Updated In 2024, What Makes the Best Lower Thirds in Final Cut Pro X

Updated In 2024, What Makes the Best Lower Thirds in Final Cut Pro X

Amelia Lv12

What Makes the Best Lower Thirds in Final Cut Pro X

What Makes the Best Lower Thirds in Final Cut Pro X?

author avatar

Liza Brown

Oct 26, 2023• Proven solutions

The videos drop facts to audiences and educate the viewers. The video makers strive to offer a complete overview of the topic within a short duration. Graphics, elements, modules occupy the screen and excites the viewers. The advent of video editing innovations shifted the perspectives.

Here comes an enlightening discussion about the lower third modules in your videos. The tips and tricks associated with the making of this lower third element are available in the below content. Surf them carefully and learn the fabulous lower third templates to customize your videos to the next level.

lower third intro

Part1: What is the lower third?

Are you aware of lower third elements? If you are a newbie video designer, then this article ignites you with reliable facts about it. The lower third module is a graphical element that takes the lower position of a video.

It carries texts to educate the viewers related to the discussed topic in the video. It adds information to the existing content playing in the background. On a clear note, had you observed the news boards displayed at the bottom of the news channel? Yes, of course, most of you must be aware of this element flashing the current news.

You can also observe this lower third module during an interview session on your television. It displays the name of the interviewer and extra data about the session.

On a short note, you can define the lower third module as a piece of a graphical element that hangs at the bottom of the screen displaying related data in pace with the existing video content. You can create the lower third module using an incredible tool for your videos in no time. Identify the factors to work on to refine the lower third module appearance and performances.

lower thirds

Part2: What factors contribute to a good lower third?

While designing the lower third element for your video, you must keep an eye on few factors. Work on the below attributes to build a good lower third element. Always remember to keep it simple to obtain the desired outcomes.

  1. The harmony of hues

The color combinations of your lower third element play a vital factor. Choose the right mix of shades to attract the viewers. Based on the background, use a complementary color to fill your lower third module for a persuasive display. Ensure the combination of hues must not distract the viewers at any cost.

Try different color schemes with Green, Magenta, Orange, and Blue to create a mesmerizing display of the lower third element. You can also use a color picker tool to choose the right combination of colors that match perfectly with the background and typography.


  1. Motion effect

Thrill your audience by inserting movements with the lower third elements. When you add some motion effect to this module, it adds flavors to your video. Work on this feature in-depth and observe whether the lower third’s motion effect excites the audience. Customize the animation time, style, and the way it flashes on the screen.

Make the movements simple and do not add too many moves which distract the viewers. Decide how long the animation should play and align the texts and other related elements according to obtain a perfect look. With the perfect text movements, you can draw the attention of the viewers in no time.

  1. Fonts

The next crucial factor associated with the lower third element is fonts. Font size, the style creates an impact on the overall design of a lower third module.

If you concentrate on this attribute, you will surely end up with a professional design. Choose the font style and sine according to the background content. Do not overshadow the lower third element with the playing content, instead try to add value to it.

  1. Right timing of showing up

Now, you must sense the time for the module to turn up on the video. The timing factor contributes a lot to the perfect display of the lower third element.

Set the right time for the element to enter the screen. Decide the enter and exit timing attribute for this element to reach the audience in a better way.

  1. Logos and positions

Position the element at the perfect place on the screen to ensure its visibility. You can also insert your logos along with the texts to enhance your brand.

Proper alignment and the best coordinates on the screen make the lower third module shine better in your video. Proper placement of this element decides the impact on it.


Part3: How to make a lower third quickly in final cut pro X?

The Final Cut Pro X is a fabulous program to edit your videos professionally. Insert the desired elements and customize them quickly. To work on this platform, you do not require any special skills.

Click, drag, and drop appropriately to include the right elements at the perfect positions on the video. There is ample personalization options built-in with the Final Cut Pro X. It is high time to discover them for optimal utilization.

Features of Final Cut Pro X to design lower third module element

  • It has a built-in title element to add the desired texts in the video
  • Quick customization option to type in the relevant message on the screen.
  • This app consist of a user-friendly interface and the controls are explicit for easy reach.
  • Personalize the lower third element further using the ‘Generator’ option
  • You can include animations for the lower third module to persuade the viewers.


In this section, you will learn to make a lower third element using a Final Cut Pro X tool. It is high to check out the steps in detail.

1Step 1: Download the tool

You can download the app and install them in your system. Launch the tool by double-tapping the tool icon.


2Step 2: Add the Title

In the home screen, import the video that requires the edits and then tap the ‘Titles’ tab at the left top of the screen. Click the ‘Build-in/Build-out’ option to custom the Title element. According to your needs, you can repeat it to insert the desired titles on the video screen.


3Step 3: Customize the Title

Now, you can edit the texts in the inserted titles and add animation to the element using the attributes under the ‘Generator’ tab. Modify the title’s textures, background, and positions using the relevant options displayed. Choose accordingly to personalize the title element based on your requirement.


Use the above instructions, insert the lower third element in your video effortlessly. Simple click and drag actions are sufficient to carry out the desired effects on the element.

For those who still need more guides about making lower thirds, this Filmora tutorial may help a lot.

Download Win Version Download Mac Version

Part 4: Where to find great lower thirds templates for final cut pro X?

You can find the best collections of lower third templates in the online space. Evanto Elements offers an incredible design structure for the lower third module to add value to your videos. They are unique and jaw-dropping. You can opt for this template, instead of creating from the scratch.

According to your needs, you can select the template, customize it, and insert them on your videos flawlessly. Evanto offers the lower third templates based on the video content. It has organized the templates based on the end-use. Check out few suggestions on the built-in templates for the lower third.

YouTube Lower Thirds

If you have a YouTube channel, then make use of this collection to add a lower third module for your video. Increase the followers by adding the perfect texts at the right time on the screen. Easy to use design and displays attractive appearances.

Pop Lower Thirds template

Colorful and yet attractive design from the Evanto elements. This design has a fresh and creative structure to convince the viewer’s needs. It has a high-end resolution with a duration control option.

Minimalistic collection

In this template group, you can find the design seems to be simple and minimal. It offers a lighter touch to your videos. The text overlays do not distract the viewers. Everything looks the same but still, you can feel the difference in it when you customize it according to your needs.


Thus, this article had given you enlightening discussion about the lower third elements. Insert this module optimally in your videos and obtain the desired outcomes. Enhance the design of the lower third element using the Final Cut Pro X app and feel the difference in your video.

Display the texts promptly to enlighten the audience. Connect the texts to the target audience without distracting them. Work on this challenging element using a professional app like the Final Cut Pro X program. Stay tuned with this article to discover the new horizons of video editing.

author avatar

Liza Brown

Liza Brown is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Liza Brown

Liza Brown

Oct 26, 2023• Proven solutions

The videos drop facts to audiences and educate the viewers. The video makers strive to offer a complete overview of the topic within a short duration. Graphics, elements, modules occupy the screen and excites the viewers. The advent of video editing innovations shifted the perspectives.

Here comes an enlightening discussion about the lower third modules in your videos. The tips and tricks associated with the making of this lower third element are available in the below content. Surf them carefully and learn the fabulous lower third templates to customize your videos to the next level.

lower third intro

Part1: What is the lower third?

Are you aware of lower third elements? If you are a newbie video designer, then this article ignites you with reliable facts about it. The lower third module is a graphical element that takes the lower position of a video.

It carries texts to educate the viewers related to the discussed topic in the video. It adds information to the existing content playing in the background. On a clear note, had you observed the news boards displayed at the bottom of the news channel? Yes, of course, most of you must be aware of this element flashing the current news.

You can also observe this lower third module during an interview session on your television. It displays the name of the interviewer and extra data about the session.

On a short note, you can define the lower third module as a piece of a graphical element that hangs at the bottom of the screen displaying related data in pace with the existing video content. You can create the lower third module using an incredible tool for your videos in no time. Identify the factors to work on to refine the lower third module appearance and performances.

lower thirds

Part2: What factors contribute to a good lower third?

While designing the lower third element for your video, you must keep an eye on few factors. Work on the below attributes to build a good lower third element. Always remember to keep it simple to obtain the desired outcomes.

  1. The harmony of hues

The color combinations of your lower third element play a vital factor. Choose the right mix of shades to attract the viewers. Based on the background, use a complementary color to fill your lower third module for a persuasive display. Ensure the combination of hues must not distract the viewers at any cost.

Try different color schemes with Green, Magenta, Orange, and Blue to create a mesmerizing display of the lower third element. You can also use a color picker tool to choose the right combination of colors that match perfectly with the background and typography.


  1. Motion effect

Thrill your audience by inserting movements with the lower third elements. When you add some motion effect to this module, it adds flavors to your video. Work on this feature in-depth and observe whether the lower third’s motion effect excites the audience. Customize the animation time, style, and the way it flashes on the screen.

Make the movements simple and do not add too many moves which distract the viewers. Decide how long the animation should play and align the texts and other related elements according to obtain a perfect look. With the perfect text movements, you can draw the attention of the viewers in no time.

  1. Fonts

The next crucial factor associated with the lower third element is fonts. Font size, the style creates an impact on the overall design of a lower third module.

If you concentrate on this attribute, you will surely end up with a professional design. Choose the font style and sine according to the background content. Do not overshadow the lower third element with the playing content, instead try to add value to it.

  1. Right timing of showing up

Now, you must sense the time for the module to turn up on the video. The timing factor contributes a lot to the perfect display of the lower third element.

Set the right time for the element to enter the screen. Decide the enter and exit timing attribute for this element to reach the audience in a better way.

  1. Logos and positions

Position the element at the perfect place on the screen to ensure its visibility. You can also insert your logos along with the texts to enhance your brand.

Proper alignment and the best coordinates on the screen make the lower third module shine better in your video. Proper placement of this element decides the impact on it.


Part3: How to make a lower third quickly in final cut pro X?

The Final Cut Pro X is a fabulous program to edit your videos professionally. Insert the desired elements and customize them quickly. To work on this platform, you do not require any special skills.

Click, drag, and drop appropriately to include the right elements at the perfect positions on the video. There is ample personalization options built-in with the Final Cut Pro X. It is high time to discover them for optimal utilization.

Features of Final Cut Pro X to design lower third module element

  • It has a built-in title element to add the desired texts in the video
  • Quick customization option to type in the relevant message on the screen.
  • This app consist of a user-friendly interface and the controls are explicit for easy reach.
  • Personalize the lower third element further using the ‘Generator’ option
  • You can include animations for the lower third module to persuade the viewers.


In this section, you will learn to make a lower third element using a Final Cut Pro X tool. It is high to check out the steps in detail.

1Step 1: Download the tool

You can download the app and install them in your system. Launch the tool by double-tapping the tool icon.


2Step 2: Add the Title

In the home screen, import the video that requires the edits and then tap the ‘Titles’ tab at the left top of the screen. Click the ‘Build-in/Build-out’ option to custom the Title element. According to your needs, you can repeat it to insert the desired titles on the video screen.


3Step 3: Customize the Title

Now, you can edit the texts in the inserted titles and add animation to the element using the attributes under the ‘Generator’ tab. Modify the title’s textures, background, and positions using the relevant options displayed. Choose accordingly to personalize the title element based on your requirement.


Use the above instructions, insert the lower third element in your video effortlessly. Simple click and drag actions are sufficient to carry out the desired effects on the element.

For those who still need more guides about making lower thirds, this Filmora tutorial may help a lot.

Download Win Version Download Mac Version

Part 4: Where to find great lower thirds templates for final cut pro X?

You can find the best collections of lower third templates in the online space. Evanto Elements offers an incredible design structure for the lower third module to add value to your videos. They are unique and jaw-dropping. You can opt for this template, instead of creating from the scratch.

According to your needs, you can select the template, customize it, and insert them on your videos flawlessly. Evanto offers the lower third templates based on the video content. It has organized the templates based on the end-use. Check out few suggestions on the built-in templates for the lower third.

YouTube Lower Thirds

If you have a YouTube channel, then make use of this collection to add a lower third module for your video. Increase the followers by adding the perfect texts at the right time on the screen. Easy to use design and displays attractive appearances.

Pop Lower Thirds template

Colorful and yet attractive design from the Evanto elements. This design has a fresh and creative structure to convince the viewer’s needs. It has a high-end resolution with a duration control option.

Minimalistic collection

In this template group, you can find the design seems to be simple and minimal. It offers a lighter touch to your videos. The text overlays do not distract the viewers. Everything looks the same but still, you can feel the difference in it when you customize it according to your needs.


Thus, this article had given you enlightening discussion about the lower third elements. Insert this module optimally in your videos and obtain the desired outcomes. Enhance the design of the lower third element using the Final Cut Pro X app and feel the difference in your video.

Display the texts promptly to enlighten the audience. Connect the texts to the target audience without distracting them. Work on this challenging element using a professional app like the Final Cut Pro X program. Stay tuned with this article to discover the new horizons of video editing.

author avatar

Liza Brown

Liza Brown is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Liza Brown

Liza Brown

Oct 26, 2023• Proven solutions

The videos drop facts to audiences and educate the viewers. The video makers strive to offer a complete overview of the topic within a short duration. Graphics, elements, modules occupy the screen and excites the viewers. The advent of video editing innovations shifted the perspectives.

Here comes an enlightening discussion about the lower third modules in your videos. The tips and tricks associated with the making of this lower third element are available in the below content. Surf them carefully and learn the fabulous lower third templates to customize your videos to the next level.

lower third intro

Part1: What is the lower third?

Are you aware of lower third elements? If you are a newbie video designer, then this article ignites you with reliable facts about it. The lower third module is a graphical element that takes the lower position of a video.

It carries texts to educate the viewers related to the discussed topic in the video. It adds information to the existing content playing in the background. On a clear note, had you observed the news boards displayed at the bottom of the news channel? Yes, of course, most of you must be aware of this element flashing the current news.

You can also observe this lower third module during an interview session on your television. It displays the name of the interviewer and extra data about the session.

On a short note, you can define the lower third module as a piece of a graphical element that hangs at the bottom of the screen displaying related data in pace with the existing video content. You can create the lower third module using an incredible tool for your videos in no time. Identify the factors to work on to refine the lower third module appearance and performances.

lower thirds

Part2: What factors contribute to a good lower third?

While designing the lower third element for your video, you must keep an eye on few factors. Work on the below attributes to build a good lower third element. Always remember to keep it simple to obtain the desired outcomes.

  1. The harmony of hues

The color combinations of your lower third element play a vital factor. Choose the right mix of shades to attract the viewers. Based on the background, use a complementary color to fill your lower third module for a persuasive display. Ensure the combination of hues must not distract the viewers at any cost.

Try different color schemes with Green, Magenta, Orange, and Blue to create a mesmerizing display of the lower third element. You can also use a color picker tool to choose the right combination of colors that match perfectly with the background and typography.


  1. Motion effect

Thrill your audience by inserting movements with the lower third elements. When you add some motion effect to this module, it adds flavors to your video. Work on this feature in-depth and observe whether the lower third’s motion effect excites the audience. Customize the animation time, style, and the way it flashes on the screen.

Make the movements simple and do not add too many moves which distract the viewers. Decide how long the animation should play and align the texts and other related elements according to obtain a perfect look. With the perfect text movements, you can draw the attention of the viewers in no time.

  1. Fonts

The next crucial factor associated with the lower third element is fonts. Font size, the style creates an impact on the overall design of a lower third module.

If you concentrate on this attribute, you will surely end up with a professional design. Choose the font style and sine according to the background content. Do not overshadow the lower third element with the playing content, instead try to add value to it.

  1. Right timing of showing up

Now, you must sense the time for the module to turn up on the video. The timing factor contributes a lot to the perfect display of the lower third element.

Set the right time for the element to enter the screen. Decide the enter and exit timing attribute for this element to reach the audience in a better way.

  1. Logos and positions

Position the element at the perfect place on the screen to ensure its visibility. You can also insert your logos along with the texts to enhance your brand.

Proper alignment and the best coordinates on the screen make the lower third module shine better in your video. Proper placement of this element decides the impact on it.


Part3: How to make a lower third quickly in final cut pro X?

The Final Cut Pro X is a fabulous program to edit your videos professionally. Insert the desired elements and customize them quickly. To work on this platform, you do not require any special skills.

Click, drag, and drop appropriately to include the right elements at the perfect positions on the video. There is ample personalization options built-in with the Final Cut Pro X. It is high time to discover them for optimal utilization.

Features of Final Cut Pro X to design lower third module element

  • It has a built-in title element to add the desired texts in the video
  • Quick customization option to type in the relevant message on the screen.
  • This app consist of a user-friendly interface and the controls are explicit for easy reach.
  • Personalize the lower third element further using the ‘Generator’ option
  • You can include animations for the lower third module to persuade the viewers.


In this section, you will learn to make a lower third element using a Final Cut Pro X tool. It is high to check out the steps in detail.

1Step 1: Download the tool

You can download the app and install them in your system. Launch the tool by double-tapping the tool icon.


2Step 2: Add the Title

In the home screen, import the video that requires the edits and then tap the ‘Titles’ tab at the left top of the screen. Click the ‘Build-in/Build-out’ option to custom the Title element. According to your needs, you can repeat it to insert the desired titles on the video screen.


3Step 3: Customize the Title

Now, you can edit the texts in the inserted titles and add animation to the element using the attributes under the ‘Generator’ tab. Modify the title’s textures, background, and positions using the relevant options displayed. Choose accordingly to personalize the title element based on your requirement.


Use the above instructions, insert the lower third element in your video effortlessly. Simple click and drag actions are sufficient to carry out the desired effects on the element.

For those who still need more guides about making lower thirds, this Filmora tutorial may help a lot.

Download Win Version Download Mac Version

Part 4: Where to find great lower thirds templates for final cut pro X?

You can find the best collections of lower third templates in the online space. Evanto Elements offers an incredible design structure for the lower third module to add value to your videos. They are unique and jaw-dropping. You can opt for this template, instead of creating from the scratch.

According to your needs, you can select the template, customize it, and insert them on your videos flawlessly. Evanto offers the lower third templates based on the video content. It has organized the templates based on the end-use. Check out few suggestions on the built-in templates for the lower third.

YouTube Lower Thirds

If you have a YouTube channel, then make use of this collection to add a lower third module for your video. Increase the followers by adding the perfect texts at the right time on the screen. Easy to use design and displays attractive appearances.

Pop Lower Thirds template

Colorful and yet attractive design from the Evanto elements. This design has a fresh and creative structure to convince the viewer’s needs. It has a high-end resolution with a duration control option.

Minimalistic collection

In this template group, you can find the design seems to be simple and minimal. It offers a lighter touch to your videos. The text overlays do not distract the viewers. Everything looks the same but still, you can feel the difference in it when you customize it according to your needs.


Thus, this article had given you enlightening discussion about the lower third elements. Insert this module optimally in your videos and obtain the desired outcomes. Enhance the design of the lower third element using the Final Cut Pro X app and feel the difference in your video.

Display the texts promptly to enlighten the audience. Connect the texts to the target audience without distracting them. Work on this challenging element using a professional app like the Final Cut Pro X program. Stay tuned with this article to discover the new horizons of video editing.

author avatar

Liza Brown

Liza Brown is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Liza Brown

Liza Brown

Oct 26, 2023• Proven solutions

The videos drop facts to audiences and educate the viewers. The video makers strive to offer a complete overview of the topic within a short duration. Graphics, elements, modules occupy the screen and excites the viewers. The advent of video editing innovations shifted the perspectives.

Here comes an enlightening discussion about the lower third modules in your videos. The tips and tricks associated with the making of this lower third element are available in the below content. Surf them carefully and learn the fabulous lower third templates to customize your videos to the next level.

lower third intro

Part1: What is the lower third?

Are you aware of lower third elements? If you are a newbie video designer, then this article ignites you with reliable facts about it. The lower third module is a graphical element that takes the lower position of a video.

It carries texts to educate the viewers related to the discussed topic in the video. It adds information to the existing content playing in the background. On a clear note, had you observed the news boards displayed at the bottom of the news channel? Yes, of course, most of you must be aware of this element flashing the current news.

You can also observe this lower third module during an interview session on your television. It displays the name of the interviewer and extra data about the session.

On a short note, you can define the lower third module as a piece of a graphical element that hangs at the bottom of the screen displaying related data in pace with the existing video content. You can create the lower third module using an incredible tool for your videos in no time. Identify the factors to work on to refine the lower third module appearance and performances.

lower thirds

Part2: What factors contribute to a good lower third?

While designing the lower third element for your video, you must keep an eye on few factors. Work on the below attributes to build a good lower third element. Always remember to keep it simple to obtain the desired outcomes.

  1. The harmony of hues

The color combinations of your lower third element play a vital factor. Choose the right mix of shades to attract the viewers. Based on the background, use a complementary color to fill your lower third module for a persuasive display. Ensure the combination of hues must not distract the viewers at any cost.

Try different color schemes with Green, Magenta, Orange, and Blue to create a mesmerizing display of the lower third element. You can also use a color picker tool to choose the right combination of colors that match perfectly with the background and typography.


  1. Motion effect

Thrill your audience by inserting movements with the lower third elements. When you add some motion effect to this module, it adds flavors to your video. Work on this feature in-depth and observe whether the lower third’s motion effect excites the audience. Customize the animation time, style, and the way it flashes on the screen.

Make the movements simple and do not add too many moves which distract the viewers. Decide how long the animation should play and align the texts and other related elements according to obtain a perfect look. With the perfect text movements, you can draw the attention of the viewers in no time.

  1. Fonts

The next crucial factor associated with the lower third element is fonts. Font size, the style creates an impact on the overall design of a lower third module.

If you concentrate on this attribute, you will surely end up with a professional design. Choose the font style and sine according to the background content. Do not overshadow the lower third element with the playing content, instead try to add value to it.

  1. Right timing of showing up

Now, you must sense the time for the module to turn up on the video. The timing factor contributes a lot to the perfect display of the lower third element.

Set the right time for the element to enter the screen. Decide the enter and exit timing attribute for this element to reach the audience in a better way.

  1. Logos and positions

Position the element at the perfect place on the screen to ensure its visibility. You can also insert your logos along with the texts to enhance your brand.

Proper alignment and the best coordinates on the screen make the lower third module shine better in your video. Proper placement of this element decides the impact on it.


Part3: How to make a lower third quickly in final cut pro X?

The Final Cut Pro X is a fabulous program to edit your videos professionally. Insert the desired elements and customize them quickly. To work on this platform, you do not require any special skills.

Click, drag, and drop appropriately to include the right elements at the perfect positions on the video. There is ample personalization options built-in with the Final Cut Pro X. It is high time to discover them for optimal utilization.

Features of Final Cut Pro X to design lower third module element

  • It has a built-in title element to add the desired texts in the video
  • Quick customization option to type in the relevant message on the screen.
  • This app consist of a user-friendly interface and the controls are explicit for easy reach.
  • Personalize the lower third element further using the ‘Generator’ option
  • You can include animations for the lower third module to persuade the viewers.


In this section, you will learn to make a lower third element using a Final Cut Pro X tool. It is high to check out the steps in detail.

1Step 1: Download the tool

You can download the app and install them in your system. Launch the tool by double-tapping the tool icon.


2Step 2: Add the Title

In the home screen, import the video that requires the edits and then tap the ‘Titles’ tab at the left top of the screen. Click the ‘Build-in/Build-out’ option to custom the Title element. According to your needs, you can repeat it to insert the desired titles on the video screen.


3Step 3: Customize the Title

Now, you can edit the texts in the inserted titles and add animation to the element using the attributes under the ‘Generator’ tab. Modify the title’s textures, background, and positions using the relevant options displayed. Choose accordingly to personalize the title element based on your requirement.


Use the above instructions, insert the lower third element in your video effortlessly. Simple click and drag actions are sufficient to carry out the desired effects on the element.

For those who still need more guides about making lower thirds, this Filmora tutorial may help a lot.

Download Win Version Download Mac Version

Part 4: Where to find great lower thirds templates for final cut pro X?

You can find the best collections of lower third templates in the online space. Evanto Elements offers an incredible design structure for the lower third module to add value to your videos. They are unique and jaw-dropping. You can opt for this template, instead of creating from the scratch.

According to your needs, you can select the template, customize it, and insert them on your videos flawlessly. Evanto offers the lower third templates based on the video content. It has organized the templates based on the end-use. Check out few suggestions on the built-in templates for the lower third.

YouTube Lower Thirds

If you have a YouTube channel, then make use of this collection to add a lower third module for your video. Increase the followers by adding the perfect texts at the right time on the screen. Easy to use design and displays attractive appearances.

Pop Lower Thirds template

Colorful and yet attractive design from the Evanto elements. This design has a fresh and creative structure to convince the viewer’s needs. It has a high-end resolution with a duration control option.

Minimalistic collection

In this template group, you can find the design seems to be simple and minimal. It offers a lighter touch to your videos. The text overlays do not distract the viewers. Everything looks the same but still, you can feel the difference in it when you customize it according to your needs.


Thus, this article had given you enlightening discussion about the lower third elements. Insert this module optimally in your videos and obtain the desired outcomes. Enhance the design of the lower third element using the Final Cut Pro X app and feel the difference in your video.

Display the texts promptly to enlighten the audience. Connect the texts to the target audience without distracting them. Work on this challenging element using a professional app like the Final Cut Pro X program. Stay tuned with this article to discover the new horizons of video editing.

author avatar

Liza Brown

Liza Brown is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Liza Brown

Linux Video Editing Software: Top 10 Alternatives to Adobe Premiere

Undoubtedly, Adobe products are being used worldwide commercially, but for people with smaller budgets, several high-quality products are available for Linux. Different Adobe Premiere Alternatives for Linux are available, which have a relatively lower cost or are free of charge.

This article will discuss the best alternatives to Adobe Premiere for Linux, which are listed below. Before going through each of them, let’s first check if we can install Premiere Pro on Linux System.

Can I Install Premiere Pro On My Linux System?

No, Adobe Premiere Pro is not available to install on Linux systems. You have to go for its different alternatives,

  1. DaVinci Resolve
  2. OpenShot
  3. Pitivi
  4. Shotcut
  5. Avidemux
  6. Cinelerra
  7. Kdenlive
  8. Lightworks
  9. Flowblade
  10. Open Movie Editor

Best 10 Alternatives to Adobe Premiere Pro for Linux

1. DaVinci Resolve

DaVinci Resolve, a tool being used as an alternative to Adobe Premiere Pro for Linux, provides features like color correction, editing, motion graphics, and audio post-production.

It is easy to learn and use, yet a handy tool for professionals. Using DaVinci Resolve, you can build your multi-user post-production studio.

DaVinci Resolve interface is divided into different pages, providing you with a dedicated workspace for a specific task. You must buy the paid version to get access to all features.

davinci resolve under expereince

Main features:

  • Multi-user collaboration
  • Color correction
  • All-in-one software for post-production


  • Multiple resolutions and formats are available.
  • Quick processing
  • Advanced audio processing


  • Some features are limited only to the paid version
  • Confusing interface
  • Requires much CPU capacity

Supported OS: Linux , Windows (version 8 and 10+), OSX (11+)

Best for:

DaVinci Resolve is best for professionals as well as for day-to-day use. It has all the basic as well as professional working programs.

Price: 295$ for DaVinci Resolve Studio

Ratings: 4.1/5

According to TrustRadius Ratings , DaVinci Resolve has almost 75% of 9-10 reviews. A total of 18 positive and two negative reviews.

Summary & user review

DaVinci Resolve is the software that can solve most of your editing-related problems. With many editing options, it is the tool for all your projects. Both free and paid versions are available. A TrustRadius Ratings and Reviews review states, “ None like it out there.”

2. OpenShot

OpenShot is an easy-to-use, simple-to-understand, and surprisingly powerful video editing tool designed to make video editing straightforward. OpenShot is an alternative to Adobe Premiere Pro for Linux, and its features make it a valuable and handy video editing software.

It is available in 70+ languages. It might be lacking some features for professional use, but it contains all the essential video editing tools for daily use.

openshot under expereince

Main features:

  • Unlimited tracks
  • 3D Animation
  • Trim and Cut
  • Title Editing
  • Different video effects


  • Completely free
  • It can be used as a video editing learning tool
  • Easy to use


  • Keeps crashing
  • Time-consuming tool
  • Can’t create good quality animations

Supported OS: Linux , Windows (version 7,8 and 10+), OSX (10.15+)

Best for:

It is best for most users for day-to-day use, but it is not recommended for professional use. You should use other video editing tools for professional and advanced video editing.

Price: Free

Ratings: 4.5/5

According to G2 Ratings , OpenShot has almost 85% of 9-10 reviews. A total of 27 positive and one negative review.

Summary & user review

OpenShot video editor is a free and easy-to-use tool for beginners and primary users. With many features and editing options, such as removing the background from the video, inverting color, adjusting brightness, slowing down or speeding up, and reversing the video, it can help create a good-quality video. A review regarding OpenShot on G2 Ratings and Reviews states: “Easy to use even for beginners.”

3. Pitivi

Pitivi video editor is an alternative to Adobe Premiere Pro for Linux. It is a simple and unique video editor, that is free and comes with a lot of video editing and transforming features.

It is software designed for beginners and is suitable for creating simple and basic videos for social media platforms like Facebook and TikTok. Its easy user interface makes it a user-friendly tool.

pitivi under expereince

Main features:

  • Automatic backups
  • Enhanced audio effects
  • Framerate independent timeline
  • Background processing of video being edited
  • Animations, filters, and different transitions


  • Completely free
  • Easy to use
  • Audio can be edited precisely
  • Changes in the video can be seen in real-time
  • Automatic backup
  • Background processing of thumbnails


  • Only basic editing can be done
  • Not recommended for professional use
  • Lagging issues
  • Compatible with Linux only

Supported OS: Linux

Best for:

Best for beginners and people with primary use. Day-to-day videos for social media use can easily be edited.

Price: Free

Ratings: 4.3/5

According to Slant Ratings , Pitivi has almost 75% of 04-05 ratings. A total of 13 positive and 03 negative reviews.

Summary & user review

It is a simple, unique, and free video editor for beginners. Casual and basic editing can be done using Pitivi.

A review on Slant Ratings and reviews states ,” Free, open source, and easy to use.” and this sums it all up.

4. Shotcut

Shotcut is a free, regularly updated video editing software, with powerful features and an easy user interface. It can be used as an alternative to Adobe Premiere Pro for Linux.

It offers a simple, user-friendly UI. Shotcut, in contrast to most free video editors, provides features like chroma key and color correction. It contains all the basic and some advanced video editing options but is not recommended for professional use.

shotcut under expereince

Main features:

  • Incredibly easy keyframing
  • Editing and transitions
  • Exporting
  • Sleek, user-friendly interface


  • Easy to use
  • Regular updates
  • Advanced effects
  • High-quality input/output support


  • A bit frustrating because of lag
  • No preview for effects and transitions
  • No stock music
  • Can’t upload external subtitles

Supported OS: Linux , Mac, Windows

Best for:

ShotCut is best for beginners and professionals with basic editing needs. It is your go-to editor for editing Youtube or Facebook videos.

Price: 9.79$ at Microsoft US

Ratings: 4.3/5

According to G2 Ratings , ShotCut has almost 85% of 04-05 ratings. A total of 33 positive and 04 negative reviews. A review on G2 Ratings and Reviews states,” Amazing Lightweight Free Basic Video Editor.”

Summary & user review

Shotcut can be used to produce both basic and advanced-level videos. It can be very helpful and handy for professionals in their editing.

5. Avidemux

Avidemux is a perfect tool for simple edits. With limited editing options, it is a very easy-to-use editor for beginners. You can cut, crop, copy or delete parts of your video. 2 or more video clips can also be merged by using Avidemux.

It can render and export at high speeds. Avidemux contains advanced features like a green screen, audio editing, and change speed.

avidemux under expereince

Main features:

  • Audio filters
  • Video filters and transitions
  • Advanced interlacing
  • Open source
  • Container format
  • Encoder


  • Free
  • Easy interface
  • Standard editing formats available


  • No updates
  • No customer support
  • No timeline

Supported OS: Linux

Best for:

Avidemux is best for editing, cutting, resizing, and encoding multiple video formats, including MPEG, AVI, MP4, and DVD.

Price: Free

Ratings: 4.5/5

According to G2 Ratings , Avidemux has almost 90% of 4-5 ratings. A total of 8 positive and one negative review.

Summary & user review

Avidemux is a handy video editing software for day-to-day use and it can edit your videos in no time. It is easy to use even for beginners. A review on G2 Ratings and reviews states, “ Avidemux is best for beginners.”

6. Cinelerra

Cinelerra is a free video editing tool that you can use to edit your video and make it look wonderful with different transitions, effects, and texts. Cinelerra is free and open-source software and is considered one of the most used editing softwares for Linux.

It can edit videos of any quality you want and provides you with a perfect video according to your demands. It is helpful for beginners and also handy for professionals.

cinelerra under expereince

Main features:

  • Video and audio editing
  • Different transitions and effects
  • Floating point imaging
  • Color correction
  • Video stabilization
  • Motion tracking
  • 400 plus decoders and 150 plus encoders


  • Contains all professional features
  • It has 3D editing tools
  • Real-time processing of the video
  • User friendly


  • Only available for Linux
  • Some codecs are not supported
  • Four windows might get confusing sometimes

Supported OS: Linux

Best for:

It is the best free editing tool for professional and non-professional use. With a lot of video effects and transitions, it makes your video look like a movie.

Price: Free

Ratings: 4.2/5

According to Slant Ratings , Cinelerra has almost 90% of 04-05 ratings. A total of 19 positive and 02 negative reviews.

Summary & user review

Cinelerra is a user-friendly software that has some advanced features like 3D video editing and is free of cost. A review on VideoHelp ratings and reviews states, “The GG version has many professional features. Easy to install too.”

7. Kdenlive

Kdenlive is a free and open-source video editor that can be used in place of Adobe Premiere Pro on Linux. Its best features include multi-track video editing, audio/video formatting, configurable interface and shortcuts, many effects and transitions, audio and video scopes, proxy editing, automatic backup, timeline preview, keyframeable effects, a simple interface, and much more.

Kdenlive lets you use and mix many audio and video tracks, each of which can be locked or muted as needed.

kdenlive under expereince

Main features:

  • Multi tracks editing
  • It supports almost all audio and video formats
  • Many shortcuts available
  • Titler
  • Multiple effects and transitions
  • Automatic backup
  • Timeline preview
  • Keyframing
  • Online resources available


  • Automatic backup
  • Dozens of transitions and effects
  • User-friendly interface
  • Fast and stable performance
  • Supports 420 plus formats


  • Basic editing
  • Not recommended for professional use
  • It crashes if you have a slow computer

Supported OS: Linux , Windows, Mac, FreeBSD , Ubuntu

Best for:

Kdenlive is best for casual video editing for social media platforms. Good videos with multiple effects and transitions can be created using this software.

Price: Free

Ratings: 4.1/5

According to Slant Ratings , Kdenlive has almost 70% of 04-05 ratings. A total of 228 positive and 53 negative reviews.

Summary & user review

Kdenlive is a free and open-source editing software that is free and easy to use.

A review on AlternativeTo Ratings and Reviews states, “This is so much more awesome and I worked on it for over 2 hours, and it didn’t crash or lag even once.”

8. Lightworks

Lightworks is a video editing software that is used to enhance the content of videos by both film industry experts and social media marketers. Its free version can satisfy most of its users but if you want more advanced features, you’ll need to pay for this. It is a video editing tool with multi-track editing capabilities and is also powerful, and customizable.

lightworks under expereince

Main features:

  • Drag and drop interface
  • Color correction
  • Blend modes
  • Rendering effects
  • Applying chromakeys
  • Video routing
  • Keyframing
  • Export to Youtube directly


  • Multiplatform
  • Audio/Video editing
  • Tutorials available
  • Active user forum
  • Good performance


  • Export option limited to only 720p
  • Difficult for beginners
  • You’ve to pay for advanced features

Supported OS: Linux , Mac, Windows

Best for:

Its paid version is best for professionals to create videos with multiple effects and transitions. The free version can also be used for casual video editing.

Price: Lightworks pro is available at 9.99$/month. Its free version is also available.

Ratings: 4.3/5

According to G2 Ratings , Lightworks has almost 75% of 4-5 ratings. A total of 22 positive and 05 negative reviews.

Summary & user review

It is an easy-to-use, advanced, and paid video editing software for Linux for people with a low budget. A review on G2 Ratings and Reviews states, “Good editing platform for intermediate users.”

9. Flowblade

Flowblade is a very famous, easy-to-use, simple, and fast video editor which can be used as an alternative to Adobe Premiere Pro for Linux. Flowblade is an open-source editor that offers all basic editing options.

It has constantly amazed its users with the smoothness of its playback. There is an inbuilt render UI, which makes the process of delivering your work pretty innocuous.

flowblade under expereince

Main features:

  • Editing tool (Insert, Move, Trim, Roll)
  • Audio/Video filters
  • Proxy editing
  • Audio mixer
  • Inbuilt rendering
  • Titler (Multiple text layers)


  • Powerful
  • Multifunctional
  • Open source
  • Stable


  • For Linux only
  • Lack of advanced editing features
  • Requires higher display resolutions

Supported OS: Linux

Best for:

It provides a fast, precise, and robust editing experience. It is best for normal day-to-day use.

Price: 24.99$/month; 174.99$/year

Ratings: 4.5/5

According to Slant Ratings , Flowblade has almost 90% of 04-05 ratings. A total of 61 positive and 05 negative reviews.

Summary & user review

Flowblade is advanced, paid, fast, and precise video editing software for people with a low budget. A review on Slant Ratings and Reviews states, “Power, lightweight and multifunctional.”

10. Open Movie Editor

Open Movie Editor is a free and open-source video editing application for generating basic movies. It aspires to be powerful enough for the inexperienced filmmaker while being simple to use. It can be used as an alternative to Adobe Premiere Pro for Linux.

It helps to create titles in Inkscape. The Open Movie Editor supports a variety of file formats, frame rates, frame sizes, video codecs, and video containers. The Open Movie Editor provides a range of Tools and Filters for adjusting colors and improving the appearance of your videos.

open movie editor under experience

Main features:

  • Color grading
  • Filter effects
  • Different Audio/Video formats
  • 3D video editing
  • Text overlay
  • HD resolution


  • Simple
  • Free
  • 70 plus languages
  • Export your project in 4K, 60FPS


  • Crashes very often
  • Rendering speed is slow
  • Hard to control video effects

Supported OS: Linux , OS X, Windows

Best for:

It is best for casual use and video editing with limited features. For professional work, you should opt another video editor.

Price: Free

Ratings: 4.0/5

According to Slant Ratings , Open Movie Editor has almost 60% of 04-05 ratings. A total of 25 positive and 16 negative reviews.

Summary & user review

It is a simple, free, and easy-to-use video editor that can edit and export videos in high resolutions.

A review on Slant Ratings and Reviews states,” An easy to use and powerful video editor.”

How to Choose an Alternative to Adobe Premiere Pro for Linux?

Out of these 10 software discussed above, which software you want to use is still a bit confusing. If you need basic editing software that is free and open source, you should go for Kdenlive

DaVinci Resolve provides advanced editing features such as color correction, and multi-track editing. This can be your choice if you have a good budget.

Lightworks and Flowblade are the best options if you have got a low budget and need advanced editing options. They provide a good value for money experience.

Open Movie Editor, Cinelerra, Avidemux, OpenShot, and Pitivi are free and easy-to-use software that are the best options for beginners.

Besides, if you are going to switch from Linux to Windows or MacOS. Wondershare Filmora can be your good choice to go. It owns built-in stock media and features that are not so complicated as compared to other software.

Final Words

It has been discussed in detail that there are many free as well as paid editing software that can be used for Linux. Adobe premiere pro is not available for Linux, so one must go with any of these above-mentioned editing products. Free versions are for beginners as they contain basic editing features but paid versions can fulfill the demands of professional moviemakers too.

You can download and install any software according to your demands very easily as they are available on the app store. In the absence of adobe premiere pro, these products add such effects and transitions to your videos/films that make them amazing and thrilling to watch.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Best 10 Alternatives to Adobe Premiere Pro for Linux

1. DaVinci Resolve

DaVinci Resolve, a tool being used as an alternative to Adobe Premiere Pro for Linux, provides features like color correction, editing, motion graphics, and audio post-production.

It is easy to learn and use, yet a handy tool for professionals. Using DaVinci Resolve, you can build your multi-user post-production studio.

DaVinci Resolve interface is divided into different pages, providing you with a dedicated workspace for a specific task. You must buy the paid version to get access to all features.

davinci resolve under expereince

Main features:

  • Multi-user collaboration
  • Color correction
  • All-in-one software for post-production


  • Multiple resolutions and formats are available.
  • Quick processing
  • Advanced audio processing


  • Some features are limited only to the paid version
  • Confusing interface
  • Requires much CPU capacity

Supported OS: Linux , Windows (version 8 and 10+), OSX (11+)

Best for:

DaVinci Resolve is best for professionals as well as for day-to-day use. It has all the basic as well as professional working programs.

Price: 295$ for DaVinci Resolve Studio

Ratings: 4.1/5

According to TrustRadius Ratings , DaVinci Resolve has almost 75% of 9-10 reviews. A total of 18 positive and two negative reviews.

Summary & user review

DaVinci Resolve is the software that can solve most of your editing-related problems. With many editing options, it is the tool for all your projects. Both free and paid versions are available. A TrustRadius Ratings and Reviews review states, “ None like it out there.”

2. OpenShot

OpenShot is an easy-to-use, simple-to-understand, and surprisingly powerful video editing tool designed to make video editing straightforward. OpenShot is an alternative to Adobe Premiere Pro for Linux, and its features make it a valuable and handy video editing software.

It is available in 70+ languages. It might be lacking some features for professional use, but it contains all the essential video editing tools for daily use.

openshot under expereince

Main features:

  • Unlimited tracks
  • 3D Animation
  • Trim and Cut
  • Title Editing
  • Different video effects


  • Completely free
  • It can be used as a video editing learning tool
  • Easy to use


  • Keeps crashing
  • Time-consuming tool
  • Can’t create good quality animations

Supported OS: Linux , Windows (version 7,8 and 10+), OSX (10.15+)

Best for:

It is best for most users for day-to-day use, but it is not recommended for professional use. You should use other video editing tools for professional and advanced video editing.

Price: Free

Ratings: 4.5/5

According to G2 Ratings , OpenShot has almost 85% of 9-10 reviews. A total of 27 positive and one negative review.

Summary & user review

OpenShot video editor is a free and easy-to-use tool for beginners and primary users. With many features and editing options, such as removing the background from the video, inverting color, adjusting brightness, slowing down or speeding up, and reversing the video, it can help create a good-quality video. A review regarding OpenShot on G2 Ratings and Reviews states: “Easy to use even for beginners.”

3. Pitivi

Pitivi video editor is an alternative to Adobe Premiere Pro for Linux. It is a simple and unique video editor, that is free and comes with a lot of video editing and transforming features.

It is software designed for beginners and is suitable for creating simple and basic videos for social media platforms like Facebook and TikTok. Its easy user interface makes it a user-friendly tool.

pitivi under expereince

Main features:

  • Automatic backups
  • Enhanced audio effects
  • Framerate independent timeline
  • Background processing of video being edited
  • Animations, filters, and different transitions


  • Completely free
  • Easy to use
  • Audio can be edited precisely
  • Changes in the video can be seen in real-time
  • Automatic backup
  • Background processing of thumbnails


  • Only basic editing can be done
  • Not recommended for professional use
  • Lagging issues
  • Compatible with Linux only

Supported OS: Linux

Best for:

Best for beginners and people with primary use. Day-to-day videos for social media use can easily be edited.

Price: Free

Ratings: 4.3/5

According to Slant Ratings , Pitivi has almost 75% of 04-05 ratings. A total of 13 positive and 03 negative reviews.

Summary & user review

It is a simple, unique, and free video editor for beginners. Casual and basic editing can be done using Pitivi.

A review on Slant Ratings and reviews states ,” Free, open source, and easy to use.” and this sums it all up.

4. Shotcut

Shotcut is a free, regularly updated video editing software, with powerful features and an easy user interface. It can be used as an alternative to Adobe Premiere Pro for Linux.

It offers a simple, user-friendly UI. Shotcut, in contrast to most free video editors, provides features like chroma key and color correction. It contains all the basic and some advanced video editing options but is not recommended for professional use.

shotcut under expereince

Main features:

  • Incredibly easy keyframing
  • Editing and transitions
  • Exporting
  • Sleek, user-friendly interface


  • Easy to use
  • Regular updates
  • Advanced effects
  • High-quality input/output support


  • A bit frustrating because of lag
  • No preview for effects and transitions
  • No stock music
  • Can’t upload external subtitles

Supported OS: Linux , Mac, Windows

Best for:

ShotCut is best for beginners and professionals with basic editing needs. It is your go-to editor for editing Youtube or Facebook videos.

Price: 9.79$ at Microsoft US

Ratings: 4.3/5

According to G2 Ratings , ShotCut has almost 85% of 04-05 ratings. A total of 33 positive and 04 negative reviews. A review on G2 Ratings and Reviews states,” Amazing Lightweight Free Basic Video Editor.”

Summary & user review

Shotcut can be used to produce both basic and advanced-level videos. It can be very helpful and handy for professionals in their editing.

5. Avidemux

Avidemux is a perfect tool for simple edits. With limited editing options, it is a very easy-to-use editor for beginners. You can cut, crop, copy or delete parts of your video. 2 or more video clips can also be merged by using Avidemux.

It can render and export at high speeds. Avidemux contains advanced features like a green screen, audio editing, and change speed.

avidemux under expereince

Main features:

  • Audio filters
  • Video filters and transitions
  • Advanced interlacing
  • Open source
  • Container format
  • Encoder


  • Free
  • Easy interface
  • Standard editing formats available


  • No updates
  • No customer support
  • No timeline

Supported OS: Linux

Best for:

Avidemux is best for editing, cutting, resizing, and encoding multiple video formats, including MPEG, AVI, MP4, and DVD.

Price: Free

Ratings: 4.5/5

According to G2 Ratings , Avidemux has almost 90% of 4-5 ratings. A total of 8 positive and one negative review.

Summary & user review

Avidemux is a handy video editing software for day-to-day use and it can edit your videos in no time. It is easy to use even for beginners. A review on G2 Ratings and reviews states, “ Avidemux is best for beginners.”

6. Cinelerra

Cinelerra is a free video editing tool that you can use to edit your video and make it look wonderful with different transitions, effects, and texts. Cinelerra is free and open-source software and is considered one of the most used editing softwares for Linux.

It can edit videos of any quality you want and provides you with a perfect video according to your demands. It is helpful for beginners and also handy for professionals.

cinelerra under expereince

Main features:

  • Video and audio editing
  • Different transitions and effects
  • Floating point imaging
  • Color correction
  • Video stabilization
  • Motion tracking
  • 400 plus decoders and 150 plus encoders


  • Contains all professional features
  • It has 3D editing tools
  • Real-time processing of the video
  • User friendly


  • Only available for Linux
  • Some codecs are not supported
  • Four windows might get confusing sometimes

Supported OS: Linux

Best for:

It is the best free editing tool for professional and non-professional use. With a lot of video effects and transitions, it makes your video look like a movie.

Price: Free

Ratings: 4.2/5

According to Slant Ratings , Cinelerra has almost 90% of 04-05 ratings. A total of 19 positive and 02 negative reviews.

Summary & user review

Cinelerra is a user-friendly software that has some advanced features like 3D video editing and is free of cost. A review on VideoHelp ratings and reviews states, “The GG version has many professional features. Easy to install too.”

7. Kdenlive

Kdenlive is a free and open-source video editor that can be used in place of Adobe Premiere Pro on Linux. Its best features include multi-track video editing, audio/video formatting, configurable interface and shortcuts, many effects and transitions, audio and video scopes, proxy editing, automatic backup, timeline preview, keyframeable effects, a simple interface, and much more.

Kdenlive lets you use and mix many audio and video tracks, each of which can be locked or muted as needed.

kdenlive under expereince

Main features:

  • Multi tracks editing
  • It supports almost all audio and video formats
  • Many shortcuts available
  • Titler
  • Multiple effects and transitions
  • Automatic backup
  • Timeline preview
  • Keyframing
  • Online resources available


  • Automatic backup
  • Dozens of transitions and effects
  • User-friendly interface
  • Fast and stable performance
  • Supports 420 plus formats


  • Basic editing
  • Not recommended for professional use
  • It crashes if you have a slow computer

Supported OS: Linux , Windows, Mac, FreeBSD , Ubuntu

Best for:

Kdenlive is best for casual video editing for social media platforms. Good videos with multiple effects and transitions can be created using this software.

Price: Free

Ratings: 4.1/5

According to Slant Ratings , Kdenlive has almost 70% of 04-05 ratings. A total of 228 positive and 53 negative reviews.

Summary & user review

Kdenlive is a free and open-source editing software that is free and easy to use.

A review on AlternativeTo Ratings and Reviews states, “This is so much more awesome and I worked on it for over 2 hours, and it didn’t crash or lag even once.”

8. Lightworks

Lightworks is a video editing software that is used to enhance the content of videos by both film industry experts and social media marketers. Its free version can satisfy most of its users but if you want more advanced features, you’ll need to pay for this. It is a video editing tool with multi-track editing capabilities and is also powerful, and customizable.

lightworks under expereince

Main features:

  • Drag and drop interface
  • Color correction
  • Blend modes
  • Rendering effects
  • Applying chromakeys
  • Video routing
  • Keyframing
  • Export to Youtube directly


  • Multiplatform
  • Audio/Video editing
  • Tutorials available
  • Active user forum
  • Good performance


  • Export option limited to only 720p
  • Difficult for beginners
  • You’ve to pay for advanced features

Supported OS: Linux , Mac, Windows

Best for:

Its paid version is best for professionals to create videos with multiple effects and transitions. The free version can also be used for casual video editing.

Price: Lightworks pro is available at 9.99$/month. Its free version is also available.

Ratings: 4.3/5

According to G2 Ratings , Lightworks has almost 75% of 4-5 ratings. A total of 22 positive and 05 negative reviews.

Summary & user review

It is an easy-to-use, advanced, and paid video editing software for Linux for people with a low budget. A review on G2 Ratings and Reviews states, “Good editing platform for intermediate users.”

9. Flowblade

Flowblade is a very famous, easy-to-use, simple, and fast video editor which can be used as an alternative to Adobe Premiere Pro for Linux. Flowblade is an open-source editor that offers all basic editing options.

It has constantly amazed its users with the smoothness of its playback. There is an inbuilt render UI, which makes the process of delivering your work pretty innocuous.

flowblade under expereince

Main features:

  • Editing tool (Insert, Move, Trim, Roll)
  • Audio/Video filters
  • Proxy editing
  • Audio mixer
  • Inbuilt rendering
  • Titler (Multiple text layers)


  • Powerful
  • Multifunctional
  • Open source
  • Stable


  • For Linux only
  • Lack of advanced editing features
  • Requires higher display resolutions

Supported OS: Linux

Best for:

It provides a fast, precise, and robust editing experience. It is best for normal day-to-day use.

Price: 24.99$/month; 174.99$/year

Ratings: 4.5/5

According to Slant Ratings , Flowblade has almost 90% of 04-05 ratings. A total of 61 positive and 05 negative reviews.

Summary & user review

Flowblade is advanced, paid, fast, and precise video editing software for people with a low budget. A review on Slant Ratings and Reviews states, “Power, lightweight and multifunctional.”

10. Open Movie Editor

Open Movie Editor is a free and open-source video editing application for generating basic movies. It aspires to be powerful enough for the inexperienced filmmaker while being simple to use. It can be used as an alternative to Adobe Premiere Pro for Linux.

It helps to create titles in Inkscape. The Open Movie Editor supports a variety of file formats, frame rates, frame sizes, video codecs, and video containers. The Open Movie Editor provides a range of Tools and Filters for adjusting colors and improving the appearance of your videos.

open movie editor under experience

Main features:

  • Color grading
  • Filter effects
  • Different Audio/Video formats
  • 3D video editing
  • Text overlay
  • HD resolution


  • Simple
  • Free
  • 70 plus languages
  • Export your project in 4K, 60FPS


  • Crashes very often
  • Rendering speed is slow
  • Hard to control video effects

Supported OS: Linux , OS X, Windows

Best for:

It is best for casual use and video editing with limited features. For professional work, you should opt another video editor.

Price: Free

Ratings: 4.0/5

According to Slant Ratings , Open Movie Editor has almost 60% of 04-05 ratings. A total of 25 positive and 16 negative reviews.

Summary & user review

It is a simple, free, and easy-to-use video editor that can edit and export videos in high resolutions.

A review on Slant Ratings and Reviews states,” An easy to use and powerful video editor.”

How to Choose an Alternative to Adobe Premiere Pro for Linux?

Out of these 10 software discussed above, which software you want to use is still a bit confusing. If you need basic editing software that is free and open source, you should go for Kdenlive

DaVinci Resolve provides advanced editing features such as color correction, and multi-track editing. This can be your choice if you have a good budget.

Lightworks and Flowblade are the best options if you have got a low budget and need advanced editing options. They provide a good value for money experience.

Open Movie Editor, Cinelerra, Avidemux, OpenShot, and Pitivi are free and easy-to-use software that are the best options for beginners.

Besides, if you are going to switch from Linux to Windows or MacOS. Wondershare Filmora can be your good choice to go. It owns built-in stock media and features that are not so complicated as compared to other software.

Final Words

It has been discussed in detail that there are many free as well as paid editing software that can be used for Linux. Adobe premiere pro is not available for Linux, so one must go with any of these above-mentioned editing products. Free versions are for beginners as they contain basic editing features but paid versions can fulfill the demands of professional moviemakers too.

You can download and install any software according to your demands very easily as they are available on the app store. In the absence of adobe premiere pro, these products add such effects and transitions to your videos/films that make them amazing and thrilling to watch.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

The Reverse Effect: Mastering TikTok Video Reversal in Minutes

How to Reverse A TikTok Video with Ease: An Ultimate Guide

author avatar

Shanoon Cox

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

TikTok is the latest of media sharing applications to cause a worldwide frenzy and gain a huge number of users practically overnight. A big reason for its success is the large number of fun features that allow the users to alter their videos with just a few clicks.

With cool effects and filters, it’s possible to create a wide range of videos that catch the viewer’s attention and put a smile on his face. On the other hand, videos can be created and shared from mobile phones in seconds, enabling its users to show a lot of different situations and express a lot of ideas.

Reversing is also one of the popular options on TikTok and it can be readily performed even without deeper knowledge of video production and editing. Here is how you can do it effectively, either with built-in tools provided by TikTok or with additional pieces of software.

How to Make A Reversing TikTok Video?

Changing the direction of the video, i.e. playing it backwards, is not hard to achieve on TikTok at all. In fact, there is a dedicated function you can use to reverse your video instantly and without leaving the app.

To activate this function, you need to click on the Effects button at the bottom of the screen and then select the Time effects category. The reverse option can be found in this menu, and it will change the direction of the entire clip.

Reverse video on TikTok

After you click on Reverse and review your new video, all you need to do is to save the file and it is ready to be shared with the public. The entire process lasts just a few seconds and doesn’t require any technical skills, so anyone can take advantage of this simple effect to create exciting videos that play with the concept of time and resonate with the online audience.

How to Play Someone Else’s Video in Reverse on TikTok?

TikTok only allows video authors to reverse their own videos if they want, but viewers can’t just watch the videos they see online backwards. They are limited to straightforward viewing, although it is possible to jump forward to any part of the clip.

Reverse Vid for iOS

The only solution to this limitation involves external playback tools, so if you really want to watch a certain video in reverse you could try to download it to your phone and use a different video player. For example, iPhone owners can pick up a third-party app like Reverse Vid from the App Store that lets them use reverse playback. Once the app is installed and the video is stored on the phone, there is nothing preventing the user from watching it backwards on the mobile screen.

How to Reverse A Video on CupCut And Share It on TikTok?

Users who know a bit more about video editing and want more control over the final product can use external tools instead of TikTok’s own function. There are many video editors for TikTok that could do the trick, but CupCut is one of the simplest apps that will work from your phone and can be downloaded for free.

In CupCut, you can precisely select the part of the video you want to reverse and even adjust playback speed if you want. That gives you more creative freedom and unlocks the possibility to attempt more ambitious visual ideas.

Of course, once you reverse the video in CupCut you will need to export it to TikTok before you can share it with your contacts. Since both of those apps support the same video formats, this process should run very smoothly and without any compatibility issues.

Is It Possible to Reverse Video and Audio at The Same Time?

In some cases, reversing the audio stream could make the video even more impressive but unfortunately, TikTok doesn’t directly support this possibility. However, more advanced editing software suits give you the option to have both video and audio run backwards in unison. For example, you can use Wondershare Filmora for this purpose and accomplish the task in several easy steps.

First, you need to set up the project to 9:16 aspect ratio since the video will be shared on TikTok. And then you can import the video footage to Filmora.

To reverse the video and audio at the same time, right-click the clip in the timeline and then select Speed and Duration. In the Custom Speed window, check the Reverse Speed option and click OK to save the changes.

Play the clip and you will find the video and audio is reversed at the same time.

If you don’t want to reverse the audio, you can detach the audio from the video first and then reverse the video separately.

When you complete these steps, you are ready to export the video and re-import the reversed clip back into TikTok.

Download Win VersionDownload Mac Version

How to Reverse A TikTok Video on Snapchat?

To share a TikTok video on Snapchat, you should first download the TikTok video and then open Snapchat.

Go to Snapchat Memories and access the camera roll, and then choose the TikTok video. Click the three dots button on the top right of the screen and then click Edit Video. In the editing mode, swipe the screen to left, you will see the video in slow motion, fast motion, and then the rewind effect. Now, the uploaded TikTok is reversed on Snapchat.

author avatar

Shanoon Cox

Shanoon Cox is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Shanoon Cox

Shanoon Cox

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

TikTok is the latest of media sharing applications to cause a worldwide frenzy and gain a huge number of users practically overnight. A big reason for its success is the large number of fun features that allow the users to alter their videos with just a few clicks.

With cool effects and filters, it’s possible to create a wide range of videos that catch the viewer’s attention and put a smile on his face. On the other hand, videos can be created and shared from mobile phones in seconds, enabling its users to show a lot of different situations and express a lot of ideas.

Reversing is also one of the popular options on TikTok and it can be readily performed even without deeper knowledge of video production and editing. Here is how you can do it effectively, either with built-in tools provided by TikTok or with additional pieces of software.

How to Make A Reversing TikTok Video?

Changing the direction of the video, i.e. playing it backwards, is not hard to achieve on TikTok at all. In fact, there is a dedicated function you can use to reverse your video instantly and without leaving the app.

To activate this function, you need to click on the Effects button at the bottom of the screen and then select the Time effects category. The reverse option can be found in this menu, and it will change the direction of the entire clip.

Reverse video on TikTok

After you click on Reverse and review your new video, all you need to do is to save the file and it is ready to be shared with the public. The entire process lasts just a few seconds and doesn’t require any technical skills, so anyone can take advantage of this simple effect to create exciting videos that play with the concept of time and resonate with the online audience.

How to Play Someone Else’s Video in Reverse on TikTok?

TikTok only allows video authors to reverse their own videos if they want, but viewers can’t just watch the videos they see online backwards. They are limited to straightforward viewing, although it is possible to jump forward to any part of the clip.

Reverse Vid for iOS

The only solution to this limitation involves external playback tools, so if you really want to watch a certain video in reverse you could try to download it to your phone and use a different video player. For example, iPhone owners can pick up a third-party app like Reverse Vid from the App Store that lets them use reverse playback. Once the app is installed and the video is stored on the phone, there is nothing preventing the user from watching it backwards on the mobile screen.

How to Reverse A Video on CupCut And Share It on TikTok?

Users who know a bit more about video editing and want more control over the final product can use external tools instead of TikTok’s own function. There are many video editors for TikTok that could do the trick, but CupCut is one of the simplest apps that will work from your phone and can be downloaded for free.

In CupCut, you can precisely select the part of the video you want to reverse and even adjust playback speed if you want. That gives you more creative freedom and unlocks the possibility to attempt more ambitious visual ideas.

Of course, once you reverse the video in CupCut you will need to export it to TikTok before you can share it with your contacts. Since both of those apps support the same video formats, this process should run very smoothly and without any compatibility issues.

Is It Possible to Reverse Video and Audio at The Same Time?

In some cases, reversing the audio stream could make the video even more impressive but unfortunately, TikTok doesn’t directly support this possibility. However, more advanced editing software suits give you the option to have both video and audio run backwards in unison. For example, you can use Wondershare Filmora for this purpose and accomplish the task in several easy steps.

First, you need to set up the project to 9:16 aspect ratio since the video will be shared on TikTok. And then you can import the video footage to Filmora.

To reverse the video and audio at the same time, right-click the clip in the timeline and then select Speed and Duration. In the Custom Speed window, check the Reverse Speed option and click OK to save the changes.

Play the clip and you will find the video and audio is reversed at the same time.

If you don’t want to reverse the audio, you can detach the audio from the video first and then reverse the video separately.

When you complete these steps, you are ready to export the video and re-import the reversed clip back into TikTok.

Download Win VersionDownload Mac Version

How to Reverse A TikTok Video on Snapchat?

To share a TikTok video on Snapchat, you should first download the TikTok video and then open Snapchat.

Go to Snapchat Memories and access the camera roll, and then choose the TikTok video. Click the three dots button on the top right of the screen and then click Edit Video. In the editing mode, swipe the screen to left, you will see the video in slow motion, fast motion, and then the rewind effect. Now, the uploaded TikTok is reversed on Snapchat.

author avatar

Shanoon Cox

Shanoon Cox is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Shanoon Cox

Shanoon Cox

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

TikTok is the latest of media sharing applications to cause a worldwide frenzy and gain a huge number of users practically overnight. A big reason for its success is the large number of fun features that allow the users to alter their videos with just a few clicks.

With cool effects and filters, it’s possible to create a wide range of videos that catch the viewer’s attention and put a smile on his face. On the other hand, videos can be created and shared from mobile phones in seconds, enabling its users to show a lot of different situations and express a lot of ideas.

Reversing is also one of the popular options on TikTok and it can be readily performed even without deeper knowledge of video production and editing. Here is how you can do it effectively, either with built-in tools provided by TikTok or with additional pieces of software.

How to Make A Reversing TikTok Video?

Changing the direction of the video, i.e. playing it backwards, is not hard to achieve on TikTok at all. In fact, there is a dedicated function you can use to reverse your video instantly and without leaving the app.

To activate this function, you need to click on the Effects button at the bottom of the screen and then select the Time effects category. The reverse option can be found in this menu, and it will change the direction of the entire clip.

Reverse video on TikTok

After you click on Reverse and review your new video, all you need to do is to save the file and it is ready to be shared with the public. The entire process lasts just a few seconds and doesn’t require any technical skills, so anyone can take advantage of this simple effect to create exciting videos that play with the concept of time and resonate with the online audience.

How to Play Someone Else’s Video in Reverse on TikTok?

TikTok only allows video authors to reverse their own videos if they want, but viewers can’t just watch the videos they see online backwards. They are limited to straightforward viewing, although it is possible to jump forward to any part of the clip.

Reverse Vid for iOS

The only solution to this limitation involves external playback tools, so if you really want to watch a certain video in reverse you could try to download it to your phone and use a different video player. For example, iPhone owners can pick up a third-party app like Reverse Vid from the App Store that lets them use reverse playback. Once the app is installed and the video is stored on the phone, there is nothing preventing the user from watching it backwards on the mobile screen.

How to Reverse A Video on CupCut And Share It on TikTok?

Users who know a bit more about video editing and want more control over the final product can use external tools instead of TikTok’s own function. There are many video editors for TikTok that could do the trick, but CupCut is one of the simplest apps that will work from your phone and can be downloaded for free.

In CupCut, you can precisely select the part of the video you want to reverse and even adjust playback speed if you want. That gives you more creative freedom and unlocks the possibility to attempt more ambitious visual ideas.

Of course, once you reverse the video in CupCut you will need to export it to TikTok before you can share it with your contacts. Since both of those apps support the same video formats, this process should run very smoothly and without any compatibility issues.

Is It Possible to Reverse Video and Audio at The Same Time?

In some cases, reversing the audio stream could make the video even more impressive but unfortunately, TikTok doesn’t directly support this possibility. However, more advanced editing software suits give you the option to have both video and audio run backwards in unison. For example, you can use Wondershare Filmora for this purpose and accomplish the task in several easy steps.

First, you need to set up the project to 9:16 aspect ratio since the video will be shared on TikTok. And then you can import the video footage to Filmora.

To reverse the video and audio at the same time, right-click the clip in the timeline and then select Speed and Duration. In the Custom Speed window, check the Reverse Speed option and click OK to save the changes.

Play the clip and you will find the video and audio is reversed at the same time.

If you don’t want to reverse the audio, you can detach the audio from the video first and then reverse the video separately.

When you complete these steps, you are ready to export the video and re-import the reversed clip back into TikTok.

Download Win VersionDownload Mac Version

How to Reverse A TikTok Video on Snapchat?

To share a TikTok video on Snapchat, you should first download the TikTok video and then open Snapchat.

Go to Snapchat Memories and access the camera roll, and then choose the TikTok video. Click the three dots button on the top right of the screen and then click Edit Video. In the editing mode, swipe the screen to left, you will see the video in slow motion, fast motion, and then the rewind effect. Now, the uploaded TikTok is reversed on Snapchat.

author avatar

Shanoon Cox

Shanoon Cox is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Shanoon Cox

Shanoon Cox

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

TikTok is the latest of media sharing applications to cause a worldwide frenzy and gain a huge number of users practically overnight. A big reason for its success is the large number of fun features that allow the users to alter their videos with just a few clicks.

With cool effects and filters, it’s possible to create a wide range of videos that catch the viewer’s attention and put a smile on his face. On the other hand, videos can be created and shared from mobile phones in seconds, enabling its users to show a lot of different situations and express a lot of ideas.

Reversing is also one of the popular options on TikTok and it can be readily performed even without deeper knowledge of video production and editing. Here is how you can do it effectively, either with built-in tools provided by TikTok or with additional pieces of software.

How to Make A Reversing TikTok Video?

Changing the direction of the video, i.e. playing it backwards, is not hard to achieve on TikTok at all. In fact, there is a dedicated function you can use to reverse your video instantly and without leaving the app.

To activate this function, you need to click on the Effects button at the bottom of the screen and then select the Time effects category. The reverse option can be found in this menu, and it will change the direction of the entire clip.

Reverse video on TikTok

After you click on Reverse and review your new video, all you need to do is to save the file and it is ready to be shared with the public. The entire process lasts just a few seconds and doesn’t require any technical skills, so anyone can take advantage of this simple effect to create exciting videos that play with the concept of time and resonate with the online audience.

How to Play Someone Else’s Video in Reverse on TikTok?

TikTok only allows video authors to reverse their own videos if they want, but viewers can’t just watch the videos they see online backwards. They are limited to straightforward viewing, although it is possible to jump forward to any part of the clip.

Reverse Vid for iOS

The only solution to this limitation involves external playback tools, so if you really want to watch a certain video in reverse you could try to download it to your phone and use a different video player. For example, iPhone owners can pick up a third-party app like Reverse Vid from the App Store that lets them use reverse playback. Once the app is installed and the video is stored on the phone, there is nothing preventing the user from watching it backwards on the mobile screen.

How to Reverse A Video on CupCut And Share It on TikTok?

Users who know a bit more about video editing and want more control over the final product can use external tools instead of TikTok’s own function. There are many video editors for TikTok that could do the trick, but CupCut is one of the simplest apps that will work from your phone and can be downloaded for free.

In CupCut, you can precisely select the part of the video you want to reverse and even adjust playback speed if you want. That gives you more creative freedom and unlocks the possibility to attempt more ambitious visual ideas.

Of course, once you reverse the video in CupCut you will need to export it to TikTok before you can share it with your contacts. Since both of those apps support the same video formats, this process should run very smoothly and without any compatibility issues.

Is It Possible to Reverse Video and Audio at The Same Time?

In some cases, reversing the audio stream could make the video even more impressive but unfortunately, TikTok doesn’t directly support this possibility. However, more advanced editing software suits give you the option to have both video and audio run backwards in unison. For example, you can use Wondershare Filmora for this purpose and accomplish the task in several easy steps.

First, you need to set up the project to 9:16 aspect ratio since the video will be shared on TikTok. And then you can import the video footage to Filmora.

To reverse the video and audio at the same time, right-click the clip in the timeline and then select Speed and Duration. In the Custom Speed window, check the Reverse Speed option and click OK to save the changes.

Play the clip and you will find the video and audio is reversed at the same time.

If you don’t want to reverse the audio, you can detach the audio from the video first and then reverse the video separately.

When you complete these steps, you are ready to export the video and re-import the reversed clip back into TikTok.

Download Win VersionDownload Mac Version

How to Reverse A TikTok Video on Snapchat?

To share a TikTok video on Snapchat, you should first download the TikTok video and then open Snapchat.

Go to Snapchat Memories and access the camera roll, and then choose the TikTok video. Click the three dots button on the top right of the screen and then click Edit Video. In the editing mode, swipe the screen to left, you will see the video in slow motion, fast motion, and then the rewind effect. Now, the uploaded TikTok is reversed on Snapchat.

author avatar

Shanoon Cox

Shanoon Cox is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Shanoon Cox

5 Fantastic Free Online Video Editors Like iMovie (Updated 2023)

6 Best Free Online iMovie Alternatives

author avatar

Shanoon Cox

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

You don’t have to spend a single cent if you would like to perform basic video editing tasks on devices that run iOS and macOS operating systems, since iMovie has all the features you are going to need to create a captivating video.

The situation for PC owners changed recently, as Microsoft ended the support for the last version of Windows7 that featured the Windows Movie Maker. In the previous article, we have covered the desktop-based replacements for iMovie you can use on Windows 10 , but each of the options we presented requires you to go through the software installation process.

So, in this article, we are going to take you through the best five free iMovie alternatives you can use online without downloading and installing any programs. Let’s get started.

If you prefer iMovie alternatives for Windows or Mac, you can try Filmora video editor . Compared with those expensive and sophisticated video editing software, Wondershare Filmora video editor is undoubtedly a great choice for the average home or novice users or semi-pros.

Filmora video editor editing interface

Free Download

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Filmora secure download Secure Download

Free Download

For macOS 10.12 or later

Filmora secure download Secure Download

Whether you want to edit home movies to send to family and friends or upload to YouTube and Vimeo for sharing, this video editor from Wondershare Filmora can help take your videos to a higher level effortlessly. Here, let’s take a look at the main features of this video editing software.

Filmora is compatible with the Filmstock effects store, an online stock media including video effects, va library for your video projects,video footage, music, sound effects, and stock images as well.

The 5 Best Free iMovie Online Alternatives

The amount of time you are going to need to upload your footage to an online video editing platform depends on the size of each clip you want to include in your video. Furthermore, some online video editors have video size limits, and you must make sure that all video clips you want to edit meet the platform’s demands before you can start working on your project. Here are some of the best free online iMovie alternatives.

1. ClipChamp

This online iMovie alternative is a perfect option for digital marketers and all other video content creators who don’t have the time to edit their footage with professional video editing software . ClipChamp lets you create videos that are optimized for social networks like Facebook, Instagram, or YouTube, but you can also use this platform to create slideshows or any other type of video.

iMovie Online Alternative - ClipChamp

Besides enabling you to upload your own audio, video, and image files, ClipChamp also grants you access to huge stock footage and music libraries. However, if you opt for the free version of this platform you will have to pay for all stock audio and video footage you use in your projects.

Furthermore, you can only use the video templates this platform offers if you purchase the Creator subscription model. The maximum resolution of the videos you can create with the free version of ClipChamp is limited to 480p, and you must make an additional payment if you would like to export a project in 720p or 1080p resolution.


  • Equipped with a versatile set of video editing tools
  • Makes the process of creating social media videos easier
  • You can create an unlimited number of videos each month
  • The quick and easy upload process


  • Videos produced with the free version of ClipChamp are watermarked
  • The fees for the right to use the stock footage are expensive

Click to use this online video editing tool >>

2. Magisto

Magisto is yet another popular destination for digital marketers who frequently post their videos on social media. Creating YouTube ads, Instagram videos , or editing photos are just a few among the numerous options this video editing platform offers. You must create an account before you start using Magisto’s services, and you will have access to a limited range of features if you decide to create your videos with the free version of the platform.

iMovie Online Alternative - Magisto

The process of making a video with Magisto can be completed in three easy steps, as you just have to upload the video clips, select the editing style and pick a song for the soundtrack.

You cannot create videos longer than ten minutes even if you purchase the Business subscription model, while you must opt for at least the Professional pricing option if you want to export your videos in 720p resolution. Adding your own branding or using the platform’s cloud storage isn’t possible unless you choose Professional or Business subscription plans.


  • The fast and simple video editing process
  • Magisto grants you access to huge stock footage libraries
  • You can choose from a broad range of video editing styles
  • Offers email marketing tools


  • Creating videos that are longer than ten minutes is not possible
  • The video editing process is automatic

Click to use Magisto to create a video.

3. Adobe Spark

Adobe Spark was first released in 2016, and in just four years it has become one of the most popular online destinations for video editors. Adobe Spark is included in the Creative Cloud, but you can also use it as an individual app in case you have no intention of editing your videos in Premiere Pro or After Effects.

iMovie Online Alternative - Adobe Spark

You don’t need advanced video editing skills to create a video with Adobe Spark, but you must create an account on this platform before you can start working on a new project.

Besides making videos, you can use Adobe Spark to edit photos and create Facebook covers , Instagram posts in just a few clicks, since the platform offers more than 20,000 different templates. Adobe Spark lets you share all of your creations on social media, but you should keep in mind that you can only customize your branding if you purchase one of the available subscription plans.


  • A perfect social media marketing tool
  • No previous video editing experience required
  • Excellent social sharing options
  • Offers both video and photo editing tools


  • Collaborating with other Adobe Spark users isn’t possible with the free version of the app
  • Provides only basic video editing options

4. Kizoa

Creating videos for private, professional, or business purposes with Kizoa doesn’t take too much time or effort. The platform lets you combine audio, image, and video files which gives you almost unlimited creative freedom. In addition, you can also apply transitions and visual effects to your footage, and send it to your friends and colleagues via email or share it on social media.

iMovie Online Alternative -Kizoa

However, you won’t be able to create videos longer than one minute or export videos in resolutions larger than 720p if you opt for the free version of Kizoa. If you choose the Business version of this video editing platform, you will be able to create 4K videos, and you’ll have access to unlimited cloud storage space.

Moreover, selecting this pricing model will enable you to use RAW format images in all your projects and burn your videos to DVDs. Keep in mind that the maximum duration of the video you can create with Kizoa depends on the type of license you choose.


  • Supports 4K video editing
  • Features hundreds of video templates
  • Lets users choose the aspect ratio of their videos
  • Equipped with powerful photo editing tools


  • You cannot create videos longer than 1 minute with the free version of Kizoa
  • More expensive than its competitors

5. WeVideo

Video content creators in need of an online video editing platform they can use for private, professional, and educational purposes are going to love using WeVideo .

This web-based video editor is stacked with features that enable you to create captivating videos with ease. In addition to impressive video editing capabilities, WeVideo also enables you to capture your computer’s screen or optimize your videos for playback on different devices.

iMovie Online Alternative WeVideo

However, the free version of this online video editor only allows you to export five minutes of video per month while limiting the resolution to just 480p. That’s why choosing the Unlimited, Professional, or Business subscription plans that have no publish time or cloud storage restrictions is a much better option.

Moreover, if you opt for either of these plans, you will be able to export all of your videos in 4K resolution and you’ll have access to premium video editing tools.


  • Rich stock footage libraries
  • Allows users to export audio files
  • Offers screencasting tools
  • Provides social media marketing options


  • Limited social sharing capabilities
  • Adjusting a video’s frame rate is only possible if you purchase the Business subscription plan


Finding an online alternative to iMovie isn’t difficult, because there are a lot of web-based video editing platforms that enable you to perform simple video editing tasks.

Nonetheless, the free versions of online video editors often offer a limited scope of the tools you need to create videos that can attract the attention of online audiences. Still, each of the video editing platform we included in this article can be used to create different types of videos. Which of the five best free iMovie alternatives are you going to choose? Leave a comment and share your opinions with us.

author avatar

Shanoon Cox

Shanoon Cox is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Shanoon Cox

Shanoon Cox

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

You don’t have to spend a single cent if you would like to perform basic video editing tasks on devices that run iOS and macOS operating systems, since iMovie has all the features you are going to need to create a captivating video.

The situation for PC owners changed recently, as Microsoft ended the support for the last version of Windows7 that featured the Windows Movie Maker. In the previous article, we have covered the desktop-based replacements for iMovie you can use on Windows 10 , but each of the options we presented requires you to go through the software installation process.

So, in this article, we are going to take you through the best five free iMovie alternatives you can use online without downloading and installing any programs. Let’s get started.

If you prefer iMovie alternatives for Windows or Mac, you can try Filmora video editor . Compared with those expensive and sophisticated video editing software, Wondershare Filmora video editor is undoubtedly a great choice for the average home or novice users or semi-pros.

Filmora video editor editing interface

Free Download

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Filmora secure download Secure Download

Free Download

For macOS 10.12 or later

Filmora secure download Secure Download

Whether you want to edit home movies to send to family and friends or upload to YouTube and Vimeo for sharing, this video editor from Wondershare Filmora can help take your videos to a higher level effortlessly. Here, let’s take a look at the main features of this video editing software.

Filmora is compatible with the Filmstock effects store, an online stock media including video effects, va library for your video projects,video footage, music, sound effects, and stock images as well.

The 5 Best Free iMovie Online Alternatives

The amount of time you are going to need to upload your footage to an online video editing platform depends on the size of each clip you want to include in your video. Furthermore, some online video editors have video size limits, and you must make sure that all video clips you want to edit meet the platform’s demands before you can start working on your project. Here are some of the best free online iMovie alternatives.

1. ClipChamp

This online iMovie alternative is a perfect option for digital marketers and all other video content creators who don’t have the time to edit their footage with professional video editing software . ClipChamp lets you create videos that are optimized for social networks like Facebook, Instagram, or YouTube, but you can also use this platform to create slideshows or any other type of video.

iMovie Online Alternative - ClipChamp

Besides enabling you to upload your own audio, video, and image files, ClipChamp also grants you access to huge stock footage and music libraries. However, if you opt for the free version of this platform you will have to pay for all stock audio and video footage you use in your projects.

Furthermore, you can only use the video templates this platform offers if you purchase the Creator subscription model. The maximum resolution of the videos you can create with the free version of ClipChamp is limited to 480p, and you must make an additional payment if you would like to export a project in 720p or 1080p resolution.


  • Equipped with a versatile set of video editing tools
  • Makes the process of creating social media videos easier
  • You can create an unlimited number of videos each month
  • The quick and easy upload process


  • Videos produced with the free version of ClipChamp are watermarked
  • The fees for the right to use the stock footage are expensive

Click to use this online video editing tool >>

2. Magisto

Magisto is yet another popular destination for digital marketers who frequently post their videos on social media. Creating YouTube ads, Instagram videos , or editing photos are just a few among the numerous options this video editing platform offers. You must create an account before you start using Magisto’s services, and you will have access to a limited range of features if you decide to create your videos with the free version of the platform.

iMovie Online Alternative - Magisto

The process of making a video with Magisto can be completed in three easy steps, as you just have to upload the video clips, select the editing style and pick a song for the soundtrack.

You cannot create videos longer than ten minutes even if you purchase the Business subscription model, while you must opt for at least the Professional pricing option if you want to export your videos in 720p resolution. Adding your own branding or using the platform’s cloud storage isn’t possible unless you choose Professional or Business subscription plans.


  • The fast and simple video editing process
  • Magisto grants you access to huge stock footage libraries
  • You can choose from a broad range of video editing styles
  • Offers email marketing tools


  • Creating videos that are longer than ten minutes is not possible
  • The video editing process is automatic

Click to use Magisto to create a video.

3. Adobe Spark

Adobe Spark was first released in 2016, and in just four years it has become one of the most popular online destinations for video editors. Adobe Spark is included in the Creative Cloud, but you can also use it as an individual app in case you have no intention of editing your videos in Premiere Pro or After Effects.

iMovie Online Alternative - Adobe Spark

You don’t need advanced video editing skills to create a video with Adobe Spark, but you must create an account on this platform before you can start working on a new project.

Besides making videos, you can use Adobe Spark to edit photos and create Facebook covers , Instagram posts in just a few clicks, since the platform offers more than 20,000 different templates. Adobe Spark lets you share all of your creations on social media, but you should keep in mind that you can only customize your branding if you purchase one of the available subscription plans.


  • A perfect social media marketing tool
  • No previous video editing experience required
  • Excellent social sharing options
  • Offers both video and photo editing tools


  • Collaborating with other Adobe Spark users isn’t possible with the free version of the app
  • Provides only basic video editing options

4. Kizoa

Creating videos for private, professional, or business purposes with Kizoa doesn’t take too much time or effort. The platform lets you combine audio, image, and video files which gives you almost unlimited creative freedom. In addition, you can also apply transitions and visual effects to your footage, and send it to your friends and colleagues via email or share it on social media.

iMovie Online Alternative -Kizoa

However, you won’t be able to create videos longer than one minute or export videos in resolutions larger than 720p if you opt for the free version of Kizoa. If you choose the Business version of this video editing platform, you will be able to create 4K videos, and you’ll have access to unlimited cloud storage space.

Moreover, selecting this pricing model will enable you to use RAW format images in all your projects and burn your videos to DVDs. Keep in mind that the maximum duration of the video you can create with Kizoa depends on the type of license you choose.


  • Supports 4K video editing
  • Features hundreds of video templates
  • Lets users choose the aspect ratio of their videos
  • Equipped with powerful photo editing tools


  • You cannot create videos longer than 1 minute with the free version of Kizoa
  • More expensive than its competitors

5. WeVideo

Video content creators in need of an online video editing platform they can use for private, professional, and educational purposes are going to love using WeVideo .

This web-based video editor is stacked with features that enable you to create captivating videos with ease. In addition to impressive video editing capabilities, WeVideo also enables you to capture your computer’s screen or optimize your videos for playback on different devices.

iMovie Online Alternative WeVideo

However, the free version of this online video editor only allows you to export five minutes of video per month while limiting the resolution to just 480p. That’s why choosing the Unlimited, Professional, or Business subscription plans that have no publish time or cloud storage restrictions is a much better option.

Moreover, if you opt for either of these plans, you will be able to export all of your videos in 4K resolution and you’ll have access to premium video editing tools.


  • Rich stock footage libraries
  • Allows users to export audio files
  • Offers screencasting tools
  • Provides social media marketing options


  • Limited social sharing capabilities
  • Adjusting a video’s frame rate is only possible if you purchase the Business subscription plan


Finding an online alternative to iMovie isn’t difficult, because there are a lot of web-based video editing platforms that enable you to perform simple video editing tasks.

Nonetheless, the free versions of online video editors often offer a limited scope of the tools you need to create videos that can attract the attention of online audiences. Still, each of the video editing platform we included in this article can be used to create different types of videos. Which of the five best free iMovie alternatives are you going to choose? Leave a comment and share your opinions with us.

author avatar

Shanoon Cox

Shanoon Cox is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Shanoon Cox

Shanoon Cox

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

You don’t have to spend a single cent if you would like to perform basic video editing tasks on devices that run iOS and macOS operating systems, since iMovie has all the features you are going to need to create a captivating video.

The situation for PC owners changed recently, as Microsoft ended the support for the last version of Windows7 that featured the Windows Movie Maker. In the previous article, we have covered the desktop-based replacements for iMovie you can use on Windows 10 , but each of the options we presented requires you to go through the software installation process.

So, in this article, we are going to take you through the best five free iMovie alternatives you can use online without downloading and installing any programs. Let’s get started.

If you prefer iMovie alternatives for Windows or Mac, you can try Filmora video editor . Compared with those expensive and sophisticated video editing software, Wondershare Filmora video editor is undoubtedly a great choice for the average home or novice users or semi-pros.

Filmora video editor editing interface

Free Download

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Filmora secure download Secure Download

Free Download

For macOS 10.12 or later

Filmora secure download Secure Download

Whether you want to edit home movies to send to family and friends or upload to YouTube and Vimeo for sharing, this video editor from Wondershare Filmora can help take your videos to a higher level effortlessly. Here, let’s take a look at the main features of this video editing software.

Filmora is compatible with the Filmstock effects store, an online stock media including video effects, va library for your video projects,video footage, music, sound effects, and stock images as well.

The 5 Best Free iMovie Online Alternatives

The amount of time you are going to need to upload your footage to an online video editing platform depends on the size of each clip you want to include in your video. Furthermore, some online video editors have video size limits, and you must make sure that all video clips you want to edit meet the platform’s demands before you can start working on your project. Here are some of the best free online iMovie alternatives.

1. ClipChamp

This online iMovie alternative is a perfect option for digital marketers and all other video content creators who don’t have the time to edit their footage with professional video editing software . ClipChamp lets you create videos that are optimized for social networks like Facebook, Instagram, or YouTube, but you can also use this platform to create slideshows or any other type of video.

iMovie Online Alternative - ClipChamp

Besides enabling you to upload your own audio, video, and image files, ClipChamp also grants you access to huge stock footage and music libraries. However, if you opt for the free version of this platform you will have to pay for all stock audio and video footage you use in your projects.

Furthermore, you can only use the video templates this platform offers if you purchase the Creator subscription model. The maximum resolution of the videos you can create with the free version of ClipChamp is limited to 480p, and you must make an additional payment if you would like to export a project in 720p or 1080p resolution.


  • Equipped with a versatile set of video editing tools
  • Makes the process of creating social media videos easier
  • You can create an unlimited number of videos each month
  • The quick and easy upload process


  • Videos produced with the free version of ClipChamp are watermarked
  • The fees for the right to use the stock footage are expensive

Click to use this online video editing tool >>

2. Magisto

Magisto is yet another popular destination for digital marketers who frequently post their videos on social media. Creating YouTube ads, Instagram videos , or editing photos are just a few among the numerous options this video editing platform offers. You must create an account before you start using Magisto’s services, and you will have access to a limited range of features if you decide to create your videos with the free version of the platform.

iMovie Online Alternative - Magisto

The process of making a video with Magisto can be completed in three easy steps, as you just have to upload the video clips, select the editing style and pick a song for the soundtrack.

You cannot create videos longer than ten minutes even if you purchase the Business subscription model, while you must opt for at least the Professional pricing option if you want to export your videos in 720p resolution. Adding your own branding or using the platform’s cloud storage isn’t possible unless you choose Professional or Business subscription plans.


  • The fast and simple video editing process
  • Magisto grants you access to huge stock footage libraries
  • You can choose from a broad range of video editing styles
  • Offers email marketing tools


  • Creating videos that are longer than ten minutes is not possible
  • The video editing process is automatic

Click to use Magisto to create a video.

3. Adobe Spark

Adobe Spark was first released in 2016, and in just four years it has become one of the most popular online destinations for video editors. Adobe Spark is included in the Creative Cloud, but you can also use it as an individual app in case you have no intention of editing your videos in Premiere Pro or After Effects.

iMovie Online Alternative - Adobe Spark

You don’t need advanced video editing skills to create a video with Adobe Spark, but you must create an account on this platform before you can start working on a new project.

Besides making videos, you can use Adobe Spark to edit photos and create Facebook covers , Instagram posts in just a few clicks, since the platform offers more than 20,000 different templates. Adobe Spark lets you share all of your creations on social media, but you should keep in mind that you can only customize your branding if you purchase one of the available subscription plans.


  • A perfect social media marketing tool
  • No previous video editing experience required
  • Excellent social sharing options
  • Offers both video and photo editing tools


  • Collaborating with other Adobe Spark users isn’t possible with the free version of the app
  • Provides only basic video editing options

4. Kizoa

Creating videos for private, professional, or business purposes with Kizoa doesn’t take too much time or effort. The platform lets you combine audio, image, and video files which gives you almost unlimited creative freedom. In addition, you can also apply transitions and visual effects to your footage, and send it to your friends and colleagues via email or share it on social media.

iMovie Online Alternative -Kizoa

However, you won’t be able to create videos longer than one minute or export videos in resolutions larger than 720p if you opt for the free version of Kizoa. If you choose the Business version of this video editing platform, you will be able to create 4K videos, and you’ll have access to unlimited cloud storage space.

Moreover, selecting this pricing model will enable you to use RAW format images in all your projects and burn your videos to DVDs. Keep in mind that the maximum duration of the video you can create with Kizoa depends on the type of license you choose.


  • Supports 4K video editing
  • Features hundreds of video templates
  • Lets users choose the aspect ratio of their videos
  • Equipped with powerful photo editing tools


  • You cannot create videos longer than 1 minute with the free version of Kizoa
  • More expensive than its competitors

5. WeVideo

Video content creators in need of an online video editing platform they can use for private, professional, and educational purposes are going to love using WeVideo .

This web-based video editor is stacked with features that enable you to create captivating videos with ease. In addition to impressive video editing capabilities, WeVideo also enables you to capture your computer’s screen or optimize your videos for playback on different devices.

iMovie Online Alternative WeVideo

However, the free version of this online video editor only allows you to export five minutes of video per month while limiting the resolution to just 480p. That’s why choosing the Unlimited, Professional, or Business subscription plans that have no publish time or cloud storage restrictions is a much better option.

Moreover, if you opt for either of these plans, you will be able to export all of your videos in 4K resolution and you’ll have access to premium video editing tools.


  • Rich stock footage libraries
  • Allows users to export audio files
  • Offers screencasting tools
  • Provides social media marketing options


  • Limited social sharing capabilities
  • Adjusting a video’s frame rate is only possible if you purchase the Business subscription plan


Finding an online alternative to iMovie isn’t difficult, because there are a lot of web-based video editing platforms that enable you to perform simple video editing tasks.

Nonetheless, the free versions of online video editors often offer a limited scope of the tools you need to create videos that can attract the attention of online audiences. Still, each of the video editing platform we included in this article can be used to create different types of videos. Which of the five best free iMovie alternatives are you going to choose? Leave a comment and share your opinions with us.

author avatar

Shanoon Cox

Shanoon Cox is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Shanoon Cox

Shanoon Cox

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

You don’t have to spend a single cent if you would like to perform basic video editing tasks on devices that run iOS and macOS operating systems, since iMovie has all the features you are going to need to create a captivating video.

The situation for PC owners changed recently, as Microsoft ended the support for the last version of Windows7 that featured the Windows Movie Maker. In the previous article, we have covered the desktop-based replacements for iMovie you can use on Windows 10 , but each of the options we presented requires you to go through the software installation process.

So, in this article, we are going to take you through the best five free iMovie alternatives you can use online without downloading and installing any programs. Let’s get started.

If you prefer iMovie alternatives for Windows or Mac, you can try Filmora video editor . Compared with those expensive and sophisticated video editing software, Wondershare Filmora video editor is undoubtedly a great choice for the average home or novice users or semi-pros.

Filmora video editor editing interface

Free Download

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Filmora secure download Secure Download

Free Download

For macOS 10.12 or later

Filmora secure download Secure Download

Whether you want to edit home movies to send to family and friends or upload to YouTube and Vimeo for sharing, this video editor from Wondershare Filmora can help take your videos to a higher level effortlessly. Here, let’s take a look at the main features of this video editing software.

Filmora is compatible with the Filmstock effects store, an online stock media including video effects, va library for your video projects,video footage, music, sound effects, and stock images as well.

The 5 Best Free iMovie Online Alternatives

The amount of time you are going to need to upload your footage to an online video editing platform depends on the size of each clip you want to include in your video. Furthermore, some online video editors have video size limits, and you must make sure that all video clips you want to edit meet the platform’s demands before you can start working on your project. Here are some of the best free online iMovie alternatives.

1. ClipChamp

This online iMovie alternative is a perfect option for digital marketers and all other video content creators who don’t have the time to edit their footage with professional video editing software . ClipChamp lets you create videos that are optimized for social networks like Facebook, Instagram, or YouTube, but you can also use this platform to create slideshows or any other type of video.

iMovie Online Alternative - ClipChamp

Besides enabling you to upload your own audio, video, and image files, ClipChamp also grants you access to huge stock footage and music libraries. However, if you opt for the free version of this platform you will have to pay for all stock audio and video footage you use in your projects.

Furthermore, you can only use the video templates this platform offers if you purchase the Creator subscription model. The maximum resolution of the videos you can create with the free version of ClipChamp is limited to 480p, and you must make an additional payment if you would like to export a project in 720p or 1080p resolution.


  • Equipped with a versatile set of video editing tools
  • Makes the process of creating social media videos easier
  • You can create an unlimited number of videos each month
  • The quick and easy upload process


  • Videos produced with the free version of ClipChamp are watermarked
  • The fees for the right to use the stock footage are expensive

Click to use this online video editing tool >>

2. Magisto

Magisto is yet another popular destination for digital marketers who frequently post their videos on social media. Creating YouTube ads, Instagram videos , or editing photos are just a few among the numerous options this video editing platform offers. You must create an account before you start using Magisto’s services, and you will have access to a limited range of features if you decide to create your videos with the free version of the platform.

iMovie Online Alternative - Magisto

The process of making a video with Magisto can be completed in three easy steps, as you just have to upload the video clips, select the editing style and pick a song for the soundtrack.

You cannot create videos longer than ten minutes even if you purchase the Business subscription model, while you must opt for at least the Professional pricing option if you want to export your videos in 720p resolution. Adding your own branding or using the platform’s cloud storage isn’t possible unless you choose Professional or Business subscription plans.


  • The fast and simple video editing process
  • Magisto grants you access to huge stock footage libraries
  • You can choose from a broad range of video editing styles
  • Offers email marketing tools


  • Creating videos that are longer than ten minutes is not possible
  • The video editing process is automatic

Click to use Magisto to create a video.

3. Adobe Spark

Adobe Spark was first released in 2016, and in just four years it has become one of the most popular online destinations for video editors. Adobe Spark is included in the Creative Cloud, but you can also use it as an individual app in case you have no intention of editing your videos in Premiere Pro or After Effects.

iMovie Online Alternative - Adobe Spark

You don’t need advanced video editing skills to create a video with Adobe Spark, but you must create an account on this platform before you can start working on a new project.

Besides making videos, you can use Adobe Spark to edit photos and create Facebook covers , Instagram posts in just a few clicks, since the platform offers more than 20,000 different templates. Adobe Spark lets you share all of your creations on social media, but you should keep in mind that you can only customize your branding if you purchase one of the available subscription plans.


  • A perfect social media marketing tool
  • No previous video editing experience required
  • Excellent social sharing options
  • Offers both video and photo editing tools


  • Collaborating with other Adobe Spark users isn’t possible with the free version of the app
  • Provides only basic video editing options

4. Kizoa

Creating videos for private, professional, or business purposes with Kizoa doesn’t take too much time or effort. The platform lets you combine audio, image, and video files which gives you almost unlimited creative freedom. In addition, you can also apply transitions and visual effects to your footage, and send it to your friends and colleagues via email or share it on social media.

iMovie Online Alternative -Kizoa

However, you won’t be able to create videos longer than one minute or export videos in resolutions larger than 720p if you opt for the free version of Kizoa. If you choose the Business version of this video editing platform, you will be able to create 4K videos, and you’ll have access to unlimited cloud storage space.

Moreover, selecting this pricing model will enable you to use RAW format images in all your projects and burn your videos to DVDs. Keep in mind that the maximum duration of the video you can create with Kizoa depends on the type of license you choose.


  • Supports 4K video editing
  • Features hundreds of video templates
  • Lets users choose the aspect ratio of their videos
  • Equipped with powerful photo editing tools


  • You cannot create videos longer than 1 minute with the free version of Kizoa
  • More expensive than its competitors

5. WeVideo

Video content creators in need of an online video editing platform they can use for private, professional, and educational purposes are going to love using WeVideo .

This web-based video editor is stacked with features that enable you to create captivating videos with ease. In addition to impressive video editing capabilities, WeVideo also enables you to capture your computer’s screen or optimize your videos for playback on different devices.

iMovie Online Alternative WeVideo

However, the free version of this online video editor only allows you to export five minutes of video per month while limiting the resolution to just 480p. That’s why choosing the Unlimited, Professional, or Business subscription plans that have no publish time or cloud storage restrictions is a much better option.

Moreover, if you opt for either of these plans, you will be able to export all of your videos in 4K resolution and you’ll have access to premium video editing tools.


  • Rich stock footage libraries
  • Allows users to export audio files
  • Offers screencasting tools
  • Provides social media marketing options


  • Limited social sharing capabilities
  • Adjusting a video’s frame rate is only possible if you purchase the Business subscription plan


Finding an online alternative to iMovie isn’t difficult, because there are a lot of web-based video editing platforms that enable you to perform simple video editing tasks.

Nonetheless, the free versions of online video editors often offer a limited scope of the tools you need to create videos that can attract the attention of online audiences. Still, each of the video editing platform we included in this article can be used to create different types of videos. Which of the five best free iMovie alternatives are you going to choose? Leave a comment and share your opinions with us.

author avatar

Shanoon Cox

Shanoon Cox is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Shanoon Cox

Also read:

  • Title: Updated In 2024, What Makes the Best Lower Thirds in Final Cut Pro X
  • Author: Amelia
  • Created at : 2024-04-29 19:38:41
  • Updated at : 2024-04-30 19:38:41
  • Link: https://ai-driven-video-production.techidaily.com/updated-in-2024-what-makes-the-best-lower-thirds-in-final-cut-pro-x/
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
On this page
Updated In 2024, What Makes the Best Lower Thirds in Final Cut Pro X