use ● Supports a good variety of input and output formats.● Supports a good variety of input and output formats.● Fast, and efficient uploads ● Fast, and efficient uploads● Max upload file size is limited to the FREE version. ● Not as many supported file formats as other alternatives

ZAMZAR Free Online Audio Convert

05MediaHuman Audio Converter

Supported OS: Windows/Mac

Supported Input: AC3, AIF and AIFF, ALAW. AMR, APE. AU, AWB. CAF. DSF. DTS. FLAC. M4A, MP4R, MP2, MPC. OGG. RA, SHN. SPX. A. WV. WAV and WMA.

Supported Output: AC3, AIFF. ALAC. FLAC. M4R. MP3, OGG. OPUS. WAV.

CNET Rating: 4/5

A majority of the audio converter software that we’ve introduced has mainly been for Windows users! That is why, for this fifth audio converter, we’ve specifically picked one that is compatible with Mac OS and Windows! As you can see from the image provided, MediaHuman is a very simple and clean audio converter. That makes it incredibly easy to use, and quite convenient to just pick up.

Highlights Pros Cons
● Clean, and intuitive interface● Settings for changing audio parameters ● iTunes integrations for ease-of-use ● Supports a variety of iOS and Mac-friendly audio formats● Capable of bulk-conversion● Fast, and efficient ● Not the most advanced solution● Limited file output formats

MediaHuman Audio Converter UI

06Audio Tool Set

Supported OS: Any

Supported Input: MP3, WAV, AIFF, FLAC, M4A, M4R, MMF, OGG, MIDI, OPUS, WMA

Supported Output: MP3, WAV, AIFF, FLAC, M4A, M4R, MMF, OGG, MIDI, OPUS, WMA

CNET Rating: N/A

Audio Tool Set makes the last of the audio converters on this list (as well as the second one that is hosted online!) The beauty of the Audio Tool Set is that you can use it on any computer that you wish to. All you need is a browser and internet! Making it the perfect option for users looking to convert something on the odd occasion (rather than constantly).

Highlights Pros Cons
● Free, online audio converter● Accessible on any computer or PC● Comes with extra tools for adding audio effects, etc. ● Good variety of input and output formats.● Quick and efficient conversion rate● Bulk conversion available ● Must have internet● No advanced video or audio editing, just basic tools

Audio Tool Set

Key Takeaways from This Episode

It can be incredibly difficult to find the audio converter that is most suited for your needs. There are just too many of them! No one has the time to go and test each and every single one of them! (Aside from us!)

Fortunately, in terms of features, there are really only three that you have to think about: speed, flexibility, and bonus features.

The abundance of choices at least makes sure that each audio auditor is able to meet the specific needs of a certain group of users! To imitate this fact, our list of audio converters was compiled specifically so that we could offer as much variety as possible. With hints along the way to make sure that everyone has an audio converter that suits their own projects.

Try It Free Try It Free

We’ve picked out some of the best audio converters available right now based on several different factors

You’ll be able to see for yourself just how good each audio converter actually is.

In this article

01 [How to Convert Audio?](#Part 1)

02 [How we tested the best audio converter software?](#Part 2)

03 [Essential Features of Audio Converter Software](#Part 3)

04 [What’s the Best Free Audio Converter Software Programs](#Part 4)

Part 1 How to Convert Audio?

Before we start listing the best audio converters down, we’ve prepared a bit of an overview for you! With this first part being a tutorial for how to use an audio converter! The example that we’ll be using is the 6th of the audio converters on our list, but it’s also the most general one. So, even if you decide to choose another, you should still be able to learn from this tutorial!

**Step 1: Launch The Audio Converter!

The first step in any conversion, of course, is to have it all primed for conversion! The free audio converter that we’ll be using as our example is an online one, so there is no actual ‘launching’ but one must open it up anyway through the link provided!

Launch Audio Converter

**Step 2: Upload Audio File!

The next general step is to ‘Upload’ the audio file that you want to convert. Usually, this can be done either by making use of the drag-and-drop function or selecting the ‘UPLOAD’ function that will allow you to browse your device for the audio file.

Upload Audio for Conversion

**Step 3: Select Output Format!

The next general step is to select the output format for the file that you want to convert! You can usually choose a whole array of formats for this: MP3, M4A, WAV, OGG, FLAC, WMA, M4R, AIFF, MMF, OPUS, MIDI, etc.

Select Audio File Output Format

**Step 4: Start Conversion!

Once the output format has been chosen, you can proceed with initializing the conversion! Usually, this is as simple as selecting ‘CONVERT’.

Start conversion

**Step 5: Download or Save File!

Once the conversion has been completed, your audio converter will either give you an option to ‘DOWNLOAD’ or ‘SAVE’ the finished product to your device!

Download or Save Converted Audio

Part 2 How we tested the best audio converter software?

In order to make sure that we are providing the ultimate list of audio converters out there, we’ve tested every single one on this list (and then some!) We played around with the settings, tried out all compatible formats, determined their efficiency, intuitiveness, extra features, and so much more!

Part 3 Essential Features of Audio Converter Software

There are three essential features that one needs to consider to decide which is the best audio converter software for them:

Input Formats and Output Formats: These are the most basic of the basic when it comes to requirements, but it’s notable regardless! After all, if your audio converter ends up being so limited that it is incapable of converting some of the more obscure formats out there, you might find it useless in the future.

Conversion Speed: No one has the time to spend endlessly on their computer to wait for a file to convert. Everything has a deadline! So, the speed of conversion is definitely something to consider.

Bonus Features: What other features does this audio converter have in store for you? Will it allow you to create playlists? Trim your audio? Merge your audio? You might find some of these features to be not useful at this moment in time. But, you never know!

Part 4 What’s the Best Free Audio Converter Software Programs

Now to get to our list of the best free audio converter software available! We’ve made sure to include a variety below! Note, this list is not in any particular order as we arranged it in a way to highlight the best audio converter for each type of user…

01**Wondershare Filmora Video Editor **

Supported OS: Windows/Mac

Supported Input: MP3, M4A, WAV, AIFF, OGG, WMA, AIF

Supported Output: MP3, M4A, WAV, AIFF, OGG, WMA, AIF

CNET Rating: 4/5

The first of the audio converters on this list is Filmora Pro! Filmora Pro is not necessarily an audio converter, since it’s capable of doing so much more than that. But it earned a spot on this list anyway because it has audio converting features! We recommend this for users who want an ‘All-in-One’ tool! One that will not only allow them to convert a variety of audio but also give them the ability to protect their projects with advanced video editing functions.

Highlights Pros Cons
● Advanced video editing tools.● Multi-input and output formats.● Clean interface. ● Clean interface.● Video editor and audio converter all in one. ● Lots of bonus features for creating exciting projects. ● Premium product.● Users must pay a subscription fee or one-time fee for an all-access pass.● Not suitable for beginners.

Wondershare Filmora

02EaseUS Video Converter

Supported OS: Windows

Supported Input: MP3, M4A, WAV, M4R, AIFF, APE, MP4, MOV, MKV, M4V, AVI, , MP4, , and many more

Supported Output: MP4, MP3, MKV, WMV, DivX, MXF, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, DV, VOB, DV, 3GP, 3G2, OGV, WebM, and more

CNET Rating: N/A

For the next item on our list, we have EaseUs Video Converter! If Filmora Pro is the jack of all trades, EaseUs Video Converter is the master of its trade. As a converter true and true, it is capable of more advanced conversions. Case in point, the software supports over 300 audio formats (including some of the obscure ones!) It also offers basic video and audio editing for perfecting projects!

Highlights Pros Cons
● Supports over 1,000+ video and audio formats. ● Bonus video and audio editing features.● FREE trial available. ● FREE trial available.● Easy, one-click conversions. ● Bulk-conversion functionalities. ● Bulk-conversion functionalities.● A subscription fee must be paid to have all-out access.● The software is available only for Windows OS users.

EaseUs Video Converter


Supported OS: Windows

Supported Input: AMR, AC3, FLAC, M4A, M4R, MP3, OGG, WAV, and WMA

Supported Output: FLAC, M4A, MP3, OGG, WAV, and WMA

CNET Rating: 2.5/5

The next audio converter on this list is the one we recommend for those looking for an open-source solution! This is a very basic, and very simple free audio converter. It’s got everything that an average person could possibly need from a solution for converting audio, and it’s all FREE!

Highlights Pros Cons
● FREE, open-source software.● FREE, open-source software.● Basic editing features for adjusting audio parameters. ● Supports over 50+ audio formats.● Efficient conversion.● Bulk-item conversions are available. ● Available only for Windows Users.● Not suitable for professional work.● More limited conversion support than other alternatives.



Supported OS: Any!

Supported Input: 3GA, AC3, AIFC, FLAC, M4A, MP3, Ram, WAV, WMA, OGG, OGA

Supported Output: AC3, FLAC, M4A, MP3, OGG, WAV, M4R

CNET Rating: 3/5

The next converter on this list is the first of the free online audio converters on this list! We’ve chosen it for its straightforward capabilities. Allowing one, no matter their device, to convert from one file format to another in seconds.

Highlights Pros Cons
● Free Online Audio Converter● Converts other file formats (not just audio)● Intuitive, and easy to use ● Supports a good variety of input and output formats.● Supports a good variety of input and output formats.● Fast, and efficient uploads ● Fast, and efficient uploads● Max upload file size is limited to the FREE version. ● Not as many supported file formats as other alternatives

ZAMZAR Free Online Audio Convert

05MediaHuman Audio Converter

Supported OS: Windows/Mac

Supported Input: AC3, AIF and AIFF, ALAW. AMR, APE. AU, AWB. CAF. DSF. DTS. FLAC. M4A, MP4R, MP2, MPC. OGG. RA, SHN. SPX. A. WV. WAV and WMA.

Supported Output: AC3, AIFF. ALAC. FLAC. M4R. MP3, OGG. OPUS. WAV.

CNET Rating: 4/5

A majority of the audio converter software that we’ve introduced has mainly been for Windows users! That is why, for this fifth audio converter, we’ve specifically picked one that is compatible with Mac OS and Windows! As you can see from the image provided, MediaHuman is a very simple and clean audio converter. That makes it incredibly easy to use, and quite convenient to just pick up.

Highlights Pros Cons
● Clean, and intuitive interface● Settings for changing audio parameters ● iTunes integrations for ease-of-use ● Supports a variety of iOS and Mac-friendly audio formats● Capable of bulk-conversion● Fast, and efficient ● Not the most advanced solution● Limited file output formats

MediaHuman Audio Converter UI

06Audio Tool Set

Supported OS: Any

Supported Input: MP3, WAV, AIFF, FLAC, M4A, M4R, MMF, OGG, MIDI, OPUS, WMA

Supported Output: MP3, WAV, AIFF, FLAC, M4A, M4R, MMF, OGG, MIDI, OPUS, WMA

CNET Rating: N/A

Audio Tool Set makes the last of the audio converters on this list (as well as the second one that is hosted online!) The beauty of the Audio Tool Set is that you can use it on any computer that you wish to. All you need is a browser and internet! Making it the perfect option for users looking to convert something on the odd occasion (rather than constantly).

Highlights Pros Cons
● Free, online audio converter● Accessible on any computer or PC● Comes with extra tools for adding audio effects, etc. ● Good variety of input and output formats.● Quick and efficient conversion rate● Bulk conversion available ● Must have internet● No advanced video or audio editing, just basic tools

Audio Tool Set

Key Takeaways from This Episode

It can be incredibly difficult to find the audio converter that is most suited for your needs. There are just too many of them! No one has the time to go and test each and every single one of them! (Aside from us!)

Fortunately, in terms of features, there are really only three that you have to think about: speed, flexibility, and bonus features.

The abundance of choices at least makes sure that each audio auditor is able to meet the specific needs of a certain group of users! To imitate this fact, our list of audio converters was compiled specifically so that we could offer as much variety as possible. With hints along the way to make sure that everyone has an audio converter that suits their own projects.

Try It Free Try It Free

We’ve picked out some of the best audio converters available right now based on several different factors

You’ll be able to see for yourself just how good each audio converter actually is.

In this article

01 [How to Convert Audio?](#Part 1)

02 [How we tested the best audio converter software?](#Part 2)

03 [Essential Features of Audio Converter Software](#Part 3)

04 [What’s the Best Free Audio Converter Software Programs](#Part 4)

Part 1 How to Convert Audio?

Before we start listing the best audio converters down, we’ve prepared a bit of an overview for you! With this first part being a tutorial for how to use an audio converter! The example that we’ll be using is the 6th of the audio converters on our list, but it’s also the most general one. So, even if you decide to choose another, you should still be able to learn from this tutorial!

**Step 1: Launch The Audio Converter!

The first step in any conversion, of course, is to have it all primed for conversion! The free audio converter that we’ll be using as our example is an online one, so there is no actual ‘launching’ but one must open it up anyway through the link provided!

Launch Audio Converter

**Step 2: Upload Audio File!

The next general step is to ‘Upload’ the audio file that you want to convert. Usually, this can be done either by making use of the drag-and-drop function or selecting the ‘UPLOAD’ function that will allow you to browse your device for the audio file.

Upload Audio for Conversion

**Step 3: Select Output Format!

The next general step is to select the output format for the file that you want to convert! You can usually choose a whole array of formats for this: MP3, M4A, WAV, OGG, FLAC, WMA, M4R, AIFF, MMF, OPUS, MIDI, etc.

Select Audio File Output Format

**Step 4: Start Conversion!

Once the output format has been chosen, you can proceed with initializing the conversion! Usually, this is as simple as selecting ‘CONVERT’.

Start conversion

**Step 5: Download or Save File!

Once the conversion has been completed, your audio converter will either give you an option to ‘DOWNLOAD’ or ‘SAVE’ the finished product to your device!

Download or Save Converted Audio

Part 2 How we tested the best audio converter software?

In order to make sure that we are providing the ultimate list of audio converters out there, we’ve tested every single one on this list (and then some!) We played around with the settings, tried out all compatible formats, determined their efficiency, intuitiveness, extra features, and so much more!

Part 3 Essential Features of Audio Converter Software

There are three essential features that one needs to consider to decide which is the best audio converter software for them:

Input Formats and Output Formats: These are the most basic of the basic when it comes to requirements, but it’s notable regardless! After all, if your audio converter ends up being so limited that it is incapable of converting some of the more obscure formats out there, you might find it useless in the future.

Conversion Speed: No one has the time to spend endlessly on their computer to wait for a file to convert. Everything has a deadline! So, the speed of conversion is definitely something to consider.

Bonus Features: What other features does this audio converter have in store for you? Will it allow you to create playlists? Trim your audio? Merge your audio? You might find some of these features to be not useful at this moment in time. But, you never know!

Part 4 What’s the Best Free Audio Converter Software Programs

Now to get to our list of the best free audio converter software available! We’ve made sure to include a variety below! Note, this list is not in any particular order as we arranged it in a way to highlight the best audio converter for each type of user…

01**Wondershare Filmora Video Editor **

Supported OS: Windows/Mac

Supported Input: MP3, M4A, WAV, AIFF, OGG, WMA, AIF

Supported Output: MP3, M4A, WAV, AIFF, OGG, WMA, AIF

CNET Rating: 4/5

The first of the audio converters on this list is Filmora Pro! Filmora Pro is not necessarily an audio converter, since it’s capable of doing so much more than that. But it earned a spot on this list anyway because it has audio converting features! We recommend this for users who want an ‘All-in-One’ tool! One that will not only allow them to convert a variety of audio but also give them the ability to protect their projects with advanced video editing functions.

Highlights Pros Cons
● Advanced video editing tools.● Multi-input and output formats.● Clean interface. ● Clean interface.● Video editor and audio converter all in one. ● Lots of bonus features for creating exciting projects. ● Premium product.● Users must pay a subscription fee or one-time fee for an all-access pass.● Not suitable for beginners.

Wondershare Filmora

02EaseUS Video Converter

Supported OS: Windows

Supported Input: MP3, M4A, WAV, M4R, AIFF, APE, MP4, MOV, MKV, M4V, AVI, , MP4, , and many more

Supported Output: MP4, MP3, MKV, WMV, DivX, MXF, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, DV, VOB, DV, 3GP, 3G2, OGV, WebM, and more

CNET Rating: N/A

For the next item on our list, we have EaseUs Video Converter! If Filmora Pro is the jack of all trades, EaseUs Video Converter is the master of its trade. As a converter true and true, it is capable of more advanced conversions. Case in point, the software supports over 300 audio formats (including some of the obscure ones!) It also offers basic video and audio editing for perfecting projects!

Highlights Pros Cons
● Supports over 1,000+ video and audio formats. ● Bonus video and audio editing features.● FREE trial available. ● FREE trial available.● Easy, one-click conversions. ● Bulk-conversion functionalities. ● Bulk-conversion functionalities.● A subscription fee must be paid to have all-out access.● The software is available only for Windows OS users.

EaseUs Video Converter


Supported OS: Windows

Supported Input: AMR, AC3, FLAC, M4A, M4R, MP3, OGG, WAV, and WMA

Supported Output: FLAC, M4A, MP3, OGG, WAV, and WMA

CNET Rating: 2.5/5

The next audio converter on this list is the one we recommend for those looking for an open-source solution! This is a very basic, and very simple free audio converter. It’s got everything that an average person could possibly need from a solution for converting audio, and it’s all FREE!

Highlights Pros Cons
● FREE, open-source software.● FREE, open-source software.● Basic editing features for adjusting audio parameters. ● Supports over 50+ audio formats.● Efficient conversion.● Bulk-item conversions are available. ● Available only for Windows Users.● Not suitable for professional work.● More limited conversion support than other alternatives.



Supported OS: Any!

Supported Input: 3GA, AC3, AIFC, FLAC, M4A, MP3, Ram, WAV, WMA, OGG, OGA

Supported Output: AC3, FLAC, M4A, MP3, OGG, WAV, M4R

CNET Rating: 3/5

The next converter on this list is the first of the free online audio converters on this list! We’ve chosen it for its straightforward capabilities. Allowing one, no matter their device, to convert from one file format to another in seconds.

Highlights Pros Cons
● Free Online Audio Converter● Converts other file formats (not just audio)● Intuitive, and easy to use ● Supports a good variety of input and output formats.● Supports a good variety of input and output formats.● Fast, and efficient uploads ● Fast, and efficient uploads● Max upload file size is limited to the FREE version. ● Not as many supported file formats as other alternatives

ZAMZAR Free Online Audio Convert

05MediaHuman Audio Converter

Supported OS: Windows/Mac

Supported Input: AC3, AIF and AIFF, ALAW. AMR, APE. AU, AWB. CAF. DSF. DTS. FLAC. M4A, MP4R, MP2, MPC. OGG. RA, SHN. SPX. A. WV. WAV and WMA.

Supported Output: AC3, AIFF. ALAC. FLAC. M4R. MP3, OGG. OPUS. WAV.

CNET Rating: 4/5

A majority of the audio converter software that we’ve introduced has mainly been for Windows users! That is why, for this fifth audio converter, we’ve specifically picked one that is compatible with Mac OS and Windows! As you can see from the image provided, MediaHuman is a very simple and clean audio converter. That makes it incredibly easy to use, and quite convenient to just pick up.

Highlights Pros Cons
● Clean, and intuitive interface● Settings for changing audio parameters ● iTunes integrations for ease-of-use ● Supports a variety of iOS and Mac-friendly audio formats● Capable of bulk-conversion● Fast, and efficient ● Not the most advanced solution● Limited file output formats

MediaHuman Audio Converter UI

06Audio Tool Set

Supported OS: Any

Supported Input: MP3, WAV, AIFF, FLAC, M4A, M4R, MMF, OGG, MIDI, OPUS, WMA

Supported Output: MP3, WAV, AIFF, FLAC, M4A, M4R, MMF, OGG, MIDI, OPUS, WMA

CNET Rating: N/A

Audio Tool Set makes the last of the audio converters on this list (as well as the second one that is hosted online!) The beauty of the Audio Tool Set is that you can use it on any computer that you wish to. All you need is a browser and internet! Making it the perfect option for users looking to convert something on the odd occasion (rather than constantly).

Highlights Pros Cons
● Free, online audio converter● Accessible on any computer or PC● Comes with extra tools for adding audio effects, etc. ● Good variety of input and output formats.● Quick and efficient conversion rate● Bulk conversion available ● Must have internet● No advanced video or audio editing, just basic tools

Audio Tool Set

Key Takeaways from This Episode

It can be incredibly difficult to find the audio converter that is most suited for your needs. There are just too many of them! No one has the time to go and test each and every single one of them! (Aside from us!)

Fortunately, in terms of features, there are really only three that you have to think about: speed, flexibility, and bonus features.

The abundance of choices at least makes sure that each audio auditor is able to meet the specific needs of a certain group of users! To imitate this fact, our list of audio converters was compiled specifically so that we could offer as much variety as possible. With hints along the way to make sure that everyone has an audio converter that suits their own projects.

Add Wow Factor to Your Videos: Top Free Special Effects Apps

FREE Best Video Special Effects Apps

author avatar

Ollie Mattison

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

Free Download

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Filmora secure download Secure Download

Free Download

For macOS 10.14 or later

Filmora secure download Secure Download

Click here to get Filmora for PC by email
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Every movie clip that you see on a big or small screen has been decorated using a professional video special effects app. Since special effects are added to the footages to make them look more lively and happening, it is important that only highly skilled professionals should do the job.

However, because of the advanced technologies and the robust applications that the developers are coming up with these days, no special training is required to seamlessly add special effects to the videos , and even a novice user can produce professional-level outputs on their smartphone with the help of all the options and features that these latest software programs offer.

With that said, here you will get to know about some of the best iOS and Android programs that you can use to add special effects to your videos. In addition to this, you will also learn about another most admired and widely used movie effects app that is equipped with plethora of templates that you can apply to your clips to make them look more professional.

Part 1: Best Video Special Effects Apps for Both iPhone and Android: FxGuru

We’ve find FxGuru: Movie FX Director is a special effect app which is available on both iPhone, iPad and Android devices, this video special effects app for Android and iOS has almost everything you may need in order to give your recorded videos a professional touch. From ghosts to werewolves, UFOs to dragons, and even tornadoes, earthquakes, and meteors, FxGuru has every special effect under one umbrella.

Simply put, with this app on your phone, you only have to use the device’s camera to capture video footage, and then sail away with your imagination to produce industry-standard clips for commercial promotions and/or for fun.

best vfx apps for both iOS and Android -  FxGuru: Movie FX Director

Click to get the Android version of this special effect app from the App Store or Google Play.

Part 2: Best VFX Video Effects Editor Apps for iPhone & iPad

If you are a proud owner of an iOS device, the following iPhone and iPad video special effects apps are something you would definitely love to try:

1. Enlight Videoleap Video Editor

With built-in video editor and easy-to-use interface, this iPhone special effects app could be the program you have been looking for all along. The software allows keyframe-based animations , chroma compositing, practically limitless redo and undo iterations, and even non-destructive video editing to make your post-production tasks simple and fun.

With all these features and options, and several more to explore, Enlight Vdeoleap Video Editor leaves no stone unturned to help you produce industry-standard outputs right on your iDevice.

best vfx apps for  iOS -Enlight Videoleap Video Editor

Click to get this app on App Store >>

2. Action Movie FX

With around 4.5-star rating on Apple App Store, this movie effects app called Action Movie FX has several Hollywood-style effects templates that let you give more dramatic look to the videos you record from your iDevice. Since the program is a mobile app, you can apply all the VFX right on your iPhone or iPad without transferring the footages to a computer for post-production treatments.

All the built-in effects that Action Movie FX is enriched with such as ALIEN BURST, CAR SMASH, BB-8 Spark, etc. have been designed by some of the most famous artists with ample amount of experience in the field of film production.

Click to get this app on App Store >>

3. Movie FX Maker

This video special effects app is helpful to apply FX on the images to use them as stickers. Although the program is free to use, the in-app purchases give you access to more advanced movie stickers that would allow you to bring life to the still images without having you to transfer them to your PC and/or using an expensive and complex apps like Photoshop.

All you need to do in order to apply special FX to the images is, capture photos on your iDevice, and add the effects Movie FX Maker has. Post modifications, the images can be shared on your favorite social networking site instantaneously.

best vfx apps for  iOS - Movie FX Maker

4. Effects Cam – Visual Effects

Yet another video special effects app, Effects Cam allows you to add special effects like fire, blasts, explosions, etc. to your images in order to make them look live. The images can be captured right from your device’s camera, or imported from other sources like your PC, phone’s memory, etc. Once imported, you can pick any of the available special FX from the app’s library, and apply it to the photo(s).

best vfx apps for  iOS - Effects Cam - Visual Effects

Click to get this app on App Store >>

5. Videorama Text & Video Editor

Videorama Text & Video Editor is an iPhone video special effects app that lets you do various tasks such as trim videos, split them, remove unwanted segments, etc. In addition to this, the tool is also capable of adding and animating texts that can be used as captions for the images or motion clips for information.

Apart from the above, adding special video and sound effects is another lucrative feature that Videorama has because of which the app is most admired and used by majority of people across the globe.

video special effects apps for  iOS - Videorama Text & Video Editor

Click to get this app on App Store >>

6. LumaFX

Although LumaFX is a paid video special effects app for iOS devices, it is worth investing. The software has many features that are mostly found in professional post-production tools. These features include color correction, slow motion effect, frame-by-frame animation using the keyframes, and much more.

In addition to all the above, LumaFX also allows you to add audio effects, thus making the videos more interesting and informative that could be broadcasted for commercial gains or shared among your known ones for fun.

best video effects apps for  iOS - LumaFX

Watch Video! Best Free Video Special Effects Apps on Apple Store

Part 2: Best VFX Video Effects Editor Apps for Android

If you are an Android lover and prefer using non-Apple devices, you have plenty of options when it comes to selecting the best movie effects app that could enable you to apply special effects to the videos your smart device has or captures using its camera.

In case you are looking for an efficient video special effects app for Android, those listed below are worth your attention:

1. Movie Booth FX Free

While using Movie Booth FX Free , all you need to do is, record a footage from your camera, and add special effects to it. The three main categories that this video special effects app ships along with include Action, Sci-Fi, and Horror. Depending on the type of footage you captured, and the kind of output you want to have, you can pick any of these categories, and apply your favorite effect that is available within it.

 action movie  video effects apps for  Andorid - Movie Booth FX Free

Although the program is free to install, various other options and features can be unlocked by paying for them with in-app purchases.

2. MovieRide FX

This video special effects app for Android has several templates that allow you to apply various VFX to the footages you record using your Android device. With the effects like Space Wars, Space Walk, Thunder Bolt, Storms, etc., you can virtually live in the movies, and act like a character. Although some of the effects that MovieRide FX has are paid, you definitely won’t regret buying them considering the precision and ease at which you can decorate your clips.

   video effects app for  Andorid - MovieRide FX

3. Movie Effects Maker

 action movie  video effects apps for  Andorid - Movie Effects Maker

Movie Effects Maker, as the name suggests, allows you to add special effects to the images you click with your smartphone. With all the VFX options this movie effects app has, you can be virtually anyone you want. For instance, with the sci-fi and horror elements, you can create stickers out of your photos portraying yourself as a hero, add animated effects to your images to make them look live, and much more.

4. Extreme VFX

   effects apps for Andorid - Extreme VFX

With this video special effects app, all you need to do is, record a footage using your Android smart device, and begin applying special effects to them until you are satisfied with the results. Since the app allows you to add multiple VFX to the clips, nothing seems impossible when it comes to decorating the videos, and making them more engaging and entertaining, especially with you playing as the main character.

Get this special video effect app from Google Play>>

Watch Video! Best VFX Video Effects Editor Apps for Android

Part 4: How to Add Special Effects to Videos in Filmora?

Although all the apps listed above are good, when it comes to creating movies with special effects for commercial usage and public broadcasting, nothing can beat the efficiency and robustness of a movie effects app that has been designed to run on desktop computers.

Even though there are many post-production professional applications by different vendors, Wondershare Filmora has the simplest UI, and follows the most straightforward approach that allows even the novice users to add VFX to their videos.

Free Download

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Filmora secure download Secure Download

Free Download

For macOS 10.14 or later

Filmora secure download Secure Download

Click here to get Filmora for PC by email
or Try Filmora App for mobile >>>

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The steps given below explain how to add special effects to your recorded footages with Wondershare Filmora:

1. Import Video and Add to Timeline

Launch Wondershare Filmora, click anywhere inside the Media Bin at the upper-left section, use the Open box to import the video you want to add VFX to, hover mouse to the thumbnail of the clip, click the + icon from the middle, and click MATCH TO MEDIA from the Project Setting box when/if it appears.

  Import media in Filmora9

2. Add Effects and Elements

Place the Playhead (Skimmer) in the Timeline you want to apply effects from, click Effects from the standard toolbar at the top, select your preferred category from the left pane, hover mouse to the effect you want to add in the right window, and click the + icon from the center.

 Add Block buster Effects in Filmora9

Optionally you can drag the effect in the Timeline to manage its duration. Next, go to Elements from the top, and repeat the process to add your preferred element to the footage.

Besides the included effects and elements in Filmora, you can find our more video effects on Filmstock effects store, including blockbuster, effects for holidays and vacations. Click to check the free video effects that you can get for free in Filmstock for Filmora.

Filmora free video effects in Filmstock

3. Export the Output

Click EXPORT from the top-center section, go to the Local tab from the top of the Export box that opens up next, choose your preferred extension from the Format list in the left pane, select a destination location in the Save to field in the right window, click SETTINGS and make necessary adjustments (optional), and click EXPORT from the bottom-right corner of the box to begin rendering and to produce the video with the special effects applied to it.

Filmora9 Output Options


With all the programs listed above, selecting the best video special effects app could be a challenging task. Thanks to Wondershare Filmora that not only enables you to add effects and elements to the videos, it is also fast, lightweight, and offers simple and easy-to-use interface that can be exploited to create professional-level outputs in comparatively less time.

Free Download

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

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Free Download

For macOS 10.14 or later

Filmora secure download Secure Download

Click here to get Filmora for PC by email
or Try Filmora App for mobile >>>

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author avatar

Ollie Mattison

Ollie Mattison is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Ollie Mattison

Ollie Mattison

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

Free Download

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Filmora secure download Secure Download

Free Download

For macOS 10.14 or later

Filmora secure download Secure Download

Click here to get Filmora for PC by email
or Try Filmora App for mobile >>>

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Every movie clip that you see on a big or small screen has been decorated using a professional video special effects app. Since special effects are added to the footages to make them look more lively and happening, it is important that only highly skilled professionals should do the job.

However, because of the advanced technologies and the robust applications that the developers are coming up with these days, no special training is required to seamlessly add special effects to the videos , and even a novice user can produce professional-level outputs on their smartphone with the help of all the options and features that these latest software programs offer.

With that said, here you will get to know about some of the best iOS and Android programs that you can use to add special effects to your videos. In addition to this, you will also learn about another most admired and widely used movie effects app that is equipped with plethora of templates that you can apply to your clips to make them look more professional.

Part 1: Best Video Special Effects Apps for Both iPhone and Android: FxGuru

We’ve find FxGuru: Movie FX Director is a special effect app which is available on both iPhone, iPad and Android devices, this video special effects app for Android and iOS has almost everything you may need in order to give your recorded videos a professional touch. From ghosts to werewolves, UFOs to dragons, and even tornadoes, earthquakes, and meteors, FxGuru has every special effect under one umbrella.

Simply put, with this app on your phone, you only have to use the device’s camera to capture video footage, and then sail away with your imagination to produce industry-standard clips for commercial promotions and/or for fun.

best vfx apps for both iOS and Android -  FxGuru: Movie FX Director

Click to get the Android version of this special effect app from the App Store or Google Play.

Part 2: Best VFX Video Effects Editor Apps for iPhone & iPad

If you are a proud owner of an iOS device, the following iPhone and iPad video special effects apps are something you would definitely love to try:

1. Enlight Videoleap Video Editor

With built-in video editor and easy-to-use interface, this iPhone special effects app could be the program you have been looking for all along. The software allows keyframe-based animations , chroma compositing, practically limitless redo and undo iterations, and even non-destructive video editing to make your post-production tasks simple and fun.

With all these features and options, and several more to explore, Enlight Vdeoleap Video Editor leaves no stone unturned to help you produce industry-standard outputs right on your iDevice.

best vfx apps for  iOS -Enlight Videoleap Video Editor

Click to get this app on App Store >>

2. Action Movie FX

With around 4.5-star rating on Apple App Store, this movie effects app called Action Movie FX has several Hollywood-style effects templates that let you give more dramatic look to the videos you record from your iDevice. Since the program is a mobile app, you can apply all the VFX right on your iPhone or iPad without transferring the footages to a computer for post-production treatments.

All the built-in effects that Action Movie FX is enriched with such as ALIEN BURST, CAR SMASH, BB-8 Spark, etc. have been designed by some of the most famous artists with ample amount of experience in the field of film production.

Click to get this app on App Store >>

3. Movie FX Maker

This video special effects app is helpful to apply FX on the images to use them as stickers. Although the program is free to use, the in-app purchases give you access to more advanced movie stickers that would allow you to bring life to the still images without having you to transfer them to your PC and/or using an expensive and complex apps like Photoshop.

All you need to do in order to apply special FX to the images is, capture photos on your iDevice, and add the effects Movie FX Maker has. Post modifications, the images can be shared on your favorite social networking site instantaneously.

best vfx apps for  iOS - Movie FX Maker

4. Effects Cam – Visual Effects

Yet another video special effects app, Effects Cam allows you to add special effects like fire, blasts, explosions, etc. to your images in order to make them look live. The images can be captured right from your device’s camera, or imported from other sources like your PC, phone’s memory, etc. Once imported, you can pick any of the available special FX from the app’s library, and apply it to the photo(s).

best vfx apps for  iOS - Effects Cam - Visual Effects

Click to get this app on App Store >>

5. Videorama Text & Video Editor

Videorama Text & Video Editor is an iPhone video special effects app that lets you do various tasks such as trim videos, split them, remove unwanted segments, etc. In addition to this, the tool is also capable of adding and animating texts that can be used as captions for the images or motion clips for information.

Apart from the above, adding special video and sound effects is another lucrative feature that Videorama has because of which the app is most admired and used by majority of people across the globe.

video special effects apps for  iOS - Videorama Text & Video Editor

Click to get this app on App Store >>

6. LumaFX

Although LumaFX is a paid video special effects app for iOS devices, it is worth investing. The software has many features that are mostly found in professional post-production tools. These features include color correction, slow motion effect, frame-by-frame animation using the keyframes, and much more.

In addition to all the above, LumaFX also allows you to add audio effects, thus making the videos more interesting and informative that could be broadcasted for commercial gains or shared among your known ones for fun.

best video effects apps for  iOS - LumaFX

Watch Video! Best Free Video Special Effects Apps on Apple Store

Part 2: Best VFX Video Effects Editor Apps for Android

If you are an Android lover and prefer using non-Apple devices, you have plenty of options when it comes to selecting the best movie effects app that could enable you to apply special effects to the videos your smart device has or captures using its camera.

In case you are looking for an efficient video special effects app for Android, those listed below are worth your attention:

1. Movie Booth FX Free

While using Movie Booth FX Free , all you need to do is, record a footage from your camera, and add special effects to it. The three main categories that this video special effects app ships along with include Action, Sci-Fi, and Horror. Depending on the type of footage you captured, and the kind of output you want to have, you can pick any of these categories, and apply your favorite effect that is available within it.

 action movie  video effects apps for  Andorid - Movie Booth FX Free

Although the program is free to install, various other options and features can be unlocked by paying for them with in-app purchases.

2. MovieRide FX

This video special effects app for Android has several templates that allow you to apply various VFX to the footages you record using your Android device. With the effects like Space Wars, Space Walk, Thunder Bolt, Storms, etc., you can virtually live in the movies, and act like a character. Although some of the effects that MovieRide FX has are paid, you definitely won’t regret buying them considering the precision and ease at which you can decorate your clips.

   video effects app for  Andorid - MovieRide FX

3. Movie Effects Maker

 action movie  video effects apps for  Andorid - Movie Effects Maker

Movie Effects Maker, as the name suggests, allows you to add special effects to the images you click with your smartphone. With all the VFX options this movie effects app has, you can be virtually anyone you want. For instance, with the sci-fi and horror elements, you can create stickers out of your photos portraying yourself as a hero, add animated effects to your images to make them look live, and much more.

4. Extreme VFX

   effects apps for Andorid - Extreme VFX

With this video special effects app, all you need to do is, record a footage using your Android smart device, and begin applying special effects to them until you are satisfied with the results. Since the app allows you to add multiple VFX to the clips, nothing seems impossible when it comes to decorating the videos, and making them more engaging and entertaining, especially with you playing as the main character.

Get this special video effect app from Google Play>>

Watch Video! Best VFX Video Effects Editor Apps for Android

Part 4: How to Add Special Effects to Videos in Filmora?

Although all the apps listed above are good, when it comes to creating movies with special effects for commercial usage and public broadcasting, nothing can beat the efficiency and robustness of a movie effects app that has been designed to run on desktop computers.

Even though there are many post-production professional applications by different vendors, Wondershare Filmora has the simplest UI, and follows the most straightforward approach that allows even the novice users to add VFX to their videos.

Free Download

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

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Free Download

For macOS 10.14 or later

Filmora secure download Secure Download

Click here to get Filmora for PC by email
or Try Filmora App for mobile >>>

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The steps given below explain how to add special effects to your recorded footages with Wondershare Filmora:

1. Import Video and Add to Timeline

Launch Wondershare Filmora, click anywhere inside the Media Bin at the upper-left section, use the Open box to import the video you want to add VFX to, hover mouse to the thumbnail of the clip, click the + icon from the middle, and click MATCH TO MEDIA from the Project Setting box when/if it appears.

  Import media in Filmora9

2. Add Effects and Elements

Place the Playhead (Skimmer) in the Timeline you want to apply effects from, click Effects from the standard toolbar at the top, select your preferred category from the left pane, hover mouse to the effect you want to add in the right window, and click the + icon from the center.

 Add Block buster Effects in Filmora9

Optionally you can drag the effect in the Timeline to manage its duration. Next, go to Elements from the top, and repeat the process to add your preferred element to the footage.

Besides the included effects and elements in Filmora, you can find our more video effects on Filmstock effects store, including blockbuster, effects for holidays and vacations. Click to check the free video effects that you can get for free in Filmstock for Filmora.

Filmora free video effects in Filmstock

3. Export the Output

Click EXPORT from the top-center section, go to the Local tab from the top of the Export box that opens up next, choose your preferred extension from the Format list in the left pane, select a destination location in the Save to field in the right window, click SETTINGS and make necessary adjustments (optional), and click EXPORT from the bottom-right corner of the box to begin rendering and to produce the video with the special effects applied to it.

Filmora9 Output Options


With all the programs listed above, selecting the best video special effects app could be a challenging task. Thanks to Wondershare Filmora that not only enables you to add effects and elements to the videos, it is also fast, lightweight, and offers simple and easy-to-use interface that can be exploited to create professional-level outputs in comparatively less time.

Free Download

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

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Free Download

For macOS 10.14 or later

Filmora secure download Secure Download

Click here to get Filmora for PC by email
or Try Filmora App for mobile >>>

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author avatar

Ollie Mattison

Ollie Mattison is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Ollie Mattison

Ollie Mattison

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

Free Download

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Filmora secure download Secure Download

Free Download

For macOS 10.14 or later

Filmora secure download Secure Download

Click here to get Filmora for PC by email
or Try Filmora App for mobile >>>

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Every movie clip that you see on a big or small screen has been decorated using a professional video special effects app. Since special effects are added to the footages to make them look more lively and happening, it is important that only highly skilled professionals should do the job.

However, because of the advanced technologies and the robust applications that the developers are coming up with these days, no special training is required to seamlessly add special effects to the videos , and even a novice user can produce professional-level outputs on their smartphone with the help of all the options and features that these latest software programs offer.

With that said, here you will get to know about some of the best iOS and Android programs that you can use to add special effects to your videos. In addition to this, you will also learn about another most admired and widely used movie effects app that is equipped with plethora of templates that you can apply to your clips to make them look more professional.

Part 1: Best Video Special Effects Apps for Both iPhone and Android: FxGuru

We’ve find FxGuru: Movie FX Director is a special effect app which is available on both iPhone, iPad and Android devices, this video special effects app for Android and iOS has almost everything you may need in order to give your recorded videos a professional touch. From ghosts to werewolves, UFOs to dragons, and even tornadoes, earthquakes, and meteors, FxGuru has every special effect under one umbrella.

Simply put, with this app on your phone, you only have to use the device’s camera to capture video footage, and then sail away with your imagination to produce industry-standard clips for commercial promotions and/or for fun.

best vfx apps for both iOS and Android -  FxGuru: Movie FX Director

Click to get the Android version of this special effect app from the App Store or Google Play.

Part 2: Best VFX Video Effects Editor Apps for iPhone & iPad

If you are a proud owner of an iOS device, the following iPhone and iPad video special effects apps are something you would definitely love to try:

1. Enlight Videoleap Video Editor

With built-in video editor and easy-to-use interface, this iPhone special effects app could be the program you have been looking for all along. The software allows keyframe-based animations , chroma compositing, practically limitless redo and undo iterations, and even non-destructive video editing to make your post-production tasks simple and fun.

With all these features and options, and several more to explore, Enlight Vdeoleap Video Editor leaves no stone unturned to help you produce industry-standard outputs right on your iDevice.

best vfx apps for  iOS -Enlight Videoleap Video Editor

Click to get this app on App Store >>

2. Action Movie FX

With around 4.5-star rating on Apple App Store, this movie effects app called Action Movie FX has several Hollywood-style effects templates that let you give more dramatic look to the videos you record from your iDevice. Since the program is a mobile app, you can apply all the VFX right on your iPhone or iPad without transferring the footages to a computer for post-production treatments.

All the built-in effects that Action Movie FX is enriched with such as ALIEN BURST, CAR SMASH, BB-8 Spark, etc. have been designed by some of the most famous artists with ample amount of experience in the field of film production.

Click to get this app on App Store >>

3. Movie FX Maker

This video special effects app is helpful to apply FX on the images to use them as stickers. Although the program is free to use, the in-app purchases give you access to more advanced movie stickers that would allow you to bring life to the still images without having you to transfer them to your PC and/or using an expensive and complex apps like Photoshop.

All you need to do in order to apply special FX to the images is, capture photos on your iDevice, and add the effects Movie FX Maker has. Post modifications, the images can be shared on your favorite social networking site instantaneously.

best vfx apps for  iOS - Movie FX Maker

4. Effects Cam – Visual Effects

Yet another video special effects app, Effects Cam allows you to add special effects like fire, blasts, explosions, etc. to your images in order to make them look live. The images can be captured right from your device’s camera, or imported from other sources like your PC, phone’s memory, etc. Once imported, you can pick any of the available special FX from the app’s library, and apply it to the photo(s).

best vfx apps for  iOS - Effects Cam - Visual Effects

Click to get this app on App Store >>

5. Videorama Text & Video Editor

Videorama Text & Video Editor is an iPhone video special effects app that lets you do various tasks such as trim videos, split them, remove unwanted segments, etc. In addition to this, the tool is also capable of adding and animating texts that can be used as captions for the images or motion clips for information.

Apart from the above, adding special video and sound effects is another lucrative feature that Videorama has because of which the app is most admired and used by majority of people across the globe.

video special effects apps for  iOS - Videorama Text & Video Editor

Click to get this app on App Store >>

6. LumaFX

Although LumaFX is a paid video special effects app for iOS devices, it is worth investing. The software has many features that are mostly found in professional post-production tools. These features include color correction, slow motion effect, frame-by-frame animation using the keyframes, and much more.

In addition to all the above, LumaFX also allows you to add audio effects, thus making the videos more interesting and informative that could be broadcasted for commercial gains or shared among your known ones for fun.

best video effects apps for  iOS - LumaFX

Watch Video! Best Free Video Special Effects Apps on Apple Store

Part 2: Best VFX Video Effects Editor Apps for Android

If you are an Android lover and prefer using non-Apple devices, you have plenty of options when it comes to selecting the best movie effects app that could enable you to apply special effects to the videos your smart device has or captures using its camera.

In case you are looking for an efficient video special effects app for Android, those listed below are worth your attention:

1. Movie Booth FX Free

While using Movie Booth FX Free , all you need to do is, record a footage from your camera, and add special effects to it. The three main categories that this video special effects app ships along with include Action, Sci-Fi, and Horror. Depending on the type of footage you captured, and the kind of output you want to have, you can pick any of these categories, and apply your favorite effect that is available within it.

 action movie  video effects apps for  Andorid - Movie Booth FX Free

Although the program is free to install, various other options and features can be unlocked by paying for them with in-app purchases.

2. MovieRide FX

This video special effects app for Android has several templates that allow you to apply various VFX to the footages you record using your Android device. With the effects like Space Wars, Space Walk, Thunder Bolt, Storms, etc., you can virtually live in the movies, and act like a character. Although some of the effects that MovieRide FX has are paid, you definitely won’t regret buying them considering the precision and ease at which you can decorate your clips.

   video effects app for  Andorid - MovieRide FX

3. Movie Effects Maker

 action movie  video effects apps for  Andorid - Movie Effects Maker

Movie Effects Maker, as the name suggests, allows you to add special effects to the images you click with your smartphone. With all the VFX options this movie effects app has, you can be virtually anyone you want. For instance, with the sci-fi and horror elements, you can create stickers out of your photos portraying yourself as a hero, add animated effects to your images to make them look live, and much more.

4. Extreme VFX

   effects apps for Andorid - Extreme VFX

With this video special effects app, all you need to do is, record a footage using your Android smart device, and begin applying special effects to them until you are satisfied with the results. Since the app allows you to add multiple VFX to the clips, nothing seems impossible when it comes to decorating the videos, and making them more engaging and entertaining, especially with you playing as the main character.

Get this special video effect app from Google Play>>

Watch Video! Best VFX Video Effects Editor Apps for Android

Part 4: How to Add Special Effects to Videos in Filmora?

Although all the apps listed above are good, when it comes to creating movies with special effects for commercial usage and public broadcasting, nothing can beat the efficiency and robustness of a movie effects app that has been designed to run on desktop computers.

Even though there are many post-production professional applications by different vendors, Wondershare Filmora has the simplest UI, and follows the most straightforward approach that allows even the novice users to add VFX to their videos.

Free Download

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

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Free Download

For macOS 10.14 or later

Filmora secure download Secure Download

Click here to get Filmora for PC by email
or Try Filmora App for mobile >>>

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The steps given below explain how to add special effects to your recorded footages with Wondershare Filmora:

1. Import Video and Add to Timeline

Launch Wondershare Filmora, click anywhere inside the Media Bin at the upper-left section, use the Open box to import the video you want to add VFX to, hover mouse to the thumbnail of the clip, click the + icon from the middle, and click MATCH TO MEDIA from the Project Setting box when/if it appears.

  Import media in Filmora9

2. Add Effects and Elements

Place the Playhead (Skimmer) in the Timeline you want to apply effects from, click Effects from the standard toolbar at the top, select your preferred category from the left pane, hover mouse to the effect you want to add in the right window, and click the + icon from the center.

 Add Block buster Effects in Filmora9

Optionally you can drag the effect in the Timeline to manage its duration. Next, go to Elements from the top, and repeat the process to add your preferred element to the footage.

Besides the included effects and elements in Filmora, you can find our more video effects on Filmstock effects store, including blockbuster, effects for holidays and vacations. Click to check the free video effects that you can get for free in Filmstock for Filmora.

Filmora free video effects in Filmstock

3. Export the Output

Click EXPORT from the top-center section, go to the Local tab from the top of the Export box that opens up next, choose your preferred extension from the Format list in the left pane, select a destination location in the Save to field in the right window, click SETTINGS and make necessary adjustments (optional), and click EXPORT from the bottom-right corner of the box to begin rendering and to produce the video with the special effects applied to it.

Filmora9 Output Options


With all the programs listed above, selecting the best video special effects app could be a challenging task. Thanks to Wondershare Filmora that not only enables you to add effects and elements to the videos, it is also fast, lightweight, and offers simple and easy-to-use interface that can be exploited to create professional-level outputs in comparatively less time.

Free Download

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

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Free Download

For macOS 10.14 or later

Filmora secure download Secure Download

Click here to get Filmora for PC by email
or Try Filmora App for mobile >>>

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author avatar

Ollie Mattison

Ollie Mattison is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Ollie Mattison

Ollie Mattison

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

Free Download

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Filmora secure download Secure Download

Free Download

For macOS 10.14 or later

Filmora secure download Secure Download

Click here to get Filmora for PC by email
or Try Filmora App for mobile >>>

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Every movie clip that you see on a big or small screen has been decorated using a professional video special effects app. Since special effects are added to the footages to make them look more lively and happening, it is important that only highly skilled professionals should do the job.

However, because of the advanced technologies and the robust applications that the developers are coming up with these days, no special training is required to seamlessly add special effects to the videos , and even a novice user can produce professional-level outputs on their smartphone with the help of all the options and features that these latest software programs offer.

With that said, here you will get to know about some of the best iOS and Android programs that you can use to add special effects to your videos. In addition to this, you will also learn about another most admired and widely used movie effects app that is equipped with plethora of templates that you can apply to your clips to make them look more professional.

Part 1: Best Video Special Effects Apps for Both iPhone and Android: FxGuru

We’ve find FxGuru: Movie FX Director is a special effect app which is available on both iPhone, iPad and Android devices, this video special effects app for Android and iOS has almost everything you may need in order to give your recorded videos a professional touch. From ghosts to werewolves, UFOs to dragons, and even tornadoes, earthquakes, and meteors, FxGuru has every special effect under one umbrella.

Simply put, with this app on your phone, you only have to use the device’s camera to capture video footage, and then sail away with your imagination to produce industry-standard clips for commercial promotions and/or for fun.

best vfx apps for both iOS and Android -  FxGuru: Movie FX Director

Click to get the Android version of this special effect app from the App Store or Google Play.

Part 2: Best VFX Video Effects Editor Apps for iPhone & iPad

If you are a proud owner of an iOS device, the following iPhone and iPad video special effects apps are something you would definitely love to try:

1. Enlight Videoleap Video Editor

With built-in video editor and easy-to-use interface, this iPhone special effects app could be the program you have been looking for all along. The software allows keyframe-based animations , chroma compositing, practically limitless redo and undo iterations, and even non-destructive video editing to make your post-production tasks simple and fun.

With all these features and options, and several more to explore, Enlight Vdeoleap Video Editor leaves no stone unturned to help you produce industry-standard outputs right on your iDevice.

best vfx apps for  iOS -Enlight Videoleap Video Editor

Click to get this app on App Store >>

2. Action Movie FX

With around 4.5-star rating on Apple App Store, this movie effects app called Action Movie FX has several Hollywood-style effects templates that let you give more dramatic look to the videos you record from your iDevice. Since the program is a mobile app, you can apply all the VFX right on your iPhone or iPad without transferring the footages to a computer for post-production treatments.

All the built-in effects that Action Movie FX is enriched with such as ALIEN BURST, CAR SMASH, BB-8 Spark, etc. have been designed by some of the most famous artists with ample amount of experience in the field of film production.

Click to get this app on App Store >>

3. Movie FX Maker

This video special effects app is helpful to apply FX on the images to use them as stickers. Although the program is free to use, the in-app purchases give you access to more advanced movie stickers that would allow you to bring life to the still images without having you to transfer them to your PC and/or using an expensive and complex apps like Photoshop.

All you need to do in order to apply special FX to the images is, capture photos on your iDevice, and add the effects Movie FX Maker has. Post modifications, the images can be shared on your favorite social networking site instantaneously.

best vfx apps for  iOS - Movie FX Maker

4. Effects Cam – Visual Effects

Yet another video special effects app, Effects Cam allows you to add special effects like fire, blasts, explosions, etc. to your images in order to make them look live. The images can be captured right from your device’s camera, or imported from other sources like your PC, phone’s memory, etc. Once imported, you can pick any of the available special FX from the app’s library, and apply it to the photo(s).

best vfx apps for  iOS - Effects Cam - Visual Effects

Click to get this app on App Store >>

5. Videorama Text & Video Editor

Videorama Text & Video Editor is an iPhone video special effects app that lets you do various tasks such as trim videos, split them, remove unwanted segments, etc. In addition to this, the tool is also capable of adding and animating texts that can be used as captions for the images or motion clips for information.

Apart from the above, adding special video and sound effects is another lucrative feature that Videorama has because of which the app is most admired and used by majority of people across the globe.

video special effects apps for  iOS - Videorama Text & Video Editor

Click to get this app on App Store >>

6. LumaFX

Although LumaFX is a paid video special effects app for iOS devices, it is worth investing. The software has many features that are mostly found in professional post-production tools. These features include color correction, slow motion effect, frame-by-frame animation using the keyframes, and much more.

In addition to all the above, LumaFX also allows you to add audio effects, thus making the videos more interesting and informative that could be broadcasted for commercial gains or shared among your known ones for fun.

best video effects apps for  iOS - LumaFX

Watch Video! Best Free Video Special Effects Apps on Apple Store

Part 2: Best VFX Video Effects Editor Apps for Android

If you are an Android lover and prefer using non-Apple devices, you have plenty of options when it comes to selecting the best movie effects app that could enable you to apply special effects to the videos your smart device has or captures using its camera.

In case you are looking for an efficient video special effects app for Android, those listed below are worth your attention:

1. Movie Booth FX Free

While using Movie Booth FX Free , all you need to do is, record a footage from your camera, and add special effects to it. The three main categories that this video special effects app ships along with include Action, Sci-Fi, and Horror. Depending on the type of footage you captured, and the kind of output you want to have, you can pick any of these categories, and apply your favorite effect that is available within it.

 action movie  video effects apps for  Andorid - Movie Booth FX Free

Although the program is free to install, various other options and features can be unlocked by paying for them with in-app purchases.

2. MovieRide FX

This video special effects app for Android has several templates that allow you to apply various VFX to the footages you record using your Android device. With the effects like Space Wars, Space Walk, Thunder Bolt, Storms, etc., you can virtually live in the movies, and act like a character. Although some of the effects that MovieRide FX has are paid, you definitely won’t regret buying them considering the precision and ease at which you can decorate your clips.

   video effects app for  Andorid - MovieRide FX

3. Movie Effects Maker

 action movie  video effects apps for  Andorid - Movie Effects Maker

Movie Effects Maker, as the name suggests, allows you to add special effects to the images you click with your smartphone. With all the VFX options this movie effects app has, you can be virtually anyone you want. For instance, with the sci-fi and horror elements, you can create stickers out of your photos portraying yourself as a hero, add animated effects to your images to make them look live, and much more.

4. Extreme VFX

   effects apps for Andorid - Extreme VFX

With this video special effects app, all you need to do is, record a footage using your Android smart device, and begin applying special effects to them until you are satisfied with the results. Since the app allows you to add multiple VFX to the clips, nothing seems impossible when it comes to decorating the videos, and making them more engaging and entertaining, especially with you playing as the main character.

Get this special video effect app from Google Play>>

Watch Video! Best VFX Video Effects Editor Apps for Android

Part 4: How to Add Special Effects to Videos in Filmora?

Although all the apps listed above are good, when it comes to creating movies with special effects for commercial usage and public broadcasting, nothing can beat the efficiency and robustness of a movie effects app that has been designed to run on desktop computers.

Even though there are many post-production professional applications by different vendors, Wondershare Filmora has the simplest UI, and follows the most straightforward approach that allows even the novice users to add VFX to their videos.

Free Download

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Filmora secure download Secure Download

Free Download

For macOS 10.14 or later

Filmora secure download Secure Download

Click here to get Filmora for PC by email
or Try Filmora App for mobile >>>

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The steps given below explain how to add special effects to your recorded footages with Wondershare Filmora:

1. Import Video and Add to Timeline

Launch Wondershare Filmora, click anywhere inside the Media Bin at the upper-left section, use the Open box to import the video you want to add VFX to, hover mouse to the thumbnail of the clip, click the + icon from the middle, and click MATCH TO MEDIA from the Project Setting box when/if it appears.

  Import media in Filmora9

2. Add Effects and Elements

Place the Playhead (Skimmer) in the Timeline you want to apply effects from, click Effects from the standard toolbar at the top, select your preferred category from the left pane, hover mouse to the effect you want to add in the right window, and click the + icon from the center.

 Add Block buster Effects in Filmora9

Optionally you can drag the effect in the Timeline to manage its duration. Next, go to Elements from the top, and repeat the process to add your preferred element to the footage.

Besides the included effects and elements in Filmora, you can find our more video effects on Filmstock effects store, including blockbuster, effects for holidays and vacations. Click to check the free video effects that you can get for free in Filmstock for Filmora.

Filmora free video effects in Filmstock

3. Export the Output

Click EXPORT from the top-center section, go to the Local tab from the top of the Export box that opens up next, choose your preferred extension from the Format list in the left pane, select a destination location in the Save to field in the right window, click SETTINGS and make necessary adjustments (optional), and click EXPORT from the bottom-right corner of the box to begin rendering and to produce the video with the special effects applied to it.

Filmora9 Output Options


With all the programs listed above, selecting the best video special effects app could be a challenging task. Thanks to Wondershare Filmora that not only enables you to add effects and elements to the videos, it is also fast, lightweight, and offers simple and easy-to-use interface that can be exploited to create professional-level outputs in comparatively less time.

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For macOS 10.14 or later

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Ollie Mattison

Ollie Mattison is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Ollie Mattison

Also read:

  • Title: Updated 2024 Approved Taking Lower Thirds to the Next Level in Final Cut Pro X
  • Author: Amelia
  • Created at : 2024-06-16 10:10:08
  • Updated at : 2024-06-17 10:10:08
  • Link: https://ai-driven-video-production.techidaily.com/updated-2024-approved-taking-lower-thirds-to-the-next-level-in-final-cut-pro-x/
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
On this page
Updated 2024 Approved Taking Lower Thirds to the Next Level in Final Cut Pro X